Quoted from the congressional record .. see: http://www.eco.freedom.org/el/20010601/hansen.shtml
Must Read Statement by Hanson to House, Learn about Pro
This list was composed in 2001 by rjd:
The salary of the National Wildlife Federation top executive, Mr. Mark Van
Putten, was nearly a quarter of a million dollars last year. This represents a
17 percent raise over his salary the year before.
If you were among those who sent in a $25 contribution to this group, do you
realize it took over 10,000 of you contributing in order just to pay his salary?
World Wildlife Fund president, Kathryn Fuller, was
National Audubon Society president, John Flicker, was $240,000.
Natural Resources Defense Council director, John Adams, was $239,000.
Wilderness Society president was $204,000.
Defenders of Wildlife president and CEO was $201,000.
Earth Justice Legal Defense Fund president, Buck Parker, was $157,000.
Sierra Club's Carl Pope's salary was $138,000 in 1998 and listed as $199,577 in 1999, nearly a 50 percent raise. The list goes on.
( any contributions to continue this list are very
welcome, please document source) (jdk)