Archive 113 - October 2011
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AUDIO and Excerpts - Bill Meyer Show October 31, Halloween. The subject is the Karuk tribal corruption and the KBRA. Guests are Daron Thornton, Klamath Off Project, and Gary Lake, Shasta Nation. Lake: "When I was a councilman for the Karuk Tribe...the tribal council was...basically told that if we take the coho salmon we can turn it into the spotted owl and run the white man, the miners, and the Shasta people off the river and steal the land and water rights..." The Shasta Tribe was excluded from the KBRA because, like Off Project, they do not support the KBRA or destroying the Klamath River hydro dams. Karuk tribe used the "Shasta's Treaty R to get their federal recognitiion." Klamath and Shasta Tribes "split 50% of the Klamath River within Shasta territory between the two of them..." 2 Corinthians 4:7-9: Cast Down but Unconquered. 7. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that excellence of the power may be God and not of us. 8. We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed, we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9. Persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down but not destroyed. VIDEO - Karuk Ron Reed and Trout Unlimited caught trespassing, YouTube posted to KBC 10/29/11, film by SaveOurDams.Karuk Leadership and Craig Tucker Dr. Richard A. Gierak’s comments on federal agencies environmental assessments regarding removal of 4 hydro-electric dams on the Klamath River – posted to KBC 10/29/11. " Klamath Dam survey is fraudulent, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 10/28/11 Federal agency congratulates itself for illegal delta smelt biop, Families Protecting the Valley, posted to KBC 10/29/11. " Fishing Report Lower Klamath - "The mouth of the Klamath has been sanding in and opening two to three times per week according to Mike Coopman of Mike Coopman's Guide Service. "There's still fresh fish entering the river and I would expect more to show with the big tides. With the mouth opening and closing, we should see some good surges of fish this weekend. I was on the river last Saturday and the fishing was still good. We had 10 solid hookups, landing fish to 35-pounds," Coopman said." The Times-Standard 10/27/11 Hole blasted in Condit Dam, with videos, photos and comments, MSNBC, posted to KBC 10/29/11. iacksonal: "...what happens if the salmon don't come back or only a few?...I see no information on that. 7000 homes times 365 days = 2,555,000 home electrical days at what cost in coal, oil or gas? Hydropower ...costs 40% of electricity produced by coal. So these 7000 residents can expect to pay 2 1/2 more for their electricity. You still sure this was a good idea?"
Thomas: Condit Dam breach could ruin perfect salmon fishing spot, The Daily News 10/28/11. "In 2009, the sport catch was 6,967 summer steelhead, ranking No. 6 in Washington... Dam removal just doesn’t make sense, H&N letter to editor by Linden Hankins 10/28/11 What rights does PacifiCorp have? Capital Press 10/28/11. "The decision to remove the dams is a political decision," Oregon state Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, told state and federal officials during a public hearing on the dam removal project Oct. 18. "It's not based on science and it's certainly not based on economics." Dam meeting coverage missed several points, H&N letter to editor by Bonnie Broyles 10/28/11 Klamath Thoughts - In reference to Sue Hall’s letter by Bob Preston, Siskiyou Daily News Letter to the Editor October 28, 2011 Columbia Basin Bulletin 10/28/11. Some articles include Condit Dam demolition and video, sea lion removal, salmon virus threat investigation, wolves, ...
