Prayer archives II |
In San Francisco a federal judge declared unconstitutional the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act. Babies are being slaughtered right as they are born. Go HERE for story and photos. Please pray for our babies.
Thank you for your prayers for Bill and Kris Ransom.
According to Barb at Klamath Bucket Brigade (KBB), Kris's recent test detects no
cancer. Please keep them in your prayers. Bill is chairman of KBB board of
This prayer was sent to us about our country...it seems appropriate to share
with you. Thank you, Rick Rinabarger, for sharing this with us:
The following is a poem written by Judge Roy Moore from Alabama. Judge Moore
was recently sued by the ACLU for displaying the Ten Commandments in his
courtroom. He has been stripped of his judgeship and now they are trying to
strip his right to practice law in Alabama.
America the Beautiful,
or so you used to be.
Land of the Pilgrims' pride;
I'm glad they'll never see.
Babies piled in dumpsters,
Abortion on demand,
Oh, sweet land of liberty,
your house is on the sand.
Our children wander aimlessly
poisoned by cocaine,
Choosing to indulge their lusts,
when God has said abstain.
From sea to shining sea,
our Nation turns away
From the teaching of God's love
and a need to always pray.
We've kept God in our temples,
how callous we have grown.
When earth is but His footstool,
and Heaven is His throne.
We've voted in a government
that's rotting at the core,
Appointing Godless Judges
who throw reason out the door,
Too soft to place a killer
in a well deserved tomb,
But brave enough to kill a baby
before he leaves the womb.
You think that God's not angry,
that our land's a moral slum?
How much longer will He wait
before His judgment comes?
How are we to face our God,
from Whom we cannot hide?
What then is left for us to do,
but stem this evil tide?
If we who are His children,
will humbly turn and pray;
Seek His holy face
and mend our evil way:
Then God will hear from Heaven
and forgive us of our sins,
He'll heal our sickly land
and those who live within.
But, America the Beautiful,
if you don't - then you will see,
A sad but Holy God
withdraw His hand from Thee.
~Judge Roy Moore
5/17/04. Please pray for Terri Schindler Schiavo of Florida.Here is a website, http://www.PropertyRightsResearch.org/articles4/TerriFrms.htm , just for Terri. Here is another site regarding Terri, www.TerrisFight.org
5/12/04: Bill McClannahan will undergo surgery this morning at 9:am (Wed. 5/12). Please help circulate a prayer request for Bill and Kay. Bill suffered a heart attack nearly two weeks ago and has been in a coma since. These two heroes have been the backbone of the South Carolina property rights movement. They need our prayer help now.
In His grip,
E. Ray Moore, Jr.
Chaplain (Lt.Col.) USAR ret.
PO Box 12072
Columbia, SC 29211
Jane Taylor is a property rights warrior in New Jersey; she's also an elected official in her town of Berlin. She (and her family) needs your prayers ongoing as she is undergoing chemotherapy.
Jay Walley of Lincoln, New Mexico, is still recovering from a stroke suffered last November; please keep him and his wife Sara in your prayers.
Patricia Saye, great property rights warrior from Las Vegas, is still recovering from a very serious car accident suffered in April.
A Mother's Day Letter To My Children, by Billy Nix, May 13, 2001 Let's pray for mothers. everywhere....in Iraq, in Klamath Basin, in Mexico...all of the mothers. And let's pray for their children, that they may know freedom, the freedom that we and our fathers fought for. and CALL YOUR MOTHER!!
4/30/04 A prayer
request from Cathy Mitchell. Her husband, Tony, is an Air Force Commander in
Afghanistan. She received an urgent email from him this morning. It said, "We
need Christians to pray, pray, pray." Please pray for God's protection of our
troops and HIS wisdom for their commanders. Considering the increase in
terrorist activity in Iraq, this prayer is more urgent than ever. PLEASE. .
.pray always for our military men and women.
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
time of need. I ask this in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord and
Savior. Amen"
4/29/04 In 2002, the Klamath Bucket Brigade went on a convoy to Everglades Florida to help support their farmers. Here is a recent letter from Madeleine, asking for our prayers.
"The Everglades is being harmed, at the same time that our homes are being bulldozed! We don't know what to do or where to turn! Please pray for us! "
Go HERE for article.
