Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
FREEDOM If you believe in conspiracies against freedom, this page is for you. It consists of articles, scientific reports and testimonies. These reports include, however are larger than, Klamath Basin issues. We are only a small part, but an important part, of the larger scheme to destroy freedoms. "I have a choice to keep silent and to allow the extremists to do what they are doing, or I have a choice to stand up and say 'this is wrong and I'm going to try and save my country,' and I have taken the 2nd choice." Benazir Bhutto, who was murdered today trying to give Pakistan hope of freedom. 12/27/07
Tombstone needs our help! 21st Century Shootout at the OK Corral – Life and Death in Tombstone, Smoked Bear 5/11/12. "A few years ago, this same federal government that requested, and received, permission from Tombstone to use Tombstone’s water to fight forest fires has now shut down Tombstone’s access to its water leaving it with only minutes of water to protect the health, safety and welfare of its citizen from being destroyed by fire...Their minutes of water will prove worthless in saving the lives and livelihoods of the residents of Tombstone." * Detainment Camps Going Live: FEMA Seeking Subcontractors to Provide “Temporary Camp Services” In All 50 States, InformationClearingHouse 12/13/11 Is government creating violence, Barry Clausen 11/12/11. "These agencies and their out of control agents along with radical members of the environmental community and the Karuk Tribe are apparently deliberately creating problems that are infuriating America’s farmers, ranchers, the timber industry and those who use our country’s public lands in Northern California’s Siskiyou County...As Sheriff Lopey stated, “Essentially, we are under attack and our public safety, way of life, quality of life, economy and future is at stake.” Remarks To The Major Donors Of Hillsdale College, Constitution Week, September 2011, by Igor Birman, Congressman McClintock's Chief of Staff. "I remember vividly the week before my parents, my brother, my grandmother and I left Moscow for the United States. As we went to say good-bye to my uncle in St. Petersburg, Russian authorities ransacked our little apartment..."
Thomas Jefferson, his life and quotes 1/23/11 Return to the Constitution, by Jim Huffman, posted to KBC 9/15/10 Sunday-America truly is the greatest country in the world; don't let freedom slip away, by Kitty Werthmann, an Austrian who grew up under Hitler's dictatorship. Her country voted to be ruled by Hitler. Then came removal of God from schools, gun registration, gov't health care, mercy killing, no freedom of speech...posted 2/20/10 “Freedom in the USA?” by Karuk tribal member James Waddell 7/4/09 By Karuk Tribal member James Waddell: "The Death of Honor; and the Desertion of Our Children," posted 7/4/09 Bleeding Heart Bureaucrats, Craig Chenoweth, Edna, 2/7/09 Principles, Politics and Protest, guest opinion by Craig Chenoweth, Etna, CA. "Expose the waste and wrong doings before we can participate with them." College students seek to use concealed carry gun permits, Mountain States Legal Foundation 12/30/08. United Nations with Agenda 21 is alive and well in the Klamath Basin, to control our resources, our population, and herd people into 'sustainable' communities using the Endangered Species Act, Water Quality mandates, etc. Here is an extensive resource in UN documents, agenda, and NGOs.