Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
lawsuits and litigation Environmental Lawsuits Rake in Billions for Lawyers, Idaho Farm Bureau News, posted to KBC 10/30/09. Klamath River Basin (Regional section scroll down):
Federal Government agrees to reevaluate Northern Spotted Owl habitat after Supreme Court ruling, H&N 4/15/2020. "The coalition brought legal action after the Fish and Wildlife Service designated 9.5 million acres of mostly federal lands as NSO critical habitat across Washington, Oregon and Northern California in 2012...The ESA requires the federal government to take “into consideration the economic impact, the impact on national security, and any other relevant impact, of specifying any particular area as critical habitat.” Rules will change implementation of federal ESA, CFBF Ag Alert 8/14/19 Klamath Tribes drop ESA lawsuit against BOR. Merkley to hold PRIVATE Sucker Recovery Summit November 16 in Klamath Falls, H&N 11/9/18.
CLARIFYING INJUNCTION ORDERS April 30, 2018. Irrigators may get their water as judge mulls altering injunction, H&N 4/20/18.
Environmental groups sue over survival of steelhead,
chinook, The Spokesman-Review 3/13/18. (Klamath) Project irrigators could get new fed status. ‘Applicant status’ may allow for more input in ESA development, H&N 7/18/15. "The amendment was proposed by by U.S. Reps. Greg Walden, ROre., and Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., to help protect Klamath Project water users in Oregon and California...the amendment gives Project water users “applicant status,” ensuring they are included in Endangered Species Act (ESA) consultations that affect Project water operations." Local forestry agencies, industry debate owl lawsuit, H&N, posted to KBC 3/29/13. Group threatens suit over Siskiyou County dam, Capital Press 3/13/12 followed by related article. KBC NOTE: Dwinnel Dam creates Lake Shastina. Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe spokesman, and KBRA "Stakeholder" Craig Tucker, formerly Friends of the River spokesman, was trained by Green Corp, and is currently on Riverkeeper board of directors, and was on the steering committee of Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance. Tucker and Petey Brucker, both KBRA voting members, are both with KFA and Riverkeeper boards. KBRA advocates claim it would end lawsuits, however the same people, on a different board, sued to shut down Klamath River mining, and now are suing to destroy another dam. George Soros funds Earthjustice which litigates for Klamath Riverkeeper, Friends of the River, Waterkeeper Alliance, and other environmental groups at the KBRA negotiation table. Government Delay, Drought Prompts Renewed Push for Protection of Klamath River Chinook Salmon, Center for Biological Diversity 2/1/12, KBC EDITOR: The Center for Biological Diversity, Oregon Wild, Environmental Protection Information Center and The Larch Company filed the notice of intent. CBD, Oregon Wild, and EPIC are all litigated or in coalition with Earth Justice, which is funded in part by billionaire George Soros. Soros is blamed for the financial collapses of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Russian and the Bank of England. He said he will take down the United States of America next. Soros contributes greatly to Monsanto, who is involved in genetically modified salmon, convenient for when millions of tons of silt are released into Klamath River by dam and hatchery destruction. Andy Kerr is the Larch Company, and involved with dozens of other Soros-sponsored environmental groups including Earthjustice. "A professional conservationist for over three decades, he has been involved in the enactment of over 25 pieces of state and federal legislation, scores of lawsuits, dozens of endangered species listing petitions and countless administrative appeals of Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management timber sales and other decisions." Timber industry files lawsuit against murrelet designation, posted to KBC 1/31/12. "Because humans almost never see the bird, the FWS seems to think it can throw a net over millions of acres of federal timber land that not only aren’t being used by the bird, but don’t even have the characteristics it is looking for when it flies inland to lay its eggs. Someone has to speak up about this violation of the limits of the ESA.” First Circuit Holds That Plaintiffs Must Demonstrate Irreparable Harm for Injunctive Relief in Endangered Species Act Cases, AND Proposition 26 May Imperil Implementation of California’s Landmark Greenhouse Gas Reduction Law, Somach, Simmons and Dunn Law Firm 11/23/10 Dam removal bond bill gets signature, H&N posted to KBC 11/16/09. (KBC NOTE: Just a reminder that Klamath Water Users Association, tribes, gov't agencies and environmental groups have heavily lobbied for the bonds for taxes and power rates to pay for tearing out Klamath River hydro dams. However, your representatives justify boycotting the public listening session on dam removal and the KBRA, saying they want the agreement done first before they hear the people's wishes and concerns.) Water Special: November 7 Update of $11.1 billion California Water bill that passed legislature. It tells where the money will go, by California Federation of Republican Women, 11/8/09
