Archive 133 - June 2013
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Crater Lake shutoff possible, H&N 6/30/13. "Any impacts to Crater Lake could be far-reaching economically. In 2011, visitors contributed $34.6 million to nearby communities, said Jeff Olson, National Park Service spokesman, and 549 area jobs were supported...Calls for water were made June 10 by the most senior water rights holders: Klamath Project farmers and the Klamath Tribes." Devastating results from (Klamath) water regulations, by Edward Bartell letter to editor, H&N, posted to KBC 6/30/13 Legislative update from Oregon Rep Gail Whitsett 6/30/13. "That further Ninth Circuit ruling limited the amount of Tribal water to the amount of water that was being used for a moderate living standard by the Tribes at the time the reservation was sold to the federal government. In complete contradiction to that ruling, the Department determined that the Tribes were entitled to virtually all of the water in most of the tributaries to Upper Klamath Lake for the purpose of hunting, fishing and gathering, thus overturning the Ninth Circuit Court’s ruling."
WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA! 6/27/13 - Prayer request for Ben and Barb
ACTION ALERT! 6/27/13 - Opposition to Oregon Senate Bill 838, New 49ers Prospecting Association: "lf SB 838 is passed into law, it will put a complete end to suction dredge gold mining in the entire State of Oregon. This bill is not based upon any science or rational justification. It is being pushed by anti-mining activists that want to eliminate the last remaining productive economic activity on America’s public lands." "Today, a portion of the water on our ranch and all of the water for a neighboring ranch that we rent was shut off, thanks to the government and the Klamath tribes." letter from Brandon Toppin, Flying T Salers Ranch, Sprague River, posted to KBC 6/25/13 Dam removal will be a billion-dollar boondoggle, H&N commentary by Steve Rapalyea, posted to KBC 6/25/13 Congress weighs in on Klamath water crisis but isn't likely to act, Oregonian, posted to KBC 6/25/13. Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, "" ...'brave new world' interpretation of the Constitution...", posted to KBC 6/25/13. California's resources chief recommits to Klamath project, Capital Press, posted to KBC 6/25/13.
Klamath County Ag Impact rally Monday July 1 at 10:00 a.m. Who are we, and economic impact of current water shut-off to dozens of farmers and ranchers in the Upper Klamath Basin, 6/25/13. 6/23/13: Psalm 25:1-5 "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust You; let me not be ashamed; let not my enemies triumph over me. In deed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed; let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause. Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths. Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; On You I will wait all day." sent from Frank Tallerico.
U.S. Senator) Wyden calls for new basin-wide solution to Klamath water
issues, Wyden Press Release 6/20/13. Definition of BLACKMAIL: extortion or coercion by threats Klamath Tribes: Support the KBRA in exchange for water talks, Capital Press 6/20/13. "The leader of the Klamath Tribes told a U.S. Senate committee June 20 that ranchers facing water shutoffs in the Upper Klamath Basin would have to agree to provisions of a three-year-old basin restoration agreement to negotiate more water from the tribes." KBC Note: Klamath Tribe is presently denying irrigation water to off-Project Klamath irrigators supposedly for the sacred sucker fish. However, if the irrigators agree to supporting the KBRA (which destroys 4 hydro dams on the Klamath River, gifts land to the tribes that they previously sold to build a sovereign land base, destroys a fish hatchery producing millions of salmon, and downsizes agriculture), then the tribe will allow off Project irrigators to discuss terms to get their water back.
defeats farm bill amid bipartisan opposition, Fox News 6/20/13. June 16, Psalm 100:1-5, "A song of praise for the Lord's faithfulness to His people. Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands! Serve the lord with gladness; come before His presence with singing. Know that the Lord, He is God, it is He who has made us, not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise, be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations." sent by Frank Tallerico *** Wyden invites comments (by June 19th) on water management in Klamath River Basin / KBRA, Democratic News, posted to KBC 6/15/13. KBC: the Senate hearing on the controversial KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / and KHSA/Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement is June 20th. Email your comments on water management by June 19th! Public Comments for over 2 million acres proposed toad and frog habitat due 6/24/13 pt 1 and 2 *** LIST OF WITNESSES - Full Committee Hearing: water resource issues in the Klamath River Basin 6/20/13, KBC NOTE: of the 17 witnesses, 3 were chosen to testify who oppose destroying the Klamath River hydroelectric dams and fish hatchery, downsizing agriculture, and gifting land to the Klamath Tribes which they previously sold. One witness is Richard Roos-Collins: Sustainable NW paid NRI/National Heritage Institute $112,487 Richard Roos Collins, the legal services director for Natural Heritage Institute, which is a "non-profit law and science for global resource solutions" organization:, is a participant in both the KBRA and Hydro meetings and is the main author of the actual KBRA. NRI represents "American Rivers and California Trout in an ongoing effort to decommission PacifiCorp’s Klamath River Project, so as to restore free passage from the Pacific Ocean more than 250 miles upstream to Upper Klamath Lake." Go HERE for NHI webpage and clients. Water shutoffs to continue; Judge denies temporary stoppage on Klamath Basin adjudication enforcement, H&N 6/15/13. "If they cannot feed their livestock, ranchers will be forced to sell..." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/14/13. Some Cal/OSHA violations could not be appealed or delayed, mediation for ag labor negotiations, junk and metal dealers can't deal in cash, predator control, SCIF, Dept. of boating and waterways. Klamath Falls - Biomass plant project withdrawn, H&N 6/14/13 KWAPA special public meeting agenda 6/14/13 KBC NEWS - Government-planted fish predators 6/13/13 Lower Klamath Wildlife Refuge - Floating Islands Enhance Salmonid Recovery by Creating Alternative Nesting Habitat for Caspian Terns, US Army Corp of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and NOAA Fisheries plan succeeded, with OSU and USGS, to bring fish predators to Klamath Basin. Floating Island International 2010, posted to KBC 6/13/13. "In February 2010, FIW and Just Buckets built and launched a 40,000sq. ft. floating island at Sheepy Lake in Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge." (The fish-predator Caspian Terns population in 2010 went from 0 to 325 in 3 months on Lower Klamath.) "This innovative island has been a tremendous success, as the Sheepy Lake tern colony appears to have had the highest nesting success of any Caspian tern colony in the region during 2010."
