Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

e-mail to:  Catherine.Vanhorn@state.or.us

Siting Council
c/o Cathy Van Horn
Oregon Office of Energy
625 Marion  St. NE, Suite 1
Salem, OR 97301-3742

To the office of Cathy Van Horn and/or to the Siting Council:

Please extend the deadline for the period of time for public comment on the amended application
for the C.O.B. Energy Facility proposed for Langell Valley, Bonanza, Oregon.  This application
is far too complex and not sufficiently complete at this time for us to make sufficient and
informed comments.  We would like to see the new PFO from Oregon Water Resources Department
before the deadline for public comments. We also have questions concerning land use issues.
We understand the comment period now ends August 20th.  Please extend that deadline until
six weeks after the OWRD PFO is available to those concerned.

Thank you.

We eagerly await your response.


(name, address, phone)



Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:20 AM  Pacific

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