Articles, Press Releases, Newsletters 2009 |
of the Year Hundreds of Klamath farmers' and ranchers' attend public input KBRA meeting hosted by S. Oregon Legislators. Klamath Water Users Association, Klamath County Commissioners and PacifiCorp boycotted it. 11/11/09, by KBC News. "We're told we don't deserve a seat at the table. The key KBRA people won't come to hear us. The robbers don't usually want to hear the victims...The government is supposed to represent all of us, not just a select few." |
![]() |
Klamath water talks to continue; revisions still not finished, more meetings in January, H&N, posted to KBC 12/31/09 | ||
The history of the Shasta Tribe,
by Betty Hall, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 12/17/09.
1905, "Parties coming in
from Keno state that the run of salmon in the Klamath River
this year is the heaviest it has ever known". The article also
states that there is a natural rock barrier below Keno, which
it is almost impossible for the fish to get over, should some
succeed they are spotted, bruised, and are worthless.
Evidently salmon getting to Link River was not a common
occurrence, as to the statement made above." Calif. Congressman) Mike Thompson says he will introduce Klamath River legislation in January, KlamBlog, posted to KBC 12/17/09. (KBC NOTE: KBC does not share environmental activist Felice Pace's views on Klamath irrigators, however we appreciate his sharing information on Thompson's upcoming legislation.) |
Groups push alternative to Klamath deals, Times Standard,
posted to KBC 12/17/09 3 environmental groups joins forces to speed up Klamath dam removal, KDRV, posted to KBC 12/17/09. "The group also opposes commercial agriculture on the 22,000 acres of National Wildlife Refuge land currently leased to farmers in the Basin, and wants better protections for endangered fish runs than are provided in the KBRA." Clock ticking on Klamath dam deal signing, Times Standard, posted 12/17/09. "The deadline to sign the agreements to tear out the Klamath River's four main dams is only a month away" |
Aanestad responds to Klamath dam questions, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 12/12/09. "Aanestad closed the meeting... stating that he has had various agribusiness groups in his office supporting dam removal, not knowing until the meeting that there were agribusiness interests opposed to removal." (KBC NOTE: some attending the meeting said Aanestad met with Project irrigators and they told him everyone supported the agreement, and they didn't mention the nearly 2000 petitions opposing the KBRA, and public input meeting unanimously against the KBRA, and poll with only 5% supporting the KBRA negotiations.) |
(Siskiyou) Supervisors have 12 points they want addressed,
H&N 12/17/09 Group sues over Klamath water-right negotiations, Capital Press 12/10/09 County issues ‘negotiating points’ on Klamath hydro agreement, Siskiyou Daily News 12/12/09 |
* PRESS RELEASE: Water for Life Files Lawsuit Challenging Secret Water Right Negotiations, 12/11/09. (KBC NOTE: The lawsuit is regarding the secret Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement water right negotiations) "'Oregon law is very clear,' said Water for Life spokesman, Richard Kosesan. 'The Department has legal authority to participate in Tribal water right negotiations, but the negotiations must be open to the public.' " | * Water for Life Final Complaint, posted 12/11/09. According to ORS539 310, the Oregon Water Resources Director may engage in negotiations with federally recognized Indian Tribes defining water rights, however they must be open to the public, with public notice and progress reports. The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement is not open to the public, and people effected are not welcomed at the negotiation table. | |
Water group suing state,
Lawsuit claims closed-door talks violate state law
(Regarding Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement), H&N 12/10/09 State’s participation previously criticized, H&N 12/10/09 |
Klamath pact creates concern; Talent Irrigation District manager, customers wonder if agreement to remove four Klamath River dams could lead to water cuts locally, Medford Tribune, posted 12/6/09 | |
The Cash Cows
are coming,
by Pat Ratliff, Pioneer Press 8/30/06. "Listed among "stakeholder groups" attending
the meeting will be California Trout, the
Klamath Forest Alliance, the Nature
Conservancy, Oregon Natural Resources
Council, Oregon Waterwatch and the Pacific
Coast Federation of Fisheries Associations,
just to name a few.
