Articles, Press Releases,
Newsletters 2010 |
issues final order on pollution limits,
EPA has 30 days to approve or reject the
H&N 12/22/10.
HERE for Water Quality page. Related info: who is demanding our water quality requirements: Posted 11/4/10 - California State Water Resources Control Board demands impossible TMDL's/water quality demands of the Klamath Basin considering that the source of the water is naturally high in minerals. Klamath Water Users Association/KWUA wrote the board July 2009 explaining the "unachievable load allocations" demanded by the water board. These unattainable demands are the result of KWUA's friends on their KBRA agreement, PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, and tribes and other environmental groups, litigating to demand these regulations. Water Board Adopts Pollution Limits for the Klamath Basin, Indybay 9/8/10. "Representatives from the PCFFA, Karuk Tribe, Yurok Tribe, Klamath Riverkeeper, the Klamath Forest Alliance and the Sierra Club testified at the meeting in support of the TMDLs." (KBC NOTE: a KBRA author Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe and former environmental activist, is a member of Klamath Forest Alliance and founder of Klamath Riverkeeper. Their KBRA, Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, says, "The Parties commit, subject to Applicable Law, to support the development and implementation of appropriate TMDLs and other water quality improvement programs adopted by the states within the Klamath Basin." |
Siskiyou water users suit alleges CEQA violations with Klamath agreements, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 12/21/10 | |
Electricity rates to increase in January (14.5%), H&N 12/19/10 | |
Klamath dam decision team hears concerns in Yreka, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 12/16/10 | |
Klamath prepares for dam removal, Capital Press, posted to KBC 12/16/10 | |
1st meeting:
Dept of Interior public meetings on Klamath
Settlement Dec. 9th 10;00am-12;00 noon Copco Community Center (next to firehouse) 27803 Copco Rd, Montague 2nd meeting same day: 6-8pm Yreka Community Center, 825 North Oregon St. Dec.15, KBRA 'Coordinating Council' public meeting. Your Public Comments will not be recorded. |
USDA awards Yurok Tribe funding to close electricity gaps in Klamath, Times Standard 11/27/10. "...award of $750,000 to the tribe Tuesday, along with millions of other dollars being spent to stabilize and reduce energy costs for residents..." (KBC NOTE: Yurok Tribe supports destroying the Klamath Hydropower dams serving 70,000 households annually.) | |
Timeline for KBRA relies on receiving funding, H&N, posted to KBC 11/26/10 | |
How might the Klamath agreements affect the local economy? Siskiyou Daily News 11/15/10 | |
PacifiCorp, counties reach dam deal, H&N, posted to KBC 11/14/10. "Opponents of the dam removal had argued for years that local residents had been excluded from negotiations." | |
Vote against (Klamath) dam removal stunning, Siskiyou Daily News by Siskiyou County Water Users Association writer, 11/10/10. “The successful vote against dam removal is HUGE! Seventy-nine percent of Siskiyou County is against dam removal. Washington, D.C. won’t be able to ignore the voice of Siskiyou County people." | |
‘... I think they wronged us ...’ DONNIE BOYD, owner, Floyd A. Boyd Co., Merrill, H&N posted to KBC 11/10/10 | |
Irrigators still split on KBRA, H&N 11/07/10 | |
Majority of Siskiyou voters are opposed to dam removal, (and other Siskiyou election results) H&N 11/5/10. |
Posted 11/4/10 - California State Water Resources
Control Board demands impossible TMDL's/water
quality demands of the Klamath Basin considering
that the source of the water is naturally high in
Klamath Water Users Association/KWUA wrote the board
July 2009 explaining the "unachievable load
allocations" demanded by the water board. These unattainable demands are the result of KWUA's friends on their KBRA agreement, PCFFA/Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, and tribes and other environmental groups, litigating to demand these regulations. Water Board Adopts Pollution Limits for the Klamath Basin, Indybay 9/8/10. "Representatives from the PCFFA, Karuk Tribe, Yurok Tribe, Klamath Riverkeeper, the Klamath Forest Alliance and the Sierra Club testified at the meeting in support of the TMDLs." (KBC NOTE: a KBRA author Craig Tucker, spokesman for the Karuk Tribe and former environmental activist, is a member of Klamath Forest Alliance and founder of Klamath Riverkeeper. Their KBRA, Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, says, "The Parties commit, subject to Applicable Law, to support the development and implementation of appropriate TMDLs and otherwater quality improvement programs adopted by the states within the Klamath Basin." |
Klamath Co. voters split on dam removal, KDRV,
posted to KBC 11/4/10.
