Who's Who
A little background of People
representing YOU. They are called "Stakeholders"
at the closed-door Klamath settlement negotiations
which support destruction of the Klamath hydroelectric dams
and downsizing agriculture.
Warren Buffett, owner of Klamath River dams to be destroyed at taxpayer's and ratepayer's expense | |
Ed Sheets, facilitator and consultant in the Klamath "agreements" and Montana "agreements" hired by Bureau of Reclamation | |
Environmental Advocacy groups destroying Klamath agriculture, speech by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, KFLS radio 2/4/11. "I believe that is time to recognize that folks such as Glen Spain, Craig Tucker and James Honey do not speak for the interests of either the irrigators, or the people, of the Upper Klamath Basin. Isn’t it time to recognize the obvious “divide and conquer” actions that are being used so successful in destroying both the unity, and the economies, of our communities? Why do we continue to extend credibility to these folks?" | |
George Soros is a multibillionaire whose goal is One World Order. His financial support goes to litigation (Earthjustice) for most of the NGOs /Non Governmental Agencies (environmental groups) at the secret KBRA negotiation table. Would his plan to downsize agriculture through the KBRA and buy out farmland have anything to do with his investment in Monsanto? | |
Craig Tucker, Karuk Tribe spokesman, KBRA voting member, and a founder and board member of Klamath Riverkeeper |
Leaf Hillman, Karuk Tribal Counsel President and spiritual leader |
John Bezdek: We The People Radio, posted to KBC 10/20/16. "John Bezdek is currently the Assistant Solicitor for Water and Power which is the senior career position within SOL on Reclamation law. Mr. Bezdek supervises a staff of 7 attorneys and is responsible for advising the Commissioner, Assistant Secretary, and Secretary on matters pertaining to the operations and administration of the Reclamation program...Mr. Bezdek was Deputy Director of the Secretary's Indian Water Rights Office where he was responsible for managing 19 Indian Water Rights Negotiating Teams..." Dan Keppen. Executive Director Family Farm Alliance, former Executive Director Klamath Water Users Association, Special Assistant to the Regional Director Lester Snow, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Mid-Pacific Region, Director of Member and Government Relations, Northern California Water Association, Water Resources Engineer. "The (Family Farm) Alliance endorses advancing the Klamath Agreements in Congress because, overall, they are good for irrigated agriculture in the Klamath Basin. We see the agreements as unique to the Klamath Basin and its issues and their dam-removal components have no bearing on other agricultural regions’ decision-making. Moreover, no irrigation dams or flood control dams are removed as part of these settlements. In this instance, agricultural producers stand to gain increased water supply reliability in exchange for the expected fish passage benefits associated with removal of these dams, a measure supported by the dams’ owners, PacifiCorp." |
Trout Unlimited Run by Wall Street Banks & Energy Giants, and Klamath Basin Crisis: Farmers Know Trout Unlimited All Too Well, by Toni Thayer April 29, 2014, Watching-the-Watchers.com. "One day you're farming, minding your own business, and life's good. The next day, and for the following nine years, you're fighting thieves who want your property and your livelihood. Using junk science and lots of propaganda, the thieves band together in meetings to hammer out the details of stealing your property and divvying it up amongst themselves. And you, the lawful property owner, are only one against the massive den of thieves." | |
Richard Roos-Collins,
attorney, drafted and negotiated more than 50 settlements,
including the Klamath Basin Restoration and Hydropower
Agreements, the Mono Lake Cases, California Delta Management,
worked with FERC, on National EPA, etc. He is an attorney for
the Dam Removal Group, KRRC. Jim Root, Founder of Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, former vice president of KRRC/Klamath Dam removal group, father of Chrystin Lambert, former Klamath River Compact Commission, former Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust director, and current Trout Unlimited Water Project Director. |
Glen Spain, Eugene Attorney and regional director of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen | Trout Unlimited, a stakeholder at the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Table |
Sustainable NW SNW President Martin Goebel, trustee for Roger Sant's Summit Cheritable Foundation, which donated $342,875.00 in 1997-2001. 2/4/11 -Today we feature Sustainable NW Klamath Programs Director James Honey. Steve Kandra, Tulelake Farmer, Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Proponent |
Becky Hyde is married to a rancher in the Off-Project in the Upper Klamath Basin. Resource Conservancy, representing 125,000 acres of Off-Project irrigated land, was not allowed at the KBRA table. Hyde's new group representing 2000 acres, is allowed at the KBRA table and also the PacifiCorp negotiation table. Hyde is paid by Sustainable NW, SNW works for the Klamath Tribes, and the Klamath Tribes has the easement to her land. |
HERE for KBRA supporters on Steve Kandra / Becky Hyde PROSPER website. | |
Sam Walton American Rivers, KBRA stakeholder |
George Sexton, Conservation Director of Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands, speaks of Earth First and Earth Liberation Front/ELF. How are they involved in the KBRA? |
John Crawford, Tulelake Farmer, The Nature Conservancy, Tulelake Irrigation District President, Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust advisory board, Klamath Water and Power Agency, ..... | |
KBC 7/11/17 - Some connections involved in the
Klamath River Dam Removal group /
KRRC Klamath River Renewal
*** Chrysten Lambert: Klamath River Compact Commission, former Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust director, and current Trout Unlimited Water Project Director * Chrysten Lambert, Obama Appointee for Federal Representative, Klamath River Compact Commission 2/5/15 Lambert, Jim Root's daughter, was former director of KBRT / Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust. KBRT merged with Trout Unlimited, so now Lambert is director of TU Water Project * NOTE: Jim Root biography: President KBRT / Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust, Board of Directors National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, owner international company Sobroso Company, international consultant, chairman of the Crater Lake National Park Trust, secretary treasurer for Klamath dam-removal group KRRC Klamath River Renewal (along with attorney Richard Collins-Roos and others) * Klamath Basin Rangeland trust: Water savings less than hoped in payment effort, H&N 2/22/04 * Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust and Trout Unlimited announce merger, award of $7.6M from NRCS to support partnerships with agriculture in upper Klamath Basin, Trout Unlimited 2/18/16. "Chrysten Lambert, formerly of KBRT and now Director of TU (Trout Unlimited) Oregon Water Project" * Articles regarding former KBRT closed door meetings in the Klamath Basin * Trout Unlimited Run by Wall Street Banks & Energy Giants, and Klamath Basin Crisis: Farmers Know Trout Unlimited All Too Well, by Toni Thayer April 29, 2014, Watching-the-Watchers.com. "One day you're farming, minding your own business, and life's good. The next day, and for the following nine years, you're fighting thieves who want your property and your livelihood. Using junk science and lots of propaganda, the thieves band together in meetings to hammer out the details of stealing your property and divvying it up amongst themselves. And you, the lawful property owner, are only one against the massive den of thieves." * Trout Unlimited was a "stakeholder" in the Klamath dam-removal water agreements: http://klamathbasincrisis.org/settlement/stakeholders/list010810.htm |
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