I beg to differ; I don't see any of those
groups as stakeholders. I see them holding
their hands out wanting to jump on the
prospect of even more grants and federal
money flowing down the river." (KBC
Note: these are mostly the same NGO's that have carried out
this plan to control the Klamath Basin through he Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement.) Water Deal would require major expenditures not previously disclosed, by Felice Pace, from Philadelphia, founder of Klamath Forest Alliance, owner of Klam Blog, 11/6/09. (KBC NOTE: An environmental activist's take on the KBRA). |
Supervisors updated on Klamath dams agreements,
Siskiyou Daily News 12/4/09 Humboldt Supervisors put support behind Klamath dam deals, Times Standard, posted 12/3/09. "A deadline of Jan. 14 is set for all parties to sign or oppose the agreements." |
Sink the pork laden (Calif) water bond, Press Enterprise by Assemblyman Jeff Miller, posted to KBC 11/30/09. "...$250 million for dam removal on the Klamath River. That's right: removal, not construction...the Capitol reverted back to many of its troubling habits of secret deal-cutting and last-minute changes to seemingly settled legislation. Sometimes, we fundamentally forget to make certain that we have asked for -- and received -- the consent of the governed." | |
Cost for (Klamath) dam removal coming from your pocket - literally, Pioneer Press 11/30/09 |
Decision on water agreement rests with Interior Secretary, H&N 11/30/09 | |
Federal judge takes third swing at NW salmon plan, Capital Press 11/22/09. (KBC NOTE: it looks like Klamath Dam removal will set the precedence for destroying the entire Western dam infrastructure--that's the plan. See Tucker bio) (Siskiyou) supervisor says science matters to (Klamath) debate, H&N 11/20/09 |
Klamath Dam removal: A model for the future, H&N 11/20/09. "U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., said it’s “insanity” to get rid of the cheapest power available when Californians are already paying some of the highest energy prices in the country...McClintock discounted statements that the negatives of dam removal are outweighed by the benefits...'That is ideological claptrap from the lunatic fringe of the environmental left...There are other measures possible to improve fisheries, such as building and funding hatcheries' " | |
Lawmakers mull next steps after water forums, H&N 11/20/09. "Nearly everyone spoke against dam removal and the restoration agreement." KBC NOTE: that is incorrect; no one supported the KBRA and dam removal, not one. Residents sound off at KHSA meeting, Siskiyou Daily 11/20/09. "About 200 people in total attended...the meetings....only one person held up his hand in support of (Klamath Dam) removal." |
Water issue debated at separate forums; opponents suggest other options, posted to KBC 11/18/09. KBC Note: Proponent of the KBRA complain that the public, who has been banned from negotiations, has no solutions, so they justify this closed-door agreement that excludes public input. However, the first meeting in 2 years was held entirely for public input Tuesday, Klamath Water Users, Upper Klamath Water Users, Tribes and PacifiCorp boycotted it, refusing to hear the people. “We just decided that wasn’t going to be a productive use of our time,” KWUA director Addington said..."We have to be done (with the agreement) first." |
Mitigating impact of dams on the river, H&N, posted to
KBC 11/18/09. (KBC Note: Tucker, contradicting
Riverkeeper, is a founder and board member of Riverkeeper.)