Madeleine Fortin
Please pray for Bill Ransom's family as his Aunt Betty Ainsworth Jones just passed away. Also, many family members have been struggling with illness. Bill is chairman of the Klamath Bucket Brigade board. He has been on every convoy, bringing hope and help to people from other places whose rights have been taken away. He also was instrumental in forming the Klamath Relief Fund, which delivered help--food and hay and money--to people in need in 2001.
Erika sent this photo of her and Ben on a trip to Phoenix
last month. From Tulelake in the Klamath Basin, Ben was in an auto accident
last year and lost his leg.
Thank you for your prayers! He is alive, recovering, and hoping to do some farm work this summer. Please keep them in your prayers. See two articles down for last update. |
Prayer request this Sunday, April 18, 2004, from KBC editor jdk
Recent days have been dreary lately dealing with people of darkness. They come to the table to make a deal with the irrigators and people of power, yet those same people condemn us and lie behind our backs. Wolves infiltrate our community in sheep's clothing. They bribe us with water, money, power, or intimidate us to comply.
When Judas appeared, "with him was a great crowd armed with swords and cudgels, sent by the chief priests and the elders of the nation. The traitor gave them this sign: "The one I kiss is your man; seize him'" and stepping forward at once, he said, 'Hail, Rabbi!', and kissed him. Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you are here to do." They then came forward, seized Jesus, and held him fast."
Yesterday, overwhelmed by the foes without and within, a kind irrigator asked me the question, "Do you believe in the power of prayer?" So I just prayed that God would show me His Word and His Will, and this is what He said:
John 3:16: "God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, that everyone who has faith in him may not die but have eternal life. It was not to judge the world that God sent his Son into the world, but that through him the world might be saved.
The man who puts his faith in him does not come under judgment; but the unbeliever has already been judged in that he has not given his allegiance to God's only Son. Here lies the test: the light has come into the world, but men preferred darkness to light because their deeds were evil. Bad men all hate the light and avoid it, for fear their practices should be shown up. The honest man comes to the light so that it may be clearly seen that God is in all he does."
We at KBC believe God's words: "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 Please, you who believe in God and in democracy, please pray for us, that we may expose the truth, and that the truth will set us free.
April 17, 2004 Ben was in an automobile accident this winter and lost his leg. He was in critical condition for awhile, and there have been fund raisers and also many prayers to help him in his recovery. Here is an update from his wife. Please continue to pray for their family:
I just wanted to give you an update on Ben's progress.
Ben is attending physical therapy in Klamath Falls and is making good
progress. Yesterday (Thursday) he walked with forearm crutches part way
around the building. He is walking further at each therapy session. He
is in a wedding next month and looking forward to being up and getting
around on crutches by then.
Ben will be returning to work this spring part time raking hay. He has
been getting some practice driving each night as he helps me feed the
cattle. He is looking forward to strengthening his leg so he can be
back on the road soon. We are thankful for the progress he has been
Erika DuVal
Because of You and Me
by Audrey E. Davis, poet for the Herald and News April 5, 2004
I watched as He walked up the hill,
Bent low from the heavy load on His back.
He took one step at a time, as if each step was on cue.
He knew what lay ahead of him, because of me and you.
They nailed His feet, as they did His hands,
They stood Him upright with thorns on His head.
I saw the agony on His face, as His eyes et mine...
And I couldn't stand it...I wished I were dead?
But not a word or a sign did He say.
As the nails went through and through
"Why don't You cry out?" i asked Him once...
"This should be me, and not YOU".
"What can I do?" I asked myself, "to show this Man my love?"
The answer came back in sweet and low words:
"You can tell others this thing you have seen,
And let them know of God's love."
"You can be my eyes to see the world,
And all the sin therein.
You can be My lips to speak the words,
To bring the lost ones in."
"You can be my hands, to help the sick.
You can hold God's Word for all to know.
You can be my feet, to carry My love...
No matter wherever you go."
"Tell them there is love and life everlasting
In the place I've prepared you to be.
If they take Me as their Savior and Friend...
They can be there with God, the Holy Spirit and
"I won't be on this cross very long.
It was not my Father's plan.
So grieve for Me today, if you must,
But rejoice tomorrow---for I shall live again?"