18-80, an advisory vote on whether Klamath County
discontinue its participation in the KBRA, was a
near split, with 48 percent voting 'yes' on
discontinuing participation, and 51 percent voting
'no', as of Wednesday night. However, some say there
was voter confusion over the phrasing of the
measure. Opponents of the KBRA allege there was much
more opposition than was reflected in the nearly
50-50 split at the ballot box." RERUN:
“Steamroller KBRA”
Supervisors to send resolution opposing Klamath study, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 11/4/10 | |
Nov. 2 - Klamath Falls: Chamber members ask for vote (on KBRA); Some disagree with board’s stance on Measure 18-80, H&N. KBC NOTE: Frank Goodson, and many people in Klamath Chamber of Commerce, object to the executive board's vote supporting the KBRA without polling their membership. As with the years of secret meetings creating the KBRA with no public allowed, Steve Kandra (on the KBRA negotiation table) said, "They’re not yielding to what I’ll call the ideology of Frank,” he said, referring to Goodson." | |
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Finalized, Sublegals: Vol. 16, No. 2, 15 January 2010 - Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, and Institute for Fisheries Resources. "The KBRA also establishes a separate, science-driven 50-year fisheries habitat restoration process and a program to curtail higher upper basin irrigation withdrawals and put between 130,000 to 230.000 additional acre-feet of water annually (annual amounts varying depending on rainfall) into the lower river to aid salmon restoration." | |
Rerun: State board okays a dam on Klamath, The Triplicate, re-posted to KBC 8/24/10. "The department was instrumental in getting the federal power commission to order the company to build the dam to regulate the stream, which has fluctuated in such a manner as to cause frequent fish kills and endanger human life on the Klamath below the existing COPCO dam." | |
Builders start job on Klamath dam, Triplicate 4/16/10. "...While the dam site is about 200 miles upstream from the mouth, following the twisting course of the river, the project is being hailed as a boon to Del Norte because it furnishes additional assurance of adequate power for the area and because fishing in the already famous fishing river is expected to improve." | |
Sustainable Northwest supports local solutions,
H&N letter 10/30/10.
Sustainable NW on KBC Whose
Who page:"
...I wonder if (the founder Martin Geobel's) foundation/his global power
company could have a conflict of interest related to
power generated by those “renewable” Klamath dams
they want removed?"
Becky Hyde,
on Whose Who Page, at KBRA table, employed by
Sustainable NW ($63,835 in 2007), which has worked for Klamath Tribes.
Sustainable NW also paid Natural Heritage Institute
$112,487 in '07 for legal fees.
NHI is funded by Sierra Club, Trout
Unlimited, American Rivers, Environmental Defense,
The Nature Conservancy, World Bank, NRCS, California
Dept of Water Resources, Calif. State Coastal
Conservancy, National Marine Fishery Service, Bureau
of Reclamation, Dept of Interior, National Park
Service, USGS,
Hydropower Reform Coalition; there are 87
NGO's, gov't agencies, foundations and universities
supporting NHI.
represents American Rivers and California Trout
in an ongoing effort to decommission PacifiCorp’s
Klamath River Project." "Sustainable NW supports LOCAL SOLUTIONS"???? |
advocates: Plan is no good, H&N 10/30/10. "Salmon
advocates have asked a federal judge to strike down
the Obama administration’s plan for making the
Columbia Basin’s hydroelectric dams safer for
threatened and endangered salmon." KBC NOTE:
A plaintiff is American Rivers, a voting
"stakeholder at the KBRA negotiation table: NOAA awards more than $800,000 to American Rivers, 2007. American River's success stories: 58 Dams to be Removed in 2009, American River's dam removal projects including Klamath dams |
Irrigators state case for opposition (to KBRA), H&N 10/22/10 | |
The KBRA stipulates that that KBRA document,
including water allocations to ag, will be altered
to conform to the climate change studies.