" Dam removal and water issues debated, H&N, 11/18/09 Correction for Herald and News ad that they have not corrected, posted 11/18/09 |
California Dams and Hydropower Protection RESOLUTION for the Benefit of California’s Tax Payers and Electric Ratepayers, passed at County Chairman’s Meeting during the California Republican Party Convention Fall 2009 | |
Siskiyou County to remain in water talks, H&N, posted to KBC 11/16/09. (KBC NOTE: There were more than 100 people at two sessions of public input in Yreka on Klamath dam removal, and the KBRA and dam removal were opposed by every speaker except one.) | Siskiyou - Speakers voice opposition to Klamath dam removal, H&N, posted to KBC 11/16/09 | |
Dam removal bond bill gets signature, H&N posted to KBC 11/16/09. (KBC NOTE: Just a reminder that Klamath Water Users Association, tribes, gov't agencies and environmental groups have heavily lobbied for the bonds for taxes and power rates to pay for tearing out Klamath River hydro dams. However, your representatives justify boycotting the public listening session on dam removal and the KBRA, saying they want the agreement done first before they hear the people's wishes and concerns.) | Closed meetings: Good idea, or not? H&N posted to KBC 11/15/09, KBC Comments, "To remind our readers, PCFFA, the Yuroks, and environmental groups petitioned in court against Klamath Irrigator's affordable power rate, irrigators lost, and now PCFFA and other environmental groups, the tribes, and government agencies have blackmailed irrigators..." | |
Groups to avoid water forums, H&N 11/10/09. (KBC NOTE: stated reasons Tribes, Klamath County Commissioners and Klamath Water Users Assoc. boycotted public input meeting, even after they have already lobbied for legislation on this new secret law of the land, excluding many stakeholders, with no transparency: “You can’t do it in a three-minute sound bite, which is what they’re doing,” Addington said.") | |
Are gill nets decimating Klamath and Trinity salmon runs?, Redding Record Searchlight 11/8/09. "Ferris, now 57, says he catches as many as 700 salmon a year using gill nets.... the Yurok and the Hoopa Valley tribes - report that they've hauled in almost 28,000 fish, close to this year's allotment, Huber and other guides said very few salmon are making it past the tribal waters and into areas where they can catch them...20,000 pounds of salmon - about 2,000 fish worth $60,000 - from the Trinity caught by members of the Hoopa Valley Tribe ended up for sale at the San Francisco fish market..." "That is our river," Fletcher (Yurok) said. "Those are our fish..." |
Public Listening Session
on Klamath Dam
Removal and KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration
Agreement 11/10/09
State Legislature approves comprehensive package to overhaul
water system, including an $11-billion bond,
LA Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09
(includes Klamath dam removal
funds) Money for Klamath dam removal included in California water bill, Oregonian, posted to KBC 11/6/09 Historic state water deal now up to voters, Contra Costa Times, posted to KBC 11/6/09. "The package would require state residents to cut water use by an average of 20 percent over the next decade and, for the first time, require water users to measure and report their use of underground water, ending California's status as the only Western state that does not regulate ground water." |
Environmental dissent, (Oregon Wild, formerly ONRC) Group critical of water agreement, with KBC editorial, 10/30/09. "Why is it ok for Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker to help draft and support the KBRA, and with another affiliation Klamath Riverkeeper, oppose it?" Why do several supporters of the KBRA, including Tucker and Glen Spain of PCFFA, state: "Commercial agriculture within the national wildlife refuges should be phased out in an equitable manner and refuge lands should be returned to a natural habitat condition" ? Why do they tell the farmers otherwise? | |
Agreement guarantees refuges water, H&N 10/16/09. "(Cole)
defends the Endangered Species Act and the involved National
Environment Protection Act, which are often seen as
obstacles....“They allow citizens the right to work for
solutions, not to stop achieving solutions.” “Throwing our hands up and saying, ‘let’s go to court,’ is not a solution. The time to solve the problem is here,” (Mauser) says. (KBC NOTE: An author and person at the table of the closed-door Klamath Settlement Craig Tucker is on the board of Riverkeeper who opposes the agreement and promises to litigate if their demands are not met.) |
