Archive 111 - August 2011
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A rerun, lest we forget:
Klamath Water and Power Agency/KWAPA meeting 8/31/11. Agenda HERE Reclamation Releases Environmental Documents for Klamath Irrigation District Hydroelectric Project, Bureau of Reclamation 8/29/11
Tulelake Irrigation District will be developing an On-Project Ground Water Management Plan. Public Hearing August 29th, 9 a.m. This is a mandate in the KBRA. FOLLOWED BY AB 3030. "They must publish the resolution of intention." KBC NOTE: TID put this notice in the Herald and News amongst the legal section in back of the paper. It was not send to landowners or irrigators.
Punching holes in the concrete; The Northwest is about to witness the largest dam removals in U.S. history, posted to KBC 8/28/11, by The Oregonian Editorial Board. " the dams coming down now have no fish passage and generate enough electricity to power a few thousand homes." KBC NOTE: The Klamath dams alone targeted to be destroyed serve 70,000 households. This is more than "a few thousand homes;" the Oregonian knows better.
Sent from Frank Tallerico Aug. 28, 2011. Psalm 43 Verse 5: Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in GOD; for I shall still praise Him, the help of my countenance and my GOD.
It is unfortunate when dire predictions become reality, Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 8/27/11 Brown appoints Chuck Bonham as new DFG Director, Indybay 8/26/11. "Bonham has served in multiple positions at Trout Unlimited, a national trout advocacy organization, since 2000, including California director and senior attorney,..."He's been very instrumental in working on Klamath River dam removal and other agreements." KBC NOTE: Trout Unlimited is a voting member on the KBRA, and a partner in the coalition to destroy the Snake and Columbia River Dams. Earthjustice represents Trout Unlimited with free legal services, paid in part by George Soros. Earthjustice represents most of the environmental groups that are voting members of the KBRA. On our Whose Who page: Trout Unlimited, a stakeholder at the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Table, by Toni Thayer, posted on our discussion forum 4/21/09. Arguments for removal of Snake River Dams are laughable, absurd, The News Tribune, posted to KBC 8/26/11. "The plan for salmon that resulted from this process is being implemented and is working, as witnessed by record and near-record returns in many adult salmon runs this decade. The anti-hydro and dam-removal groups simply don’t like the plan because it doesn’t support their agenda for ripping out some of the Northwest’s cleanest, greenest and most reliable sources of power around – the hydro energy generated by the Snake River dams." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 8/26/11 Do the crime, pay for the sublime? Polluters' fines benefit Oregon watershed and habitat restoration. Oregonian 8/26/11. "Clean Water Services -- $15,232 for water quality trading projects and to reduce nutrient loads in the Upper Klamath Basin of Klamath, Lake and Jackson counties." PUBLIC MEETING: Initial Meeting of the On-Project Plan Advisory Committee (OPPAC) for the KBRA 8/24/11.
Oregon Set to Enact Strict, New Water Quality Standards to Satisfy EPA, Tribes, Marten Law 8/23/11. "The new standard for fish consumption is 10 times higher than the previous one, and assumes Oregonians will eat 23 eight-ounce meals of Oregon caught fish per month. That rate of consumption translates into dramatically lower permissible discharge levels for 106 pollutants...which in turn could dramatically increase treatment costs for municipal sewage treatment, agriculture, and many manufacturing industries, including paper mills at a time when those industries are already struggling." Karuk Tribe to receive $1.14 million for broadband access, Times Standard 8/23/11 Feds award Calif. (Yurok) tribe $1M for visitor center, Sacramento Bee 8/23/11 Come to the summit in Scott Valley. August 23 with government agencies invited to discuss Scott Valley water use. Department of Fish and Game agents have trespassed onto private property, threatened and intimidated ranchers and farmers to try to make them relinquish their water and adjudicated water rights. Citizens there vow to just say "no." they are ready to do whatever it takes to protect their Constitutional rights. POW: Scott Valley Protect Our Water
James Buchal, Portland attorney and salmon expert, gave a presentation in Klamath Falls on the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement in 2008. He posted the video on his website HERE . Go HERE for his wealth of information on salmon. Klamath Basin: Comments taken on proposed ESA listing (for butterfly), H&N, posted to KBC 8/21/11. "The butterfly was discovered in 1995 and exists in a 6-square-mile area, mostly in the Mazama Tree Farm and partly in the Fremont-Winema National Forest." Comments due by Oct. 17. More wilderness for Crater Lake? H&N, posted to KBC 8/21/11. Proposed "more than 500,000 acres..."
