Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

 Bills, Laws, Acts, Lawsuits,
  Court Decisions, Appeals
  and Legislation

 Environmental Lawsuits Rake in Billions for Lawyers, Idaho Farm Bureau News, posted to KBC 10/30/09.


Water rights of non-Indian purchasers of Klamath Indian Reservation lands, To: Commissioner of Indian Affairs From Solicitor 3/14/58

HERE for Endangered Species Act Lawsuits

Oregonians for Food and Shelter legislative information

***Here to write letters regarding bills that WILL impact you.

***CLEAN WATER ACT could control your own private puddle.


*** HERE for KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Lawsuits, bills, laws, acts, court decisions
*** HERE for Tribal Lawsuits
KBC NOTE: Most litigation against Klamath River Basin resource users: farmers, loggers, miners, is Earthjustice is funded by George Soros.  "...Earthjustice was founded as the "Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund" in 1971.This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas....Earthjustice has provided free legal representation to more than 600 client organizations."
Former Earthjustice clients: PCFFA, Klamath Riverkeeper (board members are Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribal Spokesman and Leaf Hillman, Karuk Counsel President, Yurok Tribal member Frankie Meyers and Klamath Tribal member David Taylor), PCFFA founded IFR. The Yurok Tribe, PCFFA, IFR, and Karuk Tribe were "friends" / "stakeholders" of KWUA, and claimed to support Klamath farmers in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Yet in a 2011 video Tucker called the Klamath farmers "enemies", and pledged to work to destroy Keno Dam after the other Klamath River hydro dams are destroyed.

*** Top 10 Stupidest New Laws in California for 2017, by Former California State Assemblyman: Backpacks
for cow farts, felons voting, early release for rape and sex trafficking of minors, legalize child prostitution, ...



Klamath ranch seeks $1.5 million from Oregon water regulators, "The state Water Resources Department affirmed the 1864 priority date and the ranch’s right to divert 9.4 cubic feet of water per second between March and November, enough to irrigate the property at a depth of three feet per acre a year...The ranch has since been “regulated off” every year, generally shutting down irrigation “earlier and earlier” each season...the ranch’s carrying capacity was previously 200 head of cattle, it’s now only able to sustain 50 head due to the lack of irrigation..."

Ruling invalidates Klamath irrigators' injunction, H&N 9/9/22. “Any number of tribal and non-tribal parties can sue the government to take water away from irrigators, but irrigators can’t sue to protect their own interests in water.”

Gene Souza
Water dispute should be decided in court
"As with all government activities, the Klamath Project should be operated in accordance with law, not illegal shut-off orders, illegal water diversions, nor thuggish federal extortion tactics."
< by Klamath Irrigation District Executive Director Gene Souza, Herald and News 8/27/22
KBC Explanation: Bureau of Reclamation encouraged farmers to fallow their land this season because there would not be enough of our stored water for crops. Thousands of acres were fallowed. There is abundant water. On August 19: The Blackmail: the Bureau illegally told our water districts that if they did not shut off water to their customers, they would not allow any irrigator to be paid for fallowing their land.


Wetlands in Klamath Basin9th Circuit rejects arguments against farming in Klamath wildlife refuges, Capital Press 7/19/22. "A unanimous panel of three 9th Circuit judges has now upheld that decision, ruling that the Fish and Wildlife Service’s plan complies with all the laws governing the 200,000-acre refuge complex... The 9th Circuit has disagreed with that argument, ruling that the Fish and Wildlife Service’s plan struck the appropriate balance between agriculture and wildfowl management as required by refuge management statutes...FWS adequately explained that some amount of pesticide use was necessary on the Refuges to ensure sufficient crop production, on which Refuge waterfowl now depend..."

Klamath Drainage District Press Release: Reclamation files surprise complaint against KDD, District disappointed in government's conduct July 11. 2022. "Scott White, General Manager for the district notes that this is not a contract issue at all and points to the district’s existing water rights of record. 'The Bureau has literally acknowledged and affirmed KDD’s water rights in the past and encouraged us to exercise them when there is no Project Supply available,'said White. 'It’s incredible that they claim we are in breach of contract for doing the very thing they asked of us for years.' '...The district is also bound by contract to deliver water to water users outside of the district, but the complaint makes no mention of the district currently facilitating the conveyance of water to the refuge under state law. 'The Bureau is out of its lane in picking and choosing which law to recognize,' states Bill Walker, President of the district. 'The Bureau supports state law when it means getting water to their land but does not when it means getting water to family farmers and ranchers...'"
UNITED STATES of America VS Klamath Drainage District, COMPLAINT with Department of Justice attorneys against the small Klamath Drainage District 7/5/22.

Klamath Tribes sue federal government over water releases to farmers, Capital Press 5/13/22. "...KWUA says the anticipated 50,000 acre-foot Project allotment represents no more than 5% of all the water that will be used this season from Upper Klamath Lake. About 40% will be sent down the Klamath River for ESA-listed salmon, 28% will be held in the lake for C’waam and Koptu and 27% will be lost to evaporation..." KBC NOTE: Klamath Project irrigators store their irrigation water in Upper Klamath Lake, causing the lake to be higher than historically possible before the Klamath Project was built. The highest sucker counts were when the lake was lower, before the ESA mandated confiscating our legally stored water.

Klamath Tribe suing Biden administration over Oregon water to farmers, H&N 4/15/22. “We implore you to rescind the 2022 plan and operate the project this year consistent with the law, which requires the prioritization of the needs of the C’Waam and Koptu,” (Klamath Tribe Chairman Don) Gentry said using native language terms to describe the suckerfish. The fish also have spiritual, cultural and historical significance to the tribes." Yurok Vice-Chairman Frankie Meyers said, “The Upper and Lower Klamath Basin once functioned as an integrated system that provided abundant salmon, suckers and waterfowl with minimal intervention. It is our duty to bring this system back into balance and we will never stop working toward that goal..."
KBC NOTE: Not mentioned in the H&N article, last summer farmers got zero allocation while the Bureau of Rec. withheld 40,000 acre feet of our stored water above what the ESA required, and refused to pay it back to the farmers. In 2021 the agencies and tribes dewatered our refuges for the first time in more than 10,000 years according to Fish and Wildlife Service.
Ongoing fish kill on the Klamath River is an 'absolute worst-case scenario'  (Ongoing fish kill on the Klamath River is an 'absolute worst-case  scenario') — High Country News – Know the West< Photo from High Country News of Frankie Meyers. Not mentioned by Meyers is, our Klamath Basin DID function as an integrated system with abundant salmon, suckers and waterfowl until, against the direction of the "best available science," the National Research Council, the government agencies mandated higher lake levels and river flows than historically possible before the Klamath irrigation project was built. Lake level and river flow management will not increase sucker propagation according to the NRC. Suckers thrived in years of low water levels.
Watch Meyer's video: https://www.facebook.com/frankie.../videos/4455720501123904 "...You are always in the right if you're telling your government officials to give land back to indigenous communities..." A ten minute video well worth your time.  Keep in mind, every Klamath tribal member was given a ballot to vote on whether to terminate their tribe and receive money...they overwhelmingly voted to terminate and were paid for their land. They later were given allotments and most of them sold their allotments.
   Also, Mayers claimed that only white veterans were chosen to win a Tulelake homestead. FACT: WWI and WWII veterans with farm experience were entered into a contest, and winners were drawn from a pickle jar. Skin color was not a prerequisite.
Gentry: Dam removal key to reconnect salmon to Klamath | Guest Commentary |  heraldandnews.com
Photo from Herald and News. Don Gentry, current Klamath Tribal Chairman discusses termination and allotments in October 7, 2003 on Tribal Tour of the forests they hoped to be given: #9 In the van, Tribal Resource Specialist Don Gentry in discussion about Termination





OWRD/Oregon Water Resources Department counter claim against U.S. Regarding Bureau of Reclamation releasing legally-stored stored Klamath Project irrigation water into ocean 4/7/22. "...Section 8 of the Reclamation Act of 1902, which authorizes Reclamation to operate the Klamath Project in Southern Oregon and Northern California, expressly requires Reclamation to comply with state water law in those operations..." KBC NOTE: FYI, 2 of the Plaintiffs are PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen and IFFR / Institute for Fisheries Resources. According to PCFFA, "Rather than seek out yet another unrelated non-profit to funnel the money through, PCFFA created a new organization (IFFR)..."  

Judge halts curtailment for Siskiyou County irrigators, CFBF AgAlert 4/6/22. "Irrigators in Siskiyou County have won a court ruling to temporarily block a state water curtailment order that would have prevented area farmers and ranchers from tapping into percolating groundwater supplies they have relied on for decades...."Historically, the State Water Resources Control Board has not had jurisdiction over groundwater, and this was a classic example of government overreach where they exerted jurisdiction over percolating groundwater without authority and without evidentiary support."

Threatened Northern Spotted Owl
Mt. States Legal Foundation: "Shoot Owls to Save Owls? That's The ESA in Action (Reuters) Big Green and Bill Clinton used northern spotted owl "protections" as a pretext for throwing lumber producers off U.S. forests. But loggers weren't the bird's biggest problem, as it turns out. Now the feds are shooting barred owls in order to "save" spotted owls, all with the blessing of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, in another Endangered Species Act absurdity: Government can kill invasive owls to study effect on threatened ones – 9th Circuit, Reuters 3/5/22. "
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service legally authorized the killing of thousands of barred owls in Oregon’s old-growth forests to see if it would help the threatened northern spotted owl make a comeback in the area, a federal appeals court affirmed Friday."



Northern Spotted OwlEnvironmental groups fail to stop Southern Oregon logging projects, Capital Press 4/7/22. "Environmental groups have failed to convince a federal judge to block two logging and fuels reduction projects on 8,000 acres of public forestland in Southern Oregon."

Speak up about River Democracy ActRiver Democracy Act that Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley are pushing...why are some of the designated streams not streams at all, but dry washes? Why are the stream buffers increased from a quarter a mile to half a mile? The act has pages of coordinates of the streams, rivers, and dry gulches to be protected, but not one map...This act talks a lot about fire resiliency, but supplies no details as to how locking up 3.1 million acres of federal land will reduce threat of fire to land, lumber and lives. What will the long-term economic effect of this bill have on rural Oregon?..Wyden’s bill has a $30 million price tag...every year — forever.,,"

Klamath Irrigation District Court Filings 2021 regarding Bureau of Reclamation denying Klamath Irrigators their stored water

WA1300001 is the initial notice April 25, 2021
KID request for judicial notice Dec. 7, 2018
KID motion to remand April 20, 2021
BOR memo opposition to motion May 4, 2021
KID reply memo MOT to remand May 11, 2021

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall
Uncertainty over latest WOTUS regs may require Supreme Court to sort out issue, Farm Bureau speakers say, Capital Press 1/12/22. "Potentially, the regulation of ephemeral waters would apply to ditches and other drainage areas, as well as low spots that collect water on fields, she said."

Upper Klamath LakeAppeals court stays injunction against Upper Klamath Lake releases, H&N 12/30/21. "... the lack of an injunction won’t change the way water is currently flowing in the basin, because the presence of an injunction didn’t do so either..."

Judge refuses to declare Oregon state forest logging 'takes' coho salmon, Capital Press 12/24/21. "A federal judge has refused to declare that logging activities in Oregon’s Clatsop and Tillamook state forests have unlawfully harmed threatened coho salmon..."

Agriculture faces host of new state laws in California, AgAlert, CFBF 12/22/21. Farmworker overtime, hen living conditions, pot and ag, animal housing, veal, slaughter rules...

How Biden's infrastructure package invests in farming, rural communities, Capital Press 11/9/21. "...$8.3 billion in water projects including irrigation modernization, improved water storage and conveyance, aquifer recharge and repairs...Klamath habitat: Some $162 million will go toward Klamath habitat restoration work by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service..." KBC NOTE: "improved water storage" ? We HAVE excellent water storage which the Bureau of Reclamation, against a court order, did not allow irrigators to use this summer. How can we recharge our aquifer, after we must pump our aquifer to farm because the Bureau stole our stored water, if the Bureau won't allow us water to recharge it? $162M to FWS for Klamath for habitat restoration? That usually means land and water rights acquisitions. What a deal.

Bill to track foreign ownership of farmland introduced into U.S. Senate, Capital Press 11/1/21. "...foreign investors have bought more than 35 million acres of U.S. farmland worth $62 billion — about 2.7% of all privately held land nationwide..."

Upper Klamath irrigators challenge water transfer to wildlife refuge, Capital Press 10/1/21. "A lawsuit claims Oregon water regulators have authorized a water transfer to a wildlife refuge without properly analyzing the impacts on Upper Klamath irrigators.

Judge refuses to restrict water releases from Upper Klamath Lake, Capital Press 5/6/21

Klamath Water Users Association brings legal challenge to Klamath Project operations, KWUA News Release 4/22/21. "Klamath Water Users Association filed court papers to re-open a lawsuit and seek a ruling that the Bureau of Reclamation’s current approach to regulating water deliveries for the Klamath Project is illegal. KWUA filed a motion in federal court asking the court to lift a stay of existing litigation and then rule on critical legal issues that affect irrigation water availability...The Yurok Tribe and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) sued the Bureau of Reclamation and National Marine Fisheries Service for alleged violations of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) related to Project operations that had been adopted to control Project operations from 2019-2024...."

 Klamath Irrigation District v. US Bureau of Reclamation, regarding Waters of the Klamath River Basin, Emergency Motion for Preliminary Injunction 3/29/21. "...Reclamation sometimes says it is using stored water in UKL to fulfill trust obligations it has to the Hoopa Valley and Yurok Tribes, both of which are located in California. But Reclamation’s trust obligations to the tribes in California afford no water rights to use stored water in UKL, as neither Tribe (nor Reclamation on their behalf) has ever claimed a water right in UKL in the Klamath Adjudication..."

Amicus brief United States v. Cooley filed in the U.S. Supreme Court explains why Klamath Project irrigators lost the 20+ year takings lawsuit filed by counsel who never had the chance of winning, Lawrence Kogan, Kogan Law Group 3/20/2021

Court upholds Klamath Tribes' water rights, irrigators plan to challenge, H&N 2/27/21. "...Paul Simmons, executive director of the Klamath Water Users Association, said Klamath Project irrigators are largely unaffected by the decision, as a settlement prevents the Tribes from using water rights in Oregon to curtail deliveries to the Project from Upper Klamath Lake..."

New Court Ruling Could Prevent Curtailments of Irrigation in Upper Klamath Lake Tributaries, KWUA News Advisory 2/25/2021. "The ruling has no immediate consequences for Klamath Project irrigators. Administratively-recognized water rights in Upper Klamath Lake cannot be asserted against the Klamath Project under an agreement made several years ago. Klamath Project irrigators have the right to contest the quantification of that right later in the court phase."

Upper Klamath Lake forecast looking poor for fish and farms, H&N 2/19/21. "Klamath Tribes have filed a notice of intent, saying they will sue the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation for violating the Endangered Species Act if Upper Klamath Lake dips below levels outlined in the 2020 biological opinion this spring...'We know that we’re in a very serious situation,' (Klamath Tribal Chairman) Gentry said. 'It looks like there’s going to be very little water, if at all, for irrigation.' ”

Siskiyou County Water Users Association MOTION TO LEAVE TO INTERVENE for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Klamath (P-2082-063) and Lower Klamath (P-14803) Projects, Regarding Notice of Application for Surrender of License (of Klamath Hydroelectric dams) 2/3/2021

Oregon Supreme Court: Order denying petition for Writ of Mandamus and dismissing motion to stay, signed by Martha L. Walters, Chief Justice, Supreme Court 2/2/2021. In KID vs OWRD, The supreme court denied OWRD stay. They must abide by Judge Bennett's order and take over the Link River dam and abide by Oregon Law.

KID wins again, Oregon Court of Appeals, KID vs OWRD 1/14/2021. OWRD's/Oregon Water Resources Department's motion for stay is now "moot". Judge Bennett's order, that OWRD must not allow stored water in Klamath Lake reserved for irrigation to be illegally used or dumped into the ocean, is not currently appealable.

Judge Bennett Order on Motion for Reconciliation 1/7/20. DENIED. Judge Bennett's ORDER: "Respondents' (OWRD) Motion restates their misapprehension of this courts Orders in 20CV17922 and 20CV15606. Respondents' accepted exclusive jurisdiction over the UKL pursuant to ORS 540.210. Respondents are required by that statute to divide and distribute the water therefrom in accordance with the respective and relative rights of the various users. Despite this statutory obligation, Respondents have continued to allow the Bureau of Reclamation to take Stored Water without determining the Bureau's right to do so. The Respondents continue to violate the Oregon Water Rights Act by allowing the Bureau to take and use Stored Water in the UKL without determining it is entitled to do so as required by ORS 540.210. Respondents must stop the release until a determination is made pursuant to ORS 540.740. Nothing in the Court's Order dictates how the Respondents make the determination or what criteria is used. TPC, LLC v. OWRD,
308 Or.App. 177 is not analogous or factually similar to this case. MAKE A DETERMINATION"

***Circuit Court of Oregon to Klamath Irrigation District, KID vs OWRD (Oregon Water Resources Department) 12/17/20. "...the Oregon Water Rights Act and this court's order...require the Respondents, and in particular the Watermaster, Danette Watson, to prohibit the distribution of Stored Water unless it is for a legally permissible use by parties with an established right or license to use the Stored Water...Petitioner, having an established interest in the Stored Water in the UKL, certainly has standing to demand that the Watermaster stop the distribution to any person who does not have a right, recognized by OWRD, to take and use the Stored Water."

From KID manager Gene Souze to KBC News regarding KIDvsOWRD lawsuit 11/11/2020: "Please find the attached public records (below) which you may find useful in documenting 2020 - OWRD appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court in the KID vs OWRD case and our initial bill to pay OWRD to do the bidding of Representative Helm under the guise of “taking control of the reservoir”.
   It is very disturbing for my state public servants to be fighting so hard against the people of Oregon.  Farmer’s rights to protect their property from unlawful seizure is being undermined by my own state who’s public servants should be protecting its residents against federal overreach.
   I would say the water from Gerber and Clear Lake would not currently be flowing if the stored water in Upper Klamath Lake was not illegally released earlier this year.
   Best, Gene"
  *OWRD letter to KID demanding $41,988 in advance "estimated compensation and expenses" to perform their services of regulation of Upper Klamath Lake water distribution 11/5/2020
  *Oregon DOJ and Oregon Attorney General Memorandum in KIDvsOWRD in support of PETITION for Alternative Writ of Mandamus, in Oregon Supreme Court November 10, 2020
  *OWRD appeal to Oregon Supreme Court on KID vs OWRD November 2020.

Reschke, Iverson: Oregon must stop sending Klamath water to California, H&N 11/3/2020. "Instead of complying with the court order, however, OWRD announced they plan to fight the ruling. OWRD is seeking a legal stay to allow them to continue to illegally divert water while their appeal is pending. And now California special interest groups are joining OWRD in the lawsuit."

“Just because the Bureau has an obligation to provide water for the Yurok Tribe doesn’t give them the right to go steal someone else’s...” 

Klamath Irrigation District scores victory in water rights case, Capital Press 8/7/2020. "No party has provided this court with law or fact which allows the bureau the right to use stored water in the (Upper Klamath Lake) without a permit or license,” Bennett wrote in his opinion. “OWRD’s failure is a deprivation of a precious resource belonging to the people of Oregon. OWRD failure is also an infringement of property rights of established users, permittees and licensees.”

US appeals court denies bid to resurrect Bundy standoff case, H&N 8/7/20. "Navarro found “deliberate attempts” by the FBI and prosecutors “to mislead and distort the truth.” She blamed FBI agents for “reckless disregard” of requirements to turn over evidence relating to government snipers and cameras that monitored the Bundy homestead...government agents “threatened the Bundys’ lives, killed their cattle, assaulted family members and perpetrated tyrannical executive power over them.”

***KID / Klamath Irrigation District vs OWRD/Oregon Water Resources Department 7/30/20: "...respondents are ordered to stop releasing Stored Water from the UKL (Upper Klamath Lake) without determining that the release is for a permitted purpose by users with an established right, license, or permit to use the Stored Water in the UKL"

Ninth Circuit Court decision could benefit many Oregon ranchers, H&N 6/24/2020

'Takings' case closed, H&N 6/23/2020. "After nearly two decades, the takings case stemming from the water shutoff to the Klamath Reclamation Project in 2001 is closed. The U.S. Supreme Court made the announcement on Monday that it has denied a petition to review a lower federal court’s decision that ruled that Project irrigators of about 175,000 acres on the Oregon and California border are not entitled to compensation for the re-allocation of water under the Endangered Species Act in 2001..."

SCOTUS Blog Coverage: Baley v. United States  6/22/2020.

Judge in Seattle to rule on wolf removal, Capital Press 6/22/2020. "The Wedge pack has attacked at least four calves in Stevens County between May 11 and June 17, but the department has not opted for lethal removal. The calves belonged to two different producers."