Water deal the topic of panel talk, H&N 10/25/09. KBC NOTE: apparently the public is not invited. Off-Project Resource Conservancy, representing 95% of off project irrigation, has not been invited to speak either. Future of irrigation: Views differ about water agreement’s impact on agriculture, H&N 10/16/09 (KBC NOTE: Scronce and Hyde's group represent less than 5% of off project and are at the negotiation table. Hyde works for Sustainable NW which works for the Klamath Tribes. Resource Conservancy represents the majority of off project and are denied a seat at the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement table. Why) |
New Klamath Settlement Targets BuRec As Likely Removal Entity, NW Fishletter, posted to KBC 10/14/09.(Clarification from KBC. 1. " 'We look forward to turning our full attention now to the KBRA and finalizing terms that combine federal power and renewable energy investment to provide affordable power for our members,' said UKWUA's Becky Hyde." KBC NOTE: Hyde represents less than 5% of off Project; the other 95%, Resource Conservancy, were not allowed at the table and oppose the agreement. 2. "Klamath Riverkeeper, which has not been involved in the talks but has pursued litigation against PacifiCorp and regulators over water quality problems in the river, acknowledged substantial improvements in the agreement." KBC NOTE: Klamath Riverkeeper, who dropped out of the negotiations of the settlement agreement promises to sue if the agreement doesn't change to meet their desires. An author and supposed supporter of the agreement, Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker, is on the board of directors of Klamath Riverkeeper along with Karuk Leaf Hillman.) | ||
still at the table, Times Standard letter by Northcoast
Environmental Center, posted to KBC 10/13/09 (*Two groups at the Klamath settlement table, NCEC and PCFFA, support taking out the Keno Dam as well. People at the Yreka meeting presented testimony objecting to dam removal. Most of those objecting are not allowed at the table. Eureka.) |
Dams and cattle, Looking over the dam removal agreement, (with informational links supplied by KBC) H&N 10/9/09. "Senator Whitsett...said he believes the agreements as written will pretty much destroy the cattle industry ..." | |
(Siskiyou) County: We have not approved dam removal, Siskiyou Daily News 10/8/09 | Mixed views on dam removal, H&N, posted to KBC 10/8/09. "U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif. 'I think it’s absolute insanity,' McClintock said of the dam removal agreement." | |
Seeking input - Stakeholders plan public meetings; No dates yet for public meetings on dam removal, 10/6/09 H&N | What will dam removal mean in the future? H&N letters 10/6/09. Senator Doug Whitsett: | |
What you need to know about the KBRA, H&N 10/4/09. "...the public also will have the ability to comment on it, before it is signed..." |
Draft Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, 10/2/09 |
Parties Release Draft Agreement Setting Process To Remove Klamath Dams In 2020, CBB 9/2/09 | Siskiyou officials dubious about hydro plans Herald and News 10/3/09 | |
Klamath Riverkeeper's Press Release (threat of lawsuits), and KBC response. Some Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement negotiators are also Klamath Riverkeeper.
Press Release: KWUA, KWAPA and UKWUA. UKWUA represents
approximately 5% of Off Project Water users. The other 95%,
Klamath Resource Conservancy, were denied a seat at the
table.9/30/09 |
PRESS RELEASE: (Interior) Secretary Salazar Announces Draft Agreement on Klamath Dam Removal Proposal, DOI 9/30/09. “If it was not for the good-faith efforts of a wide range of stakeholders and the engagement of the public, we would not have reached this milestone” added Salazar." (KBC NOTE - Go HERE to see what the public has to say, and HERE.. The public was left out of the closed door meetings, including representatives of thousands of acres of ag land. If they had wanted input, would they have waited until today to allow us to see their plan for our power, land and water rights?) | |
PRESS RELEASE: Gov. Schwarzenegger Issues Statement Regarding Draft Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement | PRESS RELEASE: Governor Kulongoski's statement on Klamath dam removal proposal, 9/30/09 | |
Could Klamath Dam Removal Deal Set Future Precedent? OPB 9/30/09 | Klamath Dam Removal Settlement Expected This Week, OPB, posted to KBC 9/29/09 | |
Farmer vs. farmer: Klamath water controversies well up,
Capital Press, posted to KBC 9/5/09.