HERE for Preparing for Climate Change in the Klamath
Basin. Many government agencies, tribal
biologists, and environmental groups listed at the
end of the document are surely looking out for our
best interests. Posted to KBC 10/21/10. Preparing for Climate Change presentation at OIT October 25th "The research also addresses how to prepare for climate change in the areas of economic development, water quality and quantity, invasive plants, forest management, agriculture, and public health and safety." |
Findings of Klamath Dam study questioned, Mr. Shasta Herald, posted to KBC 10/21/10 |
County counsel alleges federal involvement in KBRA group, Siskiyou Daily News 10/19/10 |
For Siskiyou County: Measure G: advisory election with respect to removal of dams along Klamath River, Siskiyou Daily 10/19/10 |
* What does the settlement mean to the future of the Klamath Tribes, re-posted to KBC 10/17/10 |
Tribes and farm leaders are bringing their political agenda to the potato festival, hosting a rally to get voters to support the KBRA: removal of 4 hydroelectric dams that supply power to 70,000 households, flood control and water for agriculture in Siskiyou County, giving land to the tribes that they sold, downsizing agriculture, years of secret meetings devising the plan that effects our water rights, and putting water for bird refuges and fish above water for agriculture. Karuk spokesman Craig Tucker, past environmental activist trained by Green Corp to destroy the American infrastructure, is bringing salmon to the BBQ. |
< Pro-KBRA people held Merrill rally by KBC 10/16/10. More than 20 people attended event (in addition to media and speakers and children)
Validity of lawmakers’ KBRA poll under fire, H&N 10/15/10. "Oregon State Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-Klamath Falls, and state Reps. Bill Garrard, R-Klamath Falls and George Gilman, R-Medford, conducted the poll...11 percent said they supported it" (KBC Note: the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement that the feds, farm leaders, enviros and tribes, are shoving down our throats.) |
Counties weigh costs and benefits (of controversial Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement), H&N 10/13/10 |
Measure G opponents host town hall, Siskiyou Daily News 10/12/10. "Tallerico told those at the town hall that the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) was conceived in secret without public hearings and that a few individuals and organization will benefit from its passage. “This isn’t about jobs,” he said. “It’s about greed and corruption.” |
Protesters air
grievances (About
to KBRA gather to protest agreement,
H&N, posted to KBC
10/9/10 Stakeholders varied in water agreement, H&N 10/10/10 |
Dams a key part of KBRA, H&N 10/9/10 | Cook: No ‘blanket’ opposition to dam agreements, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 10/5/10 |
Views differ on sale of Mazama Tree Farm, H&N,
posted to KBC 10/5/10. A related link: Chapter V "The Termination" from Carrol B. Howe's book: Excerpts from: Unconquered Uncontrolled - The Klamath Indian Reservation 1992. |
Fish, economy connected through water, Upper Klamath Lake needed both for irrigation and endangered fish, H&N 9/29/10. “The salmon were never up here on a consistent basis. The Klamath Tribe subsisted on the sucker fish because there were never salmon up here,” Mallams said. “Why would they eat sucker if they had salmon?” | Stakeholders, administration officials meet, H&N, posted to KBC 9/28/10.(Family Farm Alliance executive director) Keppen used the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement as “a specific example of where innovative things were happening,” coordinating water management among many stakeholders, in particular the Klamath Reclamation Project management plan it establishes." |
Family Farm Alliance Western Water Management Case Studies, posted to KBC 9/28/10. KWUA/Klamath Water Users Association, and KWAPA/Klamath Water and Power Agency, describe a portion of their controversial willing seller and dam removal agreement, the KBRA, on FFA page 24: "KWAPA will evaluate the following measures to meet the purpose of the plan: conservation easements, forbearance agreements, conjunctive use programs, efficiency measures, land acquisitions, water acquisitions, groundwater development, groundwater substitution, other voluntary transactions, water storage, and any other applicable measures." KBC NOTE: The vast majority of the people, as shown in the polls and public meetings, oppose their "agreement". | |
Klamath - When the wells run dry. Some Basin residents had to take out loans to deepen their domestic water source, H&N, posted 9/15/10. KBC REMINDER: See photos on top of this website; Klamath Basin was historically a huge lake; we diverted water OUT of the basin and INTO the Klamath River to grow food. Never before has this land gone dry except in 2001, and this year, when the government demanded more water to be diverted INTO the river. | |
