Archive 123 - August 2012
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President John F. Kennedy and California Water Projects, dams, 1962. YouTube, 8.5 minutes.
California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, Legislative and Governmental Update 8/31/12. "the legislature is winding down on the last day of the two-year legislative session scheduled to conclude tonight at midnight. This review gives you a status report of what has occurred in the legislature thus far this week. On Tuesday of next week we will send a final recap of those measures still pending when this report was finalized." Issues: farmworker heat, overtime, shade and water, Cal Fish and Game expanded authority, prohibition of dogs to hunt predators bear and bobcats, DFG and ESA, more... What we were doing when freedom died? by Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett 8/30/12 Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels 8/30/12 8/26/12: "We need your help. Mercy Chefs is responding to the threat of what will become Hurricane Isaac. We plan to load and move the first wave of equipment beginning Monday." KBC editor: Mercy Chefs needs funds to feed victims of natural disasters. Seiad is 6 hours notification for immediate evacuation, Siskiyou County Sheriff's office 8/29/12. Last update 6 pm Reply to Erica Terence article in the Huffington Post “Razing Dams From the River That Raised Me by Mark Baird, Scott Valley Protect Our Water, posted to KBC 8/29/12, followed by Huffington Post article. "Erica Terence is a product of the Black Bear Commune. She is not a scientist nor is she trained in Biology. Erica is the spokesperson for a group which is a front organization of the Karuk Tribe."
KBC Editor 8/27/12: Siskiyou Under Siege part 5, Riverkeepers are a Front Organization of the Karuk Tribe, KSYC News Radio, posted to KBC 8/27/12. The siege of Siskiyou by Frank Galusha, My Outdoor Buddy 08/10/12. "The army they face is backed by politicians in Sacramento and Washington that were voted into office by the people of densely populated areas. Most city-folk could care less about what happens in places like Siskiyou. To them Siskiyou doesn’t exist..." State bill would eliminate rights, Capital Press Letter to the Editor August 24, 2012 by Prudence L. Miller, McArthur. "Assembly Bill 2179... will adversely affect every farmer, rancher, sportsman and citizen in this state. This bill gives the Department of Fish and Game the power to impose fines up to $10,000 for each and every perceived violation of the Fish and Game Code and deprives you of your right to go before a Superior Court judge or jury." John 16:12-15: I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now.However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will speak on His own Authority, but whatever He hears He will speaks: and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore, I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. California Assembly race page, Brian Dahle and Rick Bosetti. Endorsements, supporters, who is contributing? Reeling them in; record Klamath salmon returns mean a good season for local fishermen, Times-Standard, posted to KBC 8/25/12. ”The salmon runs have been phenomenal this year,” Sherry Klassen said. “We have never witnessed a season like this before. Everyone is talking about it. It is huge.”
Tulelake Irrigation District wells
pumped August 15-23 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review 8/24/12, includes metal theft, food processors, shade and water requirements, agricultural overtime, more...
Coalition of 39
groups call for Congress to pass farm bill, Capital Press, posted to KBC
8/24/12. Ranchers live in the shadow of wolves, Capital Press 8/24/12. Oregon needs action on water, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/24/12. James Buchal to be in Grants Pass August 24th, for Oregon Attorney General Rancher, wolf battle escalates, D Chieftain, posted to KBC 8/24/12. "After an overall estimated monetary loss of $16,000, of which about $3,500 has been compensated, Hulsey doesn’t know if he can keep the business alive. 'Sooner or later they run everybody (the ranchers) down and they just give up,' Hulsey said. 'I don’t think there is any answer. Several have quit because of the wolves...' ” (Modoc) County aims to take tough stand against wolves, Modoc County Record, posted to KBC 8/24/12. Tehama comes out against wolf on endangered list, Red Bluff Daily, posted to KBC 8/24/12.
