Archive 164 - January 2016
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Lory Storm Reporting on the Ground from Oregon - YouTube 1/4/16 regarding standoff in Refuge near Burns, Oregon and murder of rancher LaVoy Finicum. Time on video 5:18 - "these weren't normal FBI guys. These guys were in full fatigues, full body armour, armed to the T, and there were 6 or 8 of them in each suburban, and there were 6 or 7 suburbans. There are 4 people (ranchers) in there (the refuge)..." Oregon Standoff update: A letter from Ammon Bundy via Carol Bundy - 2/4/16.
* Months before his murder, Lavoy Finicum, on
his ranch,
spoke last fall to his video camera about the
constitution and how the feds are taking
land that does not belong to them. He is the
epitome of what is happening in the West. Last
week the feds in Oregon gunned him down, his
hands up, and blasted holes in his car with
women and another man inside. None of the
ranchers (which the media labeled as
"terrorists," "radicals," "armed
antigovernment militants," "armed militia,)
fired a shot or brandished a gun. They were shot
at and ambushed. Take the time, watch and listen
to the videos. IF this administration had been
in command when the farmers and ranchers took
over the irrigation headgates in 2001, we would
have been killed, or as with Bundys, they are in
jail with NO bail. They were on their way to a
meeting where they were invited to speak, 400
awaiting them. These ranchers have been
silenced, one forever. Observations regarding the January 26 California Waterboard meeting in Yreka to gather comments on relicensing the Klamath River hydroelectric dams from Richard Marshall, Siskiyou County Water Users board 1/31/16
Birds play role in sucker numbers, H&N 1/29/16.
“ 'Predation rates on suckers at Clear Lake were
highest by birds nesting at the lake...The
predation on suckers in 2014 and 2015 pretty
much came from whatever got to nest on Last
Chance Island,' Hewitt said." KBC NOTE:
Historically Clear Lake was a meadow. When The
Klamath Reclamation Project was built, it stored
some water in that meadow and was named Clear
Lake. The federal government took the reservoir
and named it a bird refuge, nurturing pelicans
and cornerants, keeping out people, and
mandating certain amounts of "endangered"
suckers that never before lived in that meadow.
Now the cormorants and pelicans are eating the
suckers, keeping them endangered in that former
meadow." Minimum Wage Proposals Could Hurt Our Working Poor, Senator Doug Whitsett 1/28/16. "Signatures are being gathered for initiative petitions that would raise the minimum wage from its current rate of $9.25 per hour to $13.50 and $15 per hour..." Opposition to dam removal voiced. Input given during meeting on Klamath River dams, H&N 1/28/16 Jan 29 Klamath Dams comments due! Comments sought on Klamath River dams, California water board seeks input on relicensing (by Jan. 29, 2016), H&N, reposted to KBC 1/27/16 Calif. U.S. Congressman Doug LaMalfa proposed HB4387 "This Act may be cited as the “Tule Lake National Historic Site Establishment Act of 2016”, posted to KBC 1/27/16. "When preparing the general management plan, the Secretary shall consult with the City, County, and Airport to ensure that management of the Historic Site does not negatively impact operation of the Airport." KBC News PAGE of Japanese relocation camp and lawsuits against Tulelake WWI and WWII veteran homesteaders' local airport Barbara Boxer bill to establish the Tule Lake National Historic Site in the State of California in Tulelake, posted to KBC 1/27/16 Petition for Writ of Mandamus 7/25/14: Tule Lake Committee vs / County of Modoc, County of Modoc Board of Supervisors, City of Tulelake, City Council of the City of Tulelake, Respondents Macy's Flying Service and Nick Macy. "The Tule Lake Committee brings this mandamus action to protect historic integrity and access to the Tule Lake Segregation Center, a National Historic Monument...The city and county now propose to construct various airport improvements which the Tule Lake committee contends will adversely impact the historic integrity of the site..." 1/24/16 Romans 8:31-35, "What then shall we say of these things? "If God is for us, who can be against us?" He did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercessions for us. Who shall separate us from the love of God? Shall tribulation, or distress, or peril, or sword?" sent by Frank Tallerico * Jan 26 Klamath Dams scoping meeting Yreka Removing dams preferred path, H&N 1/22/16. "Richard Whitman, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s natural resources adviser, said the states and U.S. Department of Interior officials are close to reaching an agreement with PacifiCorp on how to move forward with dam removal." Bundy begins negotiations with FBI by phone, Oregonian, posted to KBC 1/24/16. "One action was paramount to ending the standoff, (Bundy) said: 'You can bring the Hammonds back home to their families.'" Walden speaks out against proposed Crater Lake wilderness, H&N, posted to KBC 1/24/16. "Walden said he is 100 percent opposed to Oregon Wild’s wilderness proposal. 'It kicks the public off public land,' Walden said...'he believes a wilderness designation will be a loss for outdoor recreationists, such as bicyclists and snowmobilers, and that the land will become more fire prone because the designation calls for less forest management.' " Jan. 21 wolf plan meeting-Yreka