(Klamath Tribal member at negotiation table) said the
contestants stayed out of the settlement negotiations of their
own volition, and characterized the group's motion to vacate
the agreement as an unnecessary complication." Nicholson sent to KBC the following response: "It is odd that Jeff Mitchell's remembrances diverge from what is factual. It can easily be verified that Resource Conservancy, which represents the Upper Basin contestants, asked for a seat at the table. This request was never honored." (KBC NOTE: Resource Conservancy represents more than 100,000 acres on Klamath Off-Project land.) * Here is the Klamath Tribe document of intensions in the closed-door KBRA/settlement agreement: putting land into tax-exempt trust, ...intends to "buy back private lands....and secure funding for purchasing retired water rights, conservation easements...assert tribes senior water rights...expand for federal lands..." |
Study: no infections from algae bloom exposure, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 9/2/09 "The warning signs are being posted by the Forest Service, Karuk Tribe and other groups along stretches of the river and at the reservoirs.... Supervisor Cook said he would like to contact the Forest Service and see why they are posting the warning signs along the river when there has been no case of toxins entering anybody’s blood stream. (KBC NOTE: The tribes and environmental groups are using the algae scare to force water quality regulations and Klamath dam removal upon the county) | ||
Rafting companies say dam removal could hurt business, Medford Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 9/7/09 | Hoopa Tribe, back at the table by Hoopa Tribe Chairman Leonard Masten, posted to KBC 8/28/09 | |
National Research Council: Basin-wide study needed to assess water flows in Klamath, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 8/26/09 | Siskiyou concerns are being addressed, H&N posted to KBC 8/25/09. "The unknown liability of millions of cubic yards of sediment behind the dams has kept Armstrong and her constituents strongly opposed to dam removal." | |
County commissioners criticized; Charter proponent Bill Kennedy fires back over what he says were false accusations, H&N, posted to KBC 8/24/09 | Klamath Tribes to vote Aug. 29 (on Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement), Tribal leaders meeting with members now H&N 8/21/09 | |
Hukill: Group threatens recall over restoration agreement, by Klamath County Commissioner Cheryl Hukill, guest columnist, posted to KBC 8/7/09. KBC Responds |
Oregon GOP and dam removal, H&N 8/7/09. "...We
oppose the breaching of dams and support additional storage
sufficient to the needs of sound water management,
hydroelectric power and environmental policy based on |
Commissioners hear recall rumors over agreement, H&N
8/7/09 Klamath - GOP - Controversy grows over position on dam removal, H&N 8/7/09. "Whitsett said Tiernan wasn’t familiar with the state party’s platform and the fact that nearly every Republican in the Oregon Legislature voted against the dam removal bill was proof the party is united against it." |
Klamath Water and Power Agency board meeting 8/4/09. KWAPA will discuss becoming member of the closed-door KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. | |
State, local Republicans oppose removal of dams, H&N
7/31/09. (according
of Klamath County registered voters * Only 11% favor Klamath dam removal, * 7% favor public purchase of reservation land for the Tribes * 5% favor the closed and confidential negotiations involved in developing the KBRA and the AIP.) |
Water talks almost done;
Meetings are planned in Klamath
H&N, posted to KBC 8/2/09 Klamath River dam removal talks moving along, California officials expect final agreement in coming weeks, H&N 7/31/09 |
Groups: Deal has greater benefits, Off-Project users: Settlement doesn’t resolve everything, H&N posted to KBC 7/30/09. | Walking Wetland Controversy, and Bureau of Reclamation Issues, by KBC reporter July 19, 2009 | |
Officials meeting about dams, H&N, posted 7/17/09" | Water stakeholders work toward September goal, H&N 7/17/09 | |
Governor signs Klamath dams bill; Federal officials meet about water agreement, H&N 7/15/09 | Klamath Dams: Sediment studies being formulated, Siskiyou Daily News 7/15/09 | |
More conflict over dam removal, Pioneer Press, posted to KBC 7/2/09 | Water storage appraisal nearly done, H&N 7/2/09 (The Klamath settlement agreement' demands most of the potential stored water from Long Lake to be sent to the ocean rather than used for irrigation.) | |