Walden, LaMalfa, Bentz: Supreme Court must prevent uncompensated theft of Western water, Pens Op-ed in Washington Examiner,  6/18/2020. "

! Klamath Irrigation District requests a temporary restraining order against OWRD, Director Byler and Watermaster Watson, filed 6/12/2020. Bureau Of Reclamation, with an agreement with PacifiCorp, is presently diverting an extreme amount Klamath Irrigators' stored water into Klamath River, and Upper Klamath Lake elevation is rapidly lowering: "...enough to supply one acre foot of water to at least the 10,342 acres of land in Klamath Basin Improvement District, 3,911 acres of land in Shasta View Irrigation District, 2,981 acres of land within Enterprise Irrigation, and 904 acres of land in Pine Grove Irrigation District, which are shut-off and not receiving any water from UKL reservoir..."

Court denies Yurok Tribe effort to increase downstream Klamath River flows, H&N 5/24/2020.

Klamath water users oppose Yurok Tribe request for flow increases 5/19/2020. "Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) filed its opposition with a federal court to a motion filed the Yurok Tribe and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association that was filed May 13.  The tribe’s motion requests that the court re-open a lawsuit that was put on hold for two years in March, and that the court immediately require increased flows below Iron Gate Dam in the Klamath River.."

Yurok Tribe joins lawsuit seeking temporary restraining order to restore essential water flows for Klamath River salmon, Del Norte Triplicate 5/18/2020. "The Yurok Tribe joined the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations and the Institute for Fisheries Resources in pursuit of a temporary restraining order to reinstate water flows on the Klamath River."

Klamath Irrigation District vs Oregon Water Resources Department, filed May 14, 2020.

Supreme Court scales back scope of groundwater pollution ruling, Capital Press 4/29/2020.

Klamath Project operations unchanged by OWRD ruling, H&N 4/26/2020. KBC Note: The article reads: "The order urges the Bureau of Reclamation to stop releasing stored water from Upper Klamath Lake..."  The court order reads: "The BOR is hereby ordered to cease releasing stored water from UKL reservoir..." They continue to divert our stored water out of Upper Klamath Lake.

Klamath water allocation short of demand for farmers, ranchers, Capital Press 4/24/2020. "The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation will provide approximately 140,000 acre-feet of water to farms and ranches from Upper Klamath Lake in 2020...only one-third of historical demand for the Klamath Project...The plan, finalized Wednesday, comes on the heels of a lawsuit filed by the Yurok Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations and the Institute for Fisheries Resources against the bureau, seeking an additional 50,000 acre-feet of water for salmon..."

OWRD takes charge of Upper Klamath Lake, H&N 4/24/2020. "The (court) order said it prohibits U.S. Bureau of Reclamation from diverting stored water in Upper Klamath Lake through Link River for purposes of a 50,000 acre-feet flushing flow without a water right."  KBC NOTE: Rumor has it that the Bureau is defying the court order and continues to divert our stored water into the ocean.

American Farm Bureau urges Supreme Court to hear Klamath water case, CFBF AgAlert 4/22/2020. "Under the rule announced by the (appeals court), farmers and ranchers in the arid West operate under the constant threat that federal bureaucrats will unilaterally override their water rights in service of federal interests once more, just as they did in 2001," the brief said, adding that "the stakes for farmers and ranchers thus could not be higher."


Diverse Crowd of Parties Supports Request for Supreme Court Review in Klamath Water Takings Case, KWUA News Release, 4/19/2020.

Baley v. United States: Water Users in the Klamath Project Petition the U.S. Supreme Court for Certiorari, 4/17/2020, Somach Law firm.

4/4/2020 - KBC NOTE: PCFFA (Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen), IFR and Yurok Tribe sued to take another 50,000 acre feet of Klamath Project stored water to dump into Klamath River. Klamath Water Users settled for giving up 23,000 acre feet of their deeded water. Yuroks celebrate their victory: Yurok Tribe and commercial fishing families secure more water for salmon, The Yurok Tribe, the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA), and the Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR, represented by the nonprofit environmental law firm Earthjustice, have successfully obtained a new three-year plan from the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) for operating the Klamath Irrigation Project to increase springtime flows in the Klamath River.

Agreement Buys Time on New Klamath Project Ops Plan, KWUA 3/30/2020.

Oregon water regulators exceeded authority, judge rules, Capital Press 3/17/2020. "In 2018, OWRD established a rule that wells within one mile of a waterway in the Upper Klamath Basin will substantially interfere with surface waters and thus can be regulated off at the tribes’ request...The judge has now agreed with the plaintiffs’ argument that Oregon’s water law doesn’t allow for such a restriction without OWRD going through the formal process... the agency would have to show that wells are substantially interfering with surface waters and determine how much water irrigators can sustainably withdraw from the aquifer each year...Without that opportunity, the agency unconstitutionally deprived them of property rights without due process, the judge said."

*** Klamath 'takings' case filed with U.S. Supreme Court, Capital Press 3/13/2020. "Agricultural producers in the Klamath Project have taken the water “takings” case to the highest court in the land..."

Yurok vs. Reclamation case moved to March 6, H&N 2/28/2020

Klamath Project farmers say question marks loom over coming season, Capital Press 2/19/2020. "Without those plans — known collectively as the Klamath Project Biological Opinion, or BiOp — Kirby said he cannot predict how much water will be available for the 400-plus family farms and 65,000 irrigated acres in his district...a lawsuit filed by the Yurok Tribe in California, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations and Institute for Fisheries Resources also seeks a preliminary injunction to keep another 50,000 acre-feet of water in-stream for Klamath River salmon this year..."  KBC NOTE: "PCFFA, IFFR and Yurok Tribe, all signatories to the closed-door Klamath water "agreements," have sued Klamath Irrigators in the Takings Case claiming they should must not be reimbursed for the 2001 water shutoff, when many family farmers, with deeds signed by a U.S. president with "water appurtenant" to their land, went bankrupt." Those groups petitioned against the farmers on water quality, water quantity, and are still demanding that the Klamath River hydro dams are removed.

LaMalfa Praises Senate for USMCA Passage, LaMalfa News Release 1/16/20
  *   180,000 jobs created
  *   $70 billion increase to our GDP
  *   $20 billion more exports to Mexico
  *   $15 billion more exports to Canada
California exported $48.5 billion in goods to Canada and Mexico in 2018
  *   Mexico: $30.7 billion
  *   Canada: $17.8 billion

New Laws 2020 Edition - California Capitol Update Friday, January 10, 2020, CFRW. "SB 104- California is now the first state in the nation to offer free healthcare to illegal immigrants who are between the ages of 19-25. We already provided this to illegal immigrant children, this is an expansion of that program....Governor Newsom unveiled his 2020 budget this week and it clocked in at $222 billion, the largest spending plan in our state's history...In just a decade, our state budget has grown by almost $90 billion... "Despite the $64 billion in additional Medi-Cal spending, researchers at the National Bureau of Economic Research did not detect significant improvements in patient health", according to Assemblyman Kiley. Furthermore, "after a $39 billion increase in education spending, the National Assessment of Educational Progress finds that Californian's 8th grade math and reading scores continue to decline". And finally, Assemblyman Kiley stated that "despite $7 billion in additional spending on social and welfare programs, the Census Bureau reports California continues to have the highest level of poverty in the nation."

Oregon starts appeals of $1 billion timber verdict, OPB 12/26/19. "In November, a jury in Linn County ruled that the state breached its contract with 13 rural counties by failing to generate enough revenue through logging on state-owned forests. Jurors awarded more than $1 billion in damages..."

* Yurok Tribe files suit against Reclamation, H&N 12/29/19.

* Federal agencies can’t ignore science and facts; National Academy of Science found there was no credible scientific basis for Hardy's flow requirements,
"Dr. Hardy made the mistake while he was working for the government. He didn’t admit his mistake; instead he blamed the government. Now he is helping someone else sue the government for his mistake. While all this is going on, Dr. Hardy’s theoretical fish models remain disputed by the highest science body in the land — the National Academy"

* The court case is Yurok Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Association and Institute for Fisheries Resources vs. U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and National Marine Fisheries Services. Attorneys Earthjustice, representing Yuroks, PCFFA and IFFR, are financially supported by George Soros

* 'Erroneous' data triggers new biological opinion, H&N 11/17/19. "The most recent consultation, which also took into consideration the effects on the killer whale in the Pacific Ocean, was expected to last through 2024"...“There are things that we believe that have gone beyond the duties of the Klamath Project,” said KWUA Executive Director Paul Simmons.

* Yurok Preliminary Injunction Motion filed 10/18/19

Court Denies Farmers’ and Ranchers’ Just Compensation Claims in Water Takings Case Western Water Law challenged in the process, KWUA 11/14/19

Groups sue over Klamath River water: KRRC's dam removal efforts continue, OPB 8/8/19.

Klamath Basin water takings case argued in Washington, D.C., Compensation sought for federal 'taking' of water in 2001, H&N 7/11/19.

Justice Thomas: “Nothing in the Constitution Prohibits Passing Laws Prohibiting Dismemberment of a Living Child,” Life News June 28, 2019

Federal judge rules against WOTUS, Capital Press 5/31/19

Oregon Disarmament Bill: SB 978 by Dennis Linthicum, Oregon State Senator District 28, 4/25/19.

CFBF Legislative Review 4/19/19...ag employee housing, pot, marketing, hemp, pesticides, ESA-protected Tricolored Blackbirds.

Lawsuit renews attack on grazing in Oregon national forest, Capital Press 4/18/19.

KWUA files lawsuit against Reclamation, H&N 4/12/19. "Klamath Water Users Association, which had announced its intent to file suit last week, did so against Bureau of Reclamation on Thursday due to limitations to water supply for the Klamath Project outlined in the 2019 biological opinions."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review KBC 4/12/19.

KID, KWUA sue agencies over water supply followed by Fears of Flooding, H&N 4/7/19.

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/22/19

ITTSD Motion for leave to File Amicus Brief, filed by Lawrence A. Kogan 3/19/19, regarding Klamath Dam Removal.
ITSSD Amicus Curiae Brief, filed by Lawrence A Kogan In Re Siskiyou County Water Users Association, Petitioner on Petition for Writ of Mandamus 3/19/19: "...The States, by assisting USG to shift jurisdiction over (Klamath) dam removal from EPA to DOI and FERC, effectively freed DOI from conducting the rigorous EPA-required scientific assessment of the significant risks to human health and welfare dam removal would trigger upon release of decades of contaminants accumulated in the dam reservoir bottoms..."

PLEASE ATTEND, or COMMENT before March 12!!! Hearing Scheduled on Bill That Would Ban Forest Practices on Over a Million Acres in Oregon, OFS 3/8/19:  "On Tuesday, March 12 at 1:00 PM, the House Committee on Energy & Environment will hold a public hearing on HB 2656. HB 2656 is probably the most threatening bill to Oregon’s managed forests by banning harvest, road building, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers in forestland that supplies drinking water for public sources. Thus, locking up over a million of acres..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 3/8/19: emission reporting mandates, climate change, forests, construction mandates in high fire zones, wildlife.

California judge upholds wolf protection, H&N 3/1/19.

CFBF Legislative Review 3/1/19: Air quality, pot, climate change, zero greenhouse gas emissions, environmental regs, hemp, food, rural health and safety, drinking water fund, groundwater recharge, wildlife trapping, wildlife, ESA accidental take.

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 2/22/19.

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 2/15/19. Governor Newsom's intentions, budget and appointments, truck emission mandates, rural crime, utilities, $51.3million for safe drinking water, wildfire bills.

Oregon rivers, lands would gain protection under bill passed by U.S. Senate, H&N 2/13/19. "...according to Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Oregon, the measure would provide protection for about 250 miles of rivers and streams in Oregon. That would give the state more wild and scenic designations than any other state besides Alaska..."
Wilderness-Wildlands Page

Oregon lawmakers debate multiple gun bills, H&N 2/13/19. "It would limit ammunition purchases to 20 rounds in a 30-day period and prohibit firearm magazines that can hold more than five rounds.....

PRESS RELEASE: Siskiyou County Water Users: Hearing scheduled for DC Circuit Court on Writ of Mandamus regarding Klamath Dams, KRRC and Klamath Compact, SCWUA 2/8/19

Cal Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review, 2/8/19. More taxes, more 'restoration' 'conservation' and 'management' of rural farmland, water, forestry...

 CFBF Friday Legislative Review 2/1/19: biotechnology, Governor Newsom's proposed 2019 spending, bill to eliminate the cannabis cultivation tax and reduce the excise tax rate on commercial cannabis, proposed indoor heat illness prevention standard, land use.

Local rules governing control of well use in the Upper Klamath Basin: OWRD / Oregon Water Resource Dept. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, filed 1/29/19
OWRD Hearings: 2/21/19 in Salem, 2/26/29 Klamath Falls
4 business days after the Klamath Falls hearing.
OWRD webpage:

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 1/27/19: CLIMATE CHANGE - California Air Resources Board adopted plan for San Joaquin Valley farmers: retiring tractors, reduce emissions by conservation, replace ag pumps with electrical pumps, create inspection and maintenance program.

AB 178 - To exempt California disaster victims from $15,000+ new residential home solar mandate, California Assemblyman Brian Dahle 1/11/19

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 1/11/19. Governor Newsoms' appointments, State Budget Proposal of $209 billion, Cap and Trade, Departments: Food and Ag, F&W, Cal Fire, State Water Resources Control Board, Transportation, ...Ag Ed, Cannabis, Commodities, Hemp, Land Use, Pest Management, Water

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Review 1/11/19. Bans neonicotinoids, aerial pesticide prohibition, forest practice bans, dairy size prohibitions and regulations, Articles: Carbon Cap, Wolf talks, Klamath Refuge Management Attacks, Walden townhalls.

CFBF / California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 12/14/18. "The Commission formally accepted a petition to list Northern California summer steelhead under CESA and formally received the Department of Fish and Wildlife’s (DFW) petition evaluation of a petition to list the 2 Klamath-Trinity river spring Chinook salmon under CESA. DFW determined that the request for listing may be warranted in its evaluation of the spring Chinook petition. This determination means there is little doubt that the Commission will vote to make that run of Chinook salmon a candidate in the near future."

Congress OKs bill to allow killing sea lions to help salmon, H&N 12/12/18. "...sea lions...dramatically increased from about 30,000 in the 1960s to about 300,000 following enactment of the 1972 Marine Mammal Protection Act."

CFBF Friday Legislative Review 11/30/18.

CFBF Friday Legislative Review 11/16/18. Climate, air quality, ag education, pesticides, Prop 65...

Klamath Tribes drop ESA lawsuit against BOR. Merkley to hold PRIVATE Sucker Recovery Summit November 16 in Klamath Falls, H&N 11/9/18.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 11/9/18: "...regulatory requirement if the goal of retiring 12,000 tier 0, tier 1, and tier 2 tractors by 2024 is not met,'' hemp, fertilizers, purchase of ag conservation easements, habitat restoration, climate change briefings, pesticides, proposed regulations regarding Prop 65, ...
CFBF Friday Legislative Review 11/2/18: Climate change, hemp, OSHA regulations, pesticides, water, wildlife.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 10/5/18. Hemp, labor, land use, pests, seed, transportation

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 9/28/18. Pot, commodities, federal milk marketing order, air pollution monitoring, food safety rules and packaging mandates, land use bill, increased penalties regarding livestock, specialty crop grants, pest control, $3 million for monarch butterfly habitat.

Project water relief funding advances, H&N 9/20/18.

OFS Oregonians For Food and Shelter legislative update e-newsletter 8/17/18. Suspected carcinogen lawsuits, WOTUS is back, Ryan Zinke: 'Environmental Terrorist Groups' Play Role in Western U.S. Wildfires, forest management, politics.

Water case moves to Portland, H&N 8/15/18. "A Klamath County court case that could affect both endangered Lost River and shortnose sucker and the outcome of the irrigation season in the Klamath Basin has been moved from San Francisco to Portland...in the case brought by Klamath Tribes..."
Judge transfers Tribes' lawsuit to Oregon court, denies injunction, H&N 7/26/28.

Judge urges state to act on Upper Klamath Lake water distribution, H&N 8/8/18. "...judge...ruled in favor of the Klamath Irrigation District...by urging the Oregon Water Resources Department to make a determination on the distribution of water in Upper Klamath Lake..."

County intervenes in Klamath Tribes water allocation lawsuit, H&N 7/4/18. "...On May 29, the Tribes requested an injunction that could lead to a shutoff of irrigation water...Multiple other parties have filed their intents to intervene in the case, including the Hoopa Valley Tribe, Yurok Tribe, IFFR/Institute for Fisheries Resources, Klamath Riverkeeper and PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations. The case is assigned to Ninth U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick, in San Francisco..." KBC NOTE, FYI: Klamath Riverkeeper was formed by and includes Karuk Tribe spokesman Tucker and director Hillman and Klamath Tribe board members. PCFFA created IFFR.

KWUA pushes back on (Klamath) Tribes lawsuit, H&N 6/29/18. “ 'I would suspect that if the Tribes prevail, we could expect a shutdown extremely soon after that,' said Scott White, executive director of the KWUA..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/22/18. Truck rules, CEQA, Commercial Feed, CPUC, Cal Fire and timber harvest, labor, land use, rural crime, taxation...

Environmental, fishing groups sue Oregon over coho salmon, Statesman Journal 6/13/18. "...Poor logging practices by the Oregon Department of Forestry is causing real harm to the Oregon coast coho and commercial fishing families who depend on these magnificent fish for their livelihoods," Glen Spain (PCFFA/IFR attorney) said, the northwest regional director for the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations and the Institute of Fisheries Resources, both plaintiffs in the case..."

"Rather than seek out yet another unrelated non-profit to funnel the money through, PCFFA created a new organization..." IFR / Institute for Fisheries Resources. KBC NOTE: That link directs you to PCFFA/IFR page detailing their many Earthjustice (partially funded by George Soros) lawsuits against Klamath Irrigators in the takings case, power rate case, shutting down suction dredge mining, Klamath River water quality TMDL's, essentially against timber harvest, farming, mining and river dams.

Notice of potential litigation for defamation by Kogan Law Group against Herald & News, Ed Bair, Ross Fleming, Jason Chapman, more..6/7/18.

Klamath Tribes sue to protect fish, H&N 5/25/18.
2 1/2 years ago: Record number of suckers recovered. Biologists find 732 juvenile suckers near A Canal screen, H&N 12/18/15. "
A record number of juvenile Lost River and shortnose suckers were recovered from the headwaters of the A Canal earlier this year. According to a news release, biologists with the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) found the largest number of juvenile Lost River and shortnose suckers since fish salvage operations began in the Klamath Project in the late 1990s..."

Klamath Tribes Press Release regarding sucker lawsuit 5/24/18
KWUA PRESS RELEASE - Klamath Water Users Association, Klamath Tribes action will hurt basin, fish benefits unlikely, 5/24/18.  "...why haven't Klamath Tribes shared this information...that lake levels will work now when they haven't for over 25 years..."

Dr. William Lewis Jr, National Research Council, at Science Workshop in Klamath Falls "Lewis explained that the suckers were listed since 1988 because of over harvest.  They stopped fishing in '87 but they did not recover. The lake has gone from 3' range under natural conditions to experiencing 6' deep in current dry years. With charts and graphs he showed the habitat and water quality, algae and chlorophyll. He said that the committee looked extensively at water levels, and they find 'no hint of a relationship'. He also said that there was no relationship between lower water levels and extreme ph levels. And "the committee cannot support the idea that water levels effect algae growth.' "It can not be achieved by lake levels." '92 was the lowest water year, and they expected it to be the least favorable for fish. 'The lowest water year produced the same amount of larvae as other years.' He said that fish kill information does not support that fish are dying by changing water level." 2/3/04

WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/11/18. "...given an additional $2.5 billion funds, the Governor included three main proposals..." "...proposes $28.3 million in 18-19, $21.7 million in 19-20, and 79 positions to fully staff the CalCannabis program at CDFA...." "...Manure management..." "...a new tax on all services purchased by businesses in California..."

PRESS RELEASE posted 5/5/18: Siskiyou County Water Users Association represented by attorney James Buchal announced today that they have filed a "Motion to Dismiss" with (FERC) in the matter of the application of PacifiCorp and the Klamath River Renewal Corporation / KRRC, which was served on the parties involved on April 24, 2018

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/5/18. Pests, land use, marketing, nutrition, pot

SF Judge denies Klamath Basin water users motion to delay, modify injunction, H&N 5/1/18. "Plaintiffs in the case, the Hoopa Valley Tribe and the Yurok Tribe, contend that their cultural heritage and economic wellbeing revolve around the salmon's health, as well as * Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations (PCFFA), *Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR), and *Klamath Riverkeeper."

KBC Editor - Who litigated against the irrigators, and their prerogatives?: * PCFFA attorney Glen Spain writes how they created IFR to get non-profit funding by, namely, George Soros-funded Earthjustice. HERE IS PCFFA/Glen Spain/IFR page. Browse the lawsuits against Klamath River miners, lawsuits against Klamath Irrigators in the Takings Case of 2001, lawsuits against Klamath Irrigators' power rate deal with Pacific Power (when Klamath Project was built and paid for by Klamath farmers, Pacific Power wanted the free regulated river water for inexpensive power in exchange for at-cost power rate for irrigators).
*Klamath Riverkeeper Page Craig Tucker is Karuk Tribe spokesman, former community organizer, Green Peace activist and Friends of the River Activist. His goal: get rid of all the Klamath irrigators and "removal of four dams on the Klamath River which would represent the largest dam removal project in history." Tucker was on the steering committee of *Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance, and he’s presently on the board.  

