Our Klamath Basin
Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.
Senator Whitsett and wife Gail
at the Oregon capital in Salem KBC News 3/21/07
This KBC editor was privileged to accompany Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett on the Senate floor during session. The Senator introduced me and complimented the KBC News website. Whitsetts view KBC every day for the latest Klamath news.
While living in the Klamath Basin and during the 2001 water crisis and thereafter, the Whitsetts have been involved in rallies, science workshops, farm and watershed meetings, and basin tours. I asked her how they were fairing, having exchanged their brief period of retirement, living in the country tending the horses and being involved in community events, for long trying days and nights at the Capital. She responded that she and Doug look at this venture as a privilege; she expressed how much she believes in Doug and the job he is doing. She said he spends every waking hour studying the issues and how best they can make a difference in representing the people of Oregon. Gail gave me a tour of the Capital. She stopped and made sure I read the writing on the marble walls. She and Doug hang on every word that our forefathers wrote. Take the time to read them; these words are the stuff that Doug and Gail Whitsett are made of.
Thank you Senator and Mrs. Doug Whitsett. |
Page Updated: Saturday January 21, 2012 03:34 AM Pacific
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