Wolf Delisting,
Muley Crazy, posted to KBC 8/24/12. KBC: Earthjustice sued, and Judge Malloy
"Made law instead of enforcing existing statutes." John 16:5-11: But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, "Where are you going?" But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your hearts. Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart I will send Him to you. And when He has come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement: And of sin because they do not believe Me; And of righteousness because I go to My Father and you see Me no more; And of judgement, because the ruler of the world is judged. 8/22/12 Langell Valley faces limited water supplies, H&N, posted to KBC 8/22/12. It's more than ranchers who oppose 600,000 acre monument, Sun News, posted to KBC 8/22/12. "It is ranching combined with border security and flood control that has resulted in the widespread opposition to these proposals...Border security is an issue because the environmental designations would either prevent or restrict law enforcement activity." Found in a monument were, "...160 abandoned vehicles, 110 bicycles, 24 tons of trash, 27,000 pounds of marijuana, 1,200 illegal aliens, miles of illegal roads and "acres of plastic water bottles, coats, backpacks and other items cast off after trekking for days from the U.S.-Mexican border to rendezvous points 75 miles to the north." A fisherman sues the feds for acting like crooks, Washington Examiner, posted to KBC 8/22/12. "The Commerce Department's inspector general reviewed the NOAA's Asset Forfeiture Fund -- where Yacubian's $430,000 fine went -- and found that "these funds were used to purchase 'luxurious' undercover vessels, buy 202 vehicles for a staff of 172 enforcement personnel, and take trips around the world....A special investigative judge concluded there is 'credible evidence that money was NOAA's motivating objective in this case.' There's also knowledgeable belief that the NOAA's purpose is to eradicate the fishing industry." Basic American Rights Series 9/29/12 in Eugene. "Our Founding Fathers knew that liberty was intimately tied to our ability to create wealth—and that economic freedom was directly tied to natural resources and private property. Come hear four incredible speakers talk about our American rights and leave with knowledge on how to fight back." from Dr Richard Gierak 8/20/12: Spotted Owl listing, Coho, Fish Kill, Yurok boat dance, water pulse, forestry roads, mining,...* Notice of Availability of SDS and Broughton Lumber Companies Safe Harbor Agreement Documents and Request for Public Comments, 8/20/12. "The Permit would authorize SDS and BLC to carry out habitat management measures to benefit the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina) which is listed as a threatened species under the federal Endangered Species Act, and would allow SDS and BLC to manage their lands under the SHA for the net benefit of the northern spotted owl;...The SHA covers approximately 81,587 acres in Skamania, Klickitat and Yakima Counties in Washington, and Hood River and Wasco Counties in Oregon. BLC’s approximately 12,400 acres and SDS’ approximately 69,186 acres are within a 35-mile radius of the SDS Lumber Company’s mills located in Bingen, Washington." * The Yurok Grift, Questions linger in million-dollar embezzlement scheme after fugitive surrenders, North Coast Journal, posted to KBC 4/14/12. "Field had already figured out that the Mad River Biologists invoices submitted for spotted owl research were associate at Mad River Biologists acknowledged that they hadn’t conducted the surveys in question." HERE for Klamath Science Misconduct page Constitutional Sheriffs in Ukiah 8/18/12 Governor Kitzhaber’s draft Ten Year Energy Plan, by Senator Doug Whitsett 8/17/12. "Oregon poorest families, including those who are unemployed or underemployed, will be disproportionately disadvantaged by the higher energy costs inherent to the draft Plan."
CFBF Friday legislative review
8/17/12. KBC Editor: It seems our urban Democrats are creating
laws and assuming they know what is best for farmers and farm laborers, some
of which would produce jail time if violated. Shade, water, overtime,
fees... Representatives discuss dam development, protection, House Committee to discuss dams today, H&N 8/16/12 by Tri-City Herald. " 'The bill introduced by Hastings, called the Saving Our Dams and New Hydropower Development and Jobs Act, would “help eliminate government roadblocks and frivolous litigation that stifle development,' he said. It would prohibit federal dollars from being used to remove or breach hydropower dams or to study those actions without specific authorization by Congress."
Sustaining farmland no laughing matter, Christopher Young, H&N
letter to the editor 8/16/12.