Federal Judge Upholds Fish Disease Prevention Flows on Klamath River; Hoopa Tribe Celebrates Victory in U.S. District Court, Two Rivers Tribune 5/1/18.

"...Interveners’ argument mainly rests on the effects of the Klamath River Project on the family farms and ranches in the Project’s irrigation districts...I am not free to favor economic or other interests over potential harm to endangered species..."
   "...the injunctions prioritizes first and foremost the wellbeing of the endangered species (both the Coho salmon and the sucker fish to the extent that they are affected), then the federally-protected rights of the tribes, and finally the rights of the irrigation districts. Federal defendants have not shown that so-called partial implementation cannot meet the objectives of the injunctions, nor that even some lesser amount of Reserve Water would provide no benefits...."
   "...Because the injunctions demand partial compliance in the event that full compliance is not possible, federal defendants’ proposal of releasing water to the Project is clearly inconsistent with their duties. Under the injunctions, they are not permitted to release any water to the irrigation districts that could be instead used to implement Measure 4, even if only partially..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/27/18. Animal welfare, pot, commodities, energy, forestry, labor, land use, nutrition, crime.

Irrigators await Federal court ruling, H&N 4/24/18. "...The local irrigation districts claim that the prevalence of infection of fish are “misleading” and have asked that the court stay the injunction. The delay is holding up much needed spring water for irrigators in the Basin, as water supply canals low and inactive..."

Irrigators may get their water as judge mulls altering injunction, H&N 4/20/18.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/20/18. Antibiotics, budget, commodities, energy, labor, land use, nutrition, pot, water, wildlife

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/13/18. Ag, energy and utilities, depredation, forestry, taxation, nutrition, pot, land use, water

'A lot on the line' in water hearing. Irrigators wait on Klamath River court decision, H&N 4/12/18 KBC NOTE/short update: Presently the Bureau of Reclamation will not allow Klamath irrigators to even put water in the ditches to prepare for spring irrigation until they get direction from District Judge William Orrick. We can not plan to borrow money to plant fields, or not to plant. Will we keep or lose contracts from buyers who purchase grain, onions, potatoes, mint... , keep or lose fields, keep or lose those renting our fields. One judge can determine the fate of our entire farm community,  when or if he will allow us to irrigate, thus farm, this year. Will our perennial crops that took years and tens of thousands of $ to establish, live or die? Our stored irrigation water is being sent down the Klamath River, with not a drop on our farms.

Klamath water users to attend pivotal court hearing, Capital Press 4/6/18. "The Yurok Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, Institute for Fisheries Resources, Klamath Riverkeeper and the Hoopa Valley Tribe sought the injunction to protect juvenile coho after several years of deadly C. shasta outbreak.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/23/18: land use oversite, nutrition, funding replacement of diesel trucks and equipment, ag equipment emissions, anitbiotics, heat illness prevention, commodities, education.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/16/18: $4.1 billion bonds itemized (Environmental and social equity, parks, trails, greenways, more, the highest allocation - Wildlife Conservation Board, California Natural Resources Agency, and Salton Sea Authority of $767 million. Industrial hemp, farm guest worker programs, "proposal also provides $1.4 million loan, for seven new positions, to the Department of Food and Agriculture to impose and collect a fertilizer tax, include an additional deduction from milk producer’s payments and a tax non-dairy confined animal facilities. These loans will be repaid through the aforementioned taxes.."  " Department of Fish and Wildlife is proposing to transfer $26 million in Carl Moyer funds to augment its budget.... The Governor’s budget proposes an additional $50.6 million...these funds would come from the General Fund, the Motor Vehicle Account, and the Tire Recycling Management Fund and would be used to increase funds for DFW to meet its mandates."
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/9/18: Pollinators, tax, budget

BOR PRESS RELEASE: Reclamation Responds to Klamath Water Users’ Motion in District Court, Outlines Proposed 2018 Operations, 3/24/18. "Reclamation’s proposal includes implementing a full surface flushing flow, augmented with non-Project water; forgoing an emergency dilution flow; and providing Klamath Project irrigators with a supply of 252,000 acre-feet – 65 percent of a full project supply – with deliveries commencing on April 19 with charging of main canal networks."

KID threatens to file suit against BOR; District requiring BOR response by Wed, H&N 3/23/18. " '...by the Bureau not distributing water in accordance with water law as it exists, they're causing irreparable harm to every irrigator in the state,' Reitmann said."

Agency may be awash in red ink from water litigation; The Oregon Water Resources Department is on track to overspend its litigation budget by $1.3 million in the 2017-2019 biennium, Portland Tribune 3/19/18. "Litigation over water has increased mostly due to more regulatory calls cutting off water to junior irrigators in the Klamath Basin...The agency has a legislatively adopted budget of $98.6 million for 2017-2019."

Dennis LinthicumKlamath gets mixed bag out of short session, H&N 3/11/18. "House Bill 4016 would have allowed irrigators within the Klamath Project to temporarily transfer water rights from one property to another to help mitigate potential droughts...'Despite multiple supporting testimonies from local constituents, this bill died in committee, due to opposition from Portland environmental and local tribal groups,' said (Rep)Reschke."

(Klamath) Water users push back on injunction, H&N 3/9/18. “Even last year, when it was wet, we almost weren’t able to start irrigation on time because of the possibility a dilution flow might be required, and letting that water out of Klamath Lake would end up affecting ESA requirements for suckers,” said Brad Kirby, president of KWUA..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/2/18

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 2/23/18: Cap and Trade, Farm Ag Emissions, milk and livestock waste, forests, sick leave, "program to provide documentation to undocumented workers," harassment and discrimination, housing, invasive species, wild pigs, Monarch butterfly habitat, school food, additional trucker requirements, mandates for old farm trucks.

House committee approves Klamath Project water bill, H&N 2/20/18. "...HB 4016 would allow irrigators in the Klamath Project to temporarily transfer water claims between properties within the same irrigation district..."
House Bill 4016 as amended by committee 2/19/18

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 2/16/18. New Bill Introductions, Cannabis, Climate, Commodities, Natural Resources, Nutrition, Water, and New Appointments

2/16/18 - Oregon Rep. E. Werner Reschke’s water bill HB 4016. He serves as Vice-Chair of House Energy and Environment committee and has been working hard to get this bill passed to support water rights in the Klamath project. The bill (relating to determined claims) was passed unanimously in bi-partisan Committee on Wednesday and referred to Rules where it is expected to pass the Senate as well.

* Tribes seek higher water levels for Upper Klamath; lawsuit notice filed, possibility of extinction-level event cited, H&N 2/14/18.
* Klamath Tribes PRESS RELEASE:
Issuance of Draft 60-Day Notice to Protect C’waam and Koptu (suckers) 2/13/18
* Klamath Tribe's attorney's letter: 60-day notice of violations of Endangered Species Act 2/9/18

Linthicum drafts bill to defund dam removal, H&N 2/14/18. "...the cost for dam removal could amount to $950 million, with no specific plan yet in place to fully fund the project. He also said sediment could total 20 million cubic yards and releasing it downstream would impact long-term fish habitats..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review / Governmental and Legislative Update 1/26/18. Taxes Taxes Taxes
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review / Governmental and Legislative Update 1/19/18: environment, labor, taxes
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review / Governmental and Legislative Update 1/12/18: budget, DFW, DWR, Parks Bond, EPA, CDFA, environment, labor, taxes... "...law enforcement, lands management, wildlife conservation, fisheries management, and the Fish and Game Commission’s activities...The Governor’s budget proposes an additional $50.6 million..."

Klamath Infrastructure Improvement Act (H.R.4329) 11/10/17

House Passes Important Legislation to Promote Hydropower, Energy & Commerce 11/8/17. H.R.3043. "This Act may be cited as the “Hydropower Policy Modernization Act of 2017:" https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr3043/BILLS-115hr3043eh.xml

“Takings” outcome seen as win for Tribes, H&N 10/5/17.  
KBC Note: Before the Klamath Project was built, there were up to 30 feet of water where our farms are now. It was a navigable lake. That's why on our deeds, signed by US President, we were allotted 2 feet of water for our crops, as all the rest we pump uphill, at our expense, out of our closed basin and into the Klamath River? The river often went dry in the fall before the Project was built.

Trial Court Denies 2001 Klamath Project Takings Claims, Attorneys at Law Somach, Simmons and Dunn, Oct 4, 2017

Court denies water users’ compensation claims in ‘Takings Case,’ H&N 10/03/17

Judge rejects claims of Klamath Basin irrigators, H&N 9/8/17. "...The plaintiffs argued their wells were drilled into a confined aquifer that’s separated from the Sprague River by layers of rock and clay, as well as a shallower alluvial aquifer. Shutting down the wells isn’t allowed because OWRD only has jurisdiction over wells drilled into an aquifer “adjacent” to the surface water..." “There’s nothing to stop Oregon Water Resources from regulating every aquifer in a basin (within a mile of surface waters) and calling it an aquifer system,” (attorney Laura Schroeder) said."

Linthicum, Reschke, freshmen legislators, recount wins and losses, H&N 7/20/17

U.S. Senate bill includes Klamath measures, H&N 7/4/17. "Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, both Oregon Democrats, as well as U.S.Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., and Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., worked with KWUA for six months on the elements of the amendment. The bill amendment also received support from U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both California Democrats, and the leadership of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee." 7/31/17 - See article for CORRECTION

Former Klamath County Commissioner Tom MallamsLocal rancher, Tom Mallams, challenging well shutdown, H&N 7/19/17. "...Mallams has petitioned Marion County Circuit Court Judge Thomas Hart to overturn OWRD’s order because it’s “not supported by substantial evidence” as required by Oregon law..." KBC NOTE: Tom Mallams told KBC News he has not been interviewed by Herald and News or Capital Press regarding this matter within the past two years.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/14/17, Bills: Cap and Trade, Commodities, Labor ( requires employers to demand search warrants or subpoenas for ICE enforcement and to notify the Labor Commissioner and employees and their representatives about ICE enforcement and its results), Natural Resources ( would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent), ( would make several changes to the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) ), Transportation, Water (more requirements and demands).

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/23/17, California Beef Commission assessment, rodent control, 'Call Before You Dig,' employers to provide 1q2 weeks parental leave to bond with baby, vineyard assessment, exemption for Cal/OSHA regulations from regulatory assessment, water diversions, irrigation ponds, mandate for new water well permit applicants.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/16/17.
a record high $183.2 billion state budget, BOE reforms that eliminate checks and balances, oversight, and accountablilty, dam safety, new well permit requirements.

Water adjudication: Wogan hears exceptions to state's decree, H&N 6/9/17.

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review 5/26/17. Welcome to California! " would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent...", "...requires employers to demand search warrants for ICE enforcement and to notify the Labor Commissioner and employees and their representatives about ICE enforcement and its results. Penalties for violations would range from $10,000 to $25,000 per violation," "... restricts employers’ efforts to ascertain a job applicant’s past criminal history and elect to not hire the applicant due to that history,"  "requires an employer with 20 or more employees within a 75-mile radius to provide 12 weeks of protected parental leave to bond with a new child after that child’s birth, adoption or foster care placement," " would create a state-operated single-payer universal health insurance program intended to provide health care to all California residents," "would expand the extraordinary values, such as scenic, recreational, fishery, wildlife, historical, cultural, geological, ecological, hydrological, botanical, or other similar values to preserve rivers in their free-flowing state designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act."

160K acres covered in Klamath 'Takings' class action, H&N 5/26/17.

'In the judge's hands now,' Attorneys deliver closing arguments in (Klamath 2001 Water) 'Takings' case, H&N, 5/10/17.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/12/17. Millions of $ to State Water Resources, Fish and Wildlife, Cal Fire,  "Governor is proposing a significant increase in funds to cover the cost of Proposition 64 (recreational cannabis legalization) implementation." $94.6 Million, $3M to promote California Grown, minimum salary overtime increase, "significant new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars..." well permit mandates.....

CALIFORNIA - CFBF Friday Legislative Review 5/5/17: restricts an employer’s ability to consider an applicant’s criminal or conviction history in making employment decisions, water measurement, streambed clarification, expand values to preserve rivers in their free-flowing state designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, imposes significant new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars, well permit mandates, drinking water fund..

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 4/28/17. WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! "...would create individual facility GHG emissions caps and empower the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to establish “no-trade zones” and facility declining caps; forbids an employer from granting federal immigration enforcement authorities access to their place of business without a search warrant or providing employee-related records to federal immigration enforcement authorities without a subpoena. It requires an employer to provide notice to employees of known future enforcement action by a federal immigration agency;  would create a state-operated single-payer universal health insurance program intended to provide health care to all California residents. SB 562 includes no mechanism to pay for this program. SB 562 passed the Senate Health Committee on a 5-2 vote;  would have imposed a state inheritance tax if the federal inheritance tax law is repealed;  would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies that were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent; new mandates on agricultural water suppliers, costing districts hundreds of millions of dollars

Irrigators file lawsuit over Klamath refuge restrictions, H&N from Capital Press 4/13/17. "The Tulelake Irrigation District, Klamath Water Users Association, Tulelake Growers Association and three private farms have now filed a complaint against the agency, arguing that plans for the Tule Lake and Lower Klamath refuges violate federal laws."

List of 15 regulations to be repealed; 11 alone will save $10 billion, Kevin McCarthy, Majority Leader, 4/10/17.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/7/17. " $52 billion in additional fuel and vehicles taxes, the state’s largest fuel tax in history..." $.20/gallon diesel tax, .12/gal. gas, additional diesel taxes, minimum salary increase, parental leave requirement, ESA changes, expands wild and scenic protections to 1/4 mile on each side of river, streambed and drinking water issues, ......

Oregon Legislative Review, 3/31/17: pesticide labeling, foresters against HB 3226, EPA Pruitt denies pesticide ban petition, Gov. Brown fires DEQ commissioners, hemp bill, doubling Cascade-Siskiyou Monument, regulation of COW FARTS: "...in addition to smelling bad and causing global warming, cow farts can irritate your eyes, cause memory loss, and even death.

California Farm  Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/31/17. CARB regulations against diesel trucks, " 500% increase in the sales tax collected for diesel," seed and plant labeling requirement, "AB 450 (David Chiu, D-San Francisco) was substantially amended on March 23 to add language forbidding an employer from granting federal immigration enforcement authorities access to their place of business without a search warrant or providing employee-related records to federal immigration enforcement authorities without a subpoena... $10,000 to $25,000 per violation," Cal ESA changes, "...expand the extraordinary values for 1,362 miles of rivers designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. It would also expand current protections to include the river and adjacent lands within one-quarter mile on each side of the river," new regulations for new groundwater well permit,...)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 3/24/17. "AB 975 would expand the extraordinary values for 1,362 miles of rivers designated as wild and scenic under the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, as well as expand current protections to include the river and adjacent lands within one-quarter mile on each side of the river...Farm Bureau opposes as written."

Installation of measuring devices on streams can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Daily maintenance can add up to thousands of dollars in additional labor costs. The annual reporting, and more often if the Oregon Water Resources Department requests, of 'water amount, rate, and duty' will add thousands of more dollars, annually, in time and additional out-of-pocket expense. 'The inclusion of a $500 civil penalty for each day of violation of the act...' "

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/17/17. "SB 49 would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as they were on January 1, 2016, or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent..."

Judge rules groups can intervene in Cascade-Siskiyou lawsuit, H&N 3/16/17

Judge dismisses lawsuit against grazing on eight Oregon allotments, Oregonian 3/11/17. "A federal judge has rejected environmentalist arguments that cattle grazing has unlawfully harmed endangered sucker fish in Oregon’s Fremont-Winema National Forest." 

Miners Group Urges Reversal of California Mining Ruling by William Perry Pendley, Mountain States Legal Foundation 3/10/17.

Thousands of irrigators could be eligible to join 'takings' suit. Forms must be submitted for compensation, H&N 3/7/17

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/3/17. SB 50 would prohibit the filing or recording of a deed for property sold by the federal government unless the State Lands Commission is provided the right of first refusal to purchase the land or the right to arrange for the transfer of property to another entity. Over $3billion for trails and land acquisitions etc. Mandate for Calif. to enforce Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and ESA. Permanent taxes and fees to raise $5.5billion. Gas, diesel and vehicle registration tax,

BRING ON OVER 4000 NEW CALIFORNIA REGULATIONS/MANDATES! California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 2/24/17. "The tally for this year is a total of 2,495 bills introduced with the Senate producing 808 bills and the Assembly with 1,687 bills..." Climate change policies, mandate where prisons and schools buy food, OSHA, prohibits employers to enquire about job applicant's criminal history (murder?, rape?, child molestation?, robbery?) paid 12-16 weeks parental leave, safe harbor, water storage, ...

Klamath 'Takings' trial adjourns, H&N 2/15/17. "The two-week trial started on Jan. 30 at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, within walking distance of the White House. More than 20 irrigators or those representing the interests of irrigators testified during the trial of their losses in 2001 when water was shutoff to benefit endangered fish downstream."

Water decisions are not making any sense, by former Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, H&N, 2 "The irony of this is so obvious. The rivers are at flood stage or very near it, and OWRD finally lifts the tribal call on the water...This applies to all uses on the listed water right, including stock water, and domestic...surface water, (rivers, creeks and springs), and ground water, (wells). Most all of the rights list irrigation as a listed use." "...A single judge and our federal government send extra water down the Klamath River for fish in the middle of a flood. You would certainly think a flood event would contain enough water for any fish needs, including flush or pulse flows. It is absolutely necessary that logic and true science drive the decisions critical to the survival of our local economies..."

Counties sue to overturn monument expansion, followed by Two lumber companies sue over monument expansion H&N, posted to KBC 2/17/19. "Filed Monday in federal court in Washington, D.C., the suit claims former President Barack Obama did not have the authority to include roughly 48,000 acres of designated timberland in the expansion, which affected land in Klamath and Jackson counties in Oregon, and Siskiyou County in California."

Judge mandates more irrigation water down Klamath River during flood, Liz Writes Life, Siskiyou Daily News, posted 2/20/17

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 2/17/17. Includes rodent control, Calif. farm product buyer mandates, funding of the Open Space Subvention program,  more than a dozen water measures, Cal State Water Resources Control Board mandates, regulations for stockponds, and MORE.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 2/10/17. Blackbird regulations, Spotted Owl issues, water rights fees, groundwater management, well permits, access to affordable water....

PRESS RELEASE: 2/9/17 - Statement From Representative Werner Reschke On Federal Court Decision Related To Klamath River.

Court orders extra water to protect salmon, H&N 2/9/17. "...The Yurok Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA), Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR), Klamath Riverkeeper and the Hoopa Valley Tribe sought a court order to compel the Bureau of Reclamation to manage river flows to protect juvenile Coho salmon. The case was heard last week. “Mismanagement of Klamath River flows below four major dams led to an outbreak of disease from a parasite called C. shasta in more than 90 percent of sampled juvenile salmon in 2015 and nearly that many in 2014,” according to a press release from EarthJustice.org... According to court documents, the defendants claim the proposed flows will require withholding more than 100,000 acre-feet of water from the irrigation districts that rely on water for agriculture in the Klamath Basin. The Klamath Water Users and the Klamath Irrigation District, and others on the project, filed as interveners on behalf of the federal agencies in the case. Scott White, director for the Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA), said he had not seen the order yet, but bemoaned the fact that the issue was not resolved at the negotiating table..."

KBC NOTE: Most litigation against Klamath River Basin resource users: farmers, loggers, miners, is Earthjustice is funded by George Soros.  "...Earthjustice was founded as the "Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund" in 1971.This group seeks to place severe restrictions on how U.S. land and waterways may be used. It opposes most mining and logging initiatives, commercial fishing businesses, and the use of motorized vehicles in undeveloped areas....Earthjustice has provided free legal representation to more than 600 client organizations."
Former Earthjustice clients: PCFFA, Klamath Riverkeeper (board members are Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribal Spokesman and Leaf Hillman, Karuk Counsel President, Yurok Tribal member Frankie Meyers and Klamath Tribal member David Taylor), PCFFA founded IFR. The Yurok Tribe, PCFFA, IFR, and Karuk Tribe were "friends" / "stakeholders" of KWUA, and claimed to support Klamath farmers in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Yet in a 2011 video Tucker called the Klamath farmers "enemies", and pledged to work to destroy Keno Dam after the other Klamath River hydro dams are destroyed.

PRESS RELEASE: Reclamation to Release Water Below Iron Gate Dam to Address Fish Health Concerns in Klamath River, Bureau of Reclamation 2/9/17

(Klamath) Irrigators testify to their losses, Trial results could be wide-ranging, H&N 2/5/17. " 'I refer personally to it as Black Friday,' Horsley said."

Lon and Nancy Baley Takings caseKlamath irrigators press case this week, H&N, posted to KBC 1/30/17. "Lon and Nancy Baley of Merrill share a moment while discussing the 2001 water crisis on Thursday. Lon left for Washington, D.C. Saturday and will be testifying this week in the Takings case before Judge Marian Horn...'It took a full 10 years … before any high school graduates or college graduates even considered coming back to farm,' Lon said."

Klamath Irrigators to defend cause in 'takings' case, H&N, posted to KBC 1/30/17. "...more than 25 irrigators or those representing them will attend the trial for two consolidated cases, Klamath Irrigation District et al v. United States, and John Anderson Farms et al. v. United States..."