State Legislature approves comprehensive package to overhaul
water system, including an $11-billion bond,
LA Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09
(includes Klamath dam removal
funds) Terminated, Range Magazine by Tim Findley Fall, 2009, posted 8/12/09. Water crisis in California's Central Valley: "...but most of them know what happened in Klamath, ...environmental activists succeeded in cutting off irrigation water by a lawsuit claiming it threatened an endangered sucker fish..." "Family Farm Alliance is filing a lawsuit demanding that government authorities make use of the best available science in actions to shut down irrigation supplies in California's Central Valley." (KBC NOTE: will Family Farm Alliance file a lawsuit demanding that gov't authorities use best available science in the Klamath dam removal closed-door settlement where the minutes state, "...want to avoid advocating for science instead of using a certain approach."?) Family Farm Alliance Calls for Withdrawal Of Biased, Unscientific Order for Delta Smelt, FFA NEWS RELEASE 7/13/09 "This is the first time that the Alliance has engaged in litigation, and it's not a step we take lightly," said Alliance President Patrick O'Toole. "But in this case, we had no other choice. Preserving the scientific basis for these decisions and ensuring the fairness and transparency of all the proceedings under ESA is a vitally important issue for all of our members throughout the western states." CENTRAL VALLEY - Family Farm Alliance Establishes Legal Fund to Push for Sound Science in ESA Decision-Making, posted to KBC 6/28/09 Appeals Court Upholds NOAA's Hatchery vs. Wild ESA Salmon Listing Policies, CBB, posted to KBC 3/21/09. Humane Society Files Notice To Appeal To Ninth Circuit On Sea Lion Removal, CB Bulletin, posted 12/15/08. Administration sued over owl plan, H&N 11/25/08. 9th Circuit: Judges shouldn't act as scientists, Capital Press, posted 7/9/08 Two rulings uphold protection for marbled murrelet, Capital Press, posted to KBC 6/30/08
Circuit agrees to send Klamath water
issues to Oregon Supreme Court,
Marzulla Law, posted 3/13/08
Polarizing (Klamath) ads should not be
riding the bus, Oregonian 3/11/08 Conservation groups file lawsuit over California's salmon rules, Indybay, posted 3/1/08 Supreme Court won't review coho decision, Capital Press, posted to KBC 2/14/08 Coho are once again listed as threatened, Oregonian 2/5/08 Groups seek review of coho ruling; Lawsuit asks for endangered species designation decision, Capital Press, posted to KBC 1/12/08 Ninth Circuit gets appeal of Oregon coho ESA-listing case, CBBulletin 12/14/07. Judge blasts latest federal salmon recovery plan, The Columbian, posted 12/12/07 NOAA Fisheries asks judge for more time on coho listing case, CB Bulletin, posted 10/27/07 Federal judge orders reassessment of coastal coho ESA status, October 12, 2007 Columbia Basin Bulletin Battle over hatchery listing policy goes to 9th Circuit Court, CB Bulletin 9/14/07 Coalition appeals discounting of hatchery fish, 8/24/07 PLF Vows Appeal of Salmon Ruling So That All Fish Get Counted, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted 8/16/07 Appeal takes hatchery/wild listing debate to ninth circuit, posted 8/4/07 Columbia Basin Bulletin Guest Opinion: Are salmon really endangered? Sonya D. Jones, Pacific Legal Foundation, and John R. Lott Jr., author of Freedomnomics and senior research scholar at the University of Maryland, Statesman Journal 8/2/07 S. 700: Endangered Species Recovery Act of 2007 http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=s110-700 Conservation Groups Sue to Protect Rare Salamanders, Center for Biological Diversity 7/6/06 PLF Sues To Challenge ESA Listing of Central California Tiger Salamander--Land Use in the Central Valley and Northern California is at Issue, posted to KBC 5/25/06 Salmon advocates to sue over Oregon Coastal coho, Oregonian 4/17/06, "Groups listed on the notice to sue include the Oregon Natural Resources Council, Pacific Rivers Council, Trout Unlimited, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, the Native Fish Society, Umpqua Watersheds, the Coast Range Association, and the Institute for Fisheries Resources." Dredge Miners granted intervention status in litigation between Karuks and DFG, Miners 2/12/06. See Miner Page Klamath Irrigation District attorneys Nancie and Roger Marzulla filed an appeal motion in the U. S. Federal Court of Claims on Friday, October 21, 2005. Filed were a Motion To Certify the Takings Issue for appeal and the supporting memorandum. The United States has 28 days from October 21, 2005 to file its response. Thank you Barb Hall for submitting this. You'll find links to other Klamath Irrigation District, et al., vs United States of America legal documents on KBB's You Need to Know - Klamath Irrigators "Taking" Suit in the U. S. Federal Court of Claims. posted to KBC 10/26/05
Water takings suits land in federal claims court, Capital Press 12/2/05 Trollers lose lawsuit but plan to appeal, World Link 9/13/05
Oregon trollers lose court decision--Oregon Trollers
Association vs Carlos Guiterez, Yurok and Hoopa Valley Tribes, 9/12/05.