DOI NEWS RELEASE - Salazar: Klamath Basin Agreement “Within Reach;” Sets September Deadline for Final Deal on Potential Dam Removal, 6/30/09 |
(Klamath) Water issue divides GOP, H&N 6/27/09
followed by H&N
reader comments. KBC's > Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Page |
PacifiCorp: Pact will be delayed, H&N 6/6/09 |
Agreement on dams unlikely by June 30, H&N 6/5/09 |
Web version of the KBRA is sparking speculation, H&N 6/4/09. “I think people need a voice. Any information we can get on what’s possibly going to happen to us is something we should know.” | Klamath protesters return to Omaha, Indian Country Today 5/30/09. More on Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker | |
Water for Life worried about dam
removal costs; Group
opposes removing four dams on the Klamath River,
H&N 6/4/09 Health care, water hot topics; Senator speaks with Basin residents at town hall meeting, H&N, posted to KBC 5/28/09. Klamath Tribes, farmers make water settlement, Sacramento Bee 5/21/09, followed by Sac Bee comments. According to a Klamath Tribe document, the tribe intends to assert it's senior water right. |
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 5/29/09. "The passage of SB 76 will start the process that will result in the largest dam removal since World War II, and the largest planned dam removal project in the history of mankind. It represents the first domino to fall in the destruction of the hydroelectric project and the implementation of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Incredible political pressure was exerted upon Oregon legislators to adopt SB 76, especially by governor Kulongoski and his staff. It appears that the dam destruction is an integral part of the Governor’s remaining legacy. This pressure was applied in spite of a recent poll of Klamath County registered voters that indicated overwhelming opposition to dam removal, and a recent poll of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho registered voters that indicated nearly identical overwhelming opposition to the destruction of the hydroelectric dams on the Snake River. " | |
Farming For Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, 2009. "This grant will sponsor an informational trip by some of the participating farmers and other agricultural stakeholders in the Skagit Delta to Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge in the Klamath Basin region of Northern California." (Walking Wetlands will be part of the KBRA) |
Klamath Tribes, farmers make water settlement, KDRV
5/21/09. Video and article. "The
settlement, filed Wednesday with the Oregon Department of Water
Resources, mirrors key elements of the dam removal plan, under
which the tribes agree not to use their senior water right to stop
water for irrigation, and the farmers agree not to contest the
tribes' claims. Klamath tribes have been fighting for senior water
rights for close to 30 years." (KBC NOTE: Why can KWUA give away our water rights to the tribes? |
Refuges receive stimulus money, H&N 5/19/09. "The stimulus money will be used to create a block of 1,300 acres that will be flooded for two years this fall. In 2010, the land will be returned to crops for three to five years." | (Klamath Basin) Walking Wetlands, Iowa Public Television, posted to KBC 5/19/09. Tulelake refuge manager Ron Cole, and Tule Lake farmers Marshall Staunton and Rob Crawford, tell about the Walking Wetland program. (Walking Wetlands, on federal and private property, are controlled and financed through the KBRA) | |
Our Electricity Deficit, posted to KBC 5/19/09. "The U.S. is barely generating enough electricity to meet current needs, and demand is expected to grow 26% over the next 20 years." |
Lawmakers want input about dam removals, H&N 5/16/09. Includes KBC Comments regarding the critics of the poll by our elected lawmakers. "We'd like to thank our lawmakers Garrard, Whitsett and Gilman for asking their constituents their opinion of: removing..." | |
Phone poll: (Klamath County) residents oppose (Klamath) dam removal, H&N 5/15/09 | A resolution opposing portions of the proposed Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the KBRA, posted to KBC 5/15/09, by the Klamath County Republican Central Committee. | |
PRESS RELEASE: Poll shows overwhelming opposition to Klamath River dam removal, Senator Doug Whitsett 5/14/09 | Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement poll results, Senator Doug Whitsett Update 5/14/09. | |
