Time to Take Action
Our Klamath Basin Water Crisis
Upholding rural Americans' rights to grow food,
own property, and caretake our wildlife and natural resources.


Tom Mallams

November 4, 2011

Having been a very active and concerned citizen in Klamath County for over four decades, I have decided to once again, lengthen my stride in leading our great County to a better future. To this end, today, I filed as a candidate for Klamath County Commissioner, Position 1.

Klamath County needs leaders who will focus efforts towards our local issues that have the support of the community as a whole.

For decades, I have and continue to serve on numerous Boards and Committees within Klamath County, both elected and appointed which work towards making Klamath County thrive, not just survive.


Courage to ask questions and find solutions to benefit the entire Klamath Basin Community.

Steadfast to unite the future of Klamath County through economic development, fiscal conservation and education preservation.

Integrity to stay true to the long term goals and vision of a prosperous Klamath County while incorporating the Communities many voices.

 Accountability for private property and resources at the local level.

To quote Ronald Reagan, “There are no simple answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.”

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              Page Updated: Saturday November 05, 2011 01:08 AM  Pacific

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