Archive 101 - October 2010
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Six reasons to support Measure G, by Petey Brucker,
Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 10/30/10,
followed by Brucker's speech at a Chadwick session
in '05 detailing his agenda,
and ranchers dewatered
wetlands, which reduced habitat. Farm chemicals ruin
water quality and
cows damage riverbanks and water quality. Logging
was purely greed for
money, ruining public trust. Loggers believe that
"the only good tree is a stump...he supports
regulations like the Endangered
Species Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and
Clean Water Act, to
slow society; "regulations curb greed and
destruction..." he, through Klamath Forest
Alliance, helps map corridors and core areas. These
are the areas
targeted by the ESA (which lacks peer review), NEPA,
and Clean Water
Act, to eliminate people from these areas. He said
that the process took
a long time through the Klamath Task Force, however
listing coho salmon
as endangered helped the process."
Brucker is at the KBRA negotiation table.
Sustainable Northwest supports local solutions,
H&N letter 10/30/10.
Sustainable NW on KBC Whose
Who page:"
...I wonder if (the founder Martin Geobel's) foundation/his global power
company could have a conflict of interest related to
power generated by those “renewable” Klamath dams
they want removed?"
Becky Hyde,
on Whose Who Page, at KBRA table, employed by
Sustainable NW ($63,835 in 2007), which has worked for Klamath Tribes.
Sustainable NW also paid Natural Heritage Institute
$112,487 in '07 for legal fees.
NHI is funded by Sierra Club, Trout
Unlimited, American Rivers, Environmental Defense,
The Nature Conservancy, World Bank, NRCS, California
Dept of Water Resources, Calif. State Coastal
Conservancy, National Marine Fishery Service, Bureau
of Reclamation, Dept of Interior, National Park
Service, USGS,
Hydropower Reform Coalition; there are 87
NGO's, gov't agencies, foundations and universities
supporting NHI.
represents American Rivers and California Trout
in an ongoing effort to decommission PacifiCorp’s
Klamath River Project."
advocates: Plan is no good, H&N 10/30/10. "Salmon
advocates have asked a federal judge to strike down
the Obama administration’s plan for making the
Columbia Basin’s hydroelectric dams safer for
threatened and endangered salmon." KBC NOTE:
A plaintiff is American Rivers, a voting
"stakeholder at the KBRA negotiation table: For Sunday, 10/31/10, Revelations 3:8 NIV - "I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut..." sent to KBC by Frank Tallerico Herger and Reed, 3 Questions, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 10/30/10 It's time to vote; what makes a good politician 10/29/10, Pie N Politics Columbia Basin Bulletin Fish and Wildlife News (sea lion predation, salmon, wildlife habitat, fish farming, ...10/29/10 World Governments Agree on Zero Extinction Target at Convention On Biological Diversity Conference in Nagoya, Japan, American Bird Conservancy, posted to KBC 10/30/10 * Klamath - Getting It All Back, August 2004, Ron DeShon: "My god, how could we have ever allowed the “Klamath Project” and the consequent farming to have happened! Tell me. Are we not responsible?...Turn off the water, blow up the dams, let it be as it once was." (KBC Note: Ron created KBC Website in 2001 and spent an entire year, often night and day, managing it) KBRA proponents’ spin doesn’t hold up to the facts, H&N 10/28/10, letter by Edward Bartell, Nevada (formerly from above the Klamath Project). " in Eureka, where taking water from Klamath farmers is popular, the Times Standard quotes a major architect of the KBRA as stating “there are no guarantees of water for farms in the agreement, only a cap on how much can be diverted,” a decidedly different story than the “water guarantees” Klamath County residents hear about." Rerun: State board okays a dam on Klamath, The Triplicate, re-posted to KBC 10/28/10. "The department was instrumental in getting the federal power commission to order the company to build the dam to regulate the stream, which has fluctuated in such a manner as to cause frequent fish kills and endanger human life on the Klamath below the existing COPCO dam." Save the Klamath Dams to Save the Pelicans! by Mr Ed Weber, Hornbrook 10/27/10 Outside funds trying to influence (Klamath) elections H&N letter by Tom Mallams 10/27/10. "On