3/17/04. Update on Ben and Erica DuVal: (Ben lost his leg in
an auto accident last fall)
"Lee spent last evening (Tuesday) at Ben & Erika's and when he got home he
reported that Ben had walked for the first time yesterday. He walked with a
walker from their back porch to the pump house and back - about 100 feet I would
say. We are grateful to the Henley High School shop class for making him a set
of parallel bars. These have really helped him get up and put weight on that
right leg.
I talked with Erika this afternoon and she said that Ben is driving is mother's
van more and more - not out on the highways, but in the fields to go hunting.
He continues to have a therapist come out to the house
two days a week. He's progressing right along." Mary
2/19/04: Update on Jay Wally. Wally was here
in 2001 and has written many articles supporting the Klamath Farmer. Since
he had a stroke last fall, we all have been praying for him:
Jay’s motivating in his wheelchair quite well! He even gets in and out of the
pickup, with a little assist. Needless to say, there’s still room for
improvement. But his recovery has been astounding and I have no doubt our Lord
will continue to assist in Jay’s full and complete recovery.
Jay’s smile is still broad and his eyes still twinkle!
He’s a little thinner, but his voice still has that Walley boom we’ve all come
to admire. Although he chooses his words, the ones he uses are still spoken
with a force that commands respect. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind Jay
Walley was READY to go Home when we talked with him yesterday!!
For those of you who believe in the power of prayer,
keep lifting Jay and Sara up to the Lord and thanking Him for what He has done
and what He continues to do in their lives. Jay’s right arm is still in need of
prayer and I’m sure Sara has her hands full, but what God has begun, he will
complete!! All we need to do is pray and keep our faith in the Man who is
Healing!! Isaiah 53
Judy K.
Jay and Sara Wally-P.O. box 161, Lincoln, NM
Please pray for Barbara and Red, with thanks that Red
survived the wreck Feb 19, 2004
From Barbara Hall, executive director of Klamath Bucket Brigade, "Red (my
husband) was in a car accident this morning, hit black ice and rolled our
pickup. He was just south of Sand Creek Station on 97N when the accident
happened about 8:30 am. His only injuries was a 2 inch scalp laceration that
took 6 staples to close and some soft tissue damage caused by the roll over and
the seat belt. He's recouping at home"
Feb 19, 2004 Kris Ransom, wife of the Klamath Bucket Brigade board Chairman Bill Ransom, is battling stage 4 cancer. This is her third fight against cancer. Please pray for Bill and Kris, and for another positive outcome. Also, Bill's sister is very ill with cancer. Please pray for her.
Prayer that we might forgive the foes of freedom
Feb 15, 2004
The verse right after the Lords Prayer: St. Matthew 6:14.
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive
you. But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father
forgive your trespasses.
Now we are engaged in a great internal war. The
ecoterrorists are guided by the dream of 'NATURAL' for everywhere except their
house and yard. They have tax-deductible grants and donations and our own tax
dollar to take our land and our water. Our government agencies can lie, steal,
take land and water in the guise of sound science when sound peer-reviewed
science says they are not justified. We see American farms being destroyed. We
watch our elderly saints, those who built our wholesome communities and healthy
economy, dying in tears of horror and dismay. We have been told that, even
though the government is taking 75,000AF (acre feet) of water this year, 100,000
AF in 2005, we may still have our water shut off this year, regardless of the
'sound science', even though water level/river flow management for Klamath
farmers is "unjustified" To add to the almost 100,000 acres of land already
taken out of agriculture, the Department of the Interior will buy more private
ag land and evaporate more water.
'Dear God, show us how to obey this command of yours:
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly
Father will also forgive you. But if you forgive not men their trespasses,
neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Show us how to
protect our freedom while forgiving these enemies of freedom. Help us defeat
them and forgive them. May you strike them with your love and show them your
way. Show us how to give your love away.
Do you take suggestions? win/win solutions? Can't you just
sort of swoop them up and take them to some paradise that is entirely wetlands
and sucker fish and socialism? "With God, all things are
Father, please give us wisdom to know and obey your
will. And give us love and forgiveness...it isn't coming easily.
In Jesus name
Ben and Erika DuVal are home in Tulelake, at last, and in good spirits. He spent three months in a Sacramento hospital due to an automobile accident. His leg was severed. Thank you for your prayers.