USDA announces $170M-program to "help" some livestock sellers The Westerner, posted to KBC 8/16/12. " * The government pays 417,000 farmers to not farm on 30 million acres, lessening the supply of all grains. * Government incentives result in 40% of the corn crop going into ethanol, further lessening the supply of feed grain. * These two government supply-restricting programs result in huge increases in the price of feed grains, putting livestock producers in a bind." Farmers, ranchers in the Langell Valley familiar with water crises, H&N, posted to KBC 8/16/12. "Under federally-mandated U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biological opinions, a minimum lake level is required to support the short-nose sucker, an endangered fish." (KBC NOTE: There is a mandatory lake level in Clear Lake for "endangered" suckers. Before the Klamath Project was built, Clear Lake was a meadow. The reservoir was built to evaporate water so farmers could farm. The Project also pumped water out of this closed basin into Klamath River, water which historically did not reach the river. The federal government now demands a higher-than-historical lake level for salmon because of the ESA / Endangered Species Act) Former Yurok forestry director pleads 'not guilty' to embezzlement, Times Standard, posted to KBC 8/16/12. "Raymond and his two co-conspirators are accused of using an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three-year period of wildlife preservation studies."
Tulelake Irrigation District
wells pumped Aug. 9-15, 2012 Two more calves found dead in Washington wolf country, Capital Press 8/16/12. Forest Service makes it difficult for public, H&N 8/16/12, by Steve Rapalyea, Chiloquin James Albert Waddell, Karuk Tribal member, has documented Loggers Life, local art and history, Happy Camp history, Mule Packer, Gold Miners, Miners vs Indians, betrayed Soldiers, George Gibbs journal info, more. Waddell has also contributed extensively to KBC detailing tribal leader corruption. Constitutional Sheriffs in Ukiah Aug. 18, 2012.
Natural Resources Committee Chairman)
Hastings’ Hydro Bill Will
Protect and Promote Hydropower Dams, 8/15/12. HR 6247:
Short message from Rick Bosetti for California State Assembly District 1, 8/15/12. "California placed 48th least business friendly..." Humboldt: Federal charges against former Yurok forestry director over $1 million embezzlement, "Raymond, LeValley and McAllister used an elaborate system of fake invoices, false purchase requests and electronic bank transfers to embezzle more than $870,000 in federal funds from the Yurok Tribe during a three year period of wildlife preservations studies... The surveys that allegedly were never conducted primarily purported to be for spotted owl research..." HERE for Science Misconduct page. Opponents keep fighting as fire fee bills sent out, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/15/12. Out Of Touch President Obama Fiddles While Tombstone, AZ Burns, Forbes, posted to KBC 8/15/12. John 16:1-4, sent by Frank Tallerico: "1. These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. 2. They will put out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. 3. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father or Me. 4. But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you them. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you." Public air quality meeting set for Aug 21, DEQ will host two meetings this month, H&N, 8/4/12. "If the area doesn’t reach attainment by 2014, industries will face heavier restrictions and the use of wood-burning stoves in the winter will be banned..."
Biomass plant
should be stopped, H&N, letter by Paul
Fouch 7/25/12 "Are
you willing to let them take away our wood stoves so they can
burn biomass, give them $7.5 million in property tax breaks,
help pay government subsidies for the building and operation of
the plant, let them cause massive traffic risks for residents
and school buses along Highway 66 and risk the health of
residents of Klamath Falls by dispersing toxic pollutants
downwind to
The Bite is On! Fishing for Salmon off California Coast is Best in Years, CDFG / Department of Fish and Game, posted to KBC 8/9/12. “Thanks to the favorable ocean conditions and plentiful food, all the reports we are receiving from the coast are very positive,” said DFG Northern Regional Manager Neil Manji....Early forecasts predicted 819,000 adult Sacramento River fall-run Chinook and 1.7 million Klamath River fall-run Chinook adults off the coast...."“In my 26 years of working with salmon on the North Coast, I have never seen such a remarkable beginning to a salmon season." KBC EDITOR: 6 years ago government agencies and groups like PCFFA shut down salmon fisheries and blamed Klamath dams and Klamath farmers for low count of Klamath salmon in the ocean, NOT ocean conditions. HERE is the Farmer-Fisherman Page from 2006-7. The Oregon Trollers claimed PCFFA / Glen Spain did not represent them. Here is another letter about Spain by Don Stevens, advisor to the Oregon Salmon Commission.They bribed and sued and blackmailed farm leaders into agreeing to destroying the hydro dams and downsizing ag, in an alliance with PCFFA and DFG. Summer 2012: dams are still in, farmers still farming, and DFG proclaims good salmon run because of ocean conditions. Here for Glen Spain/PCFFA Page.