the Sustainable Northwest 2008, 990 federal tax return it shows that in that 12-month period, the organization spent $447,158 on Klamath Basin issues. Of that, $63,835 went to a local upper Basin irrigator (Becky Hyde) for “consulting” fees." DFG did remove two fish screens along French Creek on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010 without contacting any of the three active water diverters, Pie N Politics, posted to KBC 10/27/10. "On Thursday, October 7th, one water user at the end of the ditch realized that no stock water was flowing to his animals, and that three separate cattle herds had broken down fences and gotten mixed together in an effort to find water. In addition, his horses got scrapes and cuts while breaking though fences to get to water." (Klamath) Dam Removal, The Swindle of the Century, Siskiyou County Water Users Association Vice President 10/26/10. Facts and Lies PowerPoint: Klamath Settlement Agreement, a Mid-Klamath Perspective on Klamath Dam Removal by Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong, District 5, 10/26/10
10/24/10 - Constitution Workshop: Oregon's U.S. Senate candidate James Huffman spoke in Klamath Falls. Professor Huffman, Republican candidate challenging Democrat incumbent Ron Wyden, took time from his campaign trail to share some of his expertise on the Constitution and how it is being illegally ignored concerning our rights. and his published works
Klamath Water and Power Meeting Agenda for 11/02/10 On Timber Job Loss in Western Siskiyou County by Karuk Tribal member James A. Waddell, 10/26/10. "I have been trying to remember all the loggers, truckers, mill workers and related jobs lost due to hoaxes of ESA, wilderness activists and biased news and continuing failures of meetings and expeditious compromises. 916 jobs lost... that is nearly 1,000 jobs times $30,000 each equals $30 million dollars times economic dollar turnover of 8 equals 240 million dollars in economic business activity in Siskiyou County's west alone. "No on G (Klamath Dam removal): Remember the spotted owl, by Dr Richard Gierak, Siskiyou Daily 10/22/10 Sound familiar? by Frank Tallerico Jr., retired Siskiyou County Superintendent of Schools, Siskiyou Daily News Letter October 26, 2010 (regarding retired FWS Phil Dietrich on Klamath Dam removal) Reclamation Announces Additional Funds for Langell Valley Irrigation District Contractors, BOR, posted to KBC 10/26/10 They think a sign saying ‘no (Siskiyou) monument’ is angry? by Judy Bushy, Siskiyou Daily 10/26/10 For Sunday 10/24/10 sent by Frank Tallerico Psalms 119 9-16
October 24th Vote Dennis Linthicum, Klamath County Commissioner 10/23/10 Except this one swims, by Leo Kivela, Siskiyou Daily 10/23/10 Congressman Herger will be at the Black Bear Diner in Yreka on Monday October 25th at 3:00p.m. (Calif) Governor signs $10 million Williamson Act bill, Siskiyou Daily 10/22/10 Irrigators state case for opposition (to KBRA), H&N 10/22/10
All Tulelake
Irrigation District wells are off and
attached is the final total of acre-ft
pumped for 2010. Findings of Klamath Dam study questioned, Mr. Shasta Herald, posted to KBC 10/21/10 Stakeholder process a try at world control? by Rudy Hiley, Tulelake, posted to KBC 10/21/10. "When you realize that the KBRA is a sustainability agreement sealed by agenda-warped science and driven by false fears of human-caused climate change, you will have good reason for concern." Political advertising ‘despicable?’ No, it’s just the facts, by Tom Mallams, posted to KBC 10/21/10. "On Feb. 12, 2009, the Natural Resource Advisory Council voted to not support the KBRA as written. The commissioners choose to ignore the advice of their own advisory council." 2004 letter said state had claim to (Klamath) dam water, H&N by Brandon Criss, Butte Valley 10/21/10, a response to Klamath County Commissioner Elliot's denial of Shasta Valley ag water right which the KBRA proponents negotiated away. "Elliot should be more worried about section 19.4.5 of the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement which gives the Klamath Basin Coordinating Council the power to renegotiate the content of the KBRA if “Substantial effects of climate change are determined by the Klamath Basin Coordinating Council to be manifest or reasonably likely to occur;” (KBRA pages 133-134). FOLLOWED BY: accusations by Elliot that Criss lied about having water right.