Sent by Judy: "Lord, hold our troops
in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their
families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask
this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior."
Father we thank you for our town...our precious community. Our fathers and
grandfathers built it from nothing but soil..and you were with them. You were
with them while they laid those building blocks to make our schools and
churches, streets and ditches. You made the ducks and geese, nurtured the
deer and the children. You made the crops grow and gave our fathers and mothers
the faith and values to persevere.
Please give us the strength, the wisdom and the faith to keep this productive community and country and our fields intact. Help us stay focused on your will, your love and your guidance. Show us the way.
And please be with the leaders of our country and government agencies that they remember us, the little people and communities, in their agendas.
In Jesus name,
Please pray for Mary (Mrs Jerry) Macken, Tulelake, who has a rare form of cancer and no insurance. Also, if you would like to donate money to help with her medical bills, send gift to: Sterling Savings Bank, PO Box 428, Merrill, OR 97633, or at any Sterling bank branch. More info: Kay Neumeyer (541) 723-2021.
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BABY PICTURE Please pray for KBC'S (jdk's) grandson that is due this June.
Sunday, January 18, 2004. The following letter from Ben and Erica DuVal brings to mind Jesus' words in Matthew 8:10, "Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!" When you read the following letter, you will understand what 'faith' means. You will understand what 'community' means. You will understand what 'thankful' means. For a little background, Ben, a young Tulelake rancher, and Erika Cheyne DuVal, recently were married. Last month Ben was in a vehicle accident which broke his back. He lost his entire leg and is still in the hospital.
Scroll way down on this page for an address to mail cards and letters, words of encouragement and prayers. Here is their letter:
Dear D and J,
Erika and I are writing to express our deepest appreciation ...... We appreciate you making available the information on the Klamath Crisis website. Your kindness and generosity has truly touched us in our time of need. It is our wish to thank each person that contributed to us however some donations were given anonymously and for whatever reason records were not kept of others. If you know of a person we have failed to contact please relay our sincerest gratitude. The Lord has been so gracious in preparing us for the situation that we now face. This summer we were able to purchase a single-story house that was already equipped with a handicap accessible bathroom which we had little appreciation for until now. In October we decided to purchase a more reliable vehicle for Erika to drive to her new job and were disappointed that it was only available with an automatic transmission. We are now grateful for that feature as it will allow Ben to drive it more easily. Each time we turn around we can find another reason to be thankful for the way that our lives have been prepared for this situation. We are amazed at the generosity of our community. It is great to see the way small towns where you know your neighbors can pull together and give more than a larger town might be able to. It touched us to see so many people give in their own special way. Many people prayed for us, other encouraged us with cards, some people donated time, others money, and still others gave items to assist us with our new challenges. When we return home and get back in the swing of things we look forward to the many ways that we can give back to the community. There is no way to express in words the gratitude we feel towards our generous community. Thank you again for showering interest in our needs and granting your support. We pray that you will be blessed for the blessing that you have been to us. Sincerely, Ben and Erika DuVal |
SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 2004. Thank you Barb for sending the Tribute to the Armed Forces. What a great way to begin this week, Sunday January 11, 2004! Without our military there would be no freedom. Yet without us on the home front praying for them and also protecting those freedoms, there will be no freedom. We must not let them down. It just seems so confusing that the same government that fights for freedom in foreign countries is trying to take away irrigation rights from the veterans who settled this basin and saved Our Country. There are dozens of government agencies who visit KBC...if you can explain this contradiction to us in the Klamath Basin, email us at kbc@klamathbasincrisis.org . We feel you are betraying the same freedoms that our fathers and now our children are fighting for. The veterans here are praying to be protected from this injustice by our own government. KBC (jdk)
Word was received
today that Kris Ransom, wife of the Klamath Bucket Brigade board Chairman Bill Ransom,
is battling stage 4 cancer. She starts a 4 month chemotherapy regimen Monday,
January 12th. This is Kris's third fight against cancer. Please pray for
Bill and Kris, and for another positive outcome.
Also, Bill's sister is very ill with cancer.
