March 3, 20032003 Klamath Project Pilot Water
Bank to be Rolled Out Today
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) today will publicly
offer opportunities to Klamath Project irrigators to participate in
an innovative pilot environmental "water bank". Monday’s meeting,
scheduled for 10:00 a.m. at Exhibit Hall A of the Klamath County
Fairgrounds in Klamath Falls, will outline to the public community
Reclamation’s plan to help meet requirements of the 2002 Biological
Opinions (BOs) on Klamath Project Operations for threatened and
endangered species. Representatives from the Natural Resource
Conservation Service (NRCS), Klamath Water Users Association (KWUA),
Oregon Water Resources Department (OWRD) and local community leaders
will also be present to assist in the discussion.
Water Users Reaction to 2003 Pilot Bank
Klamath Water Users Association last week announced it would
support, and assist the Department of Interior in the implementation
of, a Klamath Project Pilot Environmental Water Bank in 2003 to
provide over 50,000 of additional water for environmental purposes.
While noting that Reclamation’s pilot program does not closely
resemble KWUA’s vision for a long-term bank (see attachment), water
users will continue to work with Reclamation and Interior to
complete a long-term water bank proposal in the coming year.
"We are not in a perfect situation," said Dave Solem, general
manager of Klamath Irrigation District. "There is no acceptable
long-term plan for the operation of the Klamath Project. The science
underlying the current biological opinions is not supported. The
Project is still being asked to provide an inequitable contribution
to solving environmental concerns in the basin. However, through
considerable discussions with the Department of Interior, we are
assured they are committed to do whatever they can to deliver water
to the Project in 2003 and beyond. The 2003 water bank is an
integral part of this effort."
Bob Gasser of Basin Fertilizer in Merrill, agrees: "The Bush
Administration has requested that a water bank program be
implemented this year," said Gasser. "I think that it is in the best
interests of the Basin to work with the White House on this effort.
This administration helped us to return water to the land in 2002;
hopefully our cooperative efforts will result in continued, reliable
water deliveries in 2003."
Paul Simmons, KWUA attorney, believes the water Bank serves a key
principle in recognizing the principle that a landowner who does not
exercise his water right is entitled to compensation. However, he
also says that Project water users maintain that Reclamation lacks
discretion to deny Project deliveries to existing contractors.
"To forego use of water stored for irrigation in this Project
authorized for irrigation only is a substantial compromise," said
Water users also believe that the decision makers in the federal
agencies understand very well that there are problems with the
existing biological opinions.
"We are hopeful that there will new Endangered Species Act
consultation soon that will lead to common sense in the future,"
said KWUA Executive Director Dan Keppen. "Without that
understanding, we would be hard pressed to believe that we are on a
path that will work to the overall benefit of the community."
The Klamath Water Users Association is a nonprofit
corporation that has represented Klamath Irrigation Project
irrigators since 1953. KWUA members include rural irrigation
districts and other public agencies, as well as private irrigation
companies operating on both sides of the California-Oregon border.
- Reclamation’s 2003 Water Bank Proposal
- Development of Long-Term Water Bank
- Water Users’ Vision for a Long-Term Water Bank
Attachment 1: Reclamation’s 2003 Water Bank
The 2003 Klamath Project Pilot Environmental
Water Bank will provide over 50,000 acre-feet (AF) of additional
water for environmental purposes. Reclamation’s current proposal is
considered a pilot project, which will be assessed for performance
this growing season by Reclamation, local water users and other
agencies. The BO developed by the National Marine Fisheries Service
(NMFS) for threatened coho salmon calls for a water bank this year
totaling 50,000 AF, with "deposits" to the "bank" coming from
temporary crop idling and use of groundwater in place of Project
surface water. The Project water "banked" in Upper Klamath Lake will
help Reclamation meet lake level objectives for endangered suckers,
as well as downstream flow objectives established by NMFS for coho
Reclamation worked with local water users and producers over the
past year to develop a long-term water bank program that could
complement an acceptable 10-year Project operations plan (see
attachment). That effort is still underway, and this year’s pilot
project will be adaptively managed and monitored to generate
additional information and improve future decision-making and
long-term program development.
Reclamation is soliciting applications to forego
the use of surface water from willing participants within the area
served by the Klamath Project. Sources of forebearance-generated
water include 12,000 acres of idled cropland: estimated to make
30,000 AF of water available, and 25,000 AF of groundwater
substitution, for a total of 55,000 AF of water "banked" under this
No irrigation will be allowed on lands accepted
in the idling program, and restrictions will be placed on use of
such lands. In an effort to provide equitable opportunities to
participate, efforts will be made to limit idled land to no more
than 15% of the area of any irrigation district. This will provide
landowners in all districts an opportunity to participate, without
placing undo emphasis on particular areas of the Project. Other
criteria that will be assessed as applications are accepted will be
outlined at Monday’s meeting.
Landowners participating in the crop idling program can expect to
be compensated a minimum of $187.50 per acre. Monitoring of the
program would likely be done by Reclamation, with assistance from
irrigation district managers and ditch riders.
Farmers will be compensated for idling land or pumping
groundwater in place of Project surface water based on costs
developed by local water users, comparable to similar programs
conducted in the West, including:
- Sacramento River Contractors 2001 Forbearance Agreement with
Westlands Water District.