More federal funds
may be needed for water agreement, H&N,
posted to KBC 9/15/10 Farm Bureau calls for careful study of Klamath dams, AgAlert, posted to KBC 9/5/10 |
KBRA heads to ballot, County commissioners agree to have advisory vote in November, H&N 9/1/10 | Anti-dam removal group will not appeal, H&N 9/1/10 |
Initiative on (Klamath) dams rejected, H&N, posted to KBC 8/30/10. "Goodson called Smith’s decision a “stalling tactic,” adding he believes Voters Opposed to Dam Removal would win an appeal and get the initiative on the March ballot." | Plaintiffs in Klamath deal suit say state exceeded authority, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/28/10 |
Dam removal could be closer; some say science is faulty, H&N, posted to KBC 8/17/10. "Mallams called the sediment study “a joke” and said it was heavily based on the flawed science of the 2006 studies, which were conducted by an environmental group...They had to go through three different modeling programs to get the results they wanted...Mallams added not all the results have been released, as scientists work through some of the data, which he said is being manipulated." | |
Dam removal opponents seek votes, Capital Press, posted to KBC 8/27/10 | Dam removal question will appear on November ballot, Siskiyou Daily News 8/17/10 |
County sends Klamath legislation amendments,
Siskiyou Daily 8/12/10 (dam removal deals) Guarino: Environmental law panel skewed (regarding Klamath dam 'agreements'), Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 8/12/10 |
Legislature delays water bond to 2012 ballot, SF Chronicle 8/10/10. (KBC NOTE: This bond included California's $250 million contribution to destroy Klamath hydropower dams, according to Doug LaMalfa) |
Opponent testifies at committee hearing (in DC on
KBRA), H&N, posted to KBC 8/8/10. "Mallams
also said proponents sought to prevent him from
testifying before the subcommittee, sending letters
to its members." Possible (Klamath) dam ballot question discussed, Siskiyou Daily 8/8/1
No further state action expected (KBRA) H&N
posted to KBC 8/8/10 |
After 50 years Miller Lake lamprey returns to Miller Lake, ODFW, posted to KBC 7/30/10. "On August 4, ODFW biologists will reintroduce the Miller Lake lamprey...back to Miller Lake....lamprey become predators by attaching to fish with a sucking disk and feeding on the flesh that is rasped out under the disk." (KBC NOTE: The controversial KBRA/Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement supports introducing lamprey/fish parasites, into the Klamath Basin.) |
KBC NOTE: Klamath Water Users, environmental groups and government agencies have tried to sell the KBRA as creating a stable block of water for irrigators and a solution to preventing lawsuits. However, Craig Tucker, environmental activist, Karuk tribal spokesman, and a founder of the KBRA and Klamath Riverkeeper, explains the reality for irrigators: Probing the Klamath puzzle; public tells state and feds to look deep into dam removal, The Times-Standard, posted to KBC 7/24/10. "Addressing concerns about waivers of tribal water and fishing rights in the KBRA, Craig Tucker, Klamath campaign coordinator for the Karuk Tribe, said that the studies should aim to clear up misconceptions that tribes can't take legal action if those rights are impacted. He also defended the KBRA, saying that there are no guarantees of water for farms in the agreement, only a cap on how much can be diverted. 'What's capped in this agreement is agricultural water use,” Tucker said. “What's capped today is water for fish.'" | |
Emotions run high at dam hearing, H&N 7/10/10 | Klamath scoping meeting reveals further public concerns, requests, Siskiyou Daily 7/13/10 |
Agreement fuels Klamath discord, Capital Press 6/10/10 | Agencies, entities receive update on Klamath science review process, Siskiyou Daily News 5/7/10 |
KBRA, experience key in race; candidates exchange points in race for state House position, H&N 4/8/10 | Save the Dams April 1, 2010 |
State board okays a dam on Klamath, The Triplicate, posted to KBC 3/21/10. "The department was instrumental in getting the federal power commission to order the company to build the dam to regulate the stream, which has fluctuated in such a manner as to cause frequent fish kills and endanger human life on the Klamath below the existing COPCO dam." | |
Studies about Klamath dam removal on track, H&N posted to KBC 3/26/10 Congressman (McClintock) still against water deal, H&N 3/18/10. " A townhall meeting in Tulelake this past weekend only strengthened U. S . Rep. Tom McClintock’s opposition to the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the congressman said.