Japanese suing to shut down the Newell (near Tulelake) airport. KBC responds in the interview for "stakeholders" from the Udall Foundation, Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution. Modoc County invited them to bring consensus in the conflict. The Japanese group and wealthy supporters have sued Tulelake, managing the small airport that serves the local family farms, because they don't want a security fence that is mandated by FAA around the airport: “Visitors…. want to summon up the ghosts of the place, to revive long-suppressed memories and to mourn personal and collective loss…” 1/19/16
Legislative Committees Provide a Preview of the 2016 Session, by Rep Gail Whitsett, posted to KBC 1/20/16 Legislation to change Tule Lake status offered (of the WWII Japanese Relocation Camp), KBC 1/7/16 1/18/16 - Notice of Potential Termination of the KHSA / Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement, from KWUA / Klamath Water Users Association to 'Parties to the KHSA.' "The Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement (KBRA) has terminated due to lack of federal legislation authorizing the KBRA. The KHSA is not divisible from the KBRA."
1/17/16 2Corinthians 5:17-19:
"Therefore if anyone is In Christ, he is
a new creation; old things have passed away;
behold, all things are become new. And all
things are of God, who has reconciled us to
Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given
us the ministry of reconciliation; that is,
that God was in Christ reconciling the world
to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to
them, and has committed to us the word of
reconciliation." sent by Frank Tallerico Ag Industry News website / Klamath Free Press: Great place being built, and will expand, for local and regional news, and lots of regional web cams Posted to KBC January 2016 Citizens for Constitutional Freedom: In response to concerns of federal agencies intervening at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, The Pacific Patriot Network (PPN) and its associated organizations are releasing an Immediate Call to Action to secure a perimeter around the Wildlife Refuge, it's occupiers, and the citizens of Harney County. Irrigators wrangle over Klamath Water Users membership, H&N 1/15/16. "The 2016 KID annual budget states the cost for KID irrigators is $238,168...'I can’t say I’m against the Water Users, but I can say that I’m not for them, in the fact that they don’t include all of Klamath County. Every adjudicated, irrigated acre in Klamath County should be included,' said Oxley. 'If it’s not good for everybody, it’s not good.' Horsely agreed that Water Users should be open to more of the county’s farmers." * VIDEO of government employee bragging about stealing land / mines, from 2 WWII vets, produced 1/16/16. "the woman brags about how they wrestled a $40 million mine located in the park for $2.5 million dollars from two "little guys that had been in the 2nd World War" (their words, not mine). She continues, "which I stole the money from Washington to acquire it." "Too many people often don’t understand the culture and the lifestyle of the great American West" Walden: Can't condone actions of armed protesters, Guest Commentary by Reb Greg Walden, U.S. Rep 2nd District 1/13/16 Second Amendment and Due Process Rights Under Attack, Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett, 1/14/16 Lawmakers seek to ratify wolf’s removal from endangered list, Washington Times, posted to KBC 1/17/16. "Eighty-one wolves now live in Oregon. State biologists recommended stripping them of the endangered status, saying the species is no longer in danger of extinction in a substantial portion of its Oregon range." Water, air service and marijuana top topics - Senator Jeff Merkley discusses Basin issues at town hall meeting, H&N, posted to KBC 1/17/16. "Merkley said he will continue working with Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., to rekindle water solutions proposed in the Klamath Water Recovery and Economic Restoration Act, which failed to pass through Congress last year."