Please pray for her. 1/9/04
Bill was the guy who, when many were
afraid to go to the headgates in 2001, he was there. He delivered hay to
ranchers in 2001 when our government withheld their irrigation water. When the people in
Florida asked for help because their fields were being flooded by our
government, he took a month out of his life and led the convoy. He's spoken with
Congressmen, Senators, Governors and the press, trying to show them the truth of
this nightmare. He helped organize many events and
people. No, he did not do it all alone, but he is one of the many heroes
who has sacrificed time with his loved ones to help deliver, not only the
Klamath Basin, but also many other farm communities from this cancerous movement
killing our farms, ranches, timber industry (he was a logger), our community and
our country. Pray not only for Bill and his family, but for these people,
this freedom and this country he is trying to defend. Now he and his
family need our prayers and support.
Please send cards of encouragement to: (for lack of better address)
Bill Ransom, c/o Klamath Bucket Brigade
201 Main St. Suite B
Klamath Falls, Oregon, 97601
Update for Ben DuVal 1/6/04, and 1/8/04 Please keep praying.
Please continue to pray for Ben DuVal, who was in an automobile
accident last month and lost his leg.
January 3, 2004 Update
on Ben's condition by Mary Cheyne, his mother-in-law. He will
appreciate your prayers and cards.
Address for Ben DuVal:
Ben DuVal/Erica DuVal
C/O Branstrans
4506 Rustic Road
Carmichael, CA 95608
God Bless You This Christmas Season
Call the widow, invite the lonely, visit the
ill, take time to give away the love
that God has given to
you, give God thanks, and above all, forgive.
Get off the computer and do something special for someone!
God is within us...our hands and legs and mouths.
Give God just today to give His love away.
with love,
12/24/03 Bill Kennedy, Project irrigator, was in a horse accident a couple months ago and we had him in our prayers on the Prayer Page. Today he sends his update. Thank you for the prayers! KBC
"With the help and power of prayer, I am doing great! I am so thankful that I am still here as the accident could have been much worse.
Celebrate Jesus and the Christ in all. "
New address for Ben DuVal: Ben DuVal/Erica DuVal C/O Branstrans 4506 Rustic Road Carmichael, CA 95608 Ben, Tulelake farmer, was in an accident and lost his leg. He needs your prayers. Cards would be nice too. |
Update for Greg and Nancy, go HERE. Your prayers have been leading him to recovery...please keep praying. 12/20/03
Please pray for Merrill's pastor
Gordon. His surgery went well
and he is home recovering. 12/03
The Symbolic Christmas Defection
by Rudy Hiley, Tulelake, 12/12/03
This morning I heard a local radio announcer describe Christmas as the time of year when we bring dead trees into the house and eat candy out of our socks. I got quite a chuckle out of that, but you know after awhile that’s how absurd some of our customs and traditions can become. A good example of that is All Saints day, it gradually degraded to the point where we now dress the majority of our children up to resemble disciples of the lower kingdom and turn them loose in the darkness in search of candy and sometimes great mischief. Be all it so fun, exciting and seemingly innocent, the original intent of the celebration has all but vanished. It must appear ludicrous from the heavenly viewpoint.
Easter: there is still an acknowledgement of Easter, as long as we don’t speak too openly about Jesus in the wrong places (outside of church) and as long as public institutions give place to the fuzzy cute bunny and only the Fuzzy Cute Bunny. After the passage of time Jesus has become more difficult to find outside the church at Easter time than a brightly colored egg that accidentally fell through a hole in the wall.
Christmas: well Big Red with a long white beard bringing material gifts to children is what it has finally become to the too many. No matter how we attempt to equate the devolved Christmas with the symbols of the true reason for the season, the reality is that Christ has now been removed from Christmas AND EVERYTHING ELSE in our tax-supported venues. At best we may see reference to the cute, passive Baby Jesus, in contrast to the one who grew up to make the ultimate stand against evil and become the savior of the world. As for the entertainment and information world, the majority seem to strive to bring the other message of peace, love and good will towards mankind: the one that stems from anything-but-Jesus. For now, for some of us who believe, it might be fitting and even a bit fun to substitute key words in some Christmas songs with apostasy: you know, insert the word apostasy in place of Christmas Tree, Jingle Bells etc. After all, that would only be fair and who knows it could birth a whole new tradition.