House Water and Power Subcommittee Oversight Hearing - Remarks by Representative Tom McClintock, Auburn Journal, posted to KBC 3/15/10. "Farmers in the Klamath Valley in California and Oregon are now threatened with another complete shut-off of water for the amusement of the sucker fish. While additional hydroelectric dams and reservoirs have been placed on a slow-track to nowhere, the fast-track has been reserved for dam destruction." |
Ore. gov seeks aid for farmers ahead of water deal, Mercury News, posted to KBC 3/7/10. "Kulongski also asked Salazar to authorize Interior agencies to work with Oregon and California on developing the drought plan called for in the restoration agreement." (KBC NOTE: our rulers approved the KBRA agreement with no drought plan in place, assuring us there would be no 2001 again, the year the government withheld our deeded irrigation water.) |
Guarino gives board KBRA update, Siskiyou Daily,
posted to KBC 3/7/10 California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, posted to KBC 3/7/10, covering California Tiger Salamander, the Williamson Act and the “gas tax swap”. Klamath Water Deal Faces First Big Test, OPB, posted to KBC 3/7/10." |
Merkley was first federal lawmaker to back water
agreement, H&, posted to KBC 3/1/10 DOI - Agreement Reached on Klamath River Basin Restoration, posted to KBC 2/24/10 |
* Statement by Calif. Congressman Tom McClintock on the Klamath Agreement: "At a time when Californians are paying the highest electricity prices in the Continental United States and when officials can’t guarantee enough electricity to keep the lights on, the decision to deliberately destroy 155 megawatts of the cleanest and cheapest electricity available is simply insane. The Klamath Agreement, if actually consummated, will rank as one of the great follies of the Schwarzenegger administration." 2/18/10 | |
PCFFA/IFR Fishlinks: Klamath Settlement Agreements Signing, posted to KBC 2/22/10. "The two historic Agreements together would cap irrigation water demand in the upper Basin and add to water storage, putting between 130,000 and 230,000 acre-feet more water in the Klamath River for salmon... Included in the plan is the removal of four obsolete hydropower dams what would be largest dam removal project in history." | |
Editorial: What will this (Klamath)‘study’ show? Democrat Herald, posted 2/20/10. "The political decision to get rid of the dams and hydro power generators has already been made. This study is just a formality." Herald reader comment, "...Camp Dresser & McKee report for Interior that concluded the cost would be closer to a billion dollars for the dam removal alone, but that report was withheld from the public until after Oregonians voted on a measure to pay the dam-removal bill." | |
.![]() |
Pacts Signed to Help (Klamath) River and Salmon, NY Times, posted 2/20/10. "Mr. Salazar said in a conference call with reporters that the agreements “can become a template” for other water and environmental disputes." (KBC NOTE: Great precedent-rip out hydro dams, downsize agriculture by 10's of thousands of acres, create gov't and NGO controlled mandates for resource users and residents with NO public process in their secret negotiations, no vote, no transparency, and more than 1 million tons of silt behind the dams to obliterate salmon habitat. Congratulations.) | |
Lawmakers remain concerned about (Klamath) deal, H&N 2/20/10 | Obama administration, governors, and Klamath communities sign pact to restore river and local economies, Press Release by Klamath Agreement closed-door negotiators. "communities" did not sign and did not vote..their rulers did. 2/20/10. |
Hastings: Hard Questions Need to be Answered on $1 Billion Klamath Plan; Objects to American Taxpayers Subsidizing Private Dam Removal, 2/18/10 | Klamath tribal dispute - Group says tribal leaders were recalled, shouldn’t sign water deal, H&N 2/18/10 |
Klamath Dam Agreement Signed, OPB 2/18/10. (KBC NOTE: In Salem, Oregon Governor Kulongoski, Calif governor Schwarzenegger, Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar, along with environmental groups, gov't agencies, Indian leaders and farm leaders, signed the KBRA. Karuk Tribe and Klamath Tribe have turned against their leaders. Karuk Vice Chair resigned, Klamath Tribes got in a fight. At a public hearing of more than 300 people, Klamath community opposed the agreements 100 %. Interior predetermined that the dams were coming out, a mandate in the closed-door negotiations. People spoke and their rulers boycotted their meeting, and gave them no vote.) | |