(Klamath) Court Decision May Mean California Owes Billions In Water Rights, Daily Caller by California Water Alliance,1/13/17. "...Judge Blank Horn’s decision establishes a precedent that the takings of Klamath River water from California and Oregon farmers in 2001 were physical acts, not regulatory ones, making them subject to the Fifth Amendment’s unreasonable seizure clause and encumbering the government with the responsibility to pay owners for their losses when they deprive them of their property..."

Takings case moves to Washington, D.C., venue. Basin farmers seeking $30 million in damages, H&N 1/20/17. “Under the Fifth Amendment, the United States can't take your property unless they pay you for it,” said local water attorney Bill Ganong. .. the Klamath Compact has language similar to the Fifth Amendment that says the United States cannot take the water unless they (compensate.”

1/13/17: Federal Register - Bureau of Land Management: Public Land Order No. 7859; Withdrawal of National Forest System and Bureau of Land Management Public Lands in Southwestern Oregon; SUMMARY: This order withdraws, subject to valid existing rights, approximately 5,216.18 acres of public domain and Revested Oregon and California Railroad lands and 95,805.53 acres of National Forest System lands from settlement, sale, location, and entry under the public land laws; location and entry under the United States mining laws; and operation of the mineral and geothermal leasing laws for a period of 20 years while Congress considers legislation to permanently withdraw those areas and to protect the Southwestern Oregon watershed from possible adverse effects of mineral development.

California - Minimum wage, truck exemption among new laws, CFBF 1/11/17 

Phil Norton, manager of the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges in Tulelake, Calif., on July 17, 2001, walks across the mud flats that were created when water from the Klamath River was cut off.!!! (Klamath) irrigators win water decision; Farmers score in battle over diverting Klamath River water for endangered species, H&N 12/22/16.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 9/30/16: includes ag vehicles, fire prevention timber harvest, heat illness indoor mandates, drone restrictions, and more...

Energy Bill’s Hidden Provisions Undermine Western and Rural U.S. Property Owners, Western States Constitutional Rights LLC, posted 9/18/16. "Senate Bill S. 2012 (Murkowski, AK) has secretly swallowed up S. 3085 (Roberts,KS) - a Forestry Management Bill that transfers management of any national forest within 100 miles of a tribal reservation, or to any tribe with ancestral or cultural ties to a national forest.  This will give tribal governments: 1) control of all water (snowpack mountain run-off); and 2) let tribal governments determine appropriate uses of the national forests regarding hunting, fishing, trail-hiking, recreating by non-tribal citizens. When strong opposition emerged opposing numerous forestry management bills in the Senate and House that were transferring forestry management to tribal governments, Senators and Congressmen played "hide the ball" quickly last week by tucking this egregious Tribal Forestry Management provision into an Energy Bill that is close to a vote - perhaps this week or next. Call your Senators and Congressmen and raise holy hell.  This could easily transfer national forestry management to tribes for every national forest in the Western States." Elaine Willman

(Klamath) Irrigators intervene against Hoopa Tribe lawsuit, H&N 9/4/16

California Supreme Court Rules in Favor of State Authority over Mining! – September 2016, The New 49ers. "Now that the California Supreme Court has ruled, my best guess is that any prospector using a motor to remove or process streambed material within 100 yards of an active waterway without a permit (which is not being made available), if caught, is likely to be successfully prosecuted." Link includes link to memo by miner's attorney James Buchal

California governor signed climate change mandates and farm labor overtime after 8 hours, CFBF Friday Legislative Review 9/13/16

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review posted 8/17/16: climate change mandates with no oversight, bills that regulate cow farts and chase dairies out of California, overtime bills that would end up reducing hours that farm laborers would work, wool, stolen bee hives, water control board stuff and more...

Klamath River Stakeholders may sue federal agencies, H&N 7/22/16. "The Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA) (Glen Spain), Institute for Fisheries Resources (Glen Spain), and Klamath Riverkeeper (Craig Tucker), released the 60-day notice to let two federal agencies know they could be sued under the federal Endangered Species Act if they fail to improve water management in the Klamath River." KBC NOTE: These 2 men were in the stakeholders group of the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, and KHSA, Klamath Dam Removal "agreements", posing as 'friends' of Klamath Irrigators. Now that the feds and states, tribes and NGO's managed to get the states to approve of destroying the Klamath River hydro dams with no supposed benefits to irrigators, their coalition is suing for more water, even though this is a high water year. Siskiyou County and Klamath County elected officials oppose the agreements and dam destruction. FYI: George Soros helps fund Earthjustice, the litigators for the Klamath River tribes and environmental groups 

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/1/16. Proposed bills on climate change mandates, regulations on livestock methane emissions that would "drive dairies out of California", put solar power projects on "not less than 100,000 acres" permanently retired farmland, pay overtime to farm workers for over 8 hours work, expand forest thinning for fire protection, stockponds, water transfers, ground water wells, more...

Merkley PRESS RELEASE: Merkley and Wyden Announce Key Oregon Wins for Rural Oregon in Senate Appropriations Bill, 6/16/16

CFBF Friday Legislative Review, 6/10/16: "A tentative 2016-2017 budget was reached and will be voted on by the full legislature by midnight on Wednesday, June 15th, the deadline to pass the budget bill. Some budget details are included in this week’s Friday Review."

Hoopa Tribe Sues Federal Government over Inadequate Protections for Juvenile Salmon, Hoopa Valley Tribe PRESS RELEASE 5/17/16

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/20/16. "The proposal also would exempt marijuana cultivators from the need to obtain a streambed alteration agreement for their activities, so long as they are covered by the license they obtain allowing them to grow marijuana."

California Senate approves sweeping gun-control measures, Fox News 5/19/16

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, CFBF 5/13/16: organic registration, DFW 129% fee increase, penalty of up to $10 per gallon or pound of polluting material discharged into waterways (KBC NOTE - what about Klamath Dam removal pollution: "The initial Fish and Wildlife Service sediment study projected 20.4 million cubic yards with 84% washing down river...The initial sediment study volume would be equivalent to covering 190 miles of a 150’ wide river with 3.1 feet of sediment," quote by BOR ethics officer Dr Paul Houser. Will DOI pay $10/gallon?), water markets, groundwater management, more....

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 4/10/16. "AB 2757 would require agricultural employers to pay overtime premium pay (at a rate of 1.5 times an employee’s regular rate of pay) to their employees after 8 hours in any work day, and 40 hours in any work week; premium pay at the rate of two times the employee’s regular rate of pay for any work after 12 hours in a day; and will repeal the agricultural exemption..."  "AB 2700 (Rudy Salas, Jr., D-Bakersfield) passed out of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee on consent on April 6. AB 2700 requires the CPUC to update the criteria it uses to prioritize renewable energy projects..." KBC NOTE: Why would they create more renewable energy projects while California governor wants to destroy Klamath River hydropower (the ultimate renewable energy) dams serving 70,000 homes?

Oregon 2016 Session Adjourns ending the most destructive month in Oregon legislative history. Newsletter by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, Senate District 28, posted to KBC 3/17/16. "The new law doubles the renewable portfolio standard by eliminating the use of all coal-generated electricity in Oregon...The act contains two provisions that functionally prohibit the formation of a municipal utility district (MUD) or public utility district (PUD) in PacifiCorp’s monopoly protected service area. These poison pills serve to eliminate the financial feasibility for any Klamath County MUD or PUD... At minimum, it will result in at a 40 percent increase in power costs to all PacifiCorp customers...PacifiCorp power rates have already nearly doubled since 2005...  this new (minimum wage) law will result in wholesale destruction of Oregon small businesses and kill many private sector jobs that those businesses provide...Klamath and Lake Counties have some of the highest percentages of minimum wage jobs in Oregon..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/11/16. "The State Water Board submitted the emergency regulation they adopted in January to the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) this week. The emergency regulation requires all surface water right holders and claimants to report their diversions annually..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/26/16. "The Department of Water Resources recently released the Groundwater Sustainability Plan (GSP) Draft Emergency Regulations and a schedule of public meetings and the public comment process. Farm Bureau is reviewing the draft regulations and will submit comments. The public meetings are scheduled as follows..."

Environmentalists sue for more rules to protect sage grouse, H&N 2/26/16.  

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative and Governmental Update 2/5/16. Includes doubling pay on holidays for some jobs, and Calif. Water Board news, including Tribal Resolution No. 2010-0062 "AUTHORIZE FUNDING FROM THE CLEAN WATER STATE REVOLVING FUND (CWSRF) TO THE YUROK TRIBE (TRIBE) ... 'Western Rivers Conservancy submitted an application to the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program on behalf of the Yurok Tribe (Tribe) for the acquisition of approximately 22,237 acres of forest land in the Klamath River watershed...A credit review was completed on November 4, 2010, recommending a maximum CWSRF financing amount of $18,750,000 for the project, assuming a 25-year term at a zero percent interest rate...' "

Judge rules Obama administration water rule should be halted, Yahoo News 8/27/15

BOR wins lawsuit over water transfer, H&N 8/22/15

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 8/21/15: proposed gas tax $.42/gallon, vehicle registration nearly double plus new $100 fee, "Farm Bureau is opposed to SB226) as it includes state intervention language that we find unacceptable, grants other state authorities that we believe should not be granted and places all the language in the 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act which we believe impacts groundwater rights." mandatory greenhouse gas reduction to 80% below 1990 levels, minimum wage to $11 by January 2016, $13 by July 2017, mandatory health insurance for more than 25 employees, more.....

(Klamath) Project irrigators could get new fed status. ‘Applicant status’ may allow for more input in ESA development, H&N 7/18/15. "The amendment was proposed by by U.S. Reps. Greg Walden, ROre., and Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., to help protect Klamath Project water users in Oregon and California...the amendment gives Project water users “applicant status,” ensuring they are included in Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations that affect Project water operations."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/16/15. "The month long summer recess for the legislature began (7/16/15). It was the deadline week for policy committees to meet and report bills. Friday Review reflects action that occurred on a number of bills of interest to agriculture."

Appeals court tosses Oregon logging ruling, H&N 6/13/15

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review of Bills and Laws, CFBF 5/29/15. Some bills include minimum wage to $11 next year, adjudication of ground water, fire fee, farm tax credit for donations, State Water Resources Control Board has a Budget Change Proposal (BCP) in the budget that would establish 16 new permanent positions at a cost of $7.8 million annually.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 5/17/15. $Millions and $billions more spending: water, groundwater, $380 million to low income workers, Undocumented healthcare would be funded at $67 million, to grow to 200$ million in 2016-17...more

** Milestone reached in 2001 (Klamath) water lawsuits. Cases could be decided before 2016, H&N, 3/27/15

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative and Governmental Update, CFBF 3/27/15

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 3/6/15: Bills - groundwater, climate change, land use and taxation, labor, employment, immigration, paid sick leave mandate, transportation and education, new clean energy standards, misc.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review for 2/20/15 - groundwater, water storage, adjudicating water rights, fire protection, ACL/OSHA regarding heat illness.

BOR accused of misusing water funds. Whistleblower claim lodged against BOR and Basin irrigators, H&N 2/20/15.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 2/20/15: water storage, groundwater rights, Cal/OHSA, ...

Pacific Power article lacks objective balance by Ed Silling, Klamath Falls, followed by Pacific Power states case for lawsuit against city, posted to KBC 1/30/15

Pacific Power sues (Klamath Falls) city. Eminent domain, public utility district at heart of lawsuit, H&N 1/17/15.

Feinstein shuts off California water talks until 2015, Fresno Bee, posted to KBC 11/23/14

(Klamath County) Commission opposes Klamath water pact; House must approve bill before it reaches Obama, H&N 11/16/14. "commissioner Dennis Linthicum: “...our counties don’t support Senate Bill 2379..."

Klamath bills pass Senate. Water pact, forestry act take a step forward, H&N 11/14/14. "Sen. Ron Wyden is trying to move a long-stalled bill through the lame duck session of Congress that would implement agreements to remove four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River to help salmon."  Oregon Wyden's forestry bill would "create 87,000 acres of new wilderness and 252 miles of new wild and scenic rivers."  It is "...expected to..." more than double current timber harvests (KBC NOTE: which are a fraction of historic harvests.)
Regarding Wyden's claim that the KBRA that destroying 4 hydroelectric dams (that provide flood control, power for 70,000 households, and millions of hatchery salmon) will "help salmon", a speech by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett offers some perspective:
Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction at Yreka's public listening session put on by Department of Interior on 10/20/11. "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not appear to mitigate that 20 million cubic yards of sediment. The Department apparently proposes to simply blow the dams and let nature take its course, washing all that sediment downriver. They appear to consider this option as a “grand experiment” to see what actually happens. That amount of sediment is equivalent to about 2 million ten yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and organic muck. To put that amount into perspective, lined up head to tail, 2 million dump truck loads of river muck would stretch about 12,500 miles…..about half way around the planet."

Rep. Gail Whitsett has several bills planned. Whitsett also plans to submit an updated version of the groundwater bill HB 4044, H&N, posted to KBC 11/16/14

Public Comment Period Open for Waters of the U.S. Proposed Rule - Comments due 11/14/14

California - Water Bond Proposition 1
* Water Bond Drowning in Pork Spending, YouTube 5 minutes by David Spady,  Americans for Prosperity California, October 2014
Prop 1 Water Storage Bond Facts by Rex Cozzalio October 26, 2014
* Prop 1 Stop the Pork by Rex Cozzalio
Klamath Basin Dams Resolution by the Siskiyou County and South Siskiyou County California Federated Republican Women 3/15/09
*Urgent Bulletin and Groups opposing Prop 1 by Richard Marshall, Jerry Bacagalupi, and Loise Gliotto Oct. 2014

Reasons for voting NO on Prop. 1 Water Bond on the Nov. 4, 2014 ballot, sent by manager of pienpolitics.com Liz Bowen. "The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014 (AB1471), the Water Bond, is on the ballot this November for voter approval. Proponents want us to believe that it will ‘save’ water by building dams and reservoirs. It won’t. It is designed to remove dams, not create them. It supports wetlands restoration, not water storage."
NRDC: Prop 1 is not earmarked for new dams, libusters 10/23/14
Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors voted to oppose Prop 1

County, state tussle over water regulations; public works director to sit on water advisory, H&N, posted to KBC 9/20/14.
< Klamath Falls City Councilman Bill Adams speaks about his frustrations with a proposed Oregon Water Resources Department rule on Thursday during a question and answer session at Oregon Tech.  
"Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, also an irrigator, spoke in opposition to the proposed rule change. 'This is what I feel is nothing more than trying to put pressure on everybody trying to agree to a settlement that’s very iffy, lacks a lot of support...There is some support … because they have been pushed into a corner, and a gun to their head, as far as I’m concerned, by Oregon Water Resources and our federal government. Water resources in the past has been the champion for irrigated agriculture...I feel they’re one of our worst enemies, and that’s very disheartening.' Mallams also read a statement from State Rep. Gail Whitsett on her behalf: 'We find no viable reason or justification for this permanent rule to apply only to the Klamath River Watershed in Klamath County,' read the statement."

Fuel standards opposed by Rep. Gail Whitsett; Representative said the standards will profoundly affect rural Oregonians, H&N, posted to KBC 9/18/14. "if the new standards go into effect, nearly 30,000 jobs will be lost, and Oregonians could pay more than $1 per gallon in additional gas taxes...a bill or executive decision by Gov. John Kitzhaber to ban lead bullets may be in the state’s future. Whitsett said lead is already banned from use in waterfowl hunting...if a bill to ban lead bullets is introduced in the 2015 legislative session, she plans to introduce a bill protecting citizens’ rights to use them."

California: CCM urges Governor to veto ‘ambiguous’ groundwater legislation, Fresh Fruit Portal 9/17/14. "KBC NOTE: California Governor Jerry Brown signed this controversial groundwater legislation 9/16/14)

Council may hire water attorney, H&N 8/17/14. "Members of City Council Monday night will consider an agreement with a hydrogeologist ... to help determine if city wells interfere with groundwater resources, as well as how the geothermal aquifer operates, as stated by the Oregon Water Resources Department."

Calif. water agency wins damage suit against feds. Judges conclude that the government owes additional damages for failed water deliveries, H&N 8/5/14. "Judges concluded that the government owes additional damages for the Bureau of Reclamation’s failure to deliver enough water to the Stockton-based Central San Joaquin Water Conservation District."

Proposed Rule Issued April 21, 2014  US Navigable Waters by Elaine Willman 7/17/14  Elaine Willman bio

Oregon Caves bill goes to U.S. House. U.S. Senate passes measure unanimously on Wednesday, H&N, posted to KBC 7/16/14. "The Congress is again considering legislation to expand the Oregon Caves National Monument nearly tenfold....Logging and other operations allowed on Forest Service lands are banned on Park Service holding..."

CFBF Friday Legislative Review 7/3/14. "Efforts by the Assembly Leadership to put forward a measure modifying provisions of the $11.14 billion Safe, Clean, and Reliable Drinking Water Supply Act currently scheduled to go before California voters this November have again stalled."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/27/14. Proposed bills: unlimited tax increases, renewable resources, GM labels, private property tree harvest regulations, funds to clean up illegal pot farm pollution, billions$ for climate change, river "protection," & "sustainable...", groundwater management, minimum wages, paid sick leave mandates...

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/16/14. Proposed bills for billions of $ for groundwater and water management and control, bill to label genetically modified food products, disclosure of extreme fuel costs from California's carbon taxes, more...

Congressman Walden: (Klamath) Water legislation may be altered in House, H&N 5/10/14

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 5/9/14: school districts to impose unlimited tax on property owners, honeybee access, registering stockponds for livestock and irrigation, $18 billion for water projects and conservation, immigration laws, labor laws...

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/2/14: Sunset date on Williamson Act, regulatory requirements on fuel, cutting tree without permit on your own property, funds for marijuana farm cleanup, animal antibiotics, GMO labeling, employers to provide paid sick leave, employees to wage lien on employers property if they claim (without proof) they weren't fully paid, billions$ for Clean Water Act desires, groundwater management plan agencies, registration of animal stockponds,

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review Proposed bills: 4/25/14 Pesticide application regulations, GMO food labeling, budget increases for Fish and Wildlife and Water Resources Board, over $4 million to Department of Education, $19 million plus $2 annually to pay FWS overdue tax bills (FWS has $ to buy private land, then they don't pay their decade-overdue taxes), employees could file lean on their employeer's property if they claim they weren't paid, $8.5 billion for clean water, protect rivers, climate change, Delta Sustainability and water storage, Groundwater management, more.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative and Governmental Update, 2/28/14. "More than 2,000 bills were introduced by the California State Legislature. This week’s Friday Review highlights a majority of the bills that Farm Bureau will be involved with." Some are: vehicle-miles-traveled fee, solar-use easement provisions, Sustainable Farmland Strategies, fire prevention fee clean-up bill, stealing livestock issue, $50,000 for stealing wire, authorizes funds from the Timber Regulation and Forest Restoration Fund, created by AB 1492, to be used to provide grants to remediate former marijuana growing operations, sale of raw milk, pesticide regulations, food labels, State Water Board met with groups like Klamath Riverkeeper on drought conservation/land idling, groundwater measures......

Water Interference Bill, legislative update by Oregon Rep Gail Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/21/14. "....Over 130 Klamath Basin farmers and ranchers have been threatened by the OWRD to have their irrigation ground water wells shut down as soon as April 2014.  This is in addition to the same ranches having all of their surface water called on, and shut off, by the Klamath Tribes (as the newly adjudicated senior water right holder) and the OWRD in 2013. The adjudication provides absolutely no direct statutory control over ground water, but the OWRD is trying to tie the two water sources (ground and surface) together in an attempt to gain control over all of the ranch and farm lands (through their water) in certain areas of the Basin, without going through the process of defining a “Critical Groundwater Area”. OWRD does not want to go through this process as there really is not a shortage of ground water in this region..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review: Legislative and Governmental Update 2/21/14: The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality, and Water Supply Act of 2014 would authorize the issuance of bonds in the amount of $6.825 billion, AB 1905 would allow multiple use registrations for small livestock stockponds, AB 1634 undermines due process protections allowing employers to appeal Cal/OSHA citations...other bills include health insurance, farm labor contractors, complying with immigration law, more...

< Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett and Rep. Gail Whitsett  Science of shutoffs, well water monitoring law aims to clarify ownership, H&N 2/7/14. “We fully support the OWRD authority to regulate wells that are materially interfering with senior water rights. However, we believe the state should be required to prove that the use of irrigation wells is materially and measurably harming a water right holder with a superior priority date,” Gail Whitsett said."


California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update, 1/17/14.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 1/10/14: "...the $217.8 billion in unfunded retirement liability, goes unaddressed again this year...Governor included $618.7 million to begin implementing the California Water Action Plan...The minimum illumination in these (night farm) work areas “shall be 10 foot-candles” ...AB 1437, which goes even further than Senator Hill’s bill and eliminates the use of antibiotics for disease prevention purposes unless there is a documented outbreak...Clean and Safe Drinking Water Act of 2014 (AB 1331) would authorize the issuance of $6.5 billion in general obligation bonds in five separate categories. The five categories include $1 billion for Water Quality and Clean and Safe Drinking Water, $1.5 billion for Protecting Rivers, Lakes, Streams and Watersheds, $1.5 billion for Climate Change Preparedness for Regional Security, $1 billion for Delta Sustainability, and $1.5 billion for Water Storage for Climate Change."

