Archive 153 - February 2015
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BOR study to tackle climate change threats. Crop modification and river restoration among options, H&N, 2/24/15. "Greg Addington, executive director of the Klamath Water Users Association, said any study will be incomplete unless it includes water needs for fish and wildlife...He pointed out that the Tribes should be part of any long-term water storage discussion." " Implementing strategies could improve delivery efficiency, reduce demand, reduce losses, and support water acquisition and transfers, and restoration projects, McGinnis said....Strategy examples include modifying crop use and acreage, increasing water storage, increasing streamflow, river restoration and implementing the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement. California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Legislative Review for 2/20/15 - groundwater, water storage, adjudicating water rights, fire protection, ACL/OSHA regarding heat illness. Groundwater Rules Comment period extended to March 2 1 Peter 1:3-5 - "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefined, that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to revealed in the last time." (Klamath) Tribes upset with timber land purchase. Singapore-based company buys land, including Mazama Forest, H&N 2/20/15. “A Singapore-based company purchased 197,000 acres of land in Klamath and Deschutes counties this week, including the 90,000-acre Mazama Forest, which was promised to the Klamath Tribes in the Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement...Earlier attempts to reacquire Reservation lands that had been converted to national forest land met with intense opposition...” BOR accused of misusing water funds. Whistleblower claim lodged against BOR and Basin irrigators, H&N 2/20/15.
One fix for Basin water issues may not
exist. Multiple smaller ideas could prove to
be a better long-term solution by Tom
Mallams for H&N 2/15/15. "After
reading the article “Fatally Flawed,” and
the extremely negative letter penned by Dan
Keppen mentioned in it, speaking as one
Klamath County commissioner, I feel a
response is in order." Wildfire compensation, lead bullets targeted by (Rep Gail) Whitsett, H&N 2/19/15. "HB 2503 grants only the state Legislature with the authority to restrict lead use in ammunition and fishing sinkers" SB 324 is about to cause your gas prices to skyrocket! Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, Klamath Falls District 28 February Newsletter 2015. "Most Oregonians won’t even realize that they are paying an extra $2 to $20 to fill up their gas tanks." California Farm Bureau Federation Friday Review of bills and laws, 2/20/15: water storage, groundwater rights, Cal/OHSA, ... Oakland VA office botched benefits, forgot about claims, SFGate 2/18/15. "(Calif. U.S. Congressman Doug LaMalfa) had requested the inspector general’s review after a group of whistle-blowers came forward with information about the hidden claims... LaMalfa said he was pleased the claims in the cart were being processed, but concerned about the 12,647 other informal claims supposedly found in the cabinet, and whether or not the veterans who filed those claims got the help they needed. Who is looking out for the veterans?...”" Tracking Oregon wolves, H&N 2/12/15. "...the collar was only expected to have a three-year lifespan...the 4-year-old collar’s signal strength is dropping..." Water program gives (Klamath) irrigators more options. Changes include more land and better water control, H&N 2/11/15. "This year, “C” irrigators — those who hold annual water rental agreements — can also apply for WUMP. According to KWAPA Executive Director Hollie Cannon, any land that is covered by the adjudication final order of determination map, or an exception to the final order map, is eligible for WUMP." Romans 12-14-16 "Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion." Sent by Frank Tallerico 2/8/15 Tulelake Irrigation District public meeting 2/9/15, 8 a.m. Citizens support ‘In God We Trust’, H&N posted to KBC 2/8/15. Obama seeks $18 million for Klamath Project. BOR pursues government financial support for new office, H&N 2/6/15. Klamath Bull and Horse Sale Schedule for February 4-8 Romans 12:9-13 "Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another, not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality." Sent by Frank Tallerico, posted 2/3/15. 2/3/15: A YEAR AGO TODAY - A joint meeting of the Idaho Legislature was held Feb. 3, 2014. The title of the meeting is “Suction Dredge Mining”. The first speaker is Joe Greene, US EPA scientist (Ret); the second speaker is Tom Kitchar, President of Waldo Mining District, SW Oregon; third speaker is Doug Giddings, Sheriff, Idaho County; public testimony taken; and last speaker is Jim Chmelik, Idaho County Commissioner. KBC NOTE: This hour video is well worth your time hearing how government agency/EPA agenda has overruled science, and first hand testimony on EPA tyranny.
Responsibility, discipline & civility = higher graduation rates? Yes!, Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, District 28, 2/3/15, "For residents of the Klamath Basin, 2014 was a year of immense challenges. Intense drought conditions, coupled with various administrative actions, caused undue hardship for those who rely on water. I predict that 2015 will be spent fending off bad (legislative) proposals that could worsen the situation. My top priority for the year is to try to prevent it." |
Page Updated: Monday October 12, 2015 11:40 PM Pacific
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