Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
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Director's visit will be a first for Lava Beds
Published June 4, 2004 By
LEE JUILLERAT Mainella will be at
Lava Beds Saturday, June 12, to formally dedicate
the park's first-ever visitor center and research
facility. Lava Beds
Superintendent Craig Dorman said the buildings
"represent the most recent and the last of the major
projects undertaken in the last seven years that
have repaired, renovated and upgraded all of the
visitor facilities at the park. The National Park
Service has focused nationally on eliminating a
serious facilities maintenance backlog and Lava Beds
has made huge improvements in every area of the
park." "Lava Beds has always
had a very close link to the region and its
neighbors who have supported the monument in so many
ways over the years," Dorman said. "We want to
invite everyone to come and visit their park and
re-discover all of those special things that make
this a place of national significance." "This is a facility
that will be available to researchers and will have
an educational component," Dorman said, noting it
should increase research opportunities in the park.
Until now, researchers have had to either camp or
find living quarters outside the park. Activities will
formally begin with a flag-raising at 10 a.m.
Members of the Klamath Tribes will present a special
honor song commemorating the new facility. A series
of guest speakers, including Mainella, will give
brief talks. The Tulelake Volunteer
Fire Department will host a barbecue offering
hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans and potato salad. A Mushpot Cave program
will be offered at 1 p.m. Visitors to this cave will
find a new trail and lighting system. For more information call the visitor center at (530) 667-8100.
Page Updated: Thursday May 07, 2009 09:14 AM Pacific
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