Archive 182 - July 2017
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SEND COMMENTS NOW!!! Federal Indian Policy: “Mom Always Liked YOU best!”, Elaine Willman for New American 7/31/17. "It’s 83 years late in coming, but at long last the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 (IRA) is finally getting its first-ever review, and hopefully serious reform. IRA (48 stat. 984) forms the backbone of federal Indian policy across the country and has been extended, expanded, and abused far beyond the original intent of Congress...Johnny’s governments (tribes) may directly finance political parties, incumbents, or candidate election officials. Jimmy’s government may not. Johnny’s businesses are all tax-exempt and growing enormously. Jimmy’s businesses are taxed to the max. Johnny’s government members can hold elected office anywhere across the country, passing land use and taxation laws upon Jimmy that do not apply to Johnny. Johnny has priority over most of the river and water systems throughout the Western states because Johnny was here first, and Jimmy’s needs don’t matter — he shouldn’t exist." Willman's Biography Making America More Secure; Breakdown of Funding, U.S. Congressman Doug LaMalfa, Calif. District 1, 7/30/17.
Farming inside refuges transforms Klamath Basin
agriculture, H&N by OPB 7/28/17 Arizona man gets 68 years in prison in Nevada standoff case, H&N 7/27/17. “...Even though a shot was not fired...” "Defendants in the case have maintained they were moved not by anti-government sentiment, but instead by images of U.S. Bureau of Land Management agents using stun guns and dogs against Bundy family members." Linthicum, Reschke, freshmen legislators, recount wins and losses, H&N 7/20/17
BOR acting commissioner tours Basin; New biological opinion, future of water agreements considered, H&N 7/19/17 Spending Money with Reckless Abandon, by Oregon State Senator Dennis Linthicum, District 28, 7/19/17. "...I might be naive, but I thought everyone knew that even millionaires can run out of money..." Klamath Tribes meet with Interior's Zinke, H&N 7/18/17. Interior Secretary Zinke to meet with local (Klamath Falls) officials Saturday, (regarding Obama's monument expansion, OC&E land act, and water negotiations,) 7/14/17 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 7/14/17, Bills: Cap and Trade, Commodities, Labor ( requires employers to demand search warrants or subpoenas for ICE enforcement and to notify the Labor Commissioner and employees and their representatives about ICE enforcement and its results), Natural Resources ( would require California to enforce the federal Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act (ESA), and their implementing regulations and policies as were in place on January 1, 2016 or January 1, 2017, whichever version is the most stringent), ( would make several changes to the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) ), Transportation, Water (more requirements and demands). 2nd pack of gray wolves spotted in Northern California, Bristol Herald Courier 7/6/17 Oregon approves measure requiring insurers to cover abortion, H&N 7/6/17. "...patients would have access to the procedure for virtually any reason, at any time, including sex-selective and late-term abortions." U.S. Senate bill includes Klamath measures, H&N 7/4/17. "Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, both Oregon Democrats, as well as U.S.Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., and Rep. Doug LaMalfa, R-Calif., worked with KWUA for six months on the elements of the amendment. The bill amendment also received support from U.S. Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, both California Democrats, and the leadership of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee." 7/31/17 - See article for CORRECTION
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