Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.

KBC response to Eureka Times Standard, 8/7/03


1.  Hardy was hired by the Tribes and his science was only peer reviewed by his peers.

2.  The NRC interim report...the highest ranked science team in the USA, does not feel lake levels and river flows are the reason that the fish are not thriving.

3. Fish and Game blamed the Klamath Project for the fish die off before the water was tested and science was considered.

4.  Scientists find it hard to believe that the Klamath Project, 200 miles from the fish die-off, providing 3 1/2% of the water, had anything to do with Trinity River fish dying, when the Trinity diverts up to 90% of the water.

We agree about the 'strange doings with a water bank'!!!!


5.  The water bank Eureka blasted, in essence,  downsized the Klamath Project this year.  It forced us to retire farmland, send water down river for fish and tribes even though it was a wet spring, we are still forced to pump our ground water to farm and not use water we stored with storage we built and paid for.  We have something in common....we agree that the water bank was wrong. 

6.  These water flows are higher than historic levels before the Klamath Project was built.

7 If a politician like Karl Rove cares enough to look at the science and the facts and common sense, and there is no science substantiating taking all of Klamath Basin's stored water and aquifer, Eureka Times Standard must  fabricate reality to destroy the truth.  How pathetic!





Page Updated: Saturday February 25, 2012 05:21 AM  Pacific

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