Schwarzenegger says water bond will be 'very challenging, Sac Bee 2/18/10 | County discusses Klamath dam agreements, Siskiyou Daily 2/18/10. "...the study is only taking into account the economic impacts to the commercial fishing communities and not economic impacts to the county." |
World's biggest river restoration kicks off Thurs at official ceremony in Oregon, American Rivers, posted to KBC 2/17/10. ‘Historic Step’ for Klamath Basin, Dams, PNS 2/17/10 (Same) environmental group leader debates Snake River dams, posted 2/17/10 | |
all in one person:
International dam
removal activist Craig Tucker, a lead
organizer of
the Klamath dam removal 'agreements', is featured in a 2008
International Rivers "Learning From the Pros"
of dam removal activism. To further his campaign agenda, after
organizing dam removal protests with Friends of the River
against power companies, he hired on as campaign
coordinator of the Karuk Tribe advocating dam removal and
downsizing agriculture water allocations within the Klamath
Basin Restoration Agreement / KBRA. At the same time he
founded and is board member of Klamath Riverkeeper, an
offshoot of dam removal group Friends of the River that
opposes the KBRA. Karuk tribal leader and KBRA advocate Leaf
Hilman is also a board member of Klamath Riverkeeper,
KBRA opponent. Leading environmental group (Friends of the River)withdraws from Klamath Agreement, Indy Bay, followed by NY Times, posted 2/17/10 |
Locals to attend signing, Water agreement ceremony will be at state Capitol Thursday, H&N 2/17/10. "Why would we want to go to the irrigated interests’ funeral?” Tom Mallams asked. | Klamath Dam removal agreement signing set, Sac Bee, posted 2/17/10 |
Could Siskiyou County benefit economically from dam removal? Mt Shasta 2/17/10 | Letter to Attorney General questions legality of dam agreement processes, Siskiyou Daily News, posted to KBC 2/16/10 |
Klamath Basin water agreement to be signed in Salem; KBRA signing will be Thursday at the Capitol, H&N, 2/13/10 | City won’t take water deal stand, H&N, H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10. "...four of the five Klamath Falls City Council members have publicly opposed the Klamath Basin Restoration..." from Feb. 7 |
Basin home to diverse population of lampreys, H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10. (KBC Note: The Klamath agreement supports planting more lampreys / fish parasites, in Klamath Bason.) | Stakeholders grilled, Commissioners ask questions about water deal H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10 from Feb. 7 |
Rumors, alternatives addressed during supervisors' discussion of KBRA, Siskiyou Daily, posted to KBC 2/15/10 | Hoopa vote no on KBRA , H&N, posted to KBC 2/15/10 |
Dam removal: Making the decision, H&N, posted 2/13/10. "However, the effect of Upper Klamath Lake in the equation is the “600-pound gorilla,” Anderson said. The hope is that restoration activity impacting the nutrient load into the lake will reduce the amount of nutrients exported down river. (KBC NOTE: National Academy of Science professor William Lewis, in 2004 workship, " When asked if it would work to control the significant part of the ph load, Lewis responded that the lake is 140 square miles...that is not feasible to change." | |
Klamath County (Commissioners) approves water deal, H&N, posted to KBC 2/13/10 | USBR awards contract for dam removal studies, Water Power Magazine 2/12/10 |
Federal funds go to dam study, $840,000 will be used to research the impacts of dam removal, H&N 2/12/10 | Oregon senator supports Klamath Basin agreement, Oregonian 2/11/10 |
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, the new Law of the Land, lesson for 2/7/10
* The January 2008
"Within one year of
the Effective Date, the
* 2010 version – who the
water will be taken from, where will it go, and who decides |
3 groups support (Klamath) water deal, H&N 2/4/10 | |
Yurok Tribal Council votes to sign dam removal pacts, Triplicate 2/4/10 | Facing challenges of perception, funding, H&N 2/2/10 |