Timber industry sues to lift shutdown ban,  H&N 10/16/13

California Farm Bureau Federation Legislative Review, posted to KBC 9/9/13.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 9/1/13. Power marketing, incidental take for farmers regarding ESA, minimum wage to $10, limits on farmers checking to see if laborers are legal, Cal/OSHA enforcement, forest management, bobcat trapping bans, ...

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 8/23/13.

'Yes' vote on this amendment 100 would have stopped spying on Americans. See who voted to stop spying, and who voted to endorse spying, and who did not vote. posted to KBC 7/27/13.

Kitzhaber signs 'last resort' wolf-killing bill, San Francisco Chronicle, posted to KBC 7/22/13. "Ranchers will get new rights to shoot wolves that they see attacking their herd, but only if the attacks have become chronic and the ranchers can show they've taken nonlethal steps to try and stop them." KBC NOTE: Oregonians may not shoot a wolf killing their calves, ponies, puppies, chickens, lambs, unless they have completed a multitude of documentation and deeds.

Session wrapup: Partisanship overwhelming process; Republican efforts at Legislature routinely ignored, says Sen. Doug Whitsett, H&N 7/14/13.  "The recently concluded Legislative Assembly was the most partisan and rancorous that I have experienced during my nine years of service in the Oregon Senate..." HERE for Senator Whitsett Page




Ore. panel OKs ‘last resort’ wolf killing rule;  Current rules require proof that ranchers took nonlethal steps first, H&N, posted to KBC 7/14/13. 

Meth bill falls victim to politics; Final days of the legislative session marked by intense intra-party bickering, H&N 7/14/13. "I was a sponsor on more than 50 bills, many of which were bipartisan, that dealt with..." HERE for Rep. Gail Whitsett page.

Oregon  - Meth home protection bill fails to become law, H&N, posted to KBC 7/10/13


Oregon Senate passes bill to limit gold dredges, H&N 7/3/13. "With deference to the 150 or 200 years of mining this state has had, you would think they would try to figure out if the dredges are actually hurting something before they outlaw them," he said. "If they are really worried about the salmon, they could say, `Let's stop fishing for a few years,' and see if that affects salmon."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 6/28/13. Fertilizer tax, makeup of irrigation district boards, California Coastal Commission could fine citizens...FB/ Farm Bureau opposes,  minimum wage increase, if employers check if citizens are legal they can lose their business license if the check is not mandated federally causing all their employees to lose their jobs, penalties for employers not providing health insurance for their employees, some mandatory unionization of farm employees.                 
California -
Governor seeks to delay freeing 10K Calif. inmates, SacBee 6/28/13
California - Emergency Rulemaking Approved for Suction Dredge Mining, CDFG 6/28/13. "...the use of any vacuum or suction dredge equipment for instream mining purposes is prohibited."

ACTION ALERT! 6/27/13 - Opposition to Oregon Senate Bill 838, New 49ers Prospecting Association: "lf SB 838  is passed into law, it will put a complete end to suction dredge gold mining in the entire State of Oregon. This bill is not based upon any science or rational justification. It is being pushed by anti-mining activists that want to eliminate the last remaining productive economic activity on America’s public lands."

Water shutoffs to continue; Judge denies temporary stoppage on Klamath Basin adjudication enforcement, H&N 6/15/13. "If they cannot feed their livestock, ranchers will be forced to sell..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/14/13. Some Cal/OSHA violations could not be appealed or delayed, mediation for ag labor negotiations, junk and metal dealers can't deal in cash, predator control, SCIF, Dept. of boating and waterways.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/7/13.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 6/3/13. BILLS:  Institutions would buy California-grown ag products, bobcat trapping ban, ratepayers could choose renewable energy, minimum wage hikes, employers requesting more immigration documents than required under federal law could lose their business, could end appeal of employers to Cal/OSHA, Cal Coastal Commission could fine landowners without due process of law, familial status, CalESA accidental take, "imposes unionization on unsuspecting ag employees..."

Initiative would recognize hydropower as renewable, Capital Press, posted to KBC 5/26/13. "Smith said hydroelectric power, generated from dams, is the No. 1 source of electricity for Oregon, providing more than 40 percent of the state's electricity."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/34/13: tax hikes, CESA accidental take extensions, air quality improvement, purchasing preference for California grown ag products, bobcat trapping, permanently raise minimum wage, shut down businesses for reporting illegal farm labor, substantial new penalties of employers of part time laborers who are not required to provide health insurance, spotted owl and Cal OSHA, and much more.

Groups sue to reclassify species; more may be listed, CFBF, posted to KBC 5/21/13. "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed protections for three amphibians that live in the Sierra Nevada, and proposed to designate more than 2 million acres of land as critical habitat for the species..."

Ninth Circuit decision stops “sue and settle” tactic, Western Livestock Journal 5/17/13.

California Farm Bureau Federation governmental and legislative review 5/17/13. "Governor Brown) cautioned that cuts in federal spending and higher payroll taxes could have a slowing effect on the state’s economic recovery. ..) Several Democrats introduced bills to raise many taxes requiring a 55% vote down from 2/3s. FB reminded the lawmakers that increasing property tax on millions of acres of farmland will have a negative impact on farmers trying to feed the world.  Bill to raise minimum wage, end trapping of bobcats, and OSHA bills. Revoke business licenses of farmers enforcing rules or threatening to enforce rules on illegal workers. 

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 5/11/13: Water, Coastal Commission, Working Land Coalition and Cal/OSHA.

Western Mining Alliance April 2013 Newsletter "On April 19th the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) denied both the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Western Mining Alliance (WMA) petitions for administrative rule making. We consider this a victory."

Petition for administrative rulemaking to amend the suction dredge permitting program regulations 2013, by Center for Biological Diversity, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, Karuk Tribe, Klamath Riverkeepers, etc...many groups who are on the "stakeholders" negotiations of the controversial KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, posted 5/7/13.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 5/4/13. Water, labor, arson, timber, bobcats, ESA, milk, ...

Groups to file suit over Klamath River flows, H&N, posted to KBC 5/4/13.

CFBF - California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Governmental and Legislative Review, posted to KBC 4/29/13. Junk dealers, booze tastings,  fire prevention fee, hydroelectric = renewable, overtime, minimum wage, clean water, flood protection, milk, semitrailers,  ag vehicles...

CFBF Friday Legislative Review 4/19/13: would acknowledge hydroelectric generated electricity as renewable energy, end partial sales tax exemption for agricultural fuel, grant Calif. Coastal Commission administrative fine authority, eliminate cash purchases of metal, spotted owl and ESA, require state institutions to buy Calif products, animal cruelty evidence, metal theft, familial status.
CFBF / California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 4/12/13: Repeal Fire Prevention Fee (tax) on homeowners, water quality issues, measure to change makeup of irrigation district boards, livestock trailer length, extending sunset for allowing incidental take for farming and ranching under California ESA, metal theft Task Force, requiring nonlethal procedures for removing mountain lions posing imminent threat, a bill would require employers to compensate employees at their piece-rate compensation rate during any breaks mandated by law or regulations.

marcia8.jpg.jpg (10768 bytes)

Ridin' Point - Water Meetings, Siskiyou County Spotted Owl Lawsuit, & Economic Impacts, Siskiyou Daily News Column by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 4/6/13

Judge tells feds to study owls before selling timber, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/6/13. “Arguably, this means every timber sale in the Northwest Forest Plan area has to have an EIS...The EIS will likely come to the same conclusions, but will delay the timber project by up to a year and use up agency resources...That seems wasteful and unnecessary.”

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 4/5/13. Bills: bobcat trapping, mandates for buying Calif. agricultural products, Agricultural Labor Relations Act, Immigration Reform, familial status, sweeping power to Calif Coastal Commission, hydroelectric as renewable energy, funding agricultural air quality improvement programs.

Local forestry agencies, industry debate owl lawsuit, H&N, posted to KBC 3/29/13.

Klamath Water Rights Adjudication Milestone: Oregon Water Resources Department Submits Its Final Order of Determination to the Klamath County Circuit Court, Somach, Simmons and Dunn, KWUA attorneys, posted to KBC 3/22/13.

Appeals court refuses bid to block cattle grazing, Capital Press 3/22/13.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 3/22/13: Water, Labor and Animal Welfare

CFBF Friday Legislative Review 3/1/13. "This week Farm Bureau Governmental Affairs Division staff have been reviewing the 2100 plus bills introduced to identify those of interest to agriculture. Some of the bills are reintroductions of previous legislation or of a subject matter on which there is clear policy guidance. Still others are “spot bills”, the final language of which won’t be fleshed out for some time."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 2/18/13: agricultural equipment rule, fees from state water board, hearing on fracking.

Resolution on the Board of Supervisors of the County of Siskiyou in support of the second amendment and the right of the people to keep and bear arms, 2/12/13.

As part of an “all of the above” energy strategy, Greg Walden supports bipartisan hydropower bill - 2/13/13

U.S. Court of Appeals: Obama violated Constitution  H&N, posted to KBC 2/4/13

Oregon Senate Bills SB 196, 199, 200, NGO's agreements with State Parks and water right acquisitions, 2/1/13.

Calif Senator Ted Gaines newsletter: redistricting, fire tax, committee assignments 2/1/13

Action Alert: Oppose Oregon’s attack on mining, prospecting, 1/30/2013 Gold  Prospectors. "...Senate Environment and Resources committee... is expected to vote on senate bills SB 115, SB 401 and SB 370 as early as of next week..."
"SB 115 Placer mining using any form of motorized equipment or motorized dredge is prohibited in this state.
SB 401 Stops all placer mining in new streams listed as Oregon Scenic Water includes about 20 more mineralized streams. Oregon already has 19 OSW streams and Waldo lake including its tributaries.
SB 370 requires an annual $125.00 license for nozzles over four inch classifying it as commercial placer mining in streams."

Senators Wyden and Reid Planning 2013 Omnibus Federal Lands Bill, by Chuck Cushman, American Land Rights, 1/30/13. "Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) want to move quickly before the opposition gets organized. Your Senators are critical to stopping this giant Omnibus Federal Lands Bill."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review, posted to KBC 1/12/13. Budget, Labor and pesticides.

CALIFORNIA - Back to Bad Bills, CFRW, posted to KBC 1/12/13: gun law, college tuition, and Governor Brown's increased spending.

Superior Court Rules California Department of Fish and Game Cannot Require a Permit for the Diversion of Water Where There Is No Alteration to the Bed, Bank, or Stream, Siskiyou County Farm Bureau v. California Department of Fish & Game Somach, Simmons and Dunn, posted to KBC 1/12/13.

Judge Slaps Down EPA Bid to Regulate Water as a Pollutant, Newsmax, posted to KBC 1/7/13

PRESS RELEASE - Court ruling in Siskiyou County case bolsters water rights, Siskiyou County Farm Bureau 12/26/12. "The ruling by Judge Karen L. Dixon determined that the California Department of Fish and Game had exceeded its authority by requiring farmers and ranchers to obtain a permit from DFG before they irrigate their crops..."

Cal-Fire Protection Fee (tax) refuted by Siskiyou farmer Rex Cozzalio 12/17/12. Letter to California Governor Jerry Brown. "This is NOT a supplementary tax willingly voted upon by the affected tax base for specifically provided beneficial services. Instead, this is a premeditated raping of an unequally represented affected minority by a benefitting bureaucracy that believes such selective injustice will be unopposed by the unaffected majority, regardless of ethics or breach of law."

Repealing the Fire Tax, Senator Gaines Press Release 12/3/12. "This $150 fire tax is illegal and unfair – plain and simple. Many rural property owners already pay local fire agencies for protection so it is clearly double-taxation and it is being dumped on the backs of rural Californians when the state has 10-percent unemployment and families are struggling to make ends meet."

Lawmaker: It was illegal to make fire fee permanent; State board approves to make fee permanent, KCRA, posted to KBC 12/10/12.

Supreme Court sides with private property against the federal government, HotAir, posted to KBC 12/5/12

CALIFORNIA - Judge backs high speed rail over farmers, CBS News 11/16/12.

Opponents urge landowners not to ignore fire fee bills, Capital Press 10/24/12.

PRESS RELEASE: HJTA Files Class Action Lawsuit against Fire Tax; Class Action could qualify 825,000 property owners for a Fire Tax refund, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association October 3, 2012

Jerry Brown signs bill banning open display of unloaded rifles, Sac Bee 9/28/12.

New Proposed Perpetual Tax on 85,000 Oregon Water Rights Holders And Potential Significant Regulations, Senator Doug Whitsett 9/27/12

Wage increase could cost jobs, Capital Press, posted to KBC 9/20/12.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update, 9/4/12. "This is the final recap of legislation acted upon in the final hours of the legislative session on Friday evening and early Saturday morning. Other issues acted on during the final month of the legislative session were included in previous issues of the Friday Review." KBC Editor: Calif. farmworker overtime failed, converting thousands of acres of farmland to solar facilities failed, allowing CDFG to fine Fish and  Game "believed" violations up to $10,000 failed...more

Farm Bureau and state officials blast 'heavy handed' federal labor investigations, The Oregonian, posted to KBC 9/4/12. Followed by: "EXTORTION" Why did the labor department drop the hammer on Oregon farmers, The Blaze

Oregonians In Action Defeats New Tax on Rural Property Owners, OIA, posted to KBC 9/2/12

LaMalfa Applauds Defeat of Fish and Game Administrative Fine Measure; Bipartisan Group of Senate Legislators Defeats AB 2179, LaMalfa Press Release 8/30/12

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 8/31/12. "the legislature is winding down on the last day of the two-year legislative session scheduled to conclude tonight at midnight. This review gives you a status report of what has occurred in the legislature thus far this week. On Tuesday of next week we will send a final recap of those measures still pending when this report was finalized." Issues: farmworker heat, overtime, shade and water, Cal Fish and Game expanded authority, prohibition of dogs to hunt predators bear and bobcats, DFG and ESA, more...

State bill would eliminate rights, Capital Press Letter to the Editor August 24, 2012 by Prudence L. Miller, McArthur. "Assembly Bill 2179... will adversely affect every farmer, rancher, sportsman and citizen in this state. This bill gives the Department of Fish and Game the power to impose fines up to $10,000 for each and every perceived violation of the Fish and Game Code and deprives you of your right to go before a Superior Court judge or jury."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 8/24/12, includes metal theft, food processors, shade and water requirements, agricultural overtime, more...

A fisherman sues the feds for acting like crooks, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 8/22/12. "The Commerce Department's inspector general reviewed the NOAA's Asset Forfeiture Fund -- where Yacubian's $430,000 fine went -- and found that "these funds were used to purchase 'luxurious' undercover vessels, buy 202 vehicles for a staff of 172 enforcement personnel, and take trips around the world....A special investigative judge concluded there is 'credible evidence that money was NOAA's motivating objective in this case.' There's also knowledgeable belief that the NOAA's purpose is to eradicate the fishing industry."

CFBF Friday legislative review 8/17/12.  KBC Editor: It seems our urban Democrats are creating laws and assuming they know what is best for farmers and farm laborers, some of which would produce jail time if violated. Shade, water, overtime, fees...
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislation review 8/10/12.

(House Natural Resources Committee Chairman) Hastings’ Hydro Bill Will Protect and Promote Hydropower Dams, 8/15/12. HR 6247:
"...* Prohibits federal funding from being used to remove, breach or study the removal or breaching of any hydropower dam unless explicitly authorized by Congress.
* Prohibits federal funding to organizations that have engaged in dam removal or hydropower-decreasing litigation against the federal government..."
followed by Hastings’ Opening Statement at Field Hearing on Protecting and Promoting Hydropower

Opponents keep fighting as fire fee bills sent out, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/15/12.

Let the River Run: Strategies to Remove Obsolete Dams and Defeat Resulting Fifth Amendment Taking Claims, by Christopher Scoones, Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, 2012. KBC EDITOR: the message is how to deny claims of communities and resource users when they destroy dams, and use the ESA to force dam removal. "The Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be an effective tool for the removal of public and private hydropower and nonhydropower dams..."

Equal Access to Justice Act, EAJA, neither equal or just, Mt. States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/6/12. "After spending years researching court documents—the federal government keeps no records of EAJA disbursements—Ms. Budd-Falen found that environmental groups have amassed tens of millions of dollars in EAJA awards. The EAJA was written for nobler purposes, however, which was to allow Americans forced to litigate against the federal government to be paid their attorneys’ fees and expenses if they prevail and if the government’s legal position is not “substantially justified.”

Court of Appeals leaves many questions unanswered in its decision reversing Hage’s takings award, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/5/12.

All Witnesses Agree: Litigation, Red Tape Fuel Megafires that Damage Forests, Communities, & Species, U.S. House of Representatives, Natural Resources Committee, Chairman Doc Hastings 7/24/12.

Court allows water contracts to stand, Capital Press 7/18/12. "A federal appeals court has refused to nullify water supply contracts between the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and irrigators in California." HERE for court decision. Some of those suing the irrigators are the same groups, "stakeholders," supporting the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement.

Courts consider decisions in two water-use cases, Ag Alert, CFBF 7/11/12. "In challenging the new DFG interpretation, the Siskiyou County Farm Bureau said it could disrupt how water rights are administered in California and threaten farmers' ability to provide water to their crops...It ignores the priority of water rights. The regulation would declare all use of water for frost protection to be unreasonable...The state water board estimates the regulation would cost a 160-acre vineyard up to $352,000 in initial capital costs and $36,200 in annual expenses."

California Farm Bureau Federation governmental and legislative update 7/6/12. Status of bills: demanding farmers to provide cool water every 10' and shade every 200', demanding overtime for farm workers after 8 hours, ending hunting certain predators with dogs, 68.5 billion high wspeed rail bill, power rates, discrimination protection, expansion of states' medical and family leave, ...

* California Farm Bureau Federation governmental and legislative update 6/29/12. Status of bills: demanding farmers to provide cool water every 10' and shade every 200', demanding overtime for farm workers after 8 hours, ending hunting certain predators with dogs, acquiring prime farmland for green energy production, giving Cal Dept. Fish and Game authority to fine people $20,000 if CDFG "believes" someone violated a code or regulation, limiting use of certain traps, .....

Pacific Legal Foundation statement on Supreme Court’s Health Care ruling, PLF 6/28/12

AB 2179 Fish and Game, Enforcement and Penalties, posted to KBC 6/28/12
HERE for Call to Action:

USDA Ordered to Justify Claim that it Satisfied the Injunction Awarded to R-CALF USA, Consumer Groups, Other Cattle Groups and Individual Ranchers, R-CALF 6/27/12. "It's a sad state of affairs when food producers and food consumers have to fight their own government to protect the safety of our nation's food supply, but that's exactly where we find ourselves with the Obama Administration today," concluded Bullard."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 6/22/12: Water, Land, Transportation
CFBF Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 6/15/12: farm labor overtime, minimum wage, heat illness, farm labor contractors

Klamath dam survey inspires bill amendment, Siskiyou Daily News 6/12/12.

Forest Service grants Tombstone work permit, SV Herald 6/8/12.
Judge Denies Tombstone Water, Townhall, posted to KBC 5/22/12.

Federal judge halts eastern Idaho logging project, Capital Press 6/8/12. "A federal judge has halted a 7,000-acre eastern Idaho logging project in potential lynx habitat near Yellowstone...U.S. District Magistrate Judge Candy Dale's decision Wednesday following a lawsuit by environmental groups over the Split Creek timber harvest also affects about 390,000 additional acres in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review - legislative and governmental update, posted to KBC 6/8/12: heat illness legislation, discrimination, metering, coho permits, more power to CDFG, marijuana on public lands, predator hunting restrictions, regulations and limits for trappers.

House Votes to Prohibit Federal Government from Mailing Out Cash for Surveys, U.S House of Representatives, Natural Resources Committee, Chairman Doc Hastings 6/6/12. "In 2011, the Department of the Interior (DOI) distributed a nationwide survey with the questionable purpose of measuring the societal, non-economic value of removing four privately owned dams on the Klamath River in Oregon and California...an estimated 10,400 households were contacted about the survey...the survey in question cost over $850,000."

Farmers sued over drought funding; local agency (KWAPA): Walker Brothers farm didn’t qualify for $200,000, H&N 6/5/12. "Listed in the suit are William, John and Weston Walker and Tricia Hill doing business as Walker Brothers, a Merrill based potato and grain farming business."  KBC EDITOR: Tricia Hill, listed in the lawsuit, is a member of Klamath Water Users Association / board of directors. KWUA formed KWAPA. Please note that H&N wrote no statement from Walkers in their article.

Battered Communities, by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia H. Armstrong, 6/4/12. "The paper chronicles the relentless series of lawsuits by fishermen, environmentalists and tribes to reduce water available for irrigation in the upper Klamath Basin. It shows the use of the Clean Water Act Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) to render agriculture a “permitted” activity controlled and curtailed by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. It shows the CA Dept of Fish and Game’s efforts to take water from pre-1914 water right holders through the 1602 streambed alteration agreement, coho incidental take permit and flow studies. Then there are the repeated attempts to create a “basinwide” governance structure, such as the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, where unelected bureaucrats, tribes and environmentalists will write restoration plans, reallocating water from farmers to the environment."