Looking Back in Klamath Basin history, 1991, and 2001, H&N, posted to KBC 8/21/11. 1991: "The Oregon Natural Resources Council has asked a federal judge to halt any operations of the Klamath Reclamation Project that may endanger the fish..."
Little hope in delisting endangered sucker, letter to H&N by Warren Haught, posted to KBC 8/21/11
Tulelake Irrigation District public hearing on groundwater management plan 8/19/11 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday legislative review 8/19/11 Klamath River, Understanding Fall Chinook Salmon Allocations, by Ronnie M. Pierce 1998.
U.C. Davis Professors Peter Moyle and Jeffery Mount to USFWS and Calif. Resources Agency regarding Klamath dam removal studies, 11/16/07, Posted to KBC 8/19/11. "We think that existing studies (primarily in the ‘gray’ literature) are inadequate to provide reliable predictions about the effects of dam removal. Most notably, there has not been a systematic, comprehensive assessment of the impact of dam removal on native fish populations of the Klamath, particularly salmonids. This is surprising because the primary motivation for removal of the dams is improvement of these populations."
Tribes Get $245K For Job Creation. OPB 8/18/11 (Includes Klamath Tribes)
* We just discovered a new website, You will find voices of local citizens on important issues like power, water, the KBRA. There is room for your voice.
KWAPA meeting Aug. 31, 2011 Agenda: Tulelake groundwater metering, KBRA, domestic well program, On Project Plan (of KBRA), ... Scott Valley Summit Aug 23
Future Electric Rates, by Klamath County Commissioner Linthicum 8/18/11.
Calif. Dept of Fish and Game, DFG, met with Scott Valley Irrigators Aug 16. Here are comments by ranchers and articles on the encounter, pienpolitics 8/18/11
Delphi Technique was used by DFG on Aug. 16, 8/18/11. "RiverKeepers chose the wrong year to blame irrigators for Patterson Creek going dry. Irrigation stopped, when the water flow was still extremely high and irrigation was NOT occurring, where your evil youtube depicts dead juvenile fish. You are so full of lies, you likely planted the dead fish. I have reported such before on the Klamath, when neighbors saw Karuks planting fish to die, when the Klamath River level dropped." KBC NOTE: Tucker is Karuk Tribe spokesman. He was on the steering committee of Klamath Riverkeeper before it spun off from umbrella group Klamath Forest Alliance, and he’s presently on the board. He was schooled by Green Corp as an environmental organizer, and was affiliated with international dam removal movements. First the goal is destroying Klamath River hydro dams, and next the Snake and Columbia River hydrodams.
Rerun: Tribes dammed Klamath, Klamath Courier by Liz Bowen posted to KBC 6/2/05 "1851 journal states Klamath River ran putrid from dead salmon." DFG reaches out to Siskiyou County ranchers, farmers; agency seeks protection of coho salmon, Redding Searchlight 8/18/11, followed by comment by POW editor. Coho coordination, Siskiyou Daily News 8/17/11. "...NMFS gives little credit for the work that is already being done. The plan doesn’t provide an alternative to dam removal, blames low flows on the agricultural community, erodes property and water rights, and offers very little advice as to what needs to be done to make recovery possible." DFG Goes Fishing For Coho Salmon Water, A News Cafe, posted to KBC 8/17/11. (note from Mike King, Fresno, "post it on KBC along with my comment "DON'T GIVE THEM A DAM DROP OR THEY'LL EXPECT IT EVERY YEAR PLUS MORE". They're trying to set a pattern to steal more water. Klamath: 10 Years Later - Part 4, Endangered Species Act Battles Arouse Producers to Action, Aug 18, 2011. "Don't, whatever you do, don't, allow the agencies and NGOs to convince you to alienate your neighboring resource users...Here, our farm leaders have the water fees of the constituents to make deals with the agencies and NGOs, against the wishes of the majority of the citizens." Siskiyou County, Calif., Supervisor Marcia Armstrong said anything short of repealing the ESA isn't enough to turn the tide in the region."Suddenly, private property must satisfy the public interests of species well-being before the property can be used by its owner.." PUBLIC MEETING: Initial Meeting of the On-Project Plan Advisory Committee (OPPAC) for the KBRA 8/24/11. KBRA PAGE 70 Says: "In development of the On-Project Plan, KWAPA shall consider and evaluate the following measures for short-term, intermittent, long-term, and permanent application to meet the purpose of the plan: conservation easements, forbearance agreements, conjunctive use programs, efficiency measures, land acquisitions, water acquisitions, groundwater development, groundwater substitution, other voluntary transactions, water storage, and any other applicable measures..." HERE for on KBRA On Project Plan
will be
Ground Water
Plan. Public
August 29th,
9 a.m.