Even to those who labor to keep the reality of Christ alive in this Holy season, He often gets unintentionally buried by the feverish pace of Christmas tasking. I don’t know about you, but I don’t see much free time in the lives of those around me these days. There doesn’t seem to be enough uncommitted moments to allow the traditional do’s of the season to be evenly added, stacked or loaded on without courting disaster. Many feel as if they were run over by rein deer by the season’s close. One might surmise that bags under the eyes, high credit card balances, stress and over commitment have become an integral part of the American Christmas experience. He may be the reason for the season, but the season has just about lost all Christian reason.
With that said, we might all be wise to drag dead trees into our homes in the dead of winter and leave them as decorated by God. They could be a remembrance of the sacrifice of life that Christ Jesus made so that we may have life and life eternal. Heck, it might also be a whole lot of fun to just go ahead and eat candy out of our socks (clean ones preferably). From the heavenly viewpoint, that just might look a whole lot less ridiculous than what we have been doing with Christmas.
Happy Birthday Jesus,
Grinches for Christ
12/5/03 Please continue praying for Jay Walley for recovery from his recent stroke. He is a legend in the land and water war of the West, a voice for the farmer and rancher and land owner. In 2001, all the way from New Mexico, Jay was here. Now he needs us to pray for him.
Jay Walley
(of the Paragon Foundation) Medical Update
(Note: Jay had a stroke on
November 14 while working at home.
December 5, 2003
From: Gerald and Rachell
Rachell and I just returned home from a pleasant visit with Sarah Walley. As
you may know, Jay Walley is now a patient at Fort Bayard. Sarah has made a
couple requests for the time being and I volunteered to put out these
Mail can
now be sent to:
Fort Bayard
Medical Center
Mr. Walley
100 Calle El Centro
PO Box 36219
Fort Bayard, NM 88036
Sarah does not need a room to stay in for now; she has the “War Wagon” and is quite comfortable.
Sarah has informed us that Jay is in Very good spirits and sharp in mind. He is being treated for his stroke condition, and as time allows Sarah will answer emails.
Sarah and Jay have family checking on them constantly so they are in good hands.
Sarah expressed thanks for all the prayers and said they are working, but more are still needed.
Web Master, Dolphin Enterprises
We thank God for our many blessings. He put us here to
care take his creation, and that's what we devote our lives to.
Please pray for JoAnn Rogers, who, as of yesterday, has
no job. Also continue praying for Ben DuVal, in critical condition from a
vehicle accident, and Gail and Jim Ottoman who are moving from their farm house
of over 30 years.
And for all of the veterans and settlers who created
our community from nothing but a lake bed, please remember them in your prayers,
and honor them in your days.
The Woman Behind the Association! JoAnn Rogers, Administrative Assistant for Klamath Water Users Association. She deals with attorneys, governors, senators and congressmen, a bunch of farmers and ranchers, and hate calls. She types, attends meetings--night and day, takes minutes, organizes, makes decisions, listens, smiles, and thinks. JoAnn recently had surgery and needs prayers for her full recovery so she can return to work. She still can't make it up the stairs to the office. 11/23/03 |
Pray for Ben DuVal, from Tulelake. He was in a vehicle accident, had a leg amputated, and is in critical condition. He needs your prayers. 11/23/03 |
Please pray for Jay Walley. He was here in 2001 standing by the farmers. He's been on the convoys, helping those who have been violated by our government. He has been here for KBC when we needed a shoulder, advice and encouragement. Please pray for him. Go here for more information. 11/23/03
"This is to inform you that I will be out of the office
starting tomorrow, October
24th through Monday, November 3rd. I am going to be having
ACL repair knee
surgery.....Say an extra prayer for me that everything is okay. "
Klamath Water Users Association
October 21, 2003. Please continue to
pray for Nancy and Greg. Go
HERE for
her update.
October 13, 2003
Bill Kennedy, Klamath Basin farmer who has been very involved
in the water
situation, was in an accident with a horse. Please
pray for his health
and recovery.
October 8, 2003
Nancy thanks us for our prayers and asks us to keep praying
for her husband. He
is improving!
October 2, 2003
Please continue to pray for Nancy and her husband.
The following is a
letter from Nancy Gregg, author of 'The Rebirth of a
Republic'. Her husband
is very ill, and she wrote this in the depths of pain, and in
hope that comes only
from our Lord. She included two poems she
wrote in the dark hours. KBC
Thank you for reaching so many with
prayers for "my Gregg" He is in ICU
again and he is recovering from pneumonia. He has had kidney's
pick up
some but is on dialysis.... His liver is of concern and they
are looking
into treatment to cleanse it. Blood sugar count is on big
swings, however
they tell me that is caused by shock to his body and if all
the other
problems got 'fixed' that could level off also.