Hoopa Tribe petitions feds to speed up dam removal, H&N 5/31/12.

Siskiyou County water suit to be decided by judge, Capital Press, posted to KBC 5/31/12.

Mark Baird comments on the recent filing of a lawsuit by the Karuk Tribe, PieNPolitics, posted to KBC 5/19/12. "The Tucker Hillman Tribe’s fake environmental group is filing suit against another economic engine in Siskiyou County. The Tucker Hillman tribe intends to join the suit as well...The felon Grant Leaf Hillman is the President of the Riverkeepers. The Greencorp Socialist S. Craig Tucker is on the Board of the Riverkeepers."
HERE for article on lawsuit
> Environmental group sues over Siskiyou County dam, Capital Press, posted to KBC  5/19/12.

Update on Siskiyou Co. Farm Bureau trial vs CA. DFG, PieNPolitics 5/13/12

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 5/11/12

Subcommittees to Hold Joint Colorado Field Hearing to Examine How Red Tape, Litigation Hurt Forest Health, Jobs, Water & Power Supplies, Natural Resources Committee 5/2/12.

Farm Bureau vs. Fish & Game: Court will decide whether CDFG can regulate stream diversions, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 4/29/12. "Groups failed to intervene: In June, the Karuk Tribe,   Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations (PCFFA), Institute for Fisheries Resources and Klamath Riverkeeper filed a motion to intervene in the case, claiming they have an interest in the outcome."  From PCFFA website: "Most of Bingham’s work and all of (Glen) Spain’s were funded through grants and contracts that could only go through a 501(c)(3) non-profit – which was IFR. If fishermen along the Pacific Coast want to thank someone for their good seasons, they can thank God for the wet winters and good oceanic conditions, thank Earthjustice for suing the bastards to protect the fish and get better river flows, and thank IFR for providing fishermen the wherewithal to fight for their fish and their communities."

Administration scraps proposed child labor rules, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/27/12.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review 4/27/12.
"Legislation sponsored by the Cattlemen’s Association that would give regulatory relief for farmers and ranchers holding a class C license was passed out of the Assembly Transportation Committee on a 9-0 vote...The bill has met with vociferous opposition by the Teamsters Union..."
"SB 971 (Anthony Canella, R-Ceres) which would expand the number of hydroelectric facilities that could be included as renewable generation was heard in the Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee."
"SB 1221 (Ted Lieu, D-Torrance), which would prohibit the use of dogs when hunting bear and bobcat, passed on a 5-3 vote out of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee."

Congressman Tom McClintock E-News 4/27/12. "The subcommittee sits today to hear two bills, one removing government impediments to development of one of the cheapest and cleanest forms of electricity generation and one proposing more government subsidies for one of the most expensive forms of water delivery,"

PLP / Public Lands for the People versus CDFG, posted to KBC 4/14/12. 

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 4/14/12. "State Compensation Insurance Fund, Strategic Vision, Metal Theft, California Coastal Commission, Labor,....Water

Group files new suction dredge lawsuit, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 4/8/12. Karuk Tribe (Craig Tucker, dam removal activist), PCFFA (Glen Spain, Eugene Attorney), Center for Biological Diversity (files ESA/endangered species act lawsuits daily), and FOR / Friends of the River (dam removal ecoterrorist group, Craig Tucker was former coordinator). Spain and Tucker are voting members as "stakeholders" on the KBRA / Klamath BAsin Restoration Agreement. All of the above have had their litigation funded by Earthjustice, funded partly by George Soros. The ecoterrorist claim, "risk of mobilizing mercury in the water column." In the KBRA, they advocate destroying 4 hydrodams, releasing 20 million cubic yards of sediment, obliterating any life forms: Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction.

Historic Supreme Court ruling allows the Sacketts to fight EPA takeover of their land, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 4/8/12. "The Court ruled in favor of Mike and Chantell Sackett, of Priest Lake, Idaho, who were told by EPA - and by the Ninth Circuit - that they could not get direct court review of EPA's claim that their two-thirds of an acre parcel is "wetlands" and that they must obey a detailed and intrusive EPA "compliance" order, or be hit with fines of up to $75,000 per day."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 3/30/12. Labor laws, rural fire fee/tax, traps...
CFBF Friday Review 3
/23/12: "budget related “spot bills”, SRA Fees, proposed changes to the Labor Code regarding the Heat Illness Prevention Standard , fertilizer and water."

President Obama Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness 3/16/12

Oregonians For Food and Shelter legislative update 3/16/12: Natural resource budgets take hit, pesticides, fertilizers...

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of Bills and Laws 03/16/12: Calif. Coastal Commission wants to eliminate local coastal plan and CCC would assume authority for all land use decisions in the coastal zone.  

New legislative effort to repeal illegal California fire tax, Senator Ted Gaines 3/15/12. "Many rural property owners already pay local fire agencies for protection so it is clearly double-taxation and it is being dumped on the backs of rural Californians when the state has 11-percent unemployment and families are struggling just to make ends meet."

Bill introduced to ensure fisheries get more funds, FIS 3/15/12. "US Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) this week joined Senators John Kerry (D-MA), Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) in introducing the Fisheries Investment and Regulatory Relief Act (FIRRA). ...A companion bill is expected in the House by Representatives Barney Frank (D-MA) and Frank Guinta (R-NH)..." Zeke Grader, executive director of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. "This bill finally provides a dedicated funding source...." KBC NOTE: Zeke Grader was instrumental in shutting down water to farms in Central California to thousands of farmers in the guise of saving a little fish. PCFFA in Klamath Basin is a voting member on the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement to destroy the Klamath hydroelectric dams, petitioned against Klamath farmers getting an affordable power rate, sued to have water quality mandates imposed on Klamath irrigators, and are presently suing Klamath irrigators alleging the farmers have no property right to their water, even though that right is specified on their property deed. SEE PCFFA Page

Group threatens suit over Siskiyou County dam, Capital Press 3/13/12 followed by related article. KBC NOTE: Dwinnel Dam creates Lake Shastina. Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe spokesman, and KBRA "Stakeholder" Craig Tucker, formerly Friends of the River spokesman, was trained by Green Corp, and is currently on Riverkeeper board of directors, and was on the steering committee of Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance. Tucker and Petey Brucker, both KBRA voting members, are both with KFA and Riverkeeper boards. KBRA advocates claim it would end lawsuits, however the same people, on a different board, sued to shut down Klamath River mining, and now are suing to destroy another dam. George Soros funds Earthjustice which litigates for Klamath Riverkeeper, Friends of the River, Waterkeeper Alliance, and other environmental groups at the KBRA negotiation table. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update, posted to KBC 3/11/12: pests, natural resources, timber, water, labor, crime, animals, nutrition, marketing

Oregon's budget, and last minute "emergency bills," Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter, posted to KBC 3/6/12.

Gun owners garner big win at Colorado Supreme Court, Mountain States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 3/6/12

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills 3/2/12. "...nearly 1100 new bills were "put across the desk" in the last two days prior to the February 24th bill introduction deadline... bringing the total number of Assembly Bills to 2661 and 1573 in the Senate for the whole session.

House Approves Bipartisan Plan to Protect Jobs, Restore Water Deliveries, Prevent Man-Made Droughts in California, U.S. House of Representatives Natural Resources Committee 2/29/12. "“During 2009 and 2010, the Obama Administration and the Democrat Congress stood by and did nothing while farmers in California’s San Joaquin Valley were deprived of water and were put out of work. Today, House Republicans took real action to correct this situation and end future man-made droughts in California,” said Chairman Hastings. “This bill will ensure farmers have the water supply they need and will protect up to 30,000 jobs. Furthermore, the bill cuts spending by nearly $300 million and expedites incoming revenue to the tune of nearly a quarter of a billion dollars."

(Siskiyou) County intends to challenge Klamath dam decision in federal court, Siskiyou Daily News 2/10/12

Oregon Wild sues to secure Rogue water for coho; group also suing BOR for failing to adopt BO on how agency will protect wild coho, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/10/12.
Oregon Wild Sues Bureau of Reclamation, KDRV, posted 2/10/12. "...Talent Irrigation District ... relies heavily on water from those reservoirs."

Senate Republican job-creating bills that Senate Democrats refused hear, Senator Doug Whitsett 2/10/12

NEDC  lawsuit could shut down eleven million acres of Oregon's privately owned forest land, by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/10/12. "Those privately owned forests create timber product sales of nearly $12 billion and support private sector payrolls in excess of $4 billion...The direct consequence of litigation concerning the allegedly endangered Northern Spotted Owl is a 90 percent reduction in timber harvest from federal lands. That near elimination of federal timber harvest has resulted in virtual cultural genocide for many timber dependent rural communities."

Government Delay, Drought Prompts Renewed Push for Protection of Klamath River Chinook Salmon, Center for Biological Diversity 2/1/12, The Center for Biological Diversity, Oregon Wild, Environmental Protection Information Center and The Larch Company filed the notice of intent. CBD, Oregon Wild, and EPIC are all litigated or in coalition with Earth Justice, which is funded in part by billionaire George Soros. Soros is blamed for the financial collapses of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Russian and the Bank of England. He said he will take down the United States of America next. Soros contributes greatly to Monsanto, who is involved in genetically modified salmon, convenient for when millions of tons of silt are released into Klamath River by dam and hatchery destruction. Andy Kerr is the Larch Company, and involved with dozens of other Soros-sponsored environmental groups including Earthjustice.  "A professional conservationist for over three decades, he has been involved in the enactment of over 25 pieces of state and federal legislation, scores of lawsuits, dozens of endangered species listing petitions and countless administrative appeals of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management timber sales and other decisions."

SB 810, mandatory California's Medicare for All, failed today. 1/31/12

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update, posted to KBC 1/30/12

California bill would outlaw private health insurance, sent to KBC 1/24/12.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 1/20/12. KBC NOTE: Included is a bill, which failed, to LABEL genetically modified fish. Our state has reduced fishing, eliminated suction dredge mining, and plans to destroy 4 hydroelectric dams on the Klamath river and hatcheries which produce millions of fish, in the guise of superiority of "wild" fish.  Obama then bails a genetically modified salmon firm.  And by the way, Obama's food Czar was Monsanto's legal representative. So wiping out the Klamath hatcheries could conveniently be replaced by Obama's pet "Frankenfish."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 1/13/12: High Speed Rail, CA Coastal Commission civil fines, Department of Pesticide Regulations...

Federal District Court Invalidates California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard on Dormant Commerce Clause Grounds, Somach Simmons & Dunn 1/10/12

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 1/6/12.

Excessive Endangered Species Act litigation threatens species recovery, job creation and economic growth, Natural Resources Committee, 12/6/11

(Klamath dam removal) bill must pass House committees, H&N 11/20/11. "Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., is chairman of a Natural Resources subcommittee, Water and Power, which will play a key role in advancing or killing legislation…'To tear down four perfectly good hydroelectric dams at enormous cost is insane,'  McClintock said in September."

Southern Oregon Miner Defeats United States Forest Service in Court, Gold Prospectors, posted to KBC 11/15/11. "United States District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the United States Forest Service, and particularly Cottage Grove District Ranger Deborah Schmidt, violated the constitutional rights of 83 year old Oregon miner, James Edgar."

Monument legislation discussed at hearing, testimony by U.S. Congressman Wally Herger 11/15/11. "Obama Administration intends to use this authority to lock up more than thirteen million acres of federal land from multiple-use access. In a time of high unemployment, this would lock even more American jobs away."

California - Worst bills of 2011 - where are they now? Senator Gaines 11/1/11.

Ninth Circuit decision further hamstrings Oregon's economy, Oregonian posted to KBC 10/23/11. "The Court's decision potentially creates legal paralysis threatening 120,000 forest related jobs (with payroll totaling $4 billion) and $130 million in state income and severance tax revenues that pay for vital public services. The new court ruling will not achieve its intended environmental benefits. The uncertainty could force some forest landowners to convert their forests to other uses, like commercial or residential developments..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws: Governor Brown reviewed 870 bills the legislature sent him since August. He had until October 9th to take action on those bills; he signed 745 and vetoed 125. These are bills signed into law in the last several weeks.

Central Valley - Judge throws out parts of salmon, steelhead plan, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 9/25/11

Angry federal judge (Wanger) rips 'false testimony' of federal scientists, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 9/24/11

U.S. District Court: 2009 salmonid biop found to be unlawful, Central Calif district court decision 9/20/11

Lawsuit asks court to kill new California Senate districts, Sacramento Bee 9/15/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted to KBC 9/12/11. This week’s Friday Review offers an end-of-session re-cap of several of the issues important to Farm Bureau and its Members.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 9/2/11. This issue contains everything from water, labor, rural taxes..."The Department of Finance wants more money from rural California residents to fund the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection; a lot more money..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 8/26/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review 8/19/11

Dam Removal and Today's Ruling by Judge Redden, 8/2/11

Nielsen Bill To Protect the Williamson Act Passes Assembly Floor – Sent To Governor’s Desk, PRESS RELEASE, posted to KBC 7/9/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 7/8/11.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 7/1/11

Groups side with DFG in water lawsuit, Capital Press, posted to KBC 6/26/11. "The Karuk Tribe, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations (PCFFA), Institute for Fisheries Resources (IFR) and Klamath Riverkeeper filed a motion Wednesday to intervene in a Siskiyou County court case challenging the authority of the California Department of Fish and Game to regulate water diversions for farmland irrigation...Earthjustice is representing the tribal, fishing and environmental groups in the Siskiyou County case." (KBC NOTE: first, the KBRA was advertised in the media by the enviro groups as ending lawsuits against farmers. Glen Spain, Eugene attorney and at the KBRA table as stakeholder for PCFFA, created IFR "to funnel the money through." Craig Tucker, trained environmental activist by Greencorp, former outreach director of dam removal group Friends of the River, was hired as Karuk Tribe Spokesman, and at the table of the dam removal KBRA. He was on the steering committee of Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance, and he’s presently on the board. So essentially, Glen Spain and Craig Tucker are litigating against the Scott and Shasta Valley irrigators. George Soros contributes to pay the KBRA enviro groups' and PCFFA's attorney bills through Earthjustice.)

California water rules rile farmers - Would mean radical changes for industry, Monterey County Herald, posted to KBC 6/25/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 6/24/11

EQC adopts Administrative Rules for Water Quality Standards in Oregon, OFS by attorney Elisabeth E Howard for Dunn Carney, posted 6/19/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 6/17/11

Karuk Tribe, conservation groups win suit against US Forest Service, Indybay 6/17/11. (KBC NOTE: Same groups, same agenda, same folks are KBRA voting members with our farm leaders.)

Judge hears water agreement arguments, KBRA validation decision delayed, H&N 6/16/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 6/11/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 6/3/11. "This Friday brings us to another deadline for the State Legislature; June 3rd being the last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house. This week’s issue reflects on those bills of interest to Farm Bureau that passed through the appropriate house

Bill to preserve Williamson Act moves forward, Capital Press 5/31/11

Grazing Improvement Act introduced, posted to KBC 5/31/11

Government Litigation Savings Act, posted to KBC 5/31/11, sent to KBC by Louise Gliatto: "The “Government Savings Litigation Act,” HR 1996, was introduced late last week. Mr. Herger is a cosponsor. Please see the attached background information on the bill. It makes a number of changes to the EAJA in order to raise the bar for legal recovery for environmental activist groups."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 5/27/11

* Federal Circuit Upholds Reclamation Contract Rights Against Government Demands To Reallocate Water, Marzulla Law 5/25/11

* Federal Circuit Resurrects Klamath Water Users’ Takings and Contract Claims, Marten Law 5/25/11

Judge rejects environmentalist bid to halt experiment, Capital Press 5/25/11

Calif. Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 5/20/11. "The California Water Commission reviewed draft agricultural water measurement regulations this week."

CFBF Friday Review 5/13/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 5/6/11. topics include Williamson Act,  Taxes,  Pesticides,  Labeling genetically modified fish,  Rural access to health care,  Funding public safety and rural crime programs,  Drayage truck operators,  Labor, Water
CFBF Friday Review 4/29/11:
Utility scale solar, Extreme restrictions to the Department of Pesticide Regulations, Net metering to any renewable energy resource, Labeling of genetically modified salmon, California Healthy Food Financing Initiative, Water, Delta Stewardship, ground water

Marzulla Law, LLC newsletter, Casitas water takings case 4/26/11

Judge issues final ruling on Scott, Shasta river valleys, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/26/11

Oregon - Ag water quality bill moves to House floor, Capital Press 4/22/11

April 18, California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and Laws.

9th Circuit overruled Karuk's arguments of end all suction dredge mining, and summary by attorney James Buchal  4/8/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 4/8/11: "carbon monoxide, Timber Harvest, SNAP Program, “spot bill” SB 618, and LOTS of water!"

Oregonians for Food and Shelter 4/1/11.
* H R 872 Passes the US House of Representatives
* The Other BiOp
* Organic Crops Alone Can't Feed the World
* Court reinstates the Western Oregon Plan Revisions (WOPR) (
Judge sends Oregon timber plans back to Interior). KBC NOTE: Douglas Timber vs Dept of Interior and Pacific Rivers Council. HERE for court opinion. HERE for foundations funding Pacific Rivers Council (Tides and others are funded by George Soros. Salmon River is targeted for their future Legacy River. Many of the same funders also fund Sustainable NW, involved in the KBRA.

Plaintiffs appeal the district court's denial of their motion for preliminary injunction to halt post-fire salvage logging in Klamath National Forest"
posted to KBC 3/29/11. (KBC NOTE: each plaintiff,
KLAMATH SISKIYOU WILDLANDS CENTER; ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INFORMATION CENTER; KLAMATH FOREST ALLIANCE; CENTER FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY" is supported by Earthjustice, supported by George Soros. They oppose salvage logging trees burnt up in a fire. Same force behind the NGO's in the KBRA.)

Farm Bureau files suit, Siskiyou Daily 3/29/11. "...Siskiyou County Farm Bureau recently announced that they have filed suit to protect its members’ ability to provide water to their crops."
Comment on http://pienpolitics.com
- "...I do hope FB prevails.  Because I am afraid if they do fail, there may be more blood flowing in Scott Valley than water."

ELF, water board: Water is not property, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 3/27/11.
Past President of Friends of the River http://www.envirolaw.org/staff.html James Wheaton, is President and Legal Director of the Environmental Law Foundation, and past President of Friends of the River. He is also a board member of the River Network, http://www.rivernetwork.org/board-of-directors , along with Wyatt Rockefeller, who served on Obama's EPA and Obama's campaign. Craig Tucker, presently spokesperson for the Karuk Tribe, at the KBRA table, is founder and board member of Klamath Riverkeeper, and was past spokesman for Friends of the River.
Siskiyou County responds to ELF, water resources board briefs, Siskiyou Daily 1/13/11. "...Guarino also questions the water resources board’s alignment with the petitioning parties on a number of issues in the case...The case is Environmental Law Foundation v. State Water Resources Board, in which the Environmental Law Foundation and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations and Institute for Fisheries Resources have asked the courts to declare that groundwater in the Scott River basin can be managed under the Public Trust Doctrine." George Soros funds Earthjustice, which provided free legal services PCFFA and Institute for Fisheries Resources, litigants against Siskiyou County, and also for Friends of the River and Klamath Riverkeeper. Here is the story by PCFFA how they created IFR to get non-profit funding, namely, George Soros-funded Earthjustice.
HERE is the agenda of the California Water Control Board, lead agency in the CAl/EPA Environmental justice Action Plan in the Klamath River Basin.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 3/25/11. "The State Budget, Highway 101 exemption, High Speed Rail, CA Public Utility Commission appointment, net energy metering, Coastal commission, Labor and Water."

Politicians Grill EPA Administrator, House Ag Committee Questions EPA About Lawsuits, The Progressive Farmer by Todd Neeley, posted to KBC 3/22/11. "Rep. Dennis Cardoza, D-Calif., suggested EPA has allowed environmental groups to dictate regulations that most often harm farmers...Cardoza then asked Jackson whether she was aware of EPA agency employees asking outside groups to file lawsuits..."

California Farm Bureau Association Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 3/21/11. "California Sate Budget, Repeal of Senate Bill 863, Williamson Act,  “Card-check” legislation, Live stock hauling on Highway 101, and Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board  Conditional Agricultural Waiver Renewal Hearing"

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/11/11. "This week: Certified Farmer’s Market fees, Labor, Minimum Wage, Career Technical Education, High Speed Rail, Groundwater Recharge Areas and ILRP Grower Participation. "

Federal Circuit Court of Appeals Revives Water Rights Taking Claims in Klamath River Basin, posted to KBC 3/10/11, by Klamath Water Users Association attorney Paul Simmons, and Brain Poulsen.

Judge nixes special irrigation permits, Capital Press 3/4/11. "The suit by Earthjustice, Klamath Riverkeeper and other environmental groups was one of two filed against the DFG in relation to the blanket permits." KBC NOTE: Earthjustice, financed partly by George Soros, represents most of the environmental groups with voting power in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe in the KBRA, and trained by Green Corp as an environmental activist, founded Klamath Riverkeeper. He promised the KBRA would create "Peace on the River" and end lawsuits.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws March 4, 2011. This week’s issue contains Williamson Act, Coastal Commission, pesticides, labor and more

Ron Arnold: Congress should stop funding Big Green lawsuits against the government, posted 2/26/11 Washington Examiner. "Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., chairman of the House Natural Resource Committee's Power and Water Subcommittee, introduced an amendment to the House's $1.2 trillion continuing resolution bill to permanently defund NFWF...amendment failed..." KBC NOTE - NFWF funds groups like American Rivers, on the KBRA stakeholder group, which sues the government, often with taxpayer money. American Rivers suit intends to demolish Snake River dams. George Soros and NFWF fund National Wildlife Federation.