Water agreement challenges; Perspectives vary on the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, H&N 1/30/10 | More groups join Klamath agreement, Times Standard 1/30/10 |
(Del Norte) Supervisors hold off on signing (Klamath) pacts,; County says it needs more information on dams removal’s impact the Triplicate, posted to KBC 1/29/10 |
![]() What’s at stake in Klamath water deal, H&N 1/31/10 |
Give change a chance in the Klamath River, Times-Standard, posted to KBC 1/28/10, letter by Trout Unlimited; American Rivers; Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations; Habitat Restoration Project Manager, National Center for Conservation Science & Policy; California Trout; Northern California Council Federation FlyFishers; Salmon River Restoration Council. "This will be the largest dam removal and river restoration project in the history of the United States...We also need improved streamflow and state and federal investment in broad-scale restoration from the sea to the headwaters...The KBRA will dramatically change management of the river giving more ability to Tribes and groups like ours to make the decisions on timing of flows and other restoration plans than leaving those responsibilities solely to government agencies." | |
Klamath Co. commissioners hear public comment on KBRA, KDRV, posted to KBC 1/29/10 | Jackson Co. officials say Rogue Valley water supply "not in jeopardy" from KBRA, KDRV 1/26/10 |
Klamath Irrigation District Backs Deal, H&N 1/27/10. "Dave Cacka, the board president, .... said he has yet to hear a viable alternative and sees the document as the best way to move forward." (KBC NOTE: we would be happy to send Cacka the 4-hour version of the November 10 public input meeting that the district boards and Klamath Water Users Association/KWUA boycotted; 81 citizens voices expressed concerns and numerous solutions to our water and farm situation." |
Humboldt County signs on to Klamath dams agreement,
Times-Standard 1/27/10 Final Klamath deal to go before (Humboldt) supervisors, 1/25/10. "If it signs the deals, Humboldt County would become a voting member in coordination and oversight groups, according to a Public Works Department staff report, which would allow it to influence the process and protect its interests." |
Irrigators review water agreement final draft, FOLLOWED BY Irrigators raise questions about agreement FOLLOWED BY Herald and News Readers' comments, 1/23/10. H&N reader comment: "If there is no guaranteed water delivery to all farms in all years; if the farmers are still constrained by all of the ESA demands (which will soon include salmon in the basin if the KBRA goes through); if they are not guaranteed that litigation will be held to a minimum; if they are not guaranteed freedom from the CWA and EPA/ODEQ and CA Water Quality Control Board enforcement of the TMDL's, and they are not guaranteed anything more than the going rate for electricity, why would they want to implement the KBRA ?" |
Bureau of Reclamation commissioner: (Klamath) Agreement offers
more tools, H&N 1/27/10 County to take public input January 27 on Settlement 'agreements'. Governor discusses Klamath in D.C.;Meets with Obama adviser about water agreement, posted to KBC 1/24/10 Irrigators talk about pros, cons of water agreement; About 100 show up for first of series of meetings H&N 1/22/10 |
Jackson Co. investigates whether KBRA could affect Rogue Valley water supply, KDRV 1/21/10 | Klamath Tribes approve KBRA, H&N 1/21/10. (KBC NOTE: Project irrigators are not allowed to vote...? |
Yesterday Klamath Water Users Association put a notice on their website that tonight is the previously unadvertised "public briefing" on the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. There have been no ads or flyers or notices to KWUA constituents, only a mention in an article. Their website states it is a 'public briefing Q&A' rather than public input. Klamath County "public input" meeting will be Jan. 27. KID/Klamath Irrigation District intends to vote on the KBRA Jan 26. | |