Klamath Public Hearing Testimony Protesting the removal of 4 Klamath River dams to the Oct 20 Public Hearing on Klamath Dam Removal EIS/EIR in Yreka, posted to KBC 10/27/11. "My name is Don Mackintosh and I own a ranch on Hoy Road in Weed. I am retired and spent 28 years with PG&E involved in power grid planning and operations. In listening to the three minute public comments, I heard several false statements given by two speakers stating that 4 hydroelectric dams were old, worn out, needing repair, and did not produce much power. I decided to use my three minutes to dispute the false statements. From 2005 to 2008 we had a California Public Utilities Commission Protest Proceeding A05-12011 Don & Judy Mackintosh/PacificCorp, 100 filed documents which we won. During the proceeding we paid $12,000 for a certified power flow study of PG&E northern California and PacificCorp southern Oregon. It shows the four hydroelectric generation dams power output is 169 mega watts and supplies the power for a portion of southern Oregon, Siskiyou County and sends 70 mega watts south to PG&E. The dams are well maintained in good condition. The power they produce is clean cheap efficient dependable power which can be upgraded and last forever..." Public Hearings for Klamath Hydroelectric Dam Destruction through Oct 27, 2011 KLAMATH OFF-PROJECT WATER USERS ASSOCIATION letter to Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar on abuse and harassment at public Chiloquin meeting on KBRA, posted 10/26/11. "...As I approached the inner door to the Chiloquin Community Center, where the meeting was scheduled to take place, a very loud, obnoxious, and rude, UKWUA Board Member... blocked the door way so I was unable to enter. She exclaimed that “we needed to go outside and settle this once and for all!”
Oct 18-27, 2011, 4:30-8 p.m., KBRA EIS Public Hearing Pacific Power CEO visits Yreka, Siskiyou Daily 10/26/11 Move things along when someone has a good idea, H&N 10/26/11 - Klamath Irrigation District power Klamath Bucket Brigade Testimony – Oct 18, 2011 – Dam removal hearing, posted to KBC 10/25/11. "...The Klamath Bucket Brigade is adamantly opposed to dam removal and the Klamath Basin Restoration agreement and the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement as they are currently constituted. The agreements represent a minority of special interest groups and spreads the cost to every U.S. taxpayer. The Klamath Bucket Brigade Board of Trustees will support an agreement backed by a majority of the residents of the entire Klamath River Basin and that assures all property and water rights are protected..." Letter from Vice Mayor of San Carlos to San Francisco Examiner on Klamath Dam deal decimating Siskiyou County 10/25/11. "Their fight is against the Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, who is pushing for removal of four dams on the Upper Klamath River... Mining was shut down because of the environment and jobs were lost, families moved away and the economy suffered. Timber and milling were shut down, leading to the same results. Now the battle is over the river, the single, last, life blood of the area's almost dead economy." The Lesson of 2001 by P. Henry, posted to KBC 10/25/11, "The removal of dams will only bring higher power rates to farmers, ranchers, manufacturers and residents of the Klamath basin. Meanwhile it is unprovable that fish of the Klamath basin will return to some utopian level no matter how hard men may try." Tainted Mexican Meat; county of origin labeling 10/25/11. "We’ve already imported nearly 90 million pounds of Mexican beef this year...USDA caved under the industry pressure and now allows USA meat products that are exclusively of U.S. origin to bear the label “Product of U.S. and Mexico,” or “Product of U.S., Mexico, and Canada,” Schultz said adding, “USDA kowtowed to foreign countries and to the multinational meatpackers who don’t want U.S. consumers to be able to differentiate U.S.-produced meat from foreign meat."
This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board: Attached is a
Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Guidance for Complying with Water Diversion Measurement Requirements for Statement Holders and Draft Statement Reporting Form. San Diego Superior Court Upholds California Fish and Game Commission Regulations Pertaining to Marine Protected Areas, Rejects Arguments of Coastside Fishing Club, Somach Simmons and Dunn 10/25/11 Northwest – NOAA Fisheries Releases Klamath River Basin: 2011 Report to Congress 10/24/11 How does the Farm Bureau need to change? by Craig Chenowith, Siskiyou Daily 10/24/11 YREKA - Almost 300 attend Klamath dams hearing, Siskiyou Daily 10/24/11. KBC NOTE: Of those who spoke, 54 were against and 15 for Klamath Dam Removal and the KBRA Siskiyou County RCD Vacancy and the WaterMaster Board by Craig Chenoweth 10/24/11 YREKA 10/22/11, Defend Rural America. More than 800 people from central California to central Oregon packed into the Yreka fairgrounds to watch Kirk McKenzie's film on Klamath Dam removal, including interviews from Siskiyou and Klamath Counties, science, solutions, environmental impacts and human impacts.
