Robert F Kennedy Jr takes helm of Waterkeeper Alliance as Chairman; Board of Directors Announces New President, Executive Director 10/03/07. (KBC NOTE: For a little explanation on Whose Who: Waterkeeper is affiliated with international groups of dam-removal advocates. Anti-hog farms, dredge mining, coal burning power, dams--Klamath Dams. Local activists of this agenda-driven group are called "riverkeepers" as in "Klamath Riverkeeper." "Bobby Kennedy joins Klamath Tribes, fishermen and Riverkeeper in PacifiCorp toxin suit." Bobby is senior attorney.
Craig Tucker, coordinator and spokesman for the Karuk Tribe, previously worked with the environmental group Friends of the River, a California group advocating dam removal. He presently is on the board of Klamath Riverkeeper. Tucker is a lead in settlement negotiations between Klamath Water Users Association, environmentalists, agencies and Klamath River Tribes. Recent articles have said that Klamath irrigators are in these negotiations; please let us correct that misconception. We irrigators are not privy to these secret negotiations, bartering hydropower dams with water rights and power rates...secrecy was mandatory. The tribes have told their constituents, but Klamath Basin irrigators to date have not been allowed to learn what these groups of 'brothers' are negotiating in detail. We have been assured that we will have a public comment period before it's a done deal.)
Klamath Riverkeeper history
Felice Pace, with Klamath Forest Alliance,
worked as a volunteer helping to get Riverkeeper
group up and running.
Board of directors: Craig Tucker, Nat Pennington, Petey Brucker,
Kyle Haines.
10/28/08 Erica Terence has been selected for the position of
Klamath Riverkeeper. She joins Scott Harding (Executive Director)
and Melena Marvin (Outreach & Science Director) on the KR staff.
Erica grew up on the Salmon River and attended the Forks of
Salmon school. Her parents - Malcolm and Susan - came to Black
Bear Ranch many years ago and now live at Butler Flat on the lower
Salmon River. Erica previously worked for the Northcoast
Environmental Center as ECONEWS editor and on Klamath River
issues. |