Archive 105 - February 2011
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Clamor Along The Klamath, Sports Illustrated Si Vault, 6/4/79. "Del Norte County Sheriff Tom Hopper and his men stopped a truck on Highway 101 carrying 650 salmon and one steelhead worth some $60,000 to $70,000. " Klamath River fish are being sold to points as distant as Reno, San Diego, Los Angeles, Denver and "maybe even as far as New York..." As told by Yurok, "The Indians who are now gillnetting the salmon to death are fishing drift nets in the mouth of the Klamath. They say they're fishing 'traditionally.' That's bunk, too. Nobody ever fished the mouth in the old days. It was too far away, and who could paddle those big, cumbersome canoes back upstream? These gill-netters say that the old Yuroks traded salmon with other tribes, and thus they justify commercial fishing. That's a lie. The old Indians believed it to be a sin to sell or barter fish. There used to be a fall run of big salmon in the Klamath—we called them 'kings.' They were big fish, 60 pounds or more. We wiped that run out about 1945."
Where have all the fish gone?
====================================================================== Here is the Klamath irrigators' takings case 2/17/11 Decision, KLAMATH IRRIGATION v. US, United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Page 9 quotes the Klamath Compact, "It states that 'the United States shall not, without payment of just compensation, impair any rights to the use of water for [domestic or irrigation purposes] within the Upper Klamath River Basin.' " 27 groups and individuals filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government claiming that, since they had water rights "appurtenant to the land," many with deeds signed by a U.S. President, they must be compensated for when the government withheld their irrigation water in 2001. Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen/PCFFA filed as a defendant against the farmers and ranchers. Klamath irrigators have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to pursue the case. Earthjustice, partially funded by George Soros, provides free services for PCFFA. PCFFA is a major author of the controversial Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA which is opposed by 1/2 Klamath County, 80% Siskiyou County, and 77% Tulelake.
biomass plants? Hundreds of jobs? H&N 2/26/11 2/26/11, VIDEO - U.S. Capitol Tour with David Barton - "29 of 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence had Seminary degrees." "1st Bible printed in America by U.S. Congress for public schools." Ron Arnold: Congress should stop funding Big Green lawsuits against the government, posted 2/26/11 Washington Examiner. "Rep. Tom McClintock, R-Calif., chairman of the House Natural Resource Committee's Power and Water Subcommittee, introduced an amendment to the House's $1.2 trillion continuing resolution bill to permanently defund NFWF...amendment failed..." KBC NOTE - NFWF funds groups like American Rivers, on the KBRA stakeholder group, which sues the government, often with taxpayer money. American Rivers suit intends to demolish Snake River dams. George Soros and NFWF fund National Wildlife Federation. New Spotted Owl Plan Would Hurt Rural Economy and Ignore Real Solutions, Forestry Groups Say, PR Newswire, posted to KBC 2/26/11 2/25/11 - Summary of today's KBRA coordinating council meeting today: "There is still no drought plan and there is still no affordable power there."
links to
video of
#296 to
18, 2011
4:44 PM
to 5:05
vote on
296 was
215 in
Oregon Senator Whitsett's bills addressing livestock predators: wolves, coyotes, cougars, posted to KBC 2/25/11
PUBLIC NOTICE: There will be an open public meeting held at 12:30 p.m. on Friday, March 4, 2011, at the KWAPA office located at 735 Commercial Street, Suite 4000, Klamath Falls, OR 97601. This meeting will be held to open sealed proposals received on March 4, 2011, by 12:00 p.m. for the Data Analyst Statement of Qualifications for the Groundwater Use Efficiency Analysis.
