Archive 127 - December 2012
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Letter from Stephen Koshy, Civil Engineer, Scientist and Administrator, to KBC News regarding devastating consequences of Klamath dam removal, 12/27/12. "I have not heard from the Board of Supervisors or the County Counsel. I gave clear concise and precise engineering analysis that at current technology, the dams can not be breached as long as the 'impervious clay core' of the earth dams are saturated in water. There is no way to safely breach these earth dams, ever. The other issues are re the stability of slopes and the sediment." This great nation's immense Christmas season peril, by Oregon Senator Doug Whitsett 12/27/12 Oregon's proposed new tax plan by Senator Doug Whitsett, posted to KBC 12/27/12 PRESS RELEASE - Court ruling in Siskiyou County case bolsters water rights, Siskiyou County Farm Bureau 12/26/12. "The ruling by Judge Karen L. Dixon determined that the California Department of Fish and Game had exceeded its authority by requiring farmers and ranchers to obtain a permit from DFG before they irrigate their crops..." Luke 9-14: "Then the angel said to (the shepherds), Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: you will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!"
HERE for Homesteader Page. Agenda January 8, 2013 @ 12:30 PM, KWAPA / Klamath Water and Power Agency, "8B: Reclamation recommending plan for 150,000 AF shortage" Feds finalize animal traceability regulations, Capital Press, posted to KBC 12/21/12. "The federal government announced that it has finalized an animal-traceability rule that will require livestock to be deemed disease-free before crossing state lines." Settlement Checks Arrive in Hoopa Mailboxes “$49.2 million will soon be deposited into the tribe’s trust account, and then $31,269,000 will be paid out to Hoopa tribal members at $10,000 per capita.”
Instream Flow Study on Scott and Shasta Rivers by Marcia Armstrong, Siskiyou County Supervisor District 5, 12/18/12. "One glaring problem with this is that the Scott and the
Cal-Fire Protection Fee (tax) refuted by Siskiyou farmer Rex Cozzalio 12/17/12. Letter to California Governor Jerry Brown. "This is NOT a supplementary tax willingly voted upon by the affected tax base for specifically provided beneficial services. Instead, this is a premeditated raping of an unequally represented affected minority by a benefitting bureaucracy that believes such selective injustice will be unopposed by the unaffected majority, regardless of ethics or breach of law."