This is not
a California
Law, but
mandate in
the KBRA.
California Dept of Fish and Game to hold meeting in Scott Valley tonight Aug 16 at 7 p.m., followed by Scott River is Flowing High, 8/16/11. * Traceability for Livestock Moving Interstate, Federal Register Volume 76, Number 155, posted 8/12/11. "The proposed requirements would apply to cattle and bison, sheep and goats, swine, horses and other equines, captive cervids (e.g., deer and elk), and poultry...First, animals moved interstate would have to be officially identified...Second, animals moved interstate must be accompanied by an interstate certificate of veterinary inspection...We are also proposing some associated recordkeeping requirements. ..The estimated incremental costs of the proposed rule for cattle enterprises--between $14.5 million and $34.3 million, assuming official identification is a separately performed activity..." Comments due November 9, 2011 Appeals Court Deems Healthcare Mandate Unconstitutional; 11th Circuit rules that Congress went too far in requiring Americans to buy health insurance, Slate / Washington Post 8/12/11
Federal Management of Oregon's Forest Lands, Senator Doug Whitsett Newsletter 8/12/11. "federal district court ruled that the owl was threatened under the Endangered Species Act and that nearly unlimited critical habitat was required to preserve the bird from extinction...Oregon’s annual timber harvest from federal lands plummeted from 60 percent to 12 percent. Nearly 300 timber mills closed and more than 30,000 family wage jobs were lost."
Tulelake Republican Women Federated RESOLUTION to support reform of the ESA, signed 8/12/11 Proposed rule on farms called ‘absurd,’ Gazette Virginian 8/12/11. "...anyone who drives a tractor or operates any piece of motorized farming equipment would be required to pass the same tests and complete the same detailed forms and logs required of semi-tractor trailer drivers." PUBLIC MEETING: Initial Meeting of the On-Project Plan Advisory Committee (OPPAC) for the KBRA 8/24/11. Worm polychaete parasite on the Klamath, scientific opinions regarding dams and worms 8/10/11. HERE for biography of John Menke PhD. August 6, 2001: "The transition of the guard at the A Canal headgates went smoothly, as a nine-member team of Bureau of Lamd Management rangers replaced the remaining 11 U.S. Park Police officers stationed at the headgates. Representing BLM districts throughout the West, the nine rangers now at the headgates were pulled from patrol duties in places such as Eastern Idaho, Southern California, New Mexico and Nevada." H&N. KBC NOTE: please try to imagine everything your parents and you put your life into, growing up on a farm and continuing to raise your family there, destroyed in a heartbeat when feds turned off water to 1400 family farms. Your friends, family, and elderly neighbors, holding their deeds with "water appurtenant to that land" and signed by their U.S. President, were kept away of their headgates by barbed wire and armed guards. Suicides, heart attacks, bankruptcies, depression: later the National Academy of Science said the water shutoff was "Not Justified." With the multi-billion $ KBRA, the massive downsizing agriculture, land buyouts, confiscating of water rights, destruction of hydropower dams, because environmental groups and government agencies want to rewild the West, will the scientists say the hundreds of tons of silt behind the dams spread over all the fish habitat was "Unjustified?" No power, no food, no fish? Close, but No Cigar: More Work Needed on Salmon and the Columbia Hydro System, Martenlaw August 9, 2011. KBC NOTE: many same environmental groups in the coalition with the agenda of destroying the Columbia and Snake River hydrodams are voting members on the KBRA. John Menke, Ph.D. asks DFG employees to read and learn from Scott River Water Trust, followed by: Patterson Creek Drying Pools by Sari Sommarstrom, Executive Director Scott River Water Trust, posted to KBC 8/8/11. HERE for biography of John Menke PhD Liz Writes Life, posted to KBC 8/8/11. Scott Valley news. Klamath Basin Hydropower Settlement Agreement (KHSA) and Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) meeting held in Orleans in mid-June, 2-Rivers Tribune, 2_Rivers Tribune, posted by KBC 8/7/11. Opinions by Patrick Higgins, McKinleyville, editor Diane Beck, Scott Valley ranchers Mark Baird and John Menke, PhD. "Dam removal is a hoax, and aside from paying the “stakeholders” billions, will not save the fish. How does the purchase of a 