KBRA / Klamath Basin
Restoration Agreement
Letters, Opinions, Speeches
of The People
KBRA PAGE includes links to
previous year's letters, opinions and speeches of the The People |
AUDIO: Must Listen: 5 1/2 minute summary of Upper Basin's Klamath Settlement Agreement; audio by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett, Local News with Paul Hanson on KFLS News/Talk Radio 1450, 4/1/13. "The nearly 100-page agreement has seven objectives..." | |||||
Klamath Voters speak against dam removal, H&N letter to editor by James Finses, Copco Lake 11/20/16 | ||||||
(Siskiyou County) Supervisors: Seek more solutions than removing dams, Guest Commentary for H&N 10/30/16. "...the 20-30 million cubic yards of sediment that has collected behind the dams, and would be released down the Klamath River after dam removal, has not been adequately evaluated to address the adverse local and environmental impacts. Nor has the possibility of catastrophic floods, either during dam removal activities, or thereafter, been fully analyzed..." |
Herald and News POLL - Should the four Klamath River hydroelectric dams be removed? So far, 598 'no', and 181 'yes'. 10/28/16 | ||||||
Dam removal won't help salmon return, letter to the editor by Richard Marshall, President Siskiyou County Water Users, Yreka, for H&N, 10/27/16. "Please remember to vote no on the Klamath County advisory ballot regarding removal of Klamath dams. The removal of the dams — the largest dam removal project in history — would result in catastrophic damage to this wonderful river and do nothing to advance the cause of salmon.The salmon were never in the upper basin because the water is too shallow and warm for salmon propagation. If the proponents actually believe the salmon will survive then why don’t they accept the challenge to prove it by using trucks and haul them for the next few years to see if the salmon actually survive..." | ||||||
Support those who oppose dam removal, by Troy Lukens, Bonanza, letter to the editor of H&N, 10/26/16 | ||||||
Please vote against Klamath dams removals by Rex Cozzalio, Hornbrook, CA 10/25/16 | ||||||
Flawed arguments on supposed benefits of Klamath River dams removal, John Menke, Ft. Jones 10/25/16 | ||||||
Linthicum will sustain fight for rural areas, H&N letter to the editor by Virginia Topham, Sprague River 10/22/16. "Dennis Linthicum is opposed to the plan to destroy the Klamath River dams..." | ||||||
Install fish ladders, no on dam removal, by Howard Paine, Klamath Falls, letter to the editor of Herald and News, posted to KBC 10/16/16. "When the president of Pacific Power visited Klamath Falls in 2008, he bragged about the clean power these dams produce. He said, “The dams produce enough emission-free energy to offset the emissions of 102,000 cars or burning 1.23 million barrels of oil a year"...Removing the Iron Gate Dam would remove the Iron Gate Fish Hatchery which produces 5 million salmon smolts each year — 17,000 of which return annually as full-grown adults to spawn." |
Feds asking public to weigh in on breaching Snake River
dams, found on This
West is Our West from Spokesman Review, posted
to KBC 9/30/16. |
Upper Klamath Basin Nonpoint Source Pollution Assessment
and Management Program Plan; Klamath Tribal Water
Quality Consortium, Aug 16, 2016, Comments WERE due
Sept 18, 2016. Who knew about this plan to eradicate
agriculture and all the dams in the Klamath River Basin?
received and posted to KBC 9/20/16. KBC NOTE:
Participants are 6 tribes (including
Karuk and
Hoopa), many
federal and state agencies,
Trout Unlimited, The Nature
Klamath Basin
Rangeland Trust, California Coastal Conservancy,
State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and
dozens more; most of the agencies, tribes and
environmental groups are "stakeholders" in the
Klamath Basin dam-removal
agreements. "Given the large volumes of
water in the Klamath Basin, very large wetlands (on the
order of thousands of acres or tens of thousands of
acres) would be necessary to have basin-scale effect...",
they want to get rid of "... water rights, water
availability, and landowner willingness issues...", "
TNC recently acquired approximately 4,000 acres adjacent
to Agency Lake Ranch and Barnes Ranch which it is in the
process of restoring back to wetlands",
by the way, evaporates nearly 2ce the amount of water
used by irrigated agriculture, "The Upper Klamath
Basin Comprehensive Agreement...calls for inflows to
Upper Klamath Lake to be increased by 30,000 acre-feet
per year to be achieved by reducing the net consumptive
use of water for irrigated agriculture," Roads that are
no longer necessary would be considered for ...
removal,"..."The Consortium supports reduced irrigation
and improved grazing management as a method to reduce
irrigation demand," "Once plans are developed for how to
remove the dams and appropriate permits are obtained,
the dams should be removed. The KHSA targets 2020 as the
year in which dam removal would occur." |
White House as Originator and Promoter of Klamath Basin Agreements, Canada Free Press by Laurence Kogan 9/8/16 | ||||||
Voters at last have voice on dam removal, Tom Mallams, Klamath County Commissioner Letter to the editor of H&N 9/3/16. "I still find it extremely troubling that a few dam removal supporters and PacifiCorp went to such great lengths in their attempt to prevent voters from having their voices heard..." | ||||||
The case against removing the (Klamath) dams, H&N letter to the editor by Dr Richard Gierak, Yreka 8/30/16 | ||||||
The Myths, Lies and Deceptions Behind the Klamath Basin Agreements by attorney Lawrence A. Kogan (Submitted to the Capital Press but never published) 7/25/16 PRESS RELEASE: ITSSD seeks added public transparency and accountability: files revised Bureau of Reclamation FOIAs and Oregon State Government public records requests 7/25/16. These FOIAs and public records requests, BELOW, are regarding the Klamath Settlement "Agreements" which effect water rights, support destroying Klamath River hydroelectric dams, .... There are names listed: Dan Keppen, KWAPA, Greg Addington, Becky Hyde, to name a few, included in the requests for information.