YREKA 10/22/11, Defend Rural America. More than 800 people from central California to central Oregon packed into the Yreka fairgrounds to watch Kirk McKenzie's film on Klamath Dam removal, including interviews from Siskiyou and Klamath Counties, science, solutions, environmental impacts and human impacts.
Ninth Circuit decision further hamstrings Oregon's economy, Oregonian posted to KBC 10/23/11. "The Court's decision potentially creates legal paralysis threatening 120,000 forest related jobs (with payroll totaling $4 billion) and $130 million in state income and severance tax revenues that pay for vital public services. The new court ruling will not achieve its intended environmental benefits. The uncertainty could force some forest landowners to convert their forests to other uses, like commercial or residential developments..." Klamath Divisions persist, Siskiyou County requests more time for comments on draft statement, Capital Press, posted to KBC 10/23/11 Oct. 22 in Yreka, launch of 'Defend Rural America' and Klamath film debut. Venders and booths 3 p.m. Film and sheriff panel 6:30 Senator Doug Whitsett speech regarding the KBRA and Klamath dam destruction at Yreka's public listening session put on my Department of Interior on 10/20/11. "The Draft Environmental Impact Statement does not appear to mitigate that 20 million cubic yards of sediment. The Department apparently proposes to simply blow the dams and let nature take its course, washing all that sediment downriver. They appear to consider this option as a “grand experiment” to see what actually happens. That amount of sediment is equivalent to about 2 million ten yard dump truck loads of silt, sediment and organic muck. To put that amount into perspective, lined up head to tail, 2 million dump truck loads of river muck would stretch about 12,500 miles…..about half way around the planet." Open letter to DOI Secretary Ken Salazar on Klamath Dam destruction survey, by Richard Marshall of Marshall Ranch posted to KBC 10/21/11. "The fact is Mr. Secretary that apparently the issue is not about saving the fish or destroying the dams. It is about transferring nearly $1.7 Billion taxpayer dollars to various environmental groups and a few Native American tribes through the KBRA."
Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter On Communications 10/17/11 Klamath Bucket Brigade showed up to support those of us who oppose the removal of Klamath dams.
Neighbor Against Neighbor Klamath Falls - On October 18, Department of Interior held it's public input meeting on the EIS, Environmental Impact Statement, on the controversial KBRA and Klamath dam destruction. 300-400 attended, 65 spoke, and 2/3 of those who spoke opposed the KBRA and destroying the 4 Klamath hydroelectric dams. To the left are those opposing, to the right supporting. Interior listened to more than 4 hours of comments.