California judge approves Klamath dam removal surcharge, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/25/11. "The ruling, issued by Judge Karen V. Clopton, approves PacifiCorp’s request to add a $13.76 million surcharge for its approximately 45,000 California customers to cover its obligation for dam removal costs under the Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement." Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Interior Department’s “Wild Lands” Policy, Natural Resources Committee, posted to KBC 2/25/11. "The Wild Lands policy expressly circumvents Congress’ statutory authority to establish Wilderness areas. ... the public’s access to public lands can be limited or halted entirely – impacting our economy, jobs, recreation opportunities and American energy production. Millions of acres of multi-use land in the West are at risk of being locked-up if the Administration carries out this policy.” California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review 2/25/11. "Despite a $25.6 billion deficit, the legislature introduced 2,438 bills by the February 18th introduction deadline." Included in link are a few, like developing Ocean Protection Council with "no public participation," 15% increase in vehicle licenses, mandatory groundwater recharge regulations, timber harvest approval by 4 state agencies, $12.8 million in new water fees No Monument rally with Congressman Herger, Yreka 2/25/11 Federal Circuit Decision a Big Win for Klamath Basin Water Users., 2/22/11 House approves amendment blocking funding for Klamath dam removal study. KDRV Staff 2/22/11 City Council right to fight unrealistic water standards for Klamath River. Herald and News Editorial February 22, 2011 District leaves water group. Herald and News 2/19/11 Congressman McClintock's speech on the House floor to defund Klamath dam removal study Group says their water rights will be negotiated away under current plan. Capitol Press 2/18/11 Court reinstates irrigators' lawsuit. Herald and News, 2/18/11 Letter to Secretary John Laird asks where state Klamath funds will originate, Siskiyou Daily 2/18/11
George Soros
and his
war on
Dr. Michael
posted to
KBC 2/17/11 Movement starts to halt Klamath study funding, Siskiyou Daily 2/17/11 Congressman McClintock successfully defunded by amendment the $1.9 million+ dam removal study at the EPA from a funding bill. Lars mentioned this on his show at about 2:40pm today. Respectfully, Jeff Woodwick
"3. [112nd] H.AMDT.33 to H.R.1 An amendment numbered 297 printed in the Congressional Record to reduce funds used for the Klamath Dam Removal and Sedimentation Study being conducted by the Bureau of Reclamation and the Fish and Wildlife Service by $1.897 million and apply the amount to the deficit reduction account. Calif Budget Committee voted to eliminate funding for fairs, 2/17/11 Historical salmon fisheries in the Pacific Northwest, by Dr. Gierak 2/16/11, VIDEO. " is clear that with the introduction of dams on the Klamath river, commercial salmon production has increased significantly based on the historical numbers." PUBLIC NOTICE - Tulelake National Wildlife Refuge Cooperative Farming, February 2011. KBC Note: 979 acres of private land will become seasonal wetlands, and growers will be provided land to farm in the wildlife refuge. Our federal government pays farmers to use efficient sprinklers, yet they want 979 acres of private land to have standing water much of the year. DEQ Public hearings Feb. 1-16 throughout Oregon Tulelake Butte Valley Fair Funding Update and How YOU can HELP! 2/15/11 Why the Indian Bureaucracy Should Be Dismantled, Carl Horowitz, posted to KBC 2/15/11 Winter weather in the forecast, H&N 2/15/11 Managing Klamath River complicated; recent flow change offers an example, H&N editorial, posted to KBC 2/15/11. (KBC NOTE: last year more than 1/2 Klamath irrigators received no irrigation water. This year the federal agencies sent approximately 20,000 acre feet of water into the ocean.) "Greg Addington, executive director for the Klamath Basin Water Users Association, which represents water users on the five irrigation districts on the 240,000-acre federal project, said the lake’s 'in good shape now. That’s a lot of water (going downriver), but I don’t feel like the lake is in jeopardy of not filling because of it.' ” Biological opinion on river needs to change, letter to NMFS by Klamath Basin Improvement District 2/15/11 A useful dam, Albany Democrat Herald 2/11/11. Appeals court grants standing for challenges to impaired water listing, Siskiyou Daily 2/11/11 State Water Board public input deadline is 2/15Assemblyman Jim Neilsen and Senator Doug LaMalfa "officially stand up to oppose the watershed wide permit program. Our elected representatives advise against signing the contract." Scott Valley Protect Our Water 2/11/11 PRESS RELEASE: Neilsen & LaMalfa Demand Fish and Game Department stop harassing property owners/water users, 2/11/11 Letter from Senator LaMalfa and Assemblyman Neilson to California Dept. Fish and Game Director 2/10/11 Senator Tom McClintock newsletter on Obamacare, forest management, national debt, and district events 2/11/11 Where is the outrage, 2/11/11 by Senator Doug Whitsett California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws 2/11/11: Williamson Act funding, County Fair funding, groundwater management, AB 316 metal theft, and AB 856 fertilizing materials inspection program. Michael Coffman, PhD, in Yreka tonight at 6 p.m., Feb 11. Coffman. Dr. Coffman is currently President of Environmental Perspectives, Inc. (EPI), and Executive Director of Sovereignty International. Dr. Coffman played a key role in stopping the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity (Biodiversity Treaty) in the U.S. Senate an hour before the Senate was scheduled to vote on its ratification. Shift in politics affects irrigators, Tom Mallams for Capital Press, posted to KBC 2/11/11
Irrigation districts
required to file petition, H&N 2/10/11
River flows to increase for fish, H&N, posted to KBC 2/10/11. "Flows will be three times their current cubic feet per second rate, going from 1,600 cfs to 5,000 cfs for six hours, and then decreasing to 1,300 cfs." Tulelake Butte Valley Fair public funding meetings Feb 9+10 Pacific Region Selects New Assistant Regional Director for Refuges, FWS 2/9/11 State Water Board Seeks Public Input (Deadline Feb 15) in Preparing Environmental Impact Report for Wetlands Policy and Dredge and Fill Regulations, Somach, Simmons and Dunn law firm February 8, 2011 Tulelake Irrigation District well water levels 2/8/11 Reclamation Announces Flows from Iron Gate Dam to Increase on Wednesday, February 9, BOR 2/7/11. " 'I am confident that we will have the lake as full as possible for this time of the year, and we are on track to fill the lake on or before April 1, 2011,' stated Phillips." KBRA OPPOSITION RALLY AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTER – TUESDAY, February 8th at NOON. OPPOSITION to Validation of KBRA and KHSA 1 Peter verses 3-7, sent to KBC from Frank Tallerico 2/6/11
Where have all the fish gone?