(Institute for Trade, Standards, and Sustainable
Development) FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) "requesting that
the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation release in paper or
digital form the following agency records: ..." |
filed over Klamath River dam removal vote, H&N 8/27/16 Klamath County Commissioners finally voted, after 6 years, to allow the public to vote on whether they support the dam removal. This would be an advisory vote to direct the commissioners. "Are you in favor of removing the four hydroelectric dams on the Klamath River?" 8/25/16 - Petition for different ballot title: Tracy and Susan Liskey, Ed Bair, Greg Carleton (Klamath Agreement proponents) VS Klamath County Commissioners. The petition includes complaints of the Pro-KBRA/dam removal Klamath County irrigators, and at the bottom the wording of the Klamath County Commissioners' dam removal vote. Again, dam removal proponents oppose allowing the citizens an advisory vote, much less a real vote. Klamath Agreements mandate destroying the 4 Klamath River hydro dams. KWUA/Klamath Water Users Association, some Klamath River tribes, many environmental groups and government agencies negotiated a closed-door deal with no vote of the citizens. KWUA wanted water certainty and affordable power rate (which the KBRA does not mandate) and the environmental groups wanted to destroy the hydroelectric dams. 3 of the 4 dams are in Siskiyou County, yet Siskiyou County is not allowed at the negotiating table because Dept. of Interior wants the dams out, and dam destruction would further decimate the economy of Siskiyou County. Siskiyou County held an advisory vote several years ago, and the public voted more than 80% against destroying the hydro dams that serve 70,000 families. The public's voices ARE NOT WELCOMED. |
Someone else's choice = your sacrifice, posted on the www.klamathbasincrisis.org / KBC News Discussion Forum April 12, 2016. "Over the past 25 years over 800 dams of various sizes have been destroyed in our nation alone. That is a bit scary since one of the big differences between first and third world countries is found in the existence or absence of fully functioning dams...Not too long before the seemingly treacherous and unsupported agreement to remove four Klamath River dams was signed (with blatant indifference to voter or congressional approval) it was more than a little disquieting to find out that Dan Keppen, (former head of the Klamath Water Users Association) had met with the Obama Whitehouse and United Nations associates in person to discuss water issues, water policy and resolution templates including the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) etc..." | ||||||
"Well, if I wanted all the people out of Northern California, what would I do?" letter to KBC News by Mark Johnson, posted 4/12/16 | ||||||
Hydro agreement changes made without using the rule of law, H&N letter by Laurence A Kogan, Esq guest writer for H&N 4/10/16 | ||||||
Dam removal impact clearer after letter (from Klamath Commissioners to FERC), H&N letter to editor by Robert Harris, Klamath Falls, posted to KBC 4/10/16 | ||||||
Stop whining and let Whitsetts live in peace, H&N 4/9/16. | ||||||
Oregon lawmaker says new Klamath dam removal plan may be illegal, Capital Press, posted to KBC 4/10/16. |
From the archives: 'Game' was rigged to limit participants, H&N letter to the editor by Werner Reschke, Malin 10/25/15, "the game has been rigged by the “stakeholders” (tribes, environmentalists, fishermen, some in agriculture) so they become the winners. The rest of us are the losers: more national debt passed to our children and increased power rates from the destruction of four hydropower dams — the cheapest power source in Pacific Power’s portfolio..." | ||||||
Klamath County Commissioners' letter to FERC regarding Klamath Dam Relicensing Project 3/23/16. "The Klamath County Board of Commissioners is extremely concerned over the possible Klamath River Dam relicensing versus removal process...There have been numerous studies completed with again, contentious, debatable results..." | ||||||
Is Ed Sheets a "neutral" facilitator? Letter from Elaine Willman, MPA Ronan, Montana to Ed Sheets, Facilitator of CSKT Water Compact, C.I.T.T., and Klamath River dam-removal "agreements," | ||||||
Observations regarding the January 26 California Waterboard meeting in Yreka to gather comments on relicensing the Klamath River hydroelectric dams from Richard Marshall, Siskiyou County Water Users board 1/31/16 | ||||||
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1/18/16 - Notice of Potential Termination of the KHSA / Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, from KWUA / Klamath Water Users Association to 'Parties to the KHSA.' "The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) has terminated due to lack of federal legislation authorizing the KBRA. The KHSA is not divisible from the KBRA." |
Page Updated: Sunday October 15, 2017 11:27 AM Pacific
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