California judge approves Klamath dam removal surcharge, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/25/11. "The ruling, issued by Judge Karen V. Clopton, approves PacifiCorp’s request to add a $13.76 million surcharge for its approximately 45,000 California customers to cover its obligation for dam removal costs under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/25/11. "Despite a $25.6 billion deficit, the legislature introduced 2,438 bills by the February 18th introduction deadline." Included in link are a few, like developing Ocean Protection Council with "no public participation," 15% increase in vehicle licenses, mandatory groundwater recharge regulations, timber harvest approval by 4 state agencies, $12.8 million in new water fees

***Federal Circuit Decision a Big Win for Klamath Basin Water Users. SFGate.com, 2/22/11

Here is the Klamath irrigators' takings case 2/17/11 Decision, KLAMATH IRRIGATION v. US, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Page 9 quotes the Klamath Compact, "It states that 'the United States shall not, without payment of just compensation, impair any rights to the use of water for [domestic or irrigation purposes] within the Upper Klamath River Basin.' "  27 groups and individuals filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government claiming that, since they had water rights "appurtenant to the land," many with deeds signed by a U.S. President, they must be compensated for when the government withheld their irrigation water in 2001. Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen/PCFFA filed as a defendant against the farmers and ranchers. Klamath irrigators have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to pursue the case. Earthjustice, partially funded by George Soros, provides free services for PCFFA. PCFFA is a major author of the controversial Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA which is opposed by 1/2 Klamath County, 80% Siskiyou County, and 77% Tulelake.

House approves amendment blocking funding for Klamath dam removal study.  KDRV Staff 2/22/11

Court reinstates irrigators' lawsuit. Herald and News, 2/18/11

Appeals court grants standing for challenges to impaired water listing, Siskiyou Daily 2/11/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 2/11/11: Williamson Act funding, County Fair funding, groundwater management, AB 316 metal theft, and AB 856 fertilizing materials inspection program.

Medford and Coos Bay - BLM withdraws two timber sales, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/5/11. (Another lawsuit against resource users by job-killers PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center, and others that are not listed. PCFFA sued against the Klamath Irrigators power rate, to enforce TMDL's/water quality mandates that can not be met, against irrigators along with Yurok tribe in 2001 water takings case claiming irrigators don't own right to water on deeds with water signed by US President, Siskiyou County groundwater management, etc etc. PCFFA is at the table with a coalition of several other environmental groups as stakeholders on the KBRA with many federal agencies and a couple farm leaders.)

Animal Rights Group Threatens To Sue FWS If Wolves are Not Introduced Everywhere in USA, U.S. Sportsmen Alliance, posted to KBC 2/5/11. "the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) if the Service does not create a new nationwide wolf recovery plan" KBC NOTE: CBD is funded by Earthjustice, which is funded by George Soros. The same CBD who is presently suing to take more Klamath Basin irrigation water by changing the biological opinions.
The Green $$$ Scam, Range Magazine, posted to KBC 2/2/11. KBC NOTE: This article articulates the billions of dollars funding the green groups taking our land, water and rights through lawsuits. Last week Center for Biological Diversity, Oregon Wild, Environmental Protection Information Center, and The Larch Company sued to list another endangered species (Environmental groups want Klamath River salmon listed as Endangered Species.) The first 3 groups along with some "friends", "stakeholders" in the KBRA, are all in a coalition together:  George Soros, Tides, Ford Foundation, Weeden and dozens more including the federal government fund their litigation to destroy our infrastructure/dams and take our land and water. The 4th Klamath litigant is Larch Company Andy Kerr, well-known enemy of resource users.

California Farm Bureau counsel explains dismissal of DFG suit, "Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/5/11. "Rice stated that the issues raised in the Farm Bureau’s case had become entangled with the Riverkeeper’s issues, being “overcome” by that case after consolidation." (KBC NOTE: Former Outreach Director at Friends of the River, Karuk spokesman at the stakeholder table of KBRA, Craig Tucker is board member and founder of Klamath Riverkeeper, litigant in many lawsuits against Klamath resource users. George Soros funds Earthjustice, which represents Klamath Riverkeeper)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 2/4/11

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of Bills and Laws, posted to KBC 1/30/11: This issue covers the “The Reasonable Use Doctrine and Agricultural Water Use Efficiency”, “The Secure Immigration Enforcement Act” and a clarification from our last edition on General Fund support for the Department of Food and Agriculture

Court of Appeal Holds That Lead Agencies Cannot Use Predicted Future Conditions As Baseline in Environmental Impact Reports, Somach, Simmons and Dunn 1/25/11

Ninth Circuit Eliminates Prohibition on Intervention of Right in NEPA Cases, Somach, Simmons and Dunn 1/25/11

Ninth Circuit Abandons the Rule Categorically Denying Intervention in NEPA Cases, Groups applaud ruling on environmental lawsuits, posted to KBC 1/19/11

Siskiyou water users want county support in Klamath suit  (involving Klamath Dam removal agreements), Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 1/19/11

Irrigation districts file Klamath agreement validation request, by David Smith, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 1/19/11

***Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / KBRA and Klamath Hydro Agreement Circuit Court petition by Klamath Irrigation District, Malin Irrigation District, and Shasta View Irrigation District. YOU MUST file a legal response to the petition before 10 days after Jan 23rd to contest the legality of your boards of directors executing the settlement agreements. 1/16/11

Siskiyou County responds to ELF, water resources board briefs, Siskiyou Daily 1/13/11. "...Guarino also questions the water resources board’s alignment with the petitioning parties on a number of issues in the case...The case is Environmental Law Foundation v. State Water Resources Board, in which the Environmental Law Foundation and the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations Institute for Fisheries Resources have asked the courts to declare that groundwater in the Scott River basin can be managed under the Public Trust Doctrine." Past President of Friends of the River http://www.envirolaw.org/staff.html James Wheaton, is President and Legal Director of the Environmental Law Foundation, and past President of Friends of the River. He is also a board member of the River Network, http://www.rivernetwork.org/board-of-directors , along with Wyatt Rockefeller, who served on Obama's EPA and Obama's campaign.Natural Resources Defense Council: One of the most influential environmentalist lobbying groups in the United States, the Council claims a membership of one million people. They are supported by George Soros Open Society Institute. They support Riverkeepers groups. They support Waterkeeper, Greenpeace, and Earth First, among others. Craig Tucker, presently spokesperson for the Karuk Tribe, at the KBRA table, is founder and board member of Klamath Riverkeeper, and was past spokesman for Friends of the River.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills 1/14/11.
* "
California’s state government is still awash in red-ink, approximately $25.4 billion worth. The governor is proposing $12.5 billion in spending cuts..."
AB 78 "... the federal government should create "a pathway to citizenship" for undocumented immigrants..."
* AB 10 "...increase the minimum wage for California workers from $8.00 per hour to $8.50 per hour..."

***Food Safety Bill S 510 Vote tomorrow/Tuesday in House; it globalizes control of our food and farms.  WRITE!!!! Senate passed this unanimously!! 12/20/19

Siskiyou County Pomona Grange vs Tulelake Irrigation District regarding KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, posted to KBC 12/16/10. Filed November 26 in Siskiyou County Superior Court.
PRESS RELEASE - Amicus Curiae filed in Siskiyou County Superior Court by the Siskiyou County Pomona Grange (opposing Tulelake Irrigation District regarding KBRA and KHSA, posted to KBC 12/16/10

First Circuit Holds That Plaintiffs Must Demonstrate Irreparable Harm for Injunctive Relief in Endangered Species Act Cases, AND  Proposition 26 May Imperil Implementation of California’s Landmark Greenhouse Gas Reduction Law, Somach, Simmons and Dunn Law Firm 11/23/10

Decision on 2001 (Klamath) water lawsuit could take 6 months, U.S. Court of Appeals heard case Thursday, H&N, posted to KBC 11/21/10. (KBC NOTE: PCFFA petitioned against irrigators getting a continued affordable power rate, are still suing against them getting compensation for the government taking their deeded farm water in 2001, support studying removal of Keno dam which provides irrigation water in the Klamath Basin, yet they claim to be our 'friend' at the KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement negotiations, promising money for power, plenty of irrigation water and less litigation....???????)
* 1/23/11 - Grants by Weeden Foundation, more than $200,000 in the Klamath Basin in 2008 alone, including defeating irrigation interests in the Klamath Takings Case, funding Sustainable NW, ...

Senators who voted for Big Government today to KBC from Craig Chenowith, Yreka 11/17/10. "..today’s vote to end the “hold” on senate bill 510 Senators took a step toward increasing the size and cost of government at the expense of Americas farmers-big and small.  The so called food safety bill empowers food and drug administration to regulate every part of every farming operation in the nation.  The cost of compliance and record keeping to farmers cannot even be estimated. Even the farm wife who sells jam, preserves and apple butter at a Christmas bizarre will have to be permitted by the Food and Drug Administration..."

Water Right Fees, Proposition 26, and the Delta . . ., Somach, Simmons and Dunn November 12, 2010: Supreme Court to Hear Water Right Fees Case in December

(Calif) Governor signs $10 million Williamson Act bill, Siskiyou Daily 10/22/10

Local ranchers worry as Siskiyou County water diversion suits head to Bay Area, Redding Record Searchlight, posted 10/19/10

Appeals court upholds Klamath power rate hike, Capital Press 10/5/10


SB 510 Food Safety; "...it amounts to a major federal power grab over agriculture." 9/29/10

Governor signs Williamson Act bill, Siskiyou Daily News 9/29/10

Legal fights over water permits continue; State wants to combine two cases against Department of Fish and Game, Capital Press, posted to KBC 9/19/10

Williamson Act bill passes at end of legislative year, Siskiyou Daily, poSTED TP lbc 9/14/10

(Siskiyou) County requests venue change in ‘landmark’ water case, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 9/6/10

Klamath Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, 9/3/10

Smelt regulations violate Constitution, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10

S510: Illegal to Grow, Share, Trade, Sell Homegrown Food, posted by Toni Thayer on our discussion forum 8/12/10

Delaying the $11 Billion Water Bond: What Does it Mean for the Delta? 8/12/10, by Somach, Simmons and Dunn

Legislature delays water bond to 2012 ballot, SF Chronicle 8/10/10. (KBC NOTE: This bond included California's $250 million contribution to destroy Klamath hydropower dams, according to Doug LaMalfa)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 8/6/10. In this issue: CDFA’s Market Enforcement Branch, net energy metering, labor, heat illness, and air pollution penalties.

* Tulelake Irrigation District lawsuit on KBRA; must respond by 7/30/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 7/2/10

Capitol Update, CFRW 7/2/10

"Suit is filed against the Bureau of Reclamation by the Pacific  Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations. They charge that the Klamath Project is not providing enough water to endangered fish in the Lower Klamath River." Herald and News May 2000.


Scott Valley farmers under new attack, by Liz Bowen, Pienpolitics, posted to KBC 6/30/10. "Glen Spain, a leader of the Enviro group called Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Assoc. and in reality does not represent true fishermen, spewed outrageous rhetoric throughout the lawsuit." Here for lawsuit

* Tulelake Irrigation District lawsuit on KBRA; must respond by 7/30/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 6/11/10

***Assembly passes ban on carrying unloaded handguns in public, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 6/4/10

Capitol Update CFRW, proposed bills: marijuana, gay pride, plastic bags, and handguns.

Groups sue for more water over dams for salmon (Columbia and Snake Rivers), Capital Press 6/4/10. KBC NOTE: the usual litigators, Earth Justice for PCFFA, who have countless suits against Klamath farmers and miners.

* Amended Summons; You Have Been Sued, by Tulelake Irrigation District, regarding validity of Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and Klamath Dam agreement. You may respond by July 30, 2010.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 5/28/10

Tide turns for victims of regulatory drought: government errors continue to mount; PLF appeals delta smelt regulations to 9th Circuit 5/27/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 5/23/10

Calif Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 5/7/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 4/23/10. Agriculture Labor Relations, overtime, single-payer health care, regulatory compliance, nutrient contents of compost, agricultural ATV use, operator identification number issuance, animal cruelty, Columbian Trade Promotion and more

*  PRESS RELEASE: Klamath Water Users Win Big in Oregon Supreme Court’s Ruling, Marzulla Law3/12/10

Supreme Court of Oregon: KID and irrigators vs US and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen/PCFFA 3/11/10. (KBC NOTE: PCFFA petitioned against irrigators getting a continued affordable power rate, sued against them getting compensation for the government taking their deeded water in 2001, support studying removal of Keno dam with provides irrigation water in the Klamath Basin, yet they claim to be our 'friend' at the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement negotiations, promising money for power and less litigation....???????)

Specifically, the President proposed that

"These irrigation works should be built by the Government for actual settlers, and the cost of construction should, so far as possible, be repaid by the land reclaimed.  The distribution of the water, the divisions of the streams among irrigators, should be left to the settlers themselves, in conformity with the state laws, and without interference with those laws or with vested rights.  The policy of the National Government should be to aid irrigation in the several States and Territories in such a manner as will enable the people in the local communities to help themselves, and as will stimulate needed reforms in the State laws and regulations governing irrigation."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 3/7/10, covering California Tiger Salamander, the Williamson Act and the “gas tax swap”.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 2/26/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of laws and bills, posted 2/20/10

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/12/10

Oregon Ballot Measures and Taxes, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/7/10

Water Water Everywhere Four: The Bond, California Progress Report, posted to KBC 1/21/10. "Middle of the Night Additions:... money to help tear down the Klamath River dams and money to help build an additional dam in San Diego County."

New tax measures punish farmers, Tracey Liskey, Capital Press 1/21/10

Dam removal bond bill gets signature, H&N posted to KBC 11/16/09. (KBC NOTE: Just a reminder that Klamath Water Users Association, tribes, gov't agencies and environmental groups have heavily lobbied for the bonds for taxes and power rates to pay for tearing out Klamath River hydro dams. However, your representatives justify boycotting the public listening session on dam removal and the KBRA, saying they want the agreement done first before they hear the people's wishes and concerns.)

Water Special: November 7 Update of $11.1 billion California Water bill that passed legislature. It tells where the money will go, by California Federation of Republican Women, 11/8/09

State Legislature approves comprehensive package to overhaul water system, including an $11-billion bond, LA Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09 (includes Klamath dam removal funds)
Money for Klamath dam removal included in California water bill, Oregonian, posted to KBC 11/6/09
Historic state water deal now up to voters, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09. "The package would require state residents to cut water use by an average of 20 percent over the next decade and, for the first time, require water users to measure and report their use of underground water, ending California's status as the only Western state that does not regulate ground water."

Environmental Lawsuits Rake in Billions for Lawyers, Idaho Farm Bureau News, posted to KBC 10/30/09.

Latest environmental lawsuit by Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement stakeholders against Scott and Shasta agriculture October 2009. Petitioners: KLAMATH RIVERKEEPER (Craig Tucker boardmember on KBRA negotiation table with Karuks), QUARTZ VALLEY INDIAN RESERVATION, PACIFIC COAST FEDERATION OF FISHERMEN’S ASSOCIATIONS (on KBRA negotiation table), ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION INFORMATION CENTER, SIERRA CLUB, NORTHCOAST ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER (KBRA negotiator), and INSTITUTE FOR FISHERIES RESOURCES. (KBC NOTE - Why do KBRA supporters claim these environmental groups will not sue them, when the enviros are already litigating against family farmers?)

Forest activists get win in court, Case deals with 2005 Biscuit fire protests in state, H&N, posted to KBC 10/30/090. (KBC NOTE: the protests were against harvesting the timber that would rot if it wasn't harvested)

WATER LAW: Oregon Senator Whitsett on Oregon Water adjudication, Part 1 of 2, YouTube Video.

Oregon Senator Whitsett on water adjudication Part 2 of 2,


PLF Fights Back< PLF wins lawsuit against California water theft by federal government October 5, 2009

California Farm Bureau Federation Farm Team bills, including Safe Harbor from environmental regulations.

Feds shorted water districts, judge decides in Calif. case, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/13/09

* California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 10/13/09
* This issue of the Friday Review does not contain articles regarding water legislation.  The Governor has called an extraordinary session of the Legislature for the purposes of discussing the following:

Court orders government to pay for water losses; decision could open door for more districts to seek payment for water shifted to fish, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 10/7/09

SB 448 (Pavley, D-Agoura Hills) - Safe Harbor Agreements  

EPA representative describes relationship to Klamath TMDL by David Smith, Siskiyou Daily News 9/25/09. "According to the Environmental Protection Information Center Web site, the consent decree was entered at the conclusion of a lawsuit filed against the EPA titled “Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, et al. v. Marcus.” The site states that the suit was aimed at compelling the EPA to create the TMDLs for 17 north coast rivers and streams..."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and governmental update, posted to KBC 9/17/09

California Legislature to Consider Anti-Gun Bills Very Soon, posted to KBC 8/27/09

Feds starve people of water to "help" fish; PLF fights back! Video
Green Coalition Intervenes in Salmon Water Tug of War, ENS, posted to KBC 8/26/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update August 21, 2009

County vows to honor Williamson Act contracts, Siskiyou Daily News 8/14/09

Terminated, Range Magazine by Tim Findley Fall, 2009, posted 8/12/09. Water crisis in California's Central Valley: "...but most of them know what happened in Klamath, ...environmental activists succeeded in cutting off irrigation water by a lawsuit claiming it threatened an endangered sucker fish..." "Family Farm Alliance is filing a lawsuit demanding that government authorities make use of the best available science in actions to shut down irrigation supplies in California's Central Valley." (KBC NOTE: will Family Farm Alliance file a lawsuit demanding that gov't authorities use best available science in the Klamath dam removal closed-door settlement where the minutes state, "...want to avoid advocating for science instead of using a certain approach."?)

Water Legislation: Complete review of 2009 Session, Water For Life Oregon Natural Resource  Report 7/31/09 (regarding dam removal, water measuring, water right taxing, etc."

Healthcare bill summary, 7/31/09.

California departments and agencies paid by you, 7/29/09
Schwarzenegger cuts Williamson Act, Capital Press, posted to KBC 7/29/09
Politicians play football with Williamson Act, Capital Press, posted to KBC 7/29/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review  posted to KBC 7/27/09. "After working though the night on July 23, the Legislature completed it’s work on the State Budget Act and 28 implementing “trailer” bills and adjourned until August 17th for its Summer Recess"

New clean water bill should clarify federal law, not muddy it, by Dan Keppen, guest writer H&N 7/26/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, July 17, 2009. "Senator Florez has still not amended the bill to exempt dogs used by hunters, farmers, and ranchers, despite his promise to Senator Wolk. This bill currently requires all dogs and cats in California to be spayed or neutered, unless the owner obtains an “intact” permit for the dog, or keeps the cat indoors at all times."

County supervisors concerned about Oregon Senate Bill 76, Pioneer Press 7/15/09

Senate Deals North State Harsh Economic Hand, Passage of SB 670 Means Bankrupt Businesses & Lost Jobs, Senator Sam Aanestad, CA 7/14/09. "The North State leader says the passage of SB 670 will place an outright ban on the practice of Suction Dredge Mining in all California rivers, streams and other tributaries, even though there is no scientific evidence or proof that the mining practice is harmful to the environment." See Miners Page

State lawmakers OK temporary dredging ban targeting salmon habitat, Sac Bee 7/14/09. "Supporters say the bill includes language negotiated with the Schwarzenegger administration, so they expect him to sign it."

Clean Water Act raises hackles, Capital Press 7/2/09. "The move brings the country one step closer to the largest federal land grab in our history, the National Cattlemen's Beef Association said."

House sends field burning scale down to governor's desk, Capital Press 6/29/09

California lawmakers lose bid to change water rules, Miami Herald , posted to KBC 6/29/09

CENTRAL VALLEY - Family Farm Alliance Establishes Legal Fund to Push for Sound Science in ESA Decision-Making, posted to KBC 6/28/09

Razor-Thin House Vote Spells Doom for Cap-and-Tax in the Senate, Inhofe Vows to Expose Bill in the Senate as All Cost, No Climate Gain, posted to KBC 6/27/09 "...costly impacts on the agricultural community"

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws June 26, 2009

Action Alert! Senate EPW Committee Passes Clean Water Land Grab (S 787), posted to KBC 6/22/09

Action Alert! NEW Field Burning Ban Bill Introduced - SB 985, posted to KBC 6/22/09, Oregon Farm Bureau.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted to KBC June 22, 2009. “This edition contains detailed information on the following:  The State Budget negotiations,  AB 1288, SB 448, SB 121, AB 13, AB 39, AB 49, AB 900, SB 12, SB 229, SB 261, SB 457 and SB 458.”