Word document go
HERE Ruling in takings case not the end, H&N 9/2/05
Judge rejects salmon lawsuit, H&N 8/18/05 State sued over coho, Pioneer Press Liz Bowen posted to KBC 7/18/05.
Karuks lawsuit will stop mining, Pioneer Press posted to KBC 7/1/05 PLF Files Lawsuit to Block Federal Regulation Slashing Fishing Season by More than Half Despite Record Numbers of Salmon, posted 6/5/05. Fishing groups sue about reduction of salmon season, Statesman Journal posted to KBC 6/5/05. Do Klamath Irrigators own water deeded to them, in storage paid for by them? Marzulla takings hearing 3/31/05 by KBC Final order of Judge Armstrong re: dismissal of fish die-off suit by Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen and Yurok Tribe, pdf file posted 3/17/05. Grange holds meeting with Pacific Legal, Lee Bergeron, followed by notes by Barb Hall, KBB 3/2/05.
Judge allows salmon fishermen to intervene in irrigators' lawsuit,
signonsandiego.com 3/2/05 "U.S.
District Judge Francis M. Allegra ruled Monday that the Pacific Coast
Federation of Fishermen's Associations had an economic interest in the
allocation of water to the Klamath River, because salmon that the
fishermen catch spawn there, and fishermen cannot depend on the
government to fully represent their point of view." (What Judge
Allegra does not say is that 'environmentalist' Eugene attorney Glen
Spain of PCFFA represents no Oregon fishermen. KBC) In Fish vs. Farmer Cases, the Fish Loses Its Edge, NY Times posted to KBC 3/2/05 (Roger J. Marzulla,Washington property rights lawyer representing farmers in the Klamath River basin and Sue Ellen Woolridge,solicitor for the Interior Deptment comment in this article in the NY Times on Feb.22. Important Read. Rob Crawford.) Judge: Government improperly listed coho, California Farm Bureau Federation 1/20/05. (Since coho should not have been listed, and the National Research Committee said lake level and river flow management was not justified, why is the Bureau of Reclamation still demanding 100,000 acre feet of water to be taken away from Klamath irrigators in 2005? This downsizes our farm economy by 1/3! Why? Why?? KBC) Grange wins coho salmon ESA lawsuit, by Liz Bowen, Pioneer Press 1/20/05. "A federal judge ruled that coho were illegally listed with ESA. YREKA, CALIFORNIA – 'We prevailed,' said Leo Bergeron, president of the Greenhorn Grange. 'For seven years, we have maintained that coho salmon should not be listed with the Endangered Species Act.' " 2 claims of victory in coho ruling, Mt Shasta News 1/20/05. (Mr Spain of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen - PCFFA, a Eugene attorney, claims we are a bunch of disgruntled farmers in a "water grab". The National Research Committee says that lake/river levels don't kill fish. The judge says that the coho were illegally listed. The Bureau of Reclamation says the lake was lower before the Klamath Project was built. And fishing reports say that there have been record salmon runs the past few years. And Glen Spain represents ZERO fishing groups in Oregon.--KBC) Judge’s Decision Scores Victory for Klamath Ranchers’ Water Rights 1/18/05 Common-sense management of fish and wildlife prevails. "Oakland, Calif. Judge Saundra Armstrong agreed with motions put forth by the Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA) and the federal government that there was no evidence linking the bureau’s management of water with the die-off." NEWS RELEASE: Federal Court dismisses tribe's suit to usurp water rights of Klamath Basin farmers, Pacific Legal Foundation "In the second major court victory for Klamath farmers this week, a federal court yesterday ruled in favor of the Klamath Water Uses Association when it dismissed the case brought by the Yurok Tribe to usurp the water rights of Klamath farmers." U.S. water pact makes big waves Contra Costa Times 1/18/05 "...Klamath farmers want $100 million for water diverted to protect endangered salmon and suckers..." Upstream Swim for Salmon Species, Sacramento Union 1/14/05 "A federal judge declared this week that coho salmon have been illegally listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. The decision, by Judge Michael Hogan, was hailed by the Pacific Legal Foundations as a victory - saying it reverses a policy that reduced the delivery of irrigation water to protect a species that was never threatened." Klamath Falls farmers destroyed by illegal species listing, News With Views 1/14/05 U.S. Erred on Salmon Listing, Judge Rules, LA Times 1/13/05 "He cites mistakes in giving protected status to the