Klamath dams debate roars on, Capital Press 5/14/09 Klamath-area farmer Tom Mallams showed lawmakers last week this stack of (1850) petitions opposing a plan to remove four Klamath River dams. |
Dam removal bill remains stuck in committee, H&N 5/12/09 |
Legislature Considers Funding For Klamath Dam Removal, OPB posted to KBC 5/9/09. "The measure would allow dam-owner PacifiCorp to put a surcharge on electric bills to pay for removing the dams." | Dam issue all business; Removal may be best option for ratepayers, The Triplicate 5/9/09. "Currently, the dams only produce ... enough to power 70,000 homes." | |
New Anti-Dam Group
Part of "Well-funded, Well-Coordinated" Attack Against
Learning from the Dam-Removal Pros - featuring an author of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, Interview with Craig Tucker, Klamath Campaign Coordinator, Karuk Tribe, International River, posted to KBC 5/2/09. HERE for Tucker's biography and related articles and letters. | |
Damn those dams; Klamath River Dam Removal negotiations uncertain, The Lumberjack 4/29/09. 5 Comments at the end, "These are the most misleading statements I've read! Riverkeeper claims to be not at the table of the KBRA...all three are on the Klamath Riverkeeper board of directors" | Failure is not an option, Interior Secretary supports water agreement collaboration, H&N 5/2/09 | |
4/29/09 -
Channel 12 report on KBRA Parts 1, 2 and 3 * Response to Channel 12's three-part series on the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement news videos by Rex Cozzalio, Yreka, 5/10/09. * Comment of Channel 12's "reporting on the proposed Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA, by Katherine Lehman, immediate past president People for the USA Grange 835. "If you had read the KBRA you would know THERE IS NO GUARANTEE OF ANY WATER TO ANY IRRIGATOR. The KBRA does, though, guarantee irrigators will lose water, and not just in the upper Klamath Basin." |
Northcoast Environmental Center steps away from Klamath agreement, Times Standard 4/24/09. "Greg King with the NEC said that efforts to submit changes to the working document were rebuffed. Signing onto the agreement in its current form, he said, could prevent the center from taking legal action to protect salmon in the river from depleted flows...Tucker also insisted that any group -- whether they sign the agreement or not -- can still assert its right to litigate to protect endangered species in the river if necessary." (KBC NOTE: we highlight Tucker's statement because up until now, the stakeholders have tried to convince the people, contrary to the settlement document, that the KBRA would end lawsuits and ESA demands on our irrigation water." | |
PRESS RELEASE: How did we get here, CA Congressman Wally Herger, posted to KBC 4/23/09. "Let me say, without equivocation, that I have always been, and always will be a supporter of dams and hydroelectric projects. The benefits that they provide through clean, low-cost energy, flood control, water storage, local tax revenue, and recreation are invaluable". | Group joins water discussion, Upper Klamath Water Users Association will have a vote, H&N 4/10/09. | |
Commissioners push for more water storage, Elliott will attend meetings aimed at settling water disagreements, H&N 4/10/09. | Water settlement remains in limbo, H&N 4/6/09 | |
Merrill Townhall meeting with Klamath County Commissioners, 4/5/09 by KBC News -- notes and quotes about the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement and a little background information. | Off-Project Water Users call cops on Kandra at private board meeting, Board works to find water and power solutions for Off-Project farmers and ranchers March 24, 2009. | |
Lawsuit Aims to Protect Northern California Salmon Habitat, posted to KBC 3/20/09. Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, North Coast Environmental Center, Klamath Riverkeeper are among Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement stakeholders suing the Calif. Water Quality Control Board to regulate water quality in the Klamath Basin. The historically warm, mineral laden water must become clean. February 2009 lawsuit. Court petition HERE. | Tribes want policies to help them aid nation’s hydropower needs, Indian Country, posted to KBC 3/27/09. (KBC NOTE: 4 Klamath River Tribes want to tear down our Klamath River hydropower serving 70,000 households annually. In the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, Klamath Tribe in addition to dam removal, wants to be given part of the reservation they sold, water rights "with the priority date of time immemorial", funds, and neighboring land.) Klamath Tribe document of intensions | |