92,000 acre property for the Klamath Tribe save the fish? The FERC re-license report clearly states that the Upper Klamath Basin is a naturally polluted watershed. It is volcanic and high in alkali. The dams contribute to CLEANER WATER!!! There is no conflict between agriculture and fishermen and native people except that which has been manufactured by the environmental communists who are after the money and the power." Klamath River subject of climate study, H&N, posted to KBC 8/7/11. "The two-year, $1.955 million study will explore the potential effect of climate change on water supplies for agriculture and fish..." Study Downgrades Hydroelectric Reservoirs’ Impact On Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Columbia Basin Bulletin, posted to KBC 8/7/11 Idaho Plans Study Of Building Dam/Reservoir On Weiser River; Cites Salmon Recovery Benefits, CBB, posted to KBC 8/7/11 Is Snake River Dam Removal Back? This week's court ruling suggests another look be taken at saving Northwest salmon by breaching dams, New West, posted to KBC 8/7/11. KBC NOTE: George Soros-supported radical environmental groups bent on demolishing Western hydro-dams, Save Our Wild Salmon. Glen Spain, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, is on Wild Salmon Board of Directors, and is an author of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, demanding removal of Klamath River Dams. Wild Salmon is focused on destroying Snake River and Columbia Basin dams. Groups such as "Zero Population Growth" are in their coalition, along with several environmental groups / voting members in the KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. Labor Relations by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 8/7/11 Psalm 50 verses 16-21 for 8/7/11. 8/3/11: In the year 2000 a group formed called the "Willing Seller Committee", AKA "Water Resources Association." See their letter, and response, and who was on that committee. Their plan was to sell their private land to American Land Conservancy, to be transferred to the federal government, who would lease it for farmland. That plan would have ended farming on Fish and Wildlife lease land. The community rejected their proposal, and willing seller advocates were even fired from the the Tulelake Growers Association board of directors. WWI and WWII Veteran homesteaders and families were told that they must sign up immediately or the feds would take their land and flood it and they would be paid nothing. Their lands would be surrounded by water like the off-Project lands when ranches were sold to Nature Conservancy. Presently our farm leaders want to keep farming the government lease land and advocate downsizing agriculture and our water allocation on private land with the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement / KBRA. A group led by Marty Macy and the late Earl Schultz opposed the 2000 willing seller plan and won. Presently there are two lawsuits, one against Tulelake Irrigation District, and one against Klamath Irrigation District, opposing the KBRA, born in closed meetings, and the community opposes it. Like the Willing Seller plan, the KBRA does not guarantee water, a specific power rate, or any relief from the Endangered Species Act or Biological Opinions, but the multi-billion $ KBRA does guarantee downsizing ag, demolishing hydropower dams servicing 70,000 households, controlling water well use, planting fish species, including fish parasites, into Klamath Lake and requiring their survival, requiring further downsizing ag if their committees conclude farmers are ruining the climate, and giving control of the ag drought plan to government agencies, tribes and environmental groups. Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels 8/2/11 Brown prolongs freeze on suction dredge mining, Sacramento Bee, posted to KBC 8/2/11 Dam Removal and Today's Ruling by Judge Redden, 8/2/11
Klamath River subject of climate study, H&N, posted to KBC 8/7/11. "The two-year, $1.955 million study will explore the potential effect of climate change on water supplies for agriculture and fish..." Oregon Legislative Budget, Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 8/2/11 "Tom's (McClintock's) thoughts on tonight's vote in the House to raise the debt limit. Tom opposed it and wrote the attached vote explanation.S. 365 – “Budget Control Act of 2011:” NO. From Calif. U. S. Congressman Tom McClintock 8/1/11 |
Page Updated: Monday November 21, 2011 02:29 AM Pacific
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