The doctors are not giving me any hope other to bring him home
and have
Hospice in....
My hope has to rest in my Lord and Savior! He can do anything
"In the
Twinkling of His Eye"! I have been trying to adjust to all of
information, hold on to my Saviors hand, not give up on Gregg
prepare myself if God wants him more than He feels I need him!
What a
mixture of emotions..... Yet God somehow levels them off.... I
added at the bottom of this message two poems that I have
written for
this clarification process in dealing with life, love, death,
taxes and insurance, you might say! They all do go on.... life
is dear
and precious, love is everlasting for it is God, death is only
if you
have no hope for eternal life and therefore there is no death,
taxes and insurance... seem to be the constant reminder that
we are here
in a different sphere than that eternal place of peace,
serenity and the
void of trivial worldly issues.
Thank everyone for their prayers. It is only by that energy
that I am
able to continue to function. If anyone were to ask how prayer
physically works I would liken it to what happens when a
person chooses
to be a public figure. Politicians and Super Stars probably
feel the
impact more than anyone else. When I ran for public office in
1987 I put
a tremendous amount of energy into the campaign. The day for
election arrived. I came in second. But the energy from those
people who
had voted for me lasted for about six months. The infusion of
energy on election day was unbelievable! It has made me aware
that when
we consciously 'give' our energy over to another person, in
the election
booth, in an act of conscious prayer, in the support of their
project by
purchasing something they have produced.... we are really
directing and
shaping society as it effects all of us.
To take this out of the realm of personal needs, every time
the media
changes the focal point of the masses, the energy will go to
that point
of focus and be taken away from areas that may need it more
for positive
results but the powers of control do not want us to focus as a
group on
those areas.
The most important part of any human being, is the soul and
the creative
energy which they direct while here on earth. Each action,
brings with
it energy and also a reaction. That is why it is so critical
where we
spend our money, cast our vote and direct our prayers.
For the prayers of all those who are praying for Gregg and I,
I feel
humbled and privilege to be taken to my God for His
Please thank them for me and I humbly ask that they would
The following two poems were my prayers one at Midnight last
and the other 5A.M Tuesday morning.
As you can see, spelling is NOT my strong suite and I am
pressed for
time so will not put this through spell check. Please edit....
Poems to follow:
In The Twinkling Of Your Eye.
Copyright 2003 N. E. Gregg
We shared the quiet moments, of mowing lawns and raking
Cleaning out the rosebushes or sitting in the shade beneath
the trees.
We reflected on our meeting, the closeness we knew from the
As though our relationship was planned by God from our birth.
We remembered all the busy times of raising children, or trips
we took,
Then there was music to dance together or I would read him a
good book.
The years had brought blessings beyond our wildest
Now in this new place we shared the memories and reflections.
Then without warning, my love became ill and taken from the
My heart is torn, my spirit lost and restless, feeling very
much alone.
Dear God please heal this man I love the soul mate from you to
Dear God heal him; let us have a few more years given to us,
by Thee.
For my Lord I am not prepared to wander without him at my
He has loved, nurtured me, encouraged me and is my loving
He gives me love as no other and Love is God, Dear Jesus it is
my plea,
In the twinkling of your eye You can give him a few more years
here with me.
Heart Condition
Copyright September 2003 N.E. Gregg
This walk of two weeks with my love at deaths door,
Has torn me in two as nothing in this world that I have faced
The closing of escrows without his signature to finish the
Worrying about the finances clouded my mind as to what was
The decisions I was making letting one spill over to the
My heart is torn between business women, wife and mother.
My heart asked, I had not separated all these issues, reduced
them to two,
To let men resolve life's problems, with my heart focused on
The decisions I make for the love of my life
Have to give him his dignity and Your peace without strife.
My heart was torn on "all the things I had to do."
When my only concern was turning them over to you.
Focus on Gregg, let your love for him be used,
By my Father in Heaven this love shared will fuse.
The three of us together, shared love from above,
Bringing us Your eternal peace and Your eternal love.