Oregon Representative Gail Whitsett Legislative Update, posted to KBC 6/13/13: meth, Barry Point Fire, veterans' health care, wolf protection, GMOs destroying wheat market. Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter on Obama's Benghazi, AP and FOX surveillance, IRS targeting conservatives, posted to KBC 6/13/13 In Upper Klamath Basin, irrigation water shut-off begins for some ranchers, Oregonian 6/12/13. Klamath Tribes and federal government put out historic call for water rights in drought-stricken Klamath Basin, Oregonian, posted to KBC 6/12/13. "The Klamath Tribes and the federal government called their water rights in southern Oregon's Klamath Basin for the first time Monday, likely cutting off irrigation water to hundreds of cattle ranchers and farmers in the upper basin this summer...Some 300 to 400 irrigators – and 70,000 to 100,000 cattle – could be impacted, upper basin water groups estimated. State officials said shut offs could begin as soon as Wednesday, and would be calibrated throughout the summer as river flows and weather dictate." KBC NOTE: Some quotes in above article are by KBRA supporter Becky Hyde, former board member of Sustainable Northwest. SNW founder and president is Martin Goebel. Goebel was director of World Wildlife Fund, which is partner of United Nations Foundation with George Soros and Ford Foundation. Goebel is Trustee for Summit Charitable Foundation owned by Roger Sant. The company in a five year span granted Sustainable NW $342,875. The funds come from Sant's company AES, worldwide developer of power in 29 countries, power "from coal to gas to renewables such as wind, hydro and biomass." Hyde is at the closed-door KBRA negotiation table. The KBRA would destroy 4 hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River and fish hatchery producing millions of salmon, give land to the Klamath Tribes, put full support behind the Endangered Species Act, downsize agriculture by 25% or more, and give new water rights to bird refuges, along with planting endangered fish in warm shallow Klamath Lake and mandating their success. Klamath Tribes and feds exercise water rights, Sacramento Bee 6/10/13. "Tens of thousands of acres in Oregon's drought-stricken Klamath Basin will have to go without irrigation water this summer after the Klamath Tribes and the federal government exercised for the first time newly confirmed powers that put the tribes in the driver's seat over the use of water..." Psalm 89:14-18: Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! They walk, O Lord, in the light of Your countenance. In Your name they rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they are exalted. For You are the glory of their strength, and in Your favor our horn is exalted. (strength) For our shield belongs to the Lord, and our king, to the Holy One of Israel.
Tulelake Irrigation District / TID monthly public meeting agenda
TID well use May 30 - June 6, 2013 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 6/7/13.
Klamath Project
Biological Opinion
by USFWS and NMFS,
released 6/3/13. Klamath water agreement won't deliver what is needed, by Klamath County Commissioner Tom Mallams, Medford Mail Tribune posted to KBC 6/3/13, FOLLOWED BY: Klamath commissioner inflames water dispute, by Gary Derry and Luke Robison, Medford Mail Tribune. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review, posted to KBC 6/3/13. BILLS: Institutions would buy California-grown ag products, bobcat trapping ban, ratepayers could choose renewable energy, minimum wage hikes, employers requesting more immigration documents than required under federal law could lose their business, could end appeal of employers to Cal/OSHA, Cal Coastal Commission could fine landowners without due process of law, familial status, CalESA accidental take, "imposes unionization on unsuspecting ag employees..."
KBC NOTE: The KBRA / KHSA litigation
has begun. The tribes and KBRA supporters claimed their closed-door
"agreements" would prevent lawsuits, however, as you can see below, the KBRA
and KHSA dam removal schemes have a built-in process HOW to litigate.
*Yurok Tribe files to shut down Klamath
KBRA stakeholder and "friend," Yurok,
files through KBRA Dispute Resolution to OWRD / Oregon Water Resources
Department to use KBRA's ESA language to send "ESA Flows" to the ocean,
posted to KBC 3/28/13. Notice of Availability of the Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report for Klamath Facilities Removal, posted to KBC 6/2/13. Drought, disputes put water at premium; uncertain supply, delayed opinion point to tough year, H&N 6/2/13.
Cost questions follow
discovery of (Monsanto) genetically modified wheat in Oregon,
H&N 6/2/13. "...wheat
industry stands to lose $94 to $272 million annually if genetically modified
wheat is introduced. The USDA announced the discovery of the Monsanto-owned
strain on Wednesday. It led to Japan postponing a 25,000-ton order from a
Portland grain shipper..." Senator Doug Whitsett: Our Veterans, posted to KBC 6/2/13 Proverbs 16:20: He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the Lord, happy is he. Sent from Frank Tallerico 6/2/13.
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Page Updated: Monday October 28, 2013 11:26 PM Pacific
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