Michael Shaw speaks about
the Sierra Nevada Conservancy,
YouTube, posted to KBC 8/9/12. Analysis revises economic impact, H&N, posted to KBC 8/9/12. * KLAMATH DAMS: Full Committee Oversight Hearing on "Oversight of the Actions, Independence and Accountability of the Acting Inspector General of the Dept. of the Interior." Attorney General Miss Kendall questioned by California U. S. Congressman Tom McClintock regarding whistleblower Dr. Paul Houser, Bureau of Reclamation top scientist and Integrity Officer overseeing Klamath Dam science. For exposing integrity issues of the Department of the Interior he was fired by his boss, who happened to be a member of a stakeholder's group advocating for dismantling Klamath River dams, a huge conflict of interest. Listen to the astounding audio of Kendall's responses to McClintock. Utah legislators say Obama reviving wilderness guidelines, Capital Press, posted 8/8/12. "The manuals, they say, mirror the wording of a secretarial order that would have made millions of acres of undeveloped land in the West eligible for federal wilderness protection." Let the River Run: Strategies to Remove Obsolete Dams and Defeat Resulting Fifth Amendment Taking Claims, by Christopher Scoones, Seattle Journal of Environmental Law, 2012. KBC EDITOR: the message is how to deny claims of communities and resource users when they destroy dams, and use the ESA to force dam removal. "The Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be an effective tool for the removal of public and private hydropower and nonhydropower dams..." Equal Access to Justice Act, EAJA, neither equal or just, Mt. States Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/6/12. "After spending years researching court documents—the federal government keeps no records of EAJA disbursements—Ms. Budd-Falen found that environmental groups have amassed tens of millions of dollars in EAJA awards. The EAJA was written for nobler purposes, however, which was to allow Americans forced to litigate against the federal government to be paid their attorneys’ fees and expenses if they prevail and if the government’s legal position is not “substantially justified.” Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels as of 8/1/12. Dueling briefs in PUC process, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 8/6/12.
Psalm 92:1-4 NKJ sent
from Frank Tallerico for week of Aug 5, 2012 Radical environmentalists push to destroy (Klamath) dams to reopen salmon spawning habitat, Human Events by Audry Hudson, posted to KBC 8/5/12. " 'This is not about saving the salmon. This is about this bizarre new religion of the left, which reasons that mother Earth is suffering a terrible infestation of human beings and must be restored to its pristine, pre-historic condition. The only practical problem with that is it requires restoring the human population to its pristine, pre-historic condition. And that is not going to end well,' (Congressman) McClintock said." Drought, Crops, and Government Interference, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/5/12. "The combined effects of widespread drought conditions, and ill-advised government interference in the free market, have created the potential for a perfect inflationary storm for domestic food prices..." Court of Appeals leaves many questions unanswered in its decision reversing Hage’s takings award, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/5/12. Southern Oregon lost an outstanding citizen. Nancy Leonard, by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/5/12. Drought, Crops, and Government Interference, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/5/12. "The combined effects of widespread drought conditions, and ill-advised government interference in the free market, have created the potential for a perfect inflationary storm for domestic food prices..." Court of Appeals leaves many questions unanswered in its decision reversing Hage’s takings award, Pacific Legal Foundation, posted to KBC 8/5/12. Panel adopts comprehensive Oregon water strategy, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/5/12 Wolf, elk populations a concern, H&N, posted to KBC 8/5/12. Water Pulse Presentation, 2012 Salmon fish kill on the drawing boards, August 4,Greenhorn Grange
Investigation into methods to control algae in the Klamath River Basin, Klamath
River Compact Commission, June 1962. |
Page Updated: Sunday December 02, 2012 12:37 AM Pacific
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