The KBRA stipulates that that KBRA document,
including water allocations to ag, will be altered
to conform to the climate change studies.
HERE for Preparing for Climate Change in the Klamath
Basin. Many government agencies, tribal
biologists, and environmental groups listed at the
end of the document are surely looking out for our
best interests. Posted to KBC 10/21/10. Glen Beck was refused by the White House a military flyover for the Restore America gathering of thousands of people. However, God gave them a flyover. Posted 10/21/10 Get out: Vote YES on 18-80, and against dam removal, Frank Goodson, H&N 10/20/10. " Save our dams. Stop the tax money purchase of 90,000 acres. Slow down the Endangered Species Act. Vote yes on Measure 18-80." Job promises don’t justify dam removal, H&N, posted to KBC 10/20/10, by Rex Cozzalio, Hornbrook rancher Meeting on proposed Siskiyou Crest National Monument 10/22/10. Coming to a neighborhood near you! See map and what you can do. Unhappy Camp, North Coast Journal, posted to KBC 10/20/10. Environmentalist story about Happy Camp's attitude toward Wildlands Project creating Siskiyou Crest National Monument where these rural people make a living. Read the comments. "Most of you come from cities where you flattened, paved, and raped the land of every living thing in sight. Lived in houses made of wood, were educated on books made of paper, and wiped your asses with toilet paper. Then you come out here, where the land was actually managed and people coexist with nature." County counsel alleges federal involvement in KBRA group, Siskiyou Daily News 10/19/10 California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) is using the cloak of environmental concern to gain control of all surface Water Rights in the State, Pienpolitics 10/19/10 Why destroy a great green energy source? Herald and News letter by Henry Edwards For Siskiyou County: Measure G: advisory election with respect to removal of dams along Klamath River, Siskiyou Daily 10/19/10 Local ranchers worry as Siskiyou County water diversion suits head to Bay Area, Redding Record Searchlight, posted 10/19/10 What does the settlement mean to the future of the Klamath Tribes, re-posted to KBC 10/17/10 Dennis Linthicum recommends: Vote Yes on 18-80. YES Klamath County Commissioners should discontinue participation in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, 10/17/10
< Pro-KBRA people held Merrill rally by KBC 10/16/10
October 16, 73rd Annual
Merrill Potato Festival:
Validity of lawmakers’ KBRA poll under fire, H&N 10/15/10. "Oregon State Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, and state Reps. Bill Garrard, R-Klamath Falls and George Gilman, R-Medford, conducted the poll...11 percent said they supported it" (KBC Note: the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement that the feds, farm leaders, enviros and tribes, are shoving down our throats.) Supporters of KBRA to hold rally at festival, H&N 10/16/10 Tribes and farm leaders are bringing their political agenda to the potato festival, hosting a rally to get voters to support the KBRA: removal of 4 hydroelectric dams that supply power to 70,000 households, flood control and water for agriculture in Siskiyou County, giving land to the tribes that they sold, downsizing agriculture, years of secret meetings devising the plan that effects our water rights, and putting water for bird refuges and fish above water for agriculture. Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker, past environmental activist trained by Green Corp to destroy the American infrastructure, is bringing salmon to the BBQ. Water deliveries end Friday, except TID, H&N 10/14/10 KWAPA Supplemental Land Idling Program for area served by Upper Klamath Lake and Klamath River, Application DEADLINE 10/15/10 Deadline approaching for (Oregon) NRCS programs, H&N 10/14/10 Vote for Republicans and against the KBRA, letter by Wilman Heiney, Herald and News, posted to KBC 10/14/10 Ranchers lose to bull trout habitat; USFWS quadruples habitat for endangered fish, hikes scrutiny of grazing on federal land, Capital Press 10/14/10 Measure doesn’t ask the right questions, H&N letter by John Turner, Klamath Falls 10/14/10 The best take on the KBRA is Linthicum’s, H&N letter by Sandra Devries 10/14/10 KBRA has nothing to do with creating new jobs, H&N 10/14/10 by Guy Turnage Taxpayers on the hook for dam removal, KBRA, by George Warner, Klamath Falls 10/13/10 Senator Doug Whitsett newsletter 10/13/10 Counties weigh costs and benefits (of controversial Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement), H&N 10/13/10