In the lower photo, the woman who spoke is carrying more than 1000 pages of the EIS that the Department of Interior allows only 60 days public review, comments due November 21st. Many, especially farmers involved in harvest, made it clear that there was no way they could adequately review this massive document before the deadline. HERE for our KBRA page. California approves carbon trading to combat global warming, SacBee 10/20/11 Five Things You Should Know About: DOI and DFG comment requests, Siskiyou Daily News 10/19/11
PRESS RELEASE: Revised Recovery Plan for Lost River and Shortnose Suckers now available, USFWS, posted to KBC 10/19/11. Comments due Dec. 19, 2011 Supervisors' letter to the DOI calls for extension, Siskiyou Daily News 10/19/11 County sheriffs support Defend Rural America by Liz Bowen 10/19/11. "The film will show how the Klamath Basin is an integral part of Siskiyou’s issues, because of the proposal by both federal and state agencies to remove four hydro-electric dams from the Klamath River. A number of groups throughout the region are raising awareness of the potential destruction to fish, wildlife and humans – if the huge dams are demolished" OREGON -EPA signs off on new Oregon water quality rules--strictest in the nation, Oregonian 10/19/11 Pollution limits under review by DEQ, H&N 10/19/11 Defend Rural America on Oct. 22, Yreka. "is now an event expecting 1,000 attendees from throughout the West...MacKenzie took 83 clips of video as he interviewed farmers, ranchers, businessmen and leaders who are working to protect their Constitutional rights and property." Comments due Oct 17 on Leona's blue butterfly ESA listing. New King James, 30:27-28. "27. Behold, the name of the Lord comes from afar, burning with His anger, and His burden is heavy; His lips are full of indignation, and His tongue like a devouring fire. 28. His breath is like an overflowing stream, which reaches up to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of futility; and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err." Also graph of Coal Fire grid rate. KBRA (Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement) Klamath County Commissioner Linthicum, posted to KBC 10/15/11. "the amount of water available to agriculture will be limited. Any water, above the allocated amount, that could be available will NOT be saved, stored, or used, but will instead spill into the salty Pacific...If Basin farmers want cheaper power rates, then, inexpensive power generation will be required. Demolishing existing infrastructure and reducing power generation capacity will not create lower rates.
Rogue River - Heavy Metals are Being Churned Up From Dam Removals, Medford Alternative Medicine Examiner, posted to KBC 10/14/11. "In 2008 a local environmental activist had checked with the Three Rivers hospital, according to Curtis Hayden of The Sneak Preview, and found 17.2% of cancer cases were of the intero-gastero-intestinal type (one of the many linked to this contaminant). He checked again two years after all the dams were taken out, and the amount of cases increased to 42.6%. He thinks that there is a sound connection here..." Report: Dam removal could jeopardize Yreka’s water supply, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 10/14/11 Siskiyou County: A letter to the Bureau of Reclamation requesting coordination..., sent to KBC from Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, posted to KBC 10/14/11 Doublespeak, by Leo W. Kivela, Siskiyou Daily News posted to KBC 10/14/11. "It (Klamath dam destruction) begins to look more and more like a horribly expensive experiment. And we who live here will bear the brunt of the problems should it go awry, while the perpetrators simply move on to the next project. As with the spotted owl,”you dont even hear an oops.” Columbia Basin Bulletin 10/14/11, Fish and Wildlife News. Power Costs Pushing Irrigators, Rates have gone up 1200 percent since 2006... H&N 12/13/11 Guest Opinion: A response to CalTrout by Mark Baird, vice president, Scott Valley Protect Our Water, Siskiyou Daily News 10/13/11, 3 Lies. "PacifiCorp was extorted into its position because of the outrageous and exorbitant demands placed upon them in the FERC process, again, according to Mr. Freeman..." Klamath Water and Power Agency / KWAPA, first OPP / On Project Plan newsletter 10/13/11. "How the OPP Changes the Status Quo...'Studies estimate that surface water alone should meet the project irrigation demand in at least 50 percent of the years...' " Tulelake Irrigation District's Water Management Plan, 10/10/11, was drafted by MBK engineers. p 15: "A 1998 Reclamation draft report...determined the overall effective efficiency of the Lower Klamath Basin as a whole is between 90 and 95 percent. The efficiency is a result of available tailwater and lateral losses for uses within the Project. This report concluded that little could be gained through increased on‐farm efficiency within the Project area. The report also stated that careful consideration should be taken prior to implementing various water use efficiency measures since they would reduce supplies to downstream water users; and therefore, potentially impact and reduce the overall Project efficiency." KBC NOTE: This document including maps gives the reader a general idea of the history, layout, and efficiency of the Klamath Project. Klamath River fishing report, Redding Record Searchlight, posted to KBC 10/12/11. "KLAMATH RIVER, Iron Gate Dam — "The river in the upper Klamath is stuffed with salmon..." 10/10/11. KBC NOTE: According to the Klamath River Tribes, government agencies, and environmental groups, the dams and algae and farmers and miners made the salmon almost extinct so we need to demolish 4 hydropower dams and downsize agriculture and they already ended gold mining because of that lie. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws: Governor Brown reviewed 870 bills the legislature sent him since August. He had until October 9th to take action on those bills; he signed 745 and vetoed 125. These are bills signed into law in the last several weeks. Gun Control, Firearms AB 144, Calif. bills signed by Governor 10/10/11. "The bill would, subject to exceptions, make it a misdemeanor to openly carry an unloaded handgun on the person or openly and exposed in a motor vehicle in specified public areas and would make it a misdemeanor with specified penalties to openly carry an exposed handgun in a public place or public street, as specified, if the person at the same time possesses ammunition capable of being discharged from the handgun, and the person is not in lawful possession of the handgun, as specified..."