Klamath River coho, but lets it stay on list for now" NEWS RELEASE: Klamath River Salmon Protections Ruled Illegal! Federal court says endangered species listing of Klamath Coho is bogus, 1/12/05. "Klamath Farmers and Businesses Driven to Bankruptcy for Fish That Should Never Have Been Listed" Klamath coho listing ruled illegal but protection stays for now, Oregonian 1/11/05 Lawsuit aims to alter Endangered Species Act, Mt Shasta Herald 12/1/04 "The Pacific Legal Foundation has announced it will file a lawsuit intended to challenge provisions of the Endangered Species Act aimed at de-listing numerous species throughout California including salmon on the Klamath River." Decision to pull protection for bull trout brings lawsuit threat, Seattlepi 10/7/04. "Environmental groups say they will sue the federal government over its decision yesterday to remove critical habitat designation for the threatened bull trout in 90 percent of the Columbia and Klamath river basins." PRESS RELEASE: Western Caucus Members Applaud the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Designation of Critical Habitat for Bull Trout 9/22/04 "Congressman Greg Walden (OR-02) responded to the decision saying, "As I heard from the communities in Oregon that would be most affected by the possible bull trout critical habitat designation, it became very clear to me that the proposed plan was inappropriately broad. ... Given the vast mileage of streams and acreage of lakes and marshes this critical habitat places in the Klamath River Basin, we ought to be reminded of the crisis that unfolded in 2001. When the esteemed National Academy of Sciences completed their peer review of the decisions in the Klamath Basin, they found that the actions taken three years ago might actually have had detrimental effects on species." Done Deal on Coho, Coho salmon ESA listing affects farmers, ranchers and loggers in Siskiyou County, at the top of the State of California, Pioneer Press posted to KBC 8/12/04. " 'Today’s rush to judgement appeared to be driven by partisan politics rather than finding the most workable solution for all stakeholders,' said LaMalfa. 'Worse, as with the listing of the northern spotted owl, we’re going to be seeing the negative impacts of this decision for decades to come. LaMalfa added that the listing was a 'huge slap in the face to the local farmers, ranchers' that have worked to find solutions for both the fish and state law water rights." Coho put on state endangered list, Press Democrat.com 8/6/04 Feds, State could be next on list, H&N 7/26/04. "A $1 billion claim the Klamath Tribes filed against PacifiCorp earlier this year may be just the first effort to collect from parties who have damaged or taken resources, a tribal attorney said Saturday." "Allen Foreman, chairman of the Klamath Tribes, said the salmon suit was a long time coming." Coho decision postponed, again, 6/29/04 Pioneer Press. "Charles Blackburn, the Del Norte supervisor, had just returned from a conference in the Klamath Basin. He too had witnessed the pro-active fish projects implemented by Klamath farmers." "(PCFFA) Grader demanded agricultural water from the Klamath Basin. There are no fish, he said, because there is no water. Unfortunately for Grader, the coho counts from the last two years are up. Even the chinook salmon have had large runs, making Grader’s statement a falsehood. Commissioner Bob Hattoy, a Sierra Club advocate, also demanded water for fish from the Klamath Bureau of Reclamation project." {KBC: isn't it interesting that the Klamath Basin has been forced to downsize our irrigation by 1/4 in the form of a mandatory 'water bank' with the threat of Project shut-down. Our farms historically were under a 30' lake. Our untested aquifer is being sucked out. The Klamath Project provides only 3.5% of the water at the mouth of the Klamath.} Talks collapse on fish kill suit, Times Standard 6/13/04. Regardless of the fact that the National Academy of Science (NAS) said that the Klamath Irrigation Project, 200 miles from the 2002 fish die-off, did not kill the Trinity River fish; regardless of the fact that the river had and has more water than before the irrigators built the Klamath Project to reroute and store water; and regardless of the fact that this was a lake up to 40 feet deep in the Klamath Basin, much of which could not go down the river before the Project diverted it down the river....the Yuroks (along with PCFFA) persist in the agenda of blaming the Klamath Irrigators for a fish die-off. Too much water was diverted down the river