KBC News notes on last Friday's meeting of Klamath Project irrigation districts to find water solutions in the aftermath of the failed controversial KBRA / Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement, and the resignation of Klamath Water User's executive director, posted to KBC 1/12/16"Tracy Liskey said we will have the same problems again if we leave out the off project irrigators; we need a basin solution. He said 90% of the problem with the KBRA was that all the meetings were in closed door executive sessions and people didn't know what was going on. 'If we don't address issues tearing us apart, we can't bring this together.' Luther Horsely, KWUA past president of the board, said they couldn't talk about the settlement because they were gagged. Brent Cheyne brought a list of solutions he said were necessary." KBC Photo above is of TID/Tulelake Irrigation District Manager Brad Kirby, right, escorting a tribal member out of the building when he loudly interrupted this meeting of irrigation district boards.
Water worries - Irrigators seek solutions to tough water year, H&N, posted to KBC 1/12/16 Klamath Basin Restoration Agreement Terminated on 12/31/15. "The Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement (KHSA) and Upper Klamath Basin Comprehensive Agreement (UKBCA) are still in effect, they did not terminate with the KBRA, but they also require federal authorization legislation and their implementation is interdependent with the now-terminated KBRA," by Ed Sheets, Klamath agreements facilitator.
Water district board members meet Friday, H&N 1/6/16. Friday at 1 pm in Merrill, Klamath Basin irrigators meet to find solutions, "to bring community back together." "Under the (controversial KBRA) agreement, Klamath Project irrigators were slated to receive a substantial block of irrigation water from Upper Klamath Lake each year if certain instream flows were met in the lake’s tributaries..." Letter on the Bundy Ranch facebook page: Hammonds and the BLM bullies, emailed to KBC News 1/6/16
1/5/16 -
Congressman Walden emotionally describes the
injustice by our federal government in the West,
and the actual small acreage of grass burned by
Hammond's backfire. You Tube, 24 minutes.
Walden compares this with the literally millions
of acres burned by out of control wildfires on
government land, yet government employees and
agencies are never held accountable when their
controlled burns and backfire on private land
gets loose. These two ranchers spent time in
prison, and now the feds decided to send them
back to prison..a 5 year term. The feds will
ultimately try to take their land as with
millions of acres they've taken from other
ranchers, forcing them into bankruptcy. DETAILS of BLM persecution of Hammonds: Full Story About What’s Going on In Oregon – “Militia” Take Over Malheur National Wildlife Refuge In Protest to Hammond Family Persecution…, posted to KBC 1/5/16, the Conservative Treehouse. State of Jefferson supporters to meet January 6th at State Capitol, posted to KBC 1/5/16. Rep. LaMalfa Comments on President Obama’s Firearm Executive Order Proposal, 1/5/16 Ending Agency Abuse of Attorney-Client Privilege, Oregon State Senator Doug Whitsett 1/5/16 Endangered listing for gray wolf threatens livestock, Sac Bee 1/5/16. KWAPA public meeting Jan 5, 2016 "...KWAPA shutdown strategy..." Closed door deals are not the Oregon way, Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 1/2/16 |
Page Updated: Tuesday April 12, 2016 11:49 PM Pacific
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