Archive 99 - August 2010
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State board okays a dam on Klamath, The
Triplicate, re-posted to KBC 8/24/10. "The
department was instrumental in getting the federal
power commission to order the company to build the
dam to regulate the stream, which has fluctuated in
such a manner as to cause frequent fish kills and
endanger human life on the Klamath below the
existing COPCO dam." Tulelake Irrigation District well water report 8/30/10. KBC NOTE: This includes the TID wells nearest the town of Merrill and Malin where more than 40 wells have gone dry or disabled since water was withheld from many farms and the aquifer is being pumped to irrigate crops this year.
Klamath Tribe Restoration Act 1986 Initiative on (Klamath) dams rejected, H&N, posted to KBC 8/30/10. "Goodson called Smith’s decision a “stalling tactic,” adding he believes Voters Opposed to Dam Removal would win an appeal and get the initiative on the March ballot." Drought aid must be allotted by Sept. 30, H&N, posted to KBC 8/30/10 The message Oregon should be sending dredge miners: leave, by Oregon Senator Jason Atkinson. * Comments by research scientist, FORMERLY EMPLOYED BY THE EPA, posted to KBC 8/29/10 Plaintiffs in Klamath deal suit say state exceeded authority, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10 Water Quality and Suction Dredging, Letter by Gerald Hobbs 8/28/10, President of Public Lands for the People. Smelt regulations violate Constitution, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10 Cumulative Social and Economic Impacts of Environmental Regulations, by Siskiyou County Commissioner Marcia Armstrong 8/28/10 Dam removal opponents seek votes, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/27/10 Fights unite ag groups, Capital Press 8/27/10 POW / Protect our Water Rally 8/28/10, Yreka. COME. More than 500 expected. Restore Honor Water Rally Aug 28, 2010 Suction Dredge Mining, letter to Oregon Senator Atkinson from Tom Kitchar, posted to KBC 8/23/10. "either have some misunderstandings about the effects of suction dredge mining on the environment and aquatic species, or, someone has fed you a pack of falsehoods...we (a small group representing some of the mining organizations in Oregon with a total membership of around 1,500 individuals) respectfully request an opportunity to meet with you at your earliest convenience." Wheat yields soar on eastside, Capital Press 8/19/10 DFG seeks to combine water cases in S.F. court, Siskiyou Daily News 8/19/10 Horsefly Irrigation District is tasked with keeping water safe for drinking for Bonanza-area residents, H&N 8/19/10 Dam removal could be closer; some say science is faulty, H&N, posted to KBC 8/17/10. "Mallams called the sediment study “a joke” and said it was heavily based on the flawed science of the 2006 studies, which were conducted by an environmental group...They had to go through three different modeling programs to get the results they wanted...Mallams added not all the results have been released, as scientists work through some of the data, which he said is being manipulated."