With no regrets for the decisions that have to be made.
For the outcome is yours as you hold him in Your arms in
Heavenly shade.
You hold both Gregg and I in Your arms while here in our
earthly home,
We have been one all these years; it is not dependent on where
we roam.
The sphere of our being was never about this place on this
It has always been walking with You, from the day or our
The walk does not stop when God calls us home.
For in this earthly walk, in His wonderful love we are never
My growth is remembering that the before and after He still is
my guide.
My Gregg, my love is not gone, not alone, my heart I cannot
He reads my heart my reasons for making decisions trying to
He knows from my heart what the important choices are for my
The three of us still traveling in the circle of love from the
The three of us together in Heaven and while always on this
My heart is no longer heavy or torn by issues in two.
For my heart condition is now on my Father and my love for
The journey of life is back on God's train track for me.
I can now let you go, rest in His arms, His peace be for Thee.
My heart condition now mended not torn by things that have no
We all share his love and our souls have been released.
By the love of a Father who is waiting for thee,
By the love of each other you will always be with me.
Heart condition excellent, for I am focused on what is true.
We are together, through all eternity, we can lick this world
me and you.
Keep a hold of my hand this journey here does not end,
In His love, in His presence I always will have my best
In His Love, with humble gratitude for all of your
intervention on our
Nancy E. Gregg
September 21, 2003
All: Nancy wrote a marvelous book called The Rebirth Of Our
Republic. She and
her husband are not only true patriots and Americans, they
also lead by
example. Now they need your help -- your prayers.
Thanks for joining me in praying for Gregg and his loving
Nancy as they go
through this hard time.
To Julie
I took my husband to the hospital last Tuesday morning. They
said that had I
waited 12 more hours he would have been dead. Kidney failure,
heart failure and yesterday they put him in ICU. Right now it
can go either way.
I ask for your prayers and the prayers of anyone else you know
of.... That
is going to be the deciding factor!
When I go into his room and talk to him he tries to bring
out of the subconscious to assure me. So today I took a
approach. I dressed up in a new red blouse. (he loves me in
red), did
my hair special, wore vanilla extract, his favorite perfume,
and did not
try to talk to him other than to kiss his cheek, let him smell
perfume, and then I went to his feet and for four hours I gave
him a
foot massage.
For three hours of that time I also sung all of our favorite
His kidney doctor came in and said my soft singing could be
heard in the
entire unit. When I asked if I should stop, she said not at
When I stated rubbing his feet I could see his entire body
It is a great relief to know that God is in charge. However,
I am asking Him
to let me have Gregg with me a few more years healthy and
If he isn't going to be healed to a state of enjoyable life
then I do not
want him to suffer. He will be in this state for at least
five more days.
Thank you for your prayers.
In His Love,
Nancy Gregg
From: Pastor Gordon, Calvary
Fellowship Lower Klamath (Merrill,Or) 9/22/03
Jesus said: "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the
laborers are few.
"Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send
out laborers
into His harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38)
Lord of the harvest, we thank you for our current
harvests and now we pray for You to prepare our
hearts that
we might be willing vessels to labor in Your
harvest. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please pray for
JoAnn Rogers, Klamath Water Users
office manager. She just had knee surgery and is
recovering. kbc
Our Father and Creator,
Please be with the family of Oregon Senator
Gordon Smith in the loss of their son. Only you can
give them peace and rest in your love. You know the
pain and sadness...you know all things. Take care of
son, and give us the peace that he is in your care.
In Jesus name, amen.
Please pray for Bill Ransom
and his family. Bill is
chairman of the Klamath Bucket Brigade Board of
Trustees, and he was wagon master on the
Florida convoy.
His sister is very ill with cancer...please pray
for them
and give them your love and support.
Tulelake Sunset,
KBC photo July 2003 For larger picture
Lord, thank you for this day...one more day you have given us, so
we may experience your painted heavens, the sounds of
wildlife, water for our precious ecosystem, , and bountiful
fields of grain. May we never ever take your gifts and love
for granted...guide us in care taking your fields, your creatures
and your children.
Klamath Basin farmer
Anyone from the Klamath Basin wishing to write an article, poem, or inspiration for the prayer page is encouraged to contact the webmaster for the contact person and guidelines. We welcome your participation in sharing God’s love.
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