Klamath County Commissioners quiz settlement proponents, H&N, posted to KBC 3/21/09 | Siskiyou worried about dams; County supervisors want to know alternatives, get real appraisal, H&N 3/15/09 | |
* NEWS RELEASE: Klamath Water Users Association reaction to announcement on delay in water deliveries, KWUA 3/10/09. | 4/30/08 - Review comments of Hoopa Valley Tribal Fisheries Department of KBRA | |
Compilation of Information to Inform USFWS Principals on Technical Aspects of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Relating to Fish and Fish Habitat Conditions | 5/23/08, Dr. Thomas Hardy support for the KBRA, posted to KBC 3/7/09. Discusses evaporation, retiring farmland, and limiting groundwater pumping. HERE for Hardy Page | |
5/9/08, Karuk Press Release: Klamath Science Meeting regarding Klamath Restoration Agreement, posted to KBC 3/7/09. | Senator listens to water law concerns; Sen. Wyden’s staff presented with 1,800 signatures against Klamath deal, Capital Press 3/6/09 | |
PRESS RELEASE: Siskiyou County addresses CDM/Camp Dresser and McKee Report, regarding $800 million in new costs previously undisclosed by the principals in the Agreement in Principle, posted 3/4/09 | Statement of Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors regarding cover-up of CDM report by the Department of the Interior. The report unveils millions or billions of expenses in Klamath dam removal to be paid by ratepayers or taxpayers, posted 3/4/09 | |
Siskiyou County letter calls for coordination, Siskiyou Daily News 3/2/09 |
Klamath Natural Resources Advisory Council opposes Klamath plan, H&N 3/1/09 |
Respecting Siskiyou County Resolution, PP 2/18/09. "Calif. Republican Party..." |
No feud between Cowboys, Indians; Shasta Indians, County Republicans unite against dam removal, PP 2/18/09 | |
Siskiyou officials oppose Klamath dam removal, VIDEO and article KDRV, posted 2/10/09 | Removing Klamath dams, H&N 2/23/09 | |
Potential socio-economic liabilities discussed
in report By David Smith, Siskiyou Daily News February 20, 2009 |
Liability concerns part of discussion H&N 2/21/09 | |
Oregon Senate passes Klamath bill on dam removal funding, Capital Press 2/17/09 | Put hard cap on costs to power users for taking out dams, H&N 2/15/09, and KBC NOTE | |
Paying for folly, Albany Democrat Herald Editorial 1/12/09 | Multitude of issues meet at Klamath, Capital Press 2/12/09, and KBC NOTE | |
Klamath proposal gains support in Legislature, Capital Press 2/12/09 | Summary, comments end Camp, Dresser and McKee report, Siskiyou Daily News 2/24/09. | |
Klamath dam removal bill clears senate committee, Oregonian 2/11/09 | Legislators hear Klamath deal’s pros, cons, Capital Press 2/5/09, and KBC NOTE | |
Gov. Ted Kulongoski, Who’s he represent? Willamette Weekly 2/4/09 | Power bill gets hearing, Bill would increase PacifiCorp rates to pay for removing 4 dams, H&N 2/4/09 | |
Bill may raise power rates, Governor’s proposal is part of Klamath water settlement, H&N 2/3/09 | Dam reports available to public, Removal of the Klamath dams would affect regions in both Siskiyou County and southeastern Oregon, Siskiyou Daily News 2/2/09 | |
URGENT! Electric Ratepayers! by Gail Whitsett 1/30/09 | Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter, SB 76, The Rest of the Story 1/30/09 | |
FERC hosts Klamath Dam meetings, Siskiyou Daily News 1/30/09 | More questions than answers: Agency hearing on Klamath River dams draws about 100 in Yreka, H&N 1/30/09 | |
Senator hears economic worries; Financial bailout, water agreement among concerns at town hall meeting, H&N 1/24/08 | Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter (includes KBRA) 1/16/09 | |
Siskiyou County says: Let's talk, Pioneer Press 1/14/09 | * New Off-Project group forms, KBC editor responds, 1/10/09 | |
PacifiCorp, stakeholders to meet today, H&N 1/8/09 | Siskiyou County will participate in Klamath dam negotiations, Siskiyou Daily News 1/8/09 | |
Siskiyou to join talks on dams, H&N 1/8/09 | Person of the Year - Roy Hall Jr. Pioneer Press 1/7/09 | |
PacifiCorp; Notice of Public Meetings Concerning the Relicensing of the Klamath Hydroelectric Project, 1/3/09 | ||
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