Proposed National Monument Page by Marcia
Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor. Armstrong has
compiled an abundance of information on Proposed
Monuments in Siskiyou County. Dam removal question will appear on November ballot, Siskiyou Daily News 8/17/10 BLM's Vision for Treasured Landscapes (they want 130 million acres more of your public and private land), including millions of acres in Modoc and Siskiyou Counties. NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE, posted 8/12/10 County sends Klamath legislation amendments, Siskiyou Daily 8/12/10 (dam removal deals) Guarino: Environmental law panel skewed (regarding Klamath dam 'agreements'), Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 8/12/10 Water User Rights by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor 8/13/10 S510: Illegal to Grow, Share, Trade, Sell Homegrown Food, posted by Toni Thayer on our discussion forum 8/12/10 Delaying the $11 Billion Water Bond: What Does it Mean for the Delta? 8/12/10, by Somach, Simmons and Dunn
A public menace. Illegal marijuana plantations on government lands are expanding, putting forest users at risk, say Southern Oregon law officersKBC NOTE: Environmentalists and tribes based much of their KBRA dam destruction "science" on the "2002 Fish Kill." Barry Clausen exposed the truth about the drug labs and river contamination, but the results of his investigation were silenced: What caused salmon deaths? February 16, 2003 by Barry Clausen MORE: 25,151 marijuana plants confiscated in Siskiyou County, California, Pioneer Press 10/20/04. For more on local crops, go HERE. (Anyone want to guess why Klamath Forest Alliance wants to shut down our forests to logging and the public?) USFS Delays Timber Harvest After Owls Spotted In Area, OPB, posted to KBC 8/9/10 Legislature delays water bond to 2012 ballot, SF Chronicle 8/10/10. (KBC NOTE: This bond included California's $250 million contribution to destroy Klamath hydropower dams, according to Doug LaMalfa) Civil Disobedience, The Quiet before the Storm (Klamath River Basin) by Mark Baird, Vice Chairman POW, Protect Our Water in Scotts Valley, Siskiyou County 8/9/10. "Do we really want the RCD or the CDFG or special interest groups who form the KBRA/KHSA to rob us of our Liberty or our Property." **We were asked by a Klamath Project resident to rerun the following four posts:
Letter supporting KBRA to Committee on Natural
Resources by Klamath Water Users Assoc, PCFFA, Trout
Unlimited, California Trout, Yurok Tribe, American
Rivers, UKWU, Klamath Tribe, posted to KBC
Is biomass plant worth risk to water supply? H&N letter by Del Hollis, posted to KBC 8/9/10
about the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA)
and Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement
(KHSA, by the Klamath Tribes,
Dec '09 issue.
"...Because of the
significantly reduced and capped irrigation water
diversions in the KBRA, there will be more water
left in the lakes and rivers for fish, wildlife and
plants. And the Klamath Tribes will not give up a
single Treaty Right!...Don Gentry, Klamath Tribes. Sunday 8/8/10 inspiration from Frank Tallerico, Yreka: "Working for God on earth doesn't pay much. . But His retirement plan is out of this world.." Opponent testifies at committee hearing (in DC on KBRA), H&N, posted to KBC 8/8/10. "Mallams also said proponents sought to prevent him from testifying before the subcommittee, sending letters to its members."
No further state action expected (KBRA) H&N
posted to KBC 8/8/10 Restore Honor Water Rally Aug 28, 2010 In Siskiyou, we have no more to give, Terry Brown, Siskiyou Daily News , posted to KBC 8/8/10 Possible (Klamath) dam ballot question discussed, Siskiyou Daily 8/8/1 Oregon issues new permit for suction-dredge gold miners, Oregonian, posted to KBC 8/8/10 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, legislative and governmental update 8/6/10. In this issue: CDFA’s Market Enforcement Branch, net energy metering, labor, heat illness, and air pollution penalties. Thursday 8/5/10 – Klamath Falls TOWN HALL MEETING featuring new candidates Proposed groundwater ordinance establishing an advisory council to the Board of Supervisors, Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor Irrigators Ask Supreme Court to Limit Reclamation's Authority And Restore Rights to Farmers, Family Farm Alliance August 2010 Unemployment rate by county from Feb 2007-May 2010 Despite claims, dams provide water storage, flood control, H&N guest writers Leo Bergeron and Brandon Criss. Bergeron is a Montague, Calif., rancher, and a past California State Grange Master. Criss is a Butte Valley rancher and a board member of the Klamath Conservative Voters’ PAC. " Open Letter to the Board of Supervisors regarding the Ground Water Ordinance, Mark Baird 8/3/10 Alternative to tax and spend government, by Senator Doug Whitsett 8/2/10 Wayne and Jean Hage vs US, Final Award to Hage Estates, 8/2/10. HERE for more on tragic Hage property rights story. Drought debate goes on, H&N 8/3/10 |
Page Updated: Friday October 29, 2010 01:48 AM Pacific
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