this winter, so, low and behold, the lake and river will accidently be too low. We are pumping our aquifer, our water table is dropping, yet the agenda-driven Tribes and environmental groups (PCFFA), with tax-exempt dollars, continue to sue the family farmers. KBC (jdk) OREGON NEWS: Audubon, ONRC plus 10 other groups sue USFWS to protect lamprey under the ESA: "Conservationists take action to protect water and threatened wildlife," 5/27/04. For more ESA lawsuits, go to KBC's ESA lawsuits and litigation page Klamath Tribes sue for salmon loss, 5/15/04, The Oregonian. ESATODAYCourt urged to order NOAA to make delisting call in 30 days, cbbulletin 3/26/04. "Organizations that have asked NOAA Fisheries to drop eight salmon and steelhead stocks from the Endangered Species Act have asked a federal court to order the agency to produce those decisions within 30 days." Group sues to delist steelhead, 3/16/04, CapitalPress Groups push feds to protect bloodsucking lampreys, Times-Standard, 3/4/04, "A slate of environmental groups is demanding the federal government act to protect four species of eel-like bloodsucking fish known as lamprey (in the lower Klamath River).". NEWS RELEASE: Pacific Legal Foundation Oregon Coast Salmon listing invalidated: Ninth Circuit dismisses appeal of Landmark Alsea Case. Bogus ESA Protections for "Wild" Salmon Must Go. 2/24/04 "Grange v. NMFS (Klamath Salmon Case) Also in the wake of today's decision, PLF predicted success in Grange v. National Marine Fisheries Service. In Grange, as in Alsea, rather than consider the prolific numbers of hatchery salmon, NMFS instead considered only "naturally spawned" populations and then determined they were "threatened." This listing is one of the factors that led to the shut off of irrigation water to Klamath area farmers in 2001. Grange v. NMFS was stayed by Judge Hogan pending a decision from the Ninth Circuit in Alsea." Oregon's coho are partying tonight, they're not going extinct after all, SouthernOregonNews.com 2/25/04 Court Sets Precedent Requiring DOI To Compensate For ESA Taking, westernroundtable, posted to KBC 2/17/04. A Takings of Water, Can't we find a better way to end water conflicts?, Tidepool, posted to KBC 2/17/04, “This is a story of water, salmon, farmers, and the US Constitution" Feds won't fight judge's ruling on suckers H&N, posted to KBC 1/26/04.
file Klamath Marsh Refuge suit, 1/21/04 H&N
Groups sue to reclassify species; more may be listed, CFBF, posted to KBC 5/21/13. "The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed protections for three amphibians that live in the Sierra Nevada, and proposed to designate more than 2 million acres of land as critical habitat for the species..."
Ridin' Point - Water Meetings, Siskiyou County Spotted Owl Lawsuit, & Economic Impacts, Siskiyou Daily News Column by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong 4/6/13 Judge tells feds to study owls before selling timber, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/6/13. “Arguably, this means every timber sale in the Northwest Forest Plan area has to have an EIS...The EIS will likely come to the same conclusions, but will delay the timber project by up to a year and use up agency resources...That seems wasteful and unnecessary.” Excessive Endangered Species Act litigation threatens species recovery, job creation and economic growth, Natural Resources Committee, 12/6/11 San Diego Superior Court Upholds California Fish and Game Commission Regulations Pertaining to Marine Protected Areas, Rejects Arguments of Coastside Fishing Club, Somach Simmons and Dunn 10/25/11 Angry federal judge (Wanger) rips 'false testimony' of federal scientists, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 9/24/11 Judge: Salmon protections too costly to water users, Contra Costa Times 9/21/11. U.S. District Court: 2009 salmonid biop found to be unlawful, Central Calif district court decision 9/20/11 Smelt regulations violate Constitution, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10
Feds shorted water districts, judge decides in Calif. case, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/13/09 Court orders government to pay for water losses; decision could open door for more districts to seek payment for water shifted to fish, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 10/7/09 Humane Society Arguments Open Briefing In Appeals Court Sea Lion Removal Case, CBB 3/27/09 Government Gives People's Houses to “Endangered” Mice; A Federal Judge Will Consider PLF's Lawsuit This Week, PLF , posted to KBC 3/26/09