- 2003 Palos Verde to Metropolitan Water District of Southern
California transfer.
- Various water transfers through CALFED’s Environmental Water
- The Klamath Basin Rangeland Trust to Reclamation transfer in
- The Klamath Project demand reduction program of 2001.
- The CVPIA transfer of environmental water from Orange Cove
Irrigation District to the Bureau of Reclamation proposed for
"We have evaluated the dollars needed based on farm economics and
individual experience within the Klamath Basin," said Marc Van Camp,
consultant to KWUA from MBK Engineers of Sacramento. "It is
necessary for individual growers to recover the lost opportunity
cost provided in their farming operations together with an incentive
to make the Water Bank successful. The prices for 2003 are based on
the economic needs of the individual farmers and the prices for
water obtained in other water transfers."
Reclamation is also soliciting applications from
willing participants on the Klamath Project to substitute
groundwater irrigation for surface water irrigation. Presently, it
appears that groundwater pumpers in Oregon and California will be
eligible to participate in the groundwater substitution program.
OWRD officials will be present at Monday’s meeting to provide
further information on how the program will apply in Oregon.
Land can be enrolled in either program but not
both. All selected applicants will be required to sign a contract
with the United States for the period March 24 through October 31,
All applications must be submitted to: Bureau of
Reclamation, Klamath Basin Area Office, 6600 Washburn Way, Klamath
Falls, Oregon 97603, by March 7, 2003. Applications are available at
the above address; at the Klamath Water Users Association office,
2455 Patterson St., Klamath Falls; or on the internet at
Applications can also be faxed or e-mailed. Additional information
can be obtained from Gary Baker at the Klamath Basin Area Office at
(541) 883-6935.
Attachment 2: Development of Long-Term Water Bank
Reclamation’s 10-year Biological Assessment (BA) developed in
February 2002 proposed an environmental water bank through which
willing buyers and sellers will provide additional water supplies
for fish and wildlife purposes and to enhance tribal trust
resources. Reclamation’s BA estimated the size of the water bank to
be up to 100,000 acre feet – depending on water year type - with
"deposits" coming from a variety of sources, including off-stream
storage, temporary crop idling, and groundwater substitution.
Water users committed to pursue developing a bank with
Reclamation at the request of U.S. Interior Department Assistant
Secretary Raley and Reclamation Commissioner John Keys in January
2002. At that time, KWUA was asked to develop a Project-wide water
bank to assist with meeting environmental water demands in drier
KWUA’s Water Bank and Supply Enhancement Committee (Committee),
chaired by Malin farmer Dave Cacka, initially developed principles
and a draft implementation framework for the water bank in March of
2002. At that time, it was mutually agreed between Reclamation
officials and local water users that further progress could not be
made on the framework until the BOs for long-term Project operations
were completed by federal fisheries agencies. Those opinions were
delayed and never finalized until early June.
In mid-July, the water bank committee resumed its meetings and
submitted a draft plan to Reclamation in December. The Committee
held over 30 meetings in the past year to develop the 65-page
report/proposal for a long-term water bank, which differs
substantially from the pilot water bank proposed by Reclamation this
year. This is in large part due to the fact that the water bank
concept proposed in the NMFS biological opinion is much different
then that outlined by Reclamation in its 2002-2012 biological
assessment (BA). While the Reclamation BA envisioned employing a
water bank in drier years, the NMFS BO proposes a bank that would
require 50,000 AF this year, 75,000 AF in 2004, and up to 100,000 AF
each year from 2005-2012.
Water users are concerned about the magnitude of such a bank,
particularly when the justification for the NMFS downstream flow
regime – which the "banked" water would support - is questionable.
Attachment 3: Water Users’ Vision for a Long-Term Water Bank
Certainty of water supplies is a key principle imbedded in KWUA’s
draft long-term water bank proposal. Local water users insist that,
in exchange for voluntary participation in a Project water bank –
which would be used to "fund" environmental water needs - 100% of
the irrigation demand for remaining Project acreage will be
satisfied, season-long. Water users further believe that the water
bank cannot be viewed as a stand-alone element.
"We see the Project water bank as one element in a package," said
Cacka. "Other measures – like development of new, permanent storage
facilities and acknowledgement of restoration benefits - will assist
in minimizing, and ultimately eliminating the need for - water bank
requirements in the future."
Water users also believe that the water bank concept proposed in
the NMFS biological opinion must be modified before a long-term
water bank can be finalized.
"Until the NMFS opinion - through future reconsultation - can be
modified to better conform to the original Reclamation BA, we will
stand by our original proposal and keep it on the table for further
consideration during reconsultation", said Keppen.
Moving forward with the development of a water bank intended to
compensate farmers for reallocating their water to environmental
purposes presents a tricky and politically risky endeavor for local
water users. "On the one hand, we want to be able to protect Project
water users from a repeat of 2001 by providing dry-year, compensated
options", said Keppen. "On the other hand, we must continue to
question the need and size of the water bank, particularly if the
banked water will be used to support lake levels and downstream
flows that have shaky scientific justification."
"We have three options", said Cacka. "We can do nothing, and face
a repeat of 2001. We can litigate, with an uncertain outcome. Or, we
can try to make this water bank proposal work. Right now, we are
focusing our efforts on this last option. At the same time, we will
not back away from our efforts to assess and question the
justification for higher environmental water demands."