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Water Crisis
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Farm Bill: Top Three Priorities
1. Conserve and Restore Key Habitats – Improve the conservation of wetlands, grasslands and private forests by maintaining funding for easements, with a special emphasis placed on permanent easements and the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP), Grasslands Reserve Program (GRP) and Farm and Ranchland Protection Program (FRPP). Easement Programs are critical to the conservation of wetlands, grasslands, floodplains and private forests. The Conservancy supports funding at least equal to the 2012 House Agriculture Committee provided 10-year level for easements in the previous Congress.
3. Target Key Resource Issues – Direct a higher percentage of Farm Bill funding to address resource issues of special significance in priority landscapes and watersheds, and structure programs to achieve local and landscape-scale environmental benefits. Such focused investments of Farm Bill resources will result in greater conservation outcomes, increased economic benefits and better returns for American taxpayers. The Conservancy believes the Regional Conservation Partnership Program passed by the Senate as well as the House Agriculture Committee in the last Congress is a smart and effective way to target Farm Bill resources based on national, regional and state priorities. Additional Important Issues
Discourage Conversion of Grazing Lands to Marginal Cropland – A strong Sodsaver program will prevent the conversion of native grasslands to row crops. The Senate-passed bill from the last Congress contained a provision for a strong, national Sodsaver program which the Conservancy supports. The Conservancy similarly supports the “Protect our Prairies” bill as introduced in the House. Strengthen Conservation Compliance – Strengthen conservation compliance to prevent conversion of significant and sensitive habitats, with special emphasis placed on removing incentives to drain wetlands and convert native prairie or grasslands to cropland. Congress should once again link conservation compliance with crop insurance, as it was before the 1995 Farm Bill. The full Senate passed a bill that included conservation compliance in the last Congress.
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