Opinions about the final draft (Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement), Stakeholders share their views, prepare for public process, H&N 1/19/10. "Carrier said there will be no more public comment opportunities offered by the state as no additional public hearings or comment periods are necessary for the state to sign the agreement." (KBC Note: Public process? "The state" has offered NO public hearings or comment periods in this backroom deal opposed by 100% of public input at November 10th public meeting hosted by local senator and legislators. The Klamath Water Users Public meeting this Thursday, 1/21, is mentioned in this article, there have been no ads and no notice on the KWUA website as of today. KWUA boycotted the November public input meeting. Why no notice to all the constituents of their first public meeting?) | |
Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Finalized, Sublegals: Vol. 16, No. 2, 15 January 2010 - Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen, and Institute for Fisheries Resources. "The KBRA also establishes a separate, science-driven 50-year fisheries habitat restoration process and a program to curtail higher upper basin irrigation withdrawals and put between 130,000 to 230.000 additional acre-feet of water annually (annual amounts varying depending on rainfall) into the lower river to aid salmon restoration." |
County to take public input January 27 on Settlement 'agreements'. County faces deadline on settlement, Commissioners have until Feb. 9 to take a position, H&N 1/15/10 Klamath restoration deal released to public, Capital Press 1/14/10 |
Bill Meyers interview with Tom Mallams, Off Project
irrigator, regarding Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement/KBRA
and water for Rogue Valley. |
Final Klamath Basin agreement released, Oregonian, posted to KBC 1/10/10. A Must Read! along with the comments by Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen spokesman and Eugene Attorney Glen Spain, Klamath Tribal Attorney Bud Ullman, Tribal biologist, Oregon Wild, Water Watch.Spain provides the very reasons only 5% of Klamath County residents polled support the agreement. Also he encourages WaterWatch to get Congress to deny farming on our wildlife refuges. KBC Responds |
300 turn out for Senator Wyden's Klamath town hall, H&N, posted 1/9/10. "(The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement) is not the kind of thing you do in the dead of the night without allowing people to comment,” he said." |
(Del Norte) Sups mull signing (Klamath) dam pacts, posted to KBC 1/14/10 Klamath water agreement done, H&N 1/8/10 |
Senator Whitsett on Oregon Water adjudication,
Part 1 of 2, 11/8/09, YouTube
Video. Oregon Senator Whitsett on water adjudication Part 2 of 2, 11/8/09 YouTube Video About the adjudication process, H&N 1/6/10. 2 options: Settlement or legal process, H&N 1/6/10 Judge rejects irrigators’ protest, H&N 1/6/10 Con: Agreement would disrupt Oregon water law H&N 1/6/10. (Go here for public meeting regarding settlements: 300 attended, 81 spoke, 40 more wrote, not even one spoke or wrote in support of either "agreement.") Pro: Settlement provides more flexibility H&N 1/6/10 KBC NOTE: Attorney Corbin is a member of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, with partners Walmart - (Sam Walton is on the KBRA stakeholders email list because he owns a dam dismantling company), Turner Foundation, EPA, BLM, FWS, Forest Service, NOAA, etc. Every active contestant in the Klamath water adjudication is denyed a seat at the Settlement negotiation table. Resource Conservancy, representing the vast majority of Off Project irrigators, is not allowed at the table. Off Project ranch wife Becky Hyde, employed by Sustainable NW, which is employed by the Klamath Tribes, is the only Off Project representative at the secret negotiations who can negotate Off-Project water issues. |
From the archives: Storage still crucial to support farming, H&N editorial. KBC NOTE: The KBRA unveiled to the citizens today denies creating any off-stream storage to benefit agriculture. | Final (Klamath) water deal near, H&N, 1/5/09. KBC Note: Last week we had 3 people from different people from different areas of the Klamath Basin call and tell us the "deal"/KBRA, is falling apart. Each said 3 mandates for the Project irrigators have been thrown out: water certainty, end of litigation, and 3 mil power rate, not to mention shelter from ESA mandates which was initially touted to the irrigators. |
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