Why is the (Klamath) lake level tied to so many
issues? Measure G opponents host town hall, Siskiyou Daily News 10/12/10. "Tallerico told those at the town hall that the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) was conceived in secret without public hearings and that a few individuals and organization will benefit from its passage. “This isn’t about jobs,” he said. “It’s about greed and corruption.” Klamath Water And Power Agency public meeting 10/18/10 Cards already shuffled secretly for (Klamath) agreement, H&N by Brandon Criss, 10/10/10. "It’s naive to replace judges with the plaintiff’s suing farmers and expect a different result." "Craig Tucker, the Karuk Tribe’s negotiator for the KBRA, defended the KBRA, saying that there are no guarantees of water for farms in the agreement, only a cap on how much can be diverted." "Sadly, after dam removal, Shasta Valley farmers lose 60,000 acre-feet of senior water rights storage they have sought to develop." Stakeholders varied in water agreement, H&N 10/10/10
Protesters air
grievances (About
to KBRA gather to protest agreement,
H&N, posted to KBC
Why vote 'no' on Klamath dam removal,
Capital Press by Dr. Richard Gierak, posted to
KBC 10/9/10 Dams a key part of KBRA, H&N 10/9/10 Patriot Meeting notice Oct. 12, 6:30 Triad School, 2450 Summers Lane, Senator Whitsett goes over 7 Oregon ballot measures. Everyone welcomed Commissioners not telling truth about dams, 10/7/2010, H&N letter by Leo Bergeron, Montague rancher, past California Grange Master, "Who’s doing the lying? Your Klamath County commissioners. They have repetitively told you that “these dams do not provide irrigation water to farms and ranches.” (Cheryl Hukill commentary, Sept. 19, Herald and News)...Why haven’t they told you that Shasta Valley farmers have a senior water right of 60,000 acre feet of water storage behind those dams? Those dams also provide some flood protection...It’s pitiful that they’re pitting neighbor vs. neighbor when we should all be united." Vote no on G, by Brandon Criss, Butte Valley Rancher, Siskiyou Daily News Letter to the Editor October 6, 2010. "The “council’s” majority is a great concern, because of its unlimited decision making authority. Should “substantial climate change be determined by the Klamath Basin Coordinating Council to be manifest or reasonably likely to occur” (pg. 134 KBRA), then the whole KBRA can be “negotiated” by that same “council.” Klamath Dams: Scoping report available online, Siskiyou Daily 9/28/10 First-ever ag expo starts Friday, H&N 10/7/10 Lava Beds National Monument GMP Public Meetings Planned Today Oct 6, Tulelake. Notice of hearing to determine cession of criminal jurisdiction to the United States over land know as Lava Beds National Monument, comments by Oct. 6.
Views differ on sale of Mazama Tree Farm, H&N,
posted to KBC 10/5/10. Appeals court upholds Klamath power rate hike, Capital Press 10/5/10 Supplemental Land Idling Program for area served by Upper Klamath Lake and Klamath River, posted to KBC 10/5/10 Klamath Water And Power Agency/KWAPA, DEADLINE Oct. 15. Cook: No ‘blanket’ opposition to dam agreements, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 10/5/10 Jim Huffman (candidate for Oregon Senate) was interviewed on CNN's The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Watch the video. This Sunday's Bible Verses are taken from the Psalms, Psalm 199, submitted to KBC by Frank Tallerico, Yreka 10/3/10 Open Letter to Siskiyou County Supervisor Armstrong, POW 10/2/10 A letter of information to my constituents, from Siskiyou County Supervisor Marcia Armstrong Oct 1, 2010 CA Republican Chair coming to Siskiyou County 10/8/10 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Reviews of California bills and laws 10/1/10 |
Page Updated: Tuesday December 21, 2010 01:43 AM Pacific
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