Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

Would she live to tell the story?

By John Martinez, Opinion for the Pioneer Press, October 25, 2006

A mainstream media blackout of our part of the state seems to be in effect.

The blackout may be due to the fact that our region has few people and perhaps no interesting or important things to cover. If the mainstream media did get involved in our part of the state what might people in the cities learn about our area?

The biggest issue of course is going to be water. A thorough investigation by a big city newspaper of the Klamath water resources might show just how important the water is to the future of our state. City dwellers would probably even understand that although they get water from a tap, the water actually comes from somewhere far away. City dwellers would get the picture that water and who controls it is so very important to their own futures.

As a big city reporter digs deeper she would probably begin to see that the environmental science and the coho are hoaxes. As the big city reporter digs even deeper into the environmentalist movement, she would probably discover interesting links to radical anti-American interests both international and domestic.

As the big city reporter digs deeper she would probably expose so-called fishing interests lobbying to destroy farmers and water rights, large drug interests influencing leftwing politicians and possibly even mainstream environmentalist groups laundering money.

As the reporter got to the bottom of the Klamath "water crisis," what would she find? Would she be astonished that fishermen advocacy groups have close ties to powerful land conservation trusts that want to destroy American farming interests by usurping water rights through willingly false science? Would she discover a vast drug empire with tentacles reaching into many facets of our political system? Would the city reporter discover that vocal environmentalists are untouchable drug barons?

At the end of her research would she conclude that environmental policy in the Klamath basin is helping facilitate the drug trade by reducing the number of people in our rural landscape? Or, would the reporter conclude that the environmentalists are trying to choke off farming and residences from water thereby subverting our economy to satiate their anti-American thirst?

Would she live to tell the story?
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