Republicans honor Oregon voters by defending Measure 57, Oregon Rep Bill Garrard, district 56

Dunn Carney News Release, Oregon: Ranchers successfully defeat an attempt by environmental groups
to stop grazing on federal forest lands,
posted to KBC 6/18/09
Judge Haggerty's Order 6/15/09

Action Alert! Field Burning Bill Moves (SB 528), Oregon Farm Bureau 6/17/09

***Immediate Action Alert: S. 787 Clean Water Restoration Act To Be Marked Up Thursday, June 18 @ 9:30 a.m. PLEASE write!

Action Alert, SB 519A from Senator Whitsett, posted 6/13/09. "...this bill is an arbitrary obstruction of the rights to free speech for only one group of Oregonians..."

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative News posted to KBC 6/14/09

Klamath Basin Bill Passes House, Office of the Speaker Dave Hunt (D), Oregon House of Representatives 6/12/09

Oregon House passes Klamath dam bill, returns it to Senate, Capital Press 6/12/09

Tax bills clear Oregon Senate; governor expected to sign, Capital Press 6/11/09

Democrats prepare for historic Billion Dollar Tax Week, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett,  6/8/09
* 2009 Tax Bills before the 2009 Oregon Legislative Assembly

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review - Legislative Update, posted 6/6/09

Oregonians for Food and Shelter legislative update posted 6/6/09

B-Engrossed Senate Bill 76.  June 5, 2009 - Summary: "Directs Public Utility Commission to determine depreciation schedules for Klamath River dams based on assumption that dams will be removed in 2020. Directs commission to allow affected public utility to recover undepreciated amounts by imposing rates and tariffs..."

Bill requires all eggs sold in California to be from cage-free hens, Sac Bee 6/3/09

House panel moves forward Klamath bill (SB76), Capital Press 5/29/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills, 5/29/09

Oregon SB76 passed.
Rex Cozzalio testimony for Oregon Senate Bill 76A, posted 5/28/09

Representative Bill Garrard R-Klamath Falls, District 56: Committee: "Vote on Senate Bill 76 Delayed . . . Again. The chair of the House Environment committee again delayed the vote on Senate Bill 76 (Klamath Dam Removal proposal).  A work session on this bill has been re-scheduled for Thursday, May 28th at 3:00pm in Hearing Room D.  I will post the results of the committee vote as soon as they happen."
Testimony of geologist Gail Hildreth Whitsett on SB 76, Klamath Dam Removal Bill 5/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of Bills, CFBF 5/15/09

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 5/15/09

Testimony of geologist Gail Hildreth Whitsett on SB 76, Klamath Dam Removal Bill, posted to KBC 5/14/09

Ore. Supreme Court in K. Falls to hear water crisis lawsuit, KDRV 5/14/09. Includes VIDEO
Supreme Court in Klamath (takings lawsuit with Klamath Irrigators vs Federal Government and Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen (our new buddies now in the "Settlement agreement")

Landowners and all interested in water rights for Klamath Project Irrigation, H&N 5/12/09

Klamath Project Irrigators Takings Case, Oregon Supreme Court in Klamath Falls 5/13/09 at Klamath Union High School. The public is invited. When the federal government withheld irrigation water in 2001 to 1400 irrigators who have water right appurtenant to their land, does this equal taking of property?  Article HERE

Dam removal bill remains stuck in committee, H&N 5/12/09

Oregon Supreme Court in Klamath; Justices to hear case on 2001 water crisis this week, H&N 5/10/09.

Urgent: Senate EPW Likely To Vote On S 787 Thursday, May 14, Clean Water Act, 5/10/09. "The Real Goal of the Clean Water Restoration Act (S787) is to give Corps and EPA Control over your water and all your watersheds. That means National Land Use Controls as well as control over all your water and land. That’s because all land is in a watershed."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills 5/8/09. E-verify, regulatory agencies, "card check", Williamson Act "reform", mitigation fees, labor and employment.

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 5/8/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills 5/1/09

OFS Legislative Report for the Week of April 27 - May 1, 2009

Valley field burning phase-out advances in Senate, Capital Press 4/30/09.

FBACT Alert on “Navigable” Clean Water Bill, 4/26/09. To Farm Bureau.

More wilderness coming HR980, Stewards of the Range, 4/24/09. "HR980, if passed, will designate 24 million acres of new wilderness in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Eastern Oregon."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 4/24/09

Oregonians For Food and Shelter, bills 4/24/09

Clean Water Act's mission may expand; Senators back bill to remove ‘navigable’ from federal water law, Capital Press 4/24/09

Proposed Calif. bill would ban suction dredge mining, KDRV 4/17/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 4/17/09

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 4/17/09

AB 268 Stops Required Inspections For Septic Systems, Farm Team Action Alert 4/10//09

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update, 4/3/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/27/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/27/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted to KBC March 20, 2009

House narrowly rejects public lands bill 3/13/09, OGJ

U.S. House defeat of wilderness bill, Oregonian 3/11/09. "The sprawling legislation is 164 separate bills bundled together, designating more than 2 million acres of wilderness in nine states. It would create three national parks, more than 1,000 miles of wild and scenic rivers -- including about 90 miles in Oregon -- and three national conservation areas."

H.R. 875 - A bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives. KBC NOTE: This bill on food regulations is preceded by a commentary sent to KBC this morning; the bill would drastically change our lives. posted to KBC 3/10/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 3/6/09

PRESS RELEASE: (U.S. Congressman from Oregon) Greg Walden helps lead bipartisan effort to reduce catastrophic wildfire, 3/10/09. HERE for AUDIO

Field burning returns to Oregon legislative agenda, Capital Press 3/10/09
Legislative Alert from Oregon Seed  Council Director:
Both bills are scheduled for hearings THIS week.   The hearing on HB-2183 is Wednesday March 11, at 3:00 in hearing room D; and the hearing on SB-528 is Thursday March 12, at 3:00 in hearing room C.  Please plan on attending,even if you don't wish to testify. Having the rooms filled with farmers will show legislators that any attempt to regulate farm practices will be opposed.  Legislators attempting to ban any agricultural practice must get the message that you as farmers are the best to decide which agricultural practices work best. From Oregonians for Food and Shelter
HB-2183 http://www.leg.state.or.us/09reg/measpdf/hb2100.dir/hb2183.intro.pdf
SB-528  http://www.leg.state.or.us/09reg/measpdf/sb0500.dir/sb0528.intro.pdf

Oregonians for Food and Shelter Legislative Update 3/6/09

Due to a typographical error in the February 27th Calif. Farm Bureau Friday Review, the two water bond proposals were reported as "$15 million" and "$9.98 million", when in fact they should have been reported as "$15 billion" and $9.98 billion" respectively.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review (of Bills), 2/27/09 "Two water bond proposals, one from Senator Dean Florez (D-Shafter), and another from Senator Dave Cogdill (R-Fresno) were introduced this week for the purpose of financing water supply reliability and environmental restoration programs"

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review…legislative update posted to KBC 2/23/09. More HERE

Oregon Senate passes Klamath bill on dam removal funding, Capital Press 2/17/09

Legislators hear Klamath deal’s pros, cons; Sweeping proposal would require four dams to be removed, Capital Press, posted 2/7/09. Rancher and hay farmer Tom Mallams, meanwhile, handed committee members a petition signed by 1,850 farmers and ranchers in the basin opposing the plan.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/6/09

Gov. Ted Kulongoski, Who’s he represent? Willamette Weekly 2/4/09. "This week’s Rogue, Gov. Ted Kulongoski, seems to have forgotten he represents Oregonians—550,000 of whom are PacifiCorp customers—rather than PacifiCorp."

Power bill gets hearing, Bill would increase PacifiCorp rates to pay for removing 4 dams, H&N 2/4/09

*House Bill 2157: The $96 Million Tax Increase, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 2/13/09. "While Congress is racing to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act to help address the economic free fall that our nation is experiencing, your Oregon legislature raced to pass legislation that unilaterally prohibits Oregonians from benefiting from that stimulus package."

Today around 100 people drove to Salem to testify at a hearing on Senate Bill 76, Klamath dam removal financing.. Up to $4.5 billion, according to FERC report, is the pricetag. 1800 petitions from Karuk tribal members, Siskiyou County residents, on and off Project irrigators and community members signed petitions opposing SB76, and these were submitted to the senators. Signers oppose the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Advocates of SB76 tried to convince the senators and media that there is no opposition.

Testimony on Oregon Senate Bill 76, by Gail Hildreth Whitsett 2/3/09

Senator Doug Whitsett testimony of Senate Bill 76, posted 2/3/09. SB#76

Testimony of Oregon SB 76 by Rex Cozzalio 2/3/09, at the Salem Senate committee hearing

Dr. Richard A. Gierak's testimony at the Oregon Commission meeting in Salem opposing SB 76, 2/2/09. Gierak has Bachelor Degrees in Biology & Chemistry, Doctorate in the Healing Arts, Former FERC team member 2001, 2002.

Testimony before the Oregon Senate Environmental and Natural Resources Committee, Hearing on SB 76, by Katherine Lehman 2/3/09

Bill may raise power rates; Governor’s proposal is part of Klamath water settlement, H&N 2/3/09. "A study from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission indicates removal of that sediment could cost up to $500,000 per acre-foot, or up to $4.5 billion." "Opponents criticize the bill for being too open-ended, allowing PacifiCorp to raise rates at will for its half-million Oregon customers, potentially as much as $35 to $65 more per month."

Senator Whitsett Newsletter 1/30/09 Senate Bill #76. "The bill is alleged to create the funding resources to enable the removal of the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River. The mechanism would be to create a 2 percent surcharge payable by all Oregon PacifiCorp ratepayers on their monthly bill for the next ten years."

PRESS RELEASE: Oregon High Court agrees to decide Klamath water suit issues. Marzulla Law Firm, posted to KBC 1/30/09. "On January 29, 2009, the Supreme Court of Oregon agreed to decide three issues of State law which will likely determine whether Klamath farmers can recover compensation from the United States for refusing to release water to them in 2001."  

Court to hear water case; Oregon Supreme Court to consider issues involving Klamath irrigators, 1/30/09 H&N.   

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 1/30/09. Proposed septic regulations update and budget update:  "*Inspect septic tanks ($325 estimated cost) every five years, *Sample & analyze groundwater of onsite domestic wells every five years, *Retrofit tanks if found to be causing pollution ($45,000 estimated cost)"    

***Senate Bill 76 - Klamath Dam Removal 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session. (KBC Note: The cost to Oregonians-we've heard from millions up to 4 $billion)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 1/16/09.  

Public lands bills gain steam, H&N, posted to KBC  1/15/09,  followed by Whitsett pleased with boost for OSP

Waxman sets Memorial Day deadline to move emissions, energy bill, E&E 1/15/09

Omnibus public land Management Act of 2009, Senate Bill S22, 1/14/09. Includes 449 pages of proposed wilderness, land swaps, Tule Lake Segregation Center as National Park, ...This will restrict access to parts of Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake, CA. 

***Senate Bill 76 - Klamath Dam Removal 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session,

USDA issues final rule for country-of-origin label rule, Capital Press, posted 1/13/09

Omnibus bill to get new life in Senate, 1/9/09. (these bills would lock up vast areas into wilderness-no people, no healthy forests, no firefighting)

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review - update of the ongoing Calif. budget crisis, 1/9/09

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 11/19/08

Bush administration makes last-minute changes in farmworker hiring, Sacramento Bee 12/11/08.

Farm Bureau keeps eye on lawmakers, Bushue touches on estate taxes, union organizing laws and grass seed burning, Capital Press 12/11/08

Public Water Agencies Throughout California File Suit to Prevent Further Water Cutbacks Business Wire 12/8/08. "The Westlands Water District today joined with 31 other public water agencies in the Central Valley in filing a lawsuit to block a new regulation that would enable state Fish and Game officials to cut off up to a million acre feet of water for two-thirds of California’s people...Westlands’ suit, however, points out that if as few as 50 longfin smelt are harmed out of a species that numbers in the millions and ranges as far north as Alaska, Fish and Game would be empowered to begin shutting off water supplies for millions of people at an untold cost of billions to the state’s economy."

Administration sued over owl plan, H&N 11/25/08.  

California bans conventional egg production, Capital Press, posted to KBC 11/5/08. "Many producers have said they will consider moving their operations to other states, or even to Mexico."

Other Places - County committed 'wetlands' fraud; now it must pay, Pacific Legal Foundation 11/5/08

Enviros go nuclear, but not in a good way, Mt States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 11/3/08

California Tribal Business Alliance Releases '07-08 Legislative Vote Record, WSJ Market Watch, posted to KBC 10/22/08. "Implements the Administration's agreement with the Karuk Tribe to settle the tribe's lawsuit against the Department of Fish and Game over damage to the endangered Coho salmon population in the tribe's ancestral rivers -- the Klamath, the Scott, and the Salmon -- from instream suction gold dredge mining. (Vetoed)"

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted 10/5/08. "This is the final edition of the Friday Review for 2008. This edition contains the Governor's action on following bills: AB186 AB541 AB844 SB691 AB1021 AB1107 AB2168 AB2222 AB2270 AB2386 AB2402 AB2763 AB2881 AB2921 AB634 AB2824 SB974 SB1723"

California Farm Bureau Federation, State budget and bill update, Friday Review 9/26/08

Environmental laws wedge state into hydrological corner, By Congressmen GEORGE RADANOVICH and JIM COSTA posted September 25, 2008. "...California has slowly painted itself into a corner by reprioritizing water supplies to the environment while ignoring the need for improving our water supply, infrastructure and storage."

Leaders say final budget deal reached, SacBee, posted to KBC 9/19/08. "The Republican governor has said he would veto the $104.3 billion plan (Democrat) lawmakers passed this week.

California Farm Bureau Federation 9/19/08. John Gamper reports that the Senate convenes at 4 pm and the Assembly convenes at 5 pm to adopt the following bills so the governor can sign the budget and the trailer bills over the weekend:

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update. 9/2/08, End of Session Edition, including water bond proposal information.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 8/22/08.  

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 8/8/08, new bills.

Irrigators disappointed by dismissal, H&N, posted 7/28/08

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, July 18, 2008

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 7/11/08

-         The Budget Conference Committee

-         AB 2921 – Williamson Act

-         AB 1107 – Workers’ wages

-         AB 1988 – Immediate abatement of hazards

-         AB 2076 – Use of E-Verify

-         AB 2716 – Paid sick leave

-         SB 1436 – Accidental endangered species take

-         Senate Rules Committee – Len Welsh

California Farm Bureau Friday Review 6/27/08. This issue covers: AB 32 – ARB Global Warming Solutions Act AB 186 – Rural Crime Prevention AB 541 – Ag biotechnologies AB 844 & SB 691 – Metal theft AB 1634 – Spay and neuter AB 2168 – Ag product sales AB 2760 & CDFA – LBAM AB  2881 – Right to farm SB 200 – Video surveillance SB 944 – Delta smelt SB 1436 – Accidental take allowances SB 1613 & SB 33 – Wireless telephone restrictions

California Farm Bureau Friday Review, 6/20/08

Congress Pushes to Keep Land Untamed; Bills Could Add Millions of Acres Of Wilderness, Washington Post, posted to KBC 6/20/08

Salmon win in this dam legal battle, Capital Press editorial 4/25/08. "It's a fact that some environmental groups won't be happy until every dam is removed from every salmon stream and river in the West. Whether that's practical is, for them, not a concern. They simply don't seem to be willing to accept any alternatives. For them, it's an all-or-nothing proposition."

Hage vs U.S. final decision, posted 6/10/08

(Eminent Domain) - Important issues ahead in California’s primary by Geri Byrne, Modoc County Republican Party chair, H&N 5 28/08. "(Proposition 98 protects our farmlands and our businesses that Proposition 99 does not. Proposition 99 was put on the ballot by the municipalities that want to be able to take our land and use it for economic development. It includes a poison pill that will negate Proposition 98 if Proposition 99 gets more votes. It is important to vote yes on 98 and no on 99."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 5/30/08. "This week's issue addresses bills approved through the Assembly and the Senate, in addition to AB 2402 (extending the rest time for motor carriers), AB 2714 ("loss of load") and SB 1663 (tire-hauler funding)."

This week's California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review covers the actions of the Senate and Assembly Appropriations Committees, 3/23/08

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, May 16, 2008. The revised budget proposal:
SB 1562 - authorizing counties affected by the 2007 freeze, wildfires and windstorm to receive a tax deferral,
AB 2168 - known as the "Farm Stand" bill,
SB 1404 container plant labeling for water use,
SB 1527 known as the "Cow Palace" bill,
AB 2386 regarding selecting a union as the agricultural employees collective-bargaining agent,
AB 2714 amending vehicle codes to address "loss of load",
SB 1663 known as the "Used Tire Hauler" bill,

AB 2402 extending the amount of time a commercial motor carrier can be parked at a roadside rest area,

AB 2065 regarding invasive aquatic mussel species.

California Farm Bureau Friday Review 5/9/08.
SB 1512 - consolidate the usage of multiple meeters for solar installation
SB 1617 - fire protection fees on all inhabited structures in State Responsibility Areas

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, posted 5/5/08:
AB 186 (Maze, R-Visalia) Central Valley Rural Crime Prevention Program,
AB 2860 (Mendoza, D-Artesia) regarding Native American tribes, "tribal groups" and the Williamson Act,
SB 1404 (Lowenthal,D-Long Beach) water labeling on container plants,
AB 2714 (Keene, R-Chico) incidental loss of hay or straw chaff from trucks hauling hay on the highway,
SB 1663 (Denham, R-Merced) waste and used tire hauler registration,
AB 2402 (La Malfa, R-Chico) extending the amount of rest time for commercial motor carriers,
SB 1723 (Maldonado, R-Santa Maria) pesticide container-recycling program.

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 4/25/08. "Farm Bureau’s testimony focused on the fact that Prop. 98 will not affect the use of eminent domain for public facilities, public transportation, or public utilities, such as much needed water infrastructure. Despite the false claims by our opponents, Prop. 98 will not impact future water development in California."

APRIL 11, 2008 California Farm Bureau Friday Review, Bills

Klamath adjudication process reopens, H&N 4/10/08

Rahall Introduces Bill Upholding Federal Trust Relationship with Indian Country, Resources Committee 3/31/08

Friday Review of California Bills and Laws, CFBF, posted to KBC 3/25/08. "This weeks Friday Review contains information on AB 2860 (Williamson Act), AB 2881 (right-to-farm), AB 1992 (local government associations, SB 1285 and SB 1323 (adequacy of land appraisals for conservation purposes)". 

Is your property surrounded by tribal land? California Senate Bill 331, 3/25/08

PRESS RELEASE: Federal Circuit agrees to send Klamath water issues to Oregon Supreme Court, Marzulla Law, posted 3/13/08
Letter to the Federal Circuit Court certifying four questions to the Oregon Supreme Court regarding Klamath takings case, sent by Marzulla Law to KBC, posted 3/13/08

Friday Review, California Farm Bureau Federation, posted 3/16/08. "This issue touches on the "fight of a lifetime" state budget, hearings on Leafy Greens Marketing, AB 1760 (veterinarian board temporary licensing); AB 2222 (ground water quality), SB 1176 (reducing water board members), AB 2714 (CFBF sponsored "chaff" bill), and SB 1663 (waste and used tire hauling)."

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Bills and Laws, posted to KBC 2/17/08

California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 2/8/08

OREGON: New year brings new laws, H&N 12/31/07

Public lands photo fee plan goes way too far, H&N, posted to KBC 12/31/07

OREGON: Judge halts Oregon's same-sex partnerships; Challenge claimed petition signers' names improperly rejected by state, WorldNetDaily 12/29/07. "The new policy gives homosexual RDP inmates the special privilege of living together but denies it for heterosexual married inmates, just the opposite of what the policy is trying to achieve, and discriminates against heterosexuals based on their sexual orientation..."

Many new laws impact farmers on January 1, AgAlert, CFBF posted 12/28/07

Oregon Farm Bureau losing members over Measure 49, H&N 12/17/07. HERE for past articles on Measure 49

Attorney fears federal revision will engulf U.S. (with Clean Water Act); Proposed legislation broadens legal definition of waters of the U.S.’ Capital Press 12/7/07. WRITE! Comment period extended!

Water law proposal alarms, Organization opposes bill that would redefine waters addressed, Capital Press 11/30/07. "If this passes, the federal government will have the authority to control all our water and activities affecting our water, thus pre-empting state and local government authority over land- and water-use decisions..."

Oregon's Rep Richardson on Measures 49 and 50, 11/8/07. "The Governor and the Democrats in the Oregon Legislature carefully crafted and funded a measure to repeal Measure 37 and perpetuate Oregon’s locked-up land-use system. They were successful. Congratulations to crafty politicians are in order, and so are condolences for lovers of liberty and fair government practices."

OREGON: MEASURE 50 OP-ED, by Senator Doug Whitsett. "The concept to help poor families pay for health insurance for their kids is an admirable goal; however, Measure 50 is not the solution because it is unsustainable, regressive, unfair, and disingenuous."

Measure 49: Make sure you read it carefully, George Warner, Klamath Fall for H&N, posted 10/29/07

OCTOBER 26, 2007 California Farm Bureau Friday Review "Today's Friday Review is the last issue of this legislative year. It is an update on the Governor's actions on many bills that CFBF has been tracking. We'll resume reporting in 2008 when the Legislature reconvenes." HERE for more bills, laws and court events.

Comments on Oregon Measures 37 and 49, Capital Press 10/26/07