CALIFORNIA - Jerry Brown signs California Dream Act, SacBee 10/9/11. "The program's expansion is expected to cost the state $23 million to $40 million annually...legislation would encourage illegal immigration and force students who are in the country legally to compete with undocumented immigrants for public resources. Bible Verses for October 9 are continue in Isaiah 30:23-26 "California: A Morality Tale in Three Parts" - a speech U.S. Congressman Tom McClintock gave to the Council for National Policy, posted to KBC 10/8/11. 10/8/11: KBC corrections and explanations in response to criticisms of our 8/29 notes of TID groundwater management plan meeting, by TID and Family Farm Alliance Executive Director and engineer Dan Keppen. There are also some notes from TID's 9/20 public meeting, and the Water for Power meeting quotes and audio, by KBC editor. (Groundwater management plan is mandated in the KBRA). *** Klamath Falls - 26 West Coast Snails and Slugs Will Be Considered for Federal Protection; Fish & Wildlife Service opens a 60-day comment period prior to detailed review, USFWS News Release 10/4/11 KLAMATH DAM REMOVAL - "We desperately need to be heard," by John Bowman, Siskiyou Daily 10/4/11. “We’re looking at losing half the value of our property. That’s our retirement...” “Dams don’t kill fish. Fishermen kill fish...” "“We’ve been ignored and cut out of a process that will deeply affect us." Groundwater rights and the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, response by Michael Shaw to Sacramento Bee commentary by John DeVoe, an attorney and executive director of WaterWatch of Oregon, 10/2/2011 LARGEST US DAM REMOVAL PROJECT TO BEGIN THIS MONTH, PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen Sublegals newsletter. "On 15 September, officials in Olympic National Park will begin the long process of dismantling the Elwha and Glines Canyon dams on the Elwha River in Washington State. This is the largest dam-removal undertaking in U.S. history to date, and the project will serve as an inspiration and a model for similar removals in other parts of the country. "Close to a thousand dams have been removed across our country, but these are the biggest," said Amy Kober, a spokesperson for the environmental group American Rivers....The final cost was estimated to be $351 million dollars..." KBC NOTE: PCFFA and American Rivers are 'stakeholders' in the controversial KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / Klamath Dam removal negotiations. George Soros is a funder of Earthjustice, that litigates for PCFFA and American Rivers and other KBRA NGO's. Fish fight on the Elwha, High Country News 10/4/11. "On Sept 5 an excavator tore the first chunks of concrete from the Gline's Canyon Dam on Washington State's Elwha River...The next day, some of the same interest groups who pushed to remove the dams sent a letter of intent to sue the agencies making it happen. The groups claim the multi-agency fish restoration plan violates the Endangered Species Act." Dam removal not likely to solve all water issues, H&N letter by James R. Ottoman 10/4/11 Farmers (and Consumers) Denied the Right to Consume Milk from Their Own Cows, 10/4/11.
Monday Oct 3, Klamath Falls, meeting about signing up for cheaper power rater for irrigators, "Water For Power" (Approximetely 50 people attended this meeting. KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency Public Meeting Oct. 4 |
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