Is Obama Swimming Upstream With Campaign Against Salmon Bureaucracy? Fox News, posted to KBC 2/5/11. "Joseph Bogaard, of Save Our Wild Salmon, admits there is overlap and wasted funding. Efforts to save salmon runs have cost the country $10 billion over the last 20 years. And yet, salmon runs still fluctuate wildly from year to year. 'We are making decisions that are ineffective," Bogaard said "We're spending billions of dollars on programs that aren't working, we're not restoring our salmon, and as a result we don't have healthy, fishable populations.' " " Obama's long-range plan is still to spend nearly $10 billion on salmon protection over the next decade." Save Our Wild Salmon is the group advocating removing dams on the Snake and Columbia...board member Glen Spain (and voting member in the KBRA) Governor Kitzhaber’s Recommended Budget, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 2/5/11 Medford and Coos Bay - BLM withdraws two timber sales, Mail Tribune, posted to KBC 2/5/11. (Another lawsuit against resource users by job-killers PCFFA / Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, Klamath Siskiyou Wildlands Center, and others that are not listed. PCFFA sued against the Klamath Irrigators power rate, to enforce TMDL's/water quality mandates that can not be met, against irrigators along with Yurok tribe in 2001 water takings case claiming irrigators don't own right to water on deeds with water signed by US President, Siskiyou County groundwater management, etc etc. PCFFA is at the table with a coalition of several other environmental groups as stakeholders on the KBRA with many federal agencies and a couple farm leaders.)
Animal Rights Group
Threatens To Sue FWS If Wolves are Not Introduced Everywhere in USA, U.S.
Sportsmen Alliance, posted to KBC 2/5/11. "the
Center for Biological Diversity
(CBD) filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
if the Service does not create a new nationwide wolf recovery plan"
CBD is funded by Earthjustice, which is funded by George
The same CBD who is presently suing to take more Klamath
Basin irrigation water by changing the biological opinions. California Farm Bureau counsel explains dismissal of DFG suit, "Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/5/11. "Rice stated that the issues raised in the Farm Bureau’s case had become entangled with the Riverkeeper’s issues, being “overcome” by that case after consolidation." (KBC NOTE: Former Outreach Director at Friends of the River, Karuk spokesman at the stakeholder table of KBRA, Craig Tucker is board member and founder of Klamath Riverkeeper, litigant in many lawsuits against Klamath resource users. George Soros funds Earthjustice, which represents Klamath Riverkeeper) February Snow Survey Results for the Scott River Watershed, posted to KBC 2/5/11
Comment Deadline Extension Requested by RCRC, 2/5/11: "RCRC
has joined a variety of organizations in requesting the State Water Resources
Control Board (State Water Board) to extend the comment deadline by 90 days for
the Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and
Initial Study (IS) relating to the State Water Board’s Wetland Area Protection
Policy and Dredge and Fill Assembly Committee Holds Groundwater Oversight Hearing, RCRC Report, posted to KBC 2/5/11 Tempted by the Almighty Dollar; Are casinos really the answer to the Navajo Nation's future? Navaho Hopi Observer, posted to KBC 2/5/11 "... these parasitic businesses do nothing but drain money from people who, for the most part, cannot afford to lose that money and it's loss creates a host of social problems..." Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Bulletin, posted to KBC 2/6/11 (wild vs hatchery, steelhead, sea lions eating sturgeon, water rights changes, ...) California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review, 2/4/11 2/4/11 -Today we feature Sustainable NW Klamath Programs Director James Honey. Environmental Advocacy groups destroying Klamath agriculture, speech by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, KFLS radio, posted to KBC 2/4/11. "I believe that is time to recognize that folks such as Glen Spain, Craig Tucker and James Honey do not speak for the interests of either the irrigators, or the people, of the Upper Klamath Basin. Isn’t it time to recognize the obvious “divide and conquer” actions that are being used so successful in destroying both the unity, and the economies, of our communities? Why do we continue to extend credibility to these folks?" CDFG meetings delayed, CDFG Suction Dredge Mining 5 Meetings, Feb 3 Yreka Klamath Bull and Horse Sale Feb. 2-6
Unemployment rate up in
Northern California counties.
LaMalfa named to committees.
H&N, posted to KB C 2/1/11.
indicate 16.1 percent of people in Modoc County and 19 percent in Siskiyou
County were unemployed..." "Calif. Senator LaMalfa is "vice
chairman of natural resources; vice chairman of elections and constitutional
Amendments; agriculture; budget and fiscal review; governance and finance;
veterans affairs; joint legislative audit; and the joint committee on fisheries
and aquaculture." |
Page Updated: Thursday